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Don't Q...We all quit


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On my server as pubs we are outnumbered 4v1. Even on these dead days. It is sad because through all the zergs and fights. My team and I kept our heads down and fought back. We ran into all the imp premades and won a bunch. As our side lost numbers we grew stronger. We grew tighter. We grew to rely on each other and play as a team. One of the best guilds I have ever been in any game. We didn't complain about being outnumbered so bad at ilum. We showed up and fought. Even if we lost.


There was always some good pvp imps on our server. But about 2 weeks ago most of them stopped showing up. Funny the imps still have like 3v1 numbers on us. I can go to my imp toon at any time and they have a ton more people and 50s on. But now the imps are "tired of losing". They don't q for warzones. They made this dead server even more dead. We use to get a few hours of warzones a night. But lately nothing. If you want to get better you want to play against good players. It goes to show that most of the players in this game want free handouts. They don't want to try to be better.


I stopped logging in. I can't believe the posts I read on these forums about premades and losing in warzones. This community is full of the worse players I have ever seen. Posts like we should get warzone comms for entering a warzone q. Omg I am getting killed! Premades ruin warzones!!


So this is to all the losers on these forums that cry about premades and losing in warzones. Well you want a easier pvp experience. Deal I won't be back. Don't know how many of my team will stay. This has been one of the worst experiences in my life playing a game.

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Roll on Vulkar Highway, the pubs are great they got a really good core of players and I would say its a 50/50 chance to win everytime. Also all we play are the pubs even in huttball, the last same faction warzone I had was over a week ago.
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Roll on Vulkar Highway, the pubs are great they got a really good core of players and I would say its a 50/50 chance to win everytime. Also all we play are the pubs even in huttball, the last same faction warzone I had was over a week ago.


^ This. And lately I've felt like that we have had more 50's on at prime time. Like last night it felt like back in the starting days. Wz que right after the other.

And both sides are pretty balanced here, like the quote said we win about half the time and it usually is a close game.

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Please don't reply with reroll. I have a 80+ valor sage. As many of my friends I play with are 80+ valor we are not considering it. I won't reroll. I won't play if I can't play...


Then wait for transfers. I could have said just quit, but that does not provide positive feedback.

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What mike is complaining about is that we had to fight throught massive ilum zerg and population imbalance since day 1 on Kinrath Spider server and now that most of the clueless players that got farmed by months by Imp premades quit or rerolled on Fatman the Imps dont care to pvp anymore because the Repubs left are hardened pvp vets that chew premades for breakfeast.


Yesterday we got our 1st game of the night against an Eye for an Eye premade (top pvp guild on imp side) and we rolled then hard on voidstar. They complained about something in general chat then stopped quing to do DENOVA.


So they basically farmed Flux (bad republic guild) for six months and got full war heroed and now they dont want to play because we will obliterate their premade if they show up. So they log in, queue, see that our group is quing and quit.


Yesterday there were more than 30 level 50 imperials online, half of them in the fleet and we got 2 imp x rep warzone pops.

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So they basically farmed Flux (bad republic guild) for six months and got full war heroed and now they dont want to play because we will obliterate their premade if they show up. So they log in, queue, see that our group is quing and quit.


So your premade is better than their premade. Good for you. Now up the stakes by only PUG'ing.

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Then wait for transfers. I could have said just quit, but that does not provide positive feedback.


I already quit. Its not your fault. It just sucks I had such hopes for this game. Even my wife loved playing it. First mmo too. I tried to get her to play others since. But she doesn't like anything else either.


Yeah I guess so. It is my belief that premades are ruining the PVP at its current state. L2PUG


L2P issue here. Like I said you won't be happy until all the good players leave.





So your premade is better than their premade. Good for you. Now up the stakes by only PUG'ing.


Still a L2P issue. All the good players pug...

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Indeed it is. Like Killiks premades can't PUG. A great player (In my book) gets random team to play together. Premades are boring play.


