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Advanced Combat Tracker


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There is a nicely improved ACT ( Advanced Combat Tracker ) plugin for SWTOR now available on the ACT web site at http://advancedcombattracker.com/download.php. ACT is a multiple MMORPG log parser.


It now includes support for ACT's auto update support so this should be the only time you'll need to manually install it.


The current version supports live and offline combat log parsing. It does currently only support single player log files. No merging as of yet. But the single player features are pretty extensive.


Latest Updates:

  • Updated for Combat Log changes in 1.3 on PTS


Improvements now available:

  • Crowd Control effects tracked.
  • Fixes redundant DOT naming
  • Provides names for some unnamed abilities
  • Support to read English, French, and German logs
  • Basic Interrupt tracking
  • Miss / avoid / absorption stats
  • Configurable options for various features
  • Plus all the other good base ACT stuff...

Edited by DarthLodur
New Release
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ah awesome, it does live tracking now? :)


Used it in EQ2 and Rift, looking forward to using it in SWTOR as well :)


Yes it does live tracking.


The only limitation is the SWTOR combat logs include only events related to you, and not the entire raid. There is not combat log merging as of yet to combine logs of other raid members together.


But as it is, it is great for target dummy analysis and personal analysis.

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The only limitation is the SWTOR combat logs include only events related to you, and not the entire raid. There is not combat log merging as of yet to combine logs of other raid members together.


That's the way it should stay, imho. If anything, only the raid leader should be privy to that information.

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That's the way it should stay, imho. If anything, only the raid leader should be privy to that information.


Healthy competition makes everyone better. I don't see why that information should be private.

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Healthy competition makes everyone better. I don't see why that information should be private.


Except that it isn't used for healthy competition. It is used to set an arbitrary number that "if you are lower than this, bye".

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Healthy competition makes everyone better. I don't see why that information should be private.


In my experience as a raid leader, everyone's trying to do the best they can already. They don't need to be publicly embarrassed to be pushed. In fact, when advice is given by the raid leader via whispers, it's generally received much better than publicly. In the end, people improve faster when they're not on the defensive.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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does it measure threat?


Yes it does measure threat.


The Threat is tracked based on the combat log exactly.

Looking a players total outgoing threat should be accurate.

But I go off what the combat log says and not the game mechanic. So when you DPS an mob the threat is targeted to that mob. I don't know if or in what way that threat should be applied to other mobs in the encounter. And Heal threat is applied to the heal target which doesn't make too much sense... Maybe i'll change that to the unknown or environment generic targets... But looking at just the Threat (Out) should tell you who has the highest threat...


There is an option to not measure threat against players since threat has no effect in pvp (Except Taunts). This is just to reduce clutter on some graphs.

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