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How to end up married to your male companion (May contain romance spoilers)


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Someone asked how to become married to your companion and while I don't remember every single detail, this should help with making you avoid pissing your companion off. These are females romancing male companions as I only have female characters. Feel free to add anything I may have missed. Especially if you remember the finer details.


Sith Warrior romancing Quinn:



The key here is, upon first meeting Quinn, hit ALL the flirts. Even if it makes you sound awfully aggressive. Quinn takes about 10-12 conversations after obtaining him before he finally succumbs and the two of you are in the middle of hot nookie. He has a quest you do to help him out, but it's on your ship and is quite amusing too.


But as I said, every time you see a FLIRT option, hit that bad boy and hit it hard. Quinn is going to squirm but believe me, if you want kisses and f-t-bs with this man, hit those Flirts. Besides, you're a Sith Warrior. Be aggressive. (His favorite gifts are Imperial Memorabilia. "You honor me, my lord.")



Smuggler romancing Corso:



He will hit on you hard. He won't actually kiss you or anything, but you can tell he wants you. Hit those Flirts, but be nice to Corso. Don't make fun of him, don't say anything negative about his parents, and above all else, DO NOT flirt with other men in front of him. You want to get nookie from all the male NPCs do it with a different companion. Corso is one jealous little goober.


He will give you 3 quests to do out in the galaxy. One on Nar Shaddaa, one on Balmorra and one on Quesh. You will know it's time for nookie when you finish the one on Quesh and he will have a bottle of booze in his hand and talks about celebrating. If you want to marry him, tell him to forget the booze and celebrate some other way (IE nookie). It's a two part nookie having conversation. Do him twice. Don't turn him down.



Jedi Knight romancing Doc:



You're going to get hit with a LOT of DS points when you flirt with this man on your ship. If you want to marry Doc, take those hits. Even if you don't agree with anything Doc says, just choose the DS Flirt. When you first meet Doc on Balmorra, hit those flirts. These are the more innocent ones. Kira (if you have her out) won't like him, ignore her and flirt with Doc.


Once Doc is yours and on your ship, he will sound like a douche, but he really isn't. He's very sweet, but as I said. ONLY choose the DS Flirt options to win him over. Don't make fun of him. Don't choose the LS options. Take the DS hits and you will wind up married to him. Also, this is the only companion I've romanced so far, who will f-t-b with you about 10 times. Seriously. Take the hits, give Doc nookie and you'll be married at the end.



Sith Inquisitor romancing Andronikos:



On Alderaan you can have a f-t-b with the scrummy Body type 3 fellow Sith Inq male. If you DO this with Andronikos with you, choose the option, when he says he was with some farm hand/stable girl "WONDERFUL". Don't mention he's jealous, don't make fun of him. Choose "wonderful" and your SI will say something about the four of you having a tea party. (She's being a smart ***, but he doesn't seem to care).


Be sure to flirt with him the second you see him if you can. Or choose something that sounds like you want inside his knickers. Once you have him on your ship, read each dialogue carefully. For some reason you won't see [FLIRT] next to the majority of options. Act like you don't want him to go when he mentions possibly leaving the ship for good. (Don't choose the don't you dare go). Basically, even if you're a nasty DS killing machine, act like you want Andronikos to be with you. If he says something about seeing the galaxy from your bridge, agree. If he wants to take you out for a drink, agree. If he wants to give you a sword, take it and compliment him or the sword.


Don't say anything negative, and don't belittle him. If there's a suggestion for nookie, take it and go F-T-B with the man. Basically, whatever dialogue you see that would make him happy, choose it. When he mentions an old associate of his, let him go off and kill the guy. If you want Andronikos as your husband, choose anything that would make HIM happy. Don't RP your toon during these convos. If he responds negatively to something you choose, ESC quickly.



Agent romancing Vector:



Be sure to Flirt with him the moment you meet him. He'll talk about rubbing forearms. And don't say or do ANYTHING negative when it comes to the Killiks. You might hate bugs and squish them on sight, but Vector loves them, so anything you say/do that goes against the Killiks will not make you a nookie machine in his eyes. Basically, flirt as often as possible, don't mention any hidden spouses on some other planet and don't say anything negative about the killiks. He'll want you to help with his diplomatic sessions getting the Empire to join with the Killiks, agree. As I said, if he talks Killiks, be all ''oh i love bugs'' to him. Even if you can't stand them in RL, just bite the bullet and give those bugs some love.



