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The reason people make premades


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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


Been with premades that don't want to pass at all, they're just there to farm.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


The thing is, half the team can be made up of a pug, and I've seen premades not call out to the other half of the team.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


Was with a premade that didn't have a tank, so the heals asked for a guard. I obliged, I died with no heals less than 2 mins. later, and not that many enemies attacking the team for the healer to go "oh *beep* we're overrun"


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


Seen premades not kill the healers I marked.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


Seen premades do the same thing.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


Been in plenty of Novare Coast losses with premades, because they were farming and didn't listen to my warning of keeping an eye in the bunker to see the people that like to jam themselves in the corner to cap unseen and lessen the chance of them being targeted.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.


Glad they don't want me on their team, most I've seen lately have been bungling idiots that don't listen to good advice and only want to farm kills. ESPECIALLY if they happen to be against their own guild on the other side of the battle.


Premade =/= good PvP team, IMNSHO.

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backpeddling + anything is 50% less speed, its just game mechanics nothing to do with trig (not sure why you brought that up).


Well, I know it's not so good, because of the way it is implemented. But what I ask myself is, why is it implemented this way? Why not let the people customize their wsad/cursor turn speed for instance? It's an unnecessary disadvantage the way it is now.

Edited by BoMbY
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If you are intelligent enough to understand why people wanna play in premades, you must understand why PUGs don't wanna play against them. PUGs should not be forced to play against premades, that's what kills pvp.


This times 1 million. I like to play in premades. It was mostly forced on me due to constantly having to queue against premades.


It is completely unfair for the people who queue solo.

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It really is not that hard to know that you are in the wrong spot on maps like Voidstar (D), Alderaaln/Novare Coast (2 cap).


If you are on an objective point and there are more friendlies there than enemies, than chances are the other point has more enemies than friendlies there. And should, as such, be reinforced, or at the very least looked at.


It baffles me every time when 7 of my teammates beat on 2 tanks and a healer on west door, while I have to solo 5 DPS on east. That's right I didn't call inc, I was too busy targeting and stopping 3 guys on the door, while at the same time CCing the 2 that were DPSing into me, while at the same time pressing defensive cooldowns and medpacks.


people like this make me laugh and is exactly why premades are my cup of tea, if you seriously think that typing e3 or w4, will prevent you from soloing 5 people you are crazy. there is no way on earth that you can possibly ever 1 v 5 people successfully. if you do not call inc you are truly bad and should unsub right now so i never ever have to see you if they ever implement xserver pvp

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The real reason people make premades is because it provides an advantage. People don't want an even fight, people want to win at all costs, anything that will give them an advantage they will use. Period, hands down, end of story.


again this is wrong, we run premades so we do not have to deal with incompetents and irritations, so if someone makes a mistake we can correct it on the spot, not because of any advantage it gives, my guild is looking forward to rateds because it will offer greater challenge and so we wont be facerolling all the time. you are ntoa special little snowflake try and join a guild or create a guild with the intention of running premades you will see why we do it once you try.


if you honestly think we want to faceroll people than you dont understand the mind of a real pvper at all

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The real reason people make premades is because it provides an advantage. People don't want an even fight, people want to win at all costs, anything that will give them an advantage they will use. Period, hands down, end of story.


The real reason people make premades is to reduce their chance of being team up with a bad. Simple.

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The real reason people make premades is because it provides an advantage. People don't want an even fight, people want to win at all costs, anything that will give them an advantage they will use. Period, hands down, end of story.


Right, it has nothing to do with wanting to play with your friends in an MMO.


Also, people don't deny that it makes you a lot more effective, but that doesn't mean they don't want the challenge of facing another team with the same tools.

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I'm surprised a thread that started off as a Troll Thread has lasted this long.


1. Anyone and everyone can make premades. It's easy to do. Let your friends or guildmates know that you're quing up for warzones and ask if they want to join your group. It can be as simple as a 2 man premade to a full group premade. As more people log on keep asking if they want to join you and your group will fill up in no time. I'm not sure what the issue is here, but people act like premades are some sort of elitist group of hardcore gamers who only want to bully people when that's not the case at all. Premades are usually more fun than going solo. TRY IT SOMETIME and leave the rest of us alone.


2. To the people who don't use backpedal because they bind "S" key to something else: I'm glad that works for you, but I have moved my movement keys over to the right a bit to use "E" as my forward, "S" as my left "F" as my right, and "C" as my backpedal. This also moves my left hand more toward the center of the keyboard and opens up more keys for my fingers to reach, so I'm not as desperate for needing keys as people who use the WASD combo. I can reach more than enough keys for all my abilities and my backpedal isn't going anywhere.


3. To the people who think sports, games, or teamwork has nothing to do with communication: I have no idea what to say to you guys other than, Good Luck in life; enjoy those blue collar jobs and I hope you go back to high school and finish your GED before you procreate and try to breed more ignorance into this world.

Edited by DimeStax
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I am simply trying to put an end to the myth that voice chat is NECESSARY. There is no debate on whether or not it is convenient. Players in this thread have gone so far as to state that it is a "huge advantage" and more or less placing the full responsibility for their loss on voicechat. The truth is that my winrate would be statistically indistinguishable.


REP Pug groups win a lot of the time on my server. Yesterday there was a new player on the team who didn't pass so I check out his valor rank and gear, when we got back to the fleet I told him not to be afraid to ask the team questions.


He was valor rank 2 in starter PvP gear.


I think the attitude of the original poster is the main problem. Pre-mades are formed by eliteists who want to be the best but like I said a premade can be taken down with a Pug if someone is there to instruct the team. I've seen Huttball matches go from Deathmatch to the premade team panicking when the score evens up after a little planning :)


But I've also seen premades in a pug group lose the game for us because instead of going to the turrets on Alderaan that we have they choose to be greedy and go for the final cap whilst people are typing MID MID MID frantically. I've been in the position where I've died just as I've seen the greedy lot going left and could have saved our turret...

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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.


O I like this guy ^

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But I've also seen premades in a pug group lose the game for us because instead of going to the turrets on Alderaan that we have they choose to be greedy and go for the final cap whilst people are typing MID MID MID frantically. I've been in the position where I've died just as I've seen the greedy lot going left and could have saved our turret...


Yeah, I see that quite often in a map like Alderaan where you already hold 2 turrets and is usually guaranteed