So the pub side on my server is all in the same guild. There is like 10 of us that pvp. Even if we pug we will be in our premade groups. Fail more...

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Indeed it is. Like Killiks premades can't PUG. A great player (In my book) gets random team to play together. Premades are boring play.


Its sub average players like you that are ruining this game. I guess its hard to be in a group and always know you are the worst one in it. Or when you fail at pve BW should give you full sets for attempting it?

Anyone that wants to be forced to play with randoms in a MMO isn't experiencing a MMO right. I guess all the SWTOR players came here and thought this is a one player game. Mostly due to the fact BW made leveling that way. Fun times

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Then leave the little red x in the corner is handy. I dont care. I am sick and tired of pugs and elites ************ and moaning about stuff. All i want to to fight at the objectives win lose or rolled. This constant nattering is lame.

Yes i want to get better but will do so at my own pace as i can. I will find people or move to another server or whatever i need to do. I dont care who is left because frankly when merges are done there will be few anyways.


No i dont want your stuff. Keep it please.

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So the pub side on my server is all in the same guild. There is like 10 of us that pvp. Even if we pug we will be in our premade groups. Fail more...


Then roll imp, level up, fight your rep side and help the imps wanna get into PVP again.

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Then roll imp, level up, fight your rep side and help the imps wanna get into PVP again.


Please don't reply with reroll. I have a 80+ valor sage. As many of my friends I play with are 80+ valor we are not considering it. I won't reroll. I won't play if I can't play...


I guess you didn't read the first page bro funny because you were replying there..:rolleyes:


Well your small population of hardcores pvpvers turned into a predmade without ts or vent?


GG ;)


Funny how things work out. Still get the hatorade showers too. This game is simplistic don't need vent or ts to roll just don't need dead weight players(aka the average pug) to ruin the warzone. Not calling out incomings, not focusing on objectives, being lame crying, afking, standing still healing themselves when they have full hps and noone attacking....etc.

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Then roll imp, level up, fight your rep side and help the imps wanna get into PVP again.


i dont think you understand whats going on here... pugs or premades has nothing to do with this issue.


our server population is so small that we get accused of premades even when we dont. there is no point to premade anymore unless we play pub vs pub since the only good players on the server are pubs.

If I or Mike was to roll on the imp side, we would be stuck there on the fleet getting no matches at all since none of them queue. NONE of them. atleast on the pub side we can get same faction matches from time to time, which are highly competitive.

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I guess you didn't read the first page bro funny because you were replying there..:rolleyes:




Funny how things work out. Still get the hatorade showers too. This game is simplistic don't need vent or ts to roll just don't need dead weight players(aka the average pug) to ruin the warzone. Not calling out incomings, not focusing on objectives, being lame crying, afking, standing still healing themselves when they have full hps and noone attacking....etc.


this ^


whats funny is that our guild takes anybody and everybody. including the pugs that used to hurt our wz's... all we do is teach them how to play and how to use proper teamwork.

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Then leave the little red x in the corner is handy. I dont care. I am sick and tired of pugs and elites ************ and moaning about stuff. All i want to to fight at the objectives win lose or rolled. This constant nattering is lame.

Yes i want to get better but will do so at my own pace as i can. I will find people or move to another server or whatever i need to do. I dont care who is left because frankly when merges are done there will be few anyways.


No i dont want your stuff. Keep it please.


I do think that after transfers the player base will be smaller than ever(If transfers happen lol)....We agree on something.


PS- If I was going to give my stuff away it would be to someone I liked. Not you.

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Yesterday a guy named "nhul" on the imp side actually said.


"Let's stop queueing until (our guild) stops queueing"

one of our players was logged in on his imp yesterday and saw that in general.


then in 1 of the only wz's we did against them, they all quit and the match actually ended.

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Please don't reply with reroll. I have a 80+ valor sage. As many of my friends I play with are 80+ valor we are not considering it. I won't reroll. I won't play if I can't play...


I understand your frustration, but you may want to check back after 1.3 goes live if your sub is still active. They say transfers are coming.

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