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Name availability check prior to server x-fer.


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Not sure if this will be part of the x-fer program but I for one would love to know whether I will have to change my name before I commit to moving to a more populated server. For instance if I have the choice of moving to servers A-G, I will pick which ever one doesn't have a player that is using my name.


Hopefully we can either check for name availability before hand or we are not committed to the x-fer up until some final point after a name check.


Yeah I know its just a stupid name but...

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It's a matter of time-saving. I can, on one webpage, quickly cross-reference any and all servers to see if they have characters with the same name as mine, probably just by thumbing the up/down buttons on a Server Select Tab.


Or..load up a server I want, load up the character creation process, back out and either repeat the process, or go back to SWTOR.com, than do the transfer.

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  • 9 months later...
For character names at least its not such a task as you can create the character to test, but how about legacy names? It would be supremely painful to find out your legacy name was already taken...

Legacy names have been made non-unique long time ago, to my knowledge

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