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I Wan't to Gamble All my Credits on Nar Shadaa!!!


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You want to lose all your credits in the nar Shadaa casino? Easy, just extract all the mods out of your gear whilst standing beside a chair at one of the gaming tables:cool:


It would be more entertaining if we could interact with those tables, and actually play and gamble / win credits!

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You want to lose all your credits in the nar Shadaa casino? Easy, just extract all the mods out of your gear whilst standing beside a chair at one of the gaming tables:cool:


Casino's let you usually get in over your head, unmodding my gear would send me broke by the 3rd piece.

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Depends what the OP means


If you mean gamble credits on basic slot machines?


Id STRONGLY disagree with that as no matter if they real or virtual, electronic slots are very addictive and if you allowed to gamble credits, sooner or later you start looking at the credit farmers for a influx of credits!


And ill NEVER support credit farmer sales for real money.


Now if you mean goto NS and have a game of paazaak with someone and lay a bet there.

By all means.


I guess some will not see a difference but I do.

You will not burn through credits as fast if forced to play a full game paazaak with hard betting limits as you would one each spin of a slot machine.


Interactive games that allow bets to be placed im all for

Solo gambleing for credits however? Yeah that a non starter for me.

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Gambling in games is a touchy issue that changes from country to country. Since they won't likely give multiple methods due to having countries with different standards and laws and requirements I doubt they'd bother.


no. not at all.


also prove which country pretends its a problem and please tell me what they have actually done about it with games.


I know some countries do indeed have messed up priorities when it comes to what they restrict in games, but gambling as far as I know is not an issue for teen rated games.


The only reason why its not in game is because BW missed a great opportunity to add it. That is the only reason.


Also there are ways to introduce gambling if it is a concern for parents and kids, to have a parental control on it, but otherwise a game that shares lore with sister kissing, killing, and other explicit content should not be affected by gambling.


Also if countries do want to ban a game based on gambling then have a method to track the countries I.P. connecting to the game for the client and auto enable the restriction.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I would love to play a few games of pazaak with a friend once in a while. Max wedger 100 credits. It would be a really nice addition. Beside, it was in KOTOR. It should also have few tables to play vs. the computer.


I'm against slot machine though... it would become a plague to this game.

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Yes, the insane size of casinos, particularly on Nar Shaddaa, contrasted with their complete and utter non-interactiveness screams "opportunity lost."


If they're concerned about gambling addiction, then make gambling a weekly quest you can pick up and play until you run out of tokens ;D

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How many of you would actually like to gamble away your credits on nar shadaa, doing it Las Vegas style?


Who is with me?


I am, in the form of gambling on other players Swoop Race Matches on Nar Shadda swoop tracks, id also like to do the same on Tatooine.


Also with Pazzak and that weird monster chess game

and watching other players beat eachother up in arenas.

Edited by Daethorz
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Adding to all of that I think the pazzak should be on most if not all planets, The swoop races on a couple. I also think that there should be gladiator fights like everyone for themselves or kind of like the ones on KTOR on taris where you fight set people and winners get a good amount of credits
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no. not at all.


also prove which country pretends its a problem and please tell me what they have actually done about it with games.


I know some countries do indeed have messed up priorities when it comes to what they restrict in games, but gambling as far as I know is not an issue for teen rated games.


The only reason why its not in game is because BW missed a great opportunity to add it. That is the only reason.


Also there are ways to introduce gambling if it is a concern for parents and kids, to have a parental control on it, but otherwise a game that shares lore with sister kissing, killing, and other explicit content should not be affected by gambling.


Also if countries do want to ban a game based on gambling then have a method to track the countries I.P. connecting to the game for the client and auto enable the restriction.


Just one? I've got a whole list.


One of the most well known ones is that Pokemon games in Japan have casinos. Go to places like the US and suddenly they have Voltorb flip (more of a mathematics puzzle).

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also prove which country pretends its a problem and please tell me what they have actually done about it with games.

As far as I am aware (I Am Not A Lawyer) Internet Gambling is illegal in Australia. A computer game with gambling and microtransactions would be covered by that definition. Given that Bioware have servers physically located in Australia, this would be an option for them if they are considering any sort of F2P or microtransaction model in the future. This is an example of why MMOG publishers tend to shy away from in-game gambling.

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