Bounty Hunter romancing Torian:



I chose to be a Mandalorian at the end of Act I, so I've no idea how this all plays out if you opted not to be one. Anyway, don't talk smack about Mandalorians, whenever you have an option to Flirt with him, take it. It'll make him pause, but do it. If you DON'T want Mako to put her grabby mitts on the man, when the option comes up in your class story to go to a party happens, tell Torian 'you're my arm candy' he'll enjoy that. Mako will ***** and say she's stuck on the ship. Torian will offer to stay and help her out. Say 'no, you're with me, someone else can help her' (I wasn't letting Mako touch my man...ahem.)


Basically, anything you know would make a young Mandalorian happy, pick it. Flirt outrageously with him. Be happy with whatever he says. If you personally don't agree, screw it, if you want this man as your husband. He speaks a lot of Mandalorian, just go with it.



And those are the only men I've romanced and married. Working on Aric and haven't gotten to Hoth to get Iresso yet. But my JC got nookie once from Tharan. He's easy. Just flirt and agree to bedroom action.


Basically, Flirt the moment you meet your LI, agree with everything they want (even if you'd rather watch grass grow) and don't make fun of them. And you'll be married soon enough. (Usually after Act II finishes).

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as for when theyre out and discussion choices + gifts



fave gift type - trophies


honour, bravery, and independence. one time i got +350 with him for going against a work contract that wanted a transhodian alive, but the transhodian QQed about being captive, as it would be the worst fate ever in his theology, so i let him charge at me and killed him. oh he liked that a LOT.




fave gift type - cultural artifacts


be a sappy, goodie goodie little band-aid to the galaxy, and he will soak it up like ants on a warm puddle of fruit juice. He loves it when you talk dirty...er i mean diplomatically, opting to spare the lives of people so they can latter swear allegiance to the empire. be ever so concerned about people who are hurting, offering aid if you can. He's also quite imperial, so if your agent refuses to follow proper protocall of brown-nosing sith, don't have him out. also tell off anyone who is being racist. he likes that too.

you don't have to hit ALL the flirts with him; some are just cheeeeezy. I got to tell him i cared a lot about him instead of just telling him to hit my room some night, and i still got ants in my pants latter on. but still hit them as much as you can tollerate the poor writing.


Edited by Crezelle
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For Corso, you can score pretty major points toward the very beginning (or lose a ton of them), before you even leave Ord Mantell.



DO NOT KILL SYREENA. Hey, the girl DID seem pretty remorseful about helping out Skavak! If you don't shoot her you can express your interest right then and there, not that anything comes of it till much later.


You will rack up the affection if you act conspiratorial with every woman you meet. Her boyfriend is abusive? Offer to kill him! Her dad's being a jerk? Yell at him! There were a couple of conversations like that where I racked up an ungodly amount of affection.


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Trooper romancing Aric Jorgan


Aric is pretty easy to romance as long as you hit at least one flirt in the conversations that have flirts. Since these don't kick in till like FOREVER into the story and are pretty limited in number, be aware that they're not casual. If you flirt, you're stuck with the man, he takes them pretty seriously.


The romance chunk of the story doesn't really kick in till Chapter 3, so just enjoy his companion quests and him complaining about Nar Shaddaa (and certain SIS operatives) until then. The first conversation that has any flirts at all has to do with him inspecting people's gear (I want to say it's after the end of Chapter 1), and the second is him giving you a gift (and I think that doesn't kick in till after Chapter 2? I can't remember exactly). If I remember correctly, in the gift one I don't think I actually picked any flirts cause I didn't like the one that was there, but I accepted the gift with thanks and all went smoothly.


He's not all that sensitive so while he may scowl you can tease him without any problems, just don't tell him "no" unless you mean it, and don't flirt unless you mean it. Sigh. I love straightforward men.


Edited by iamthehoyden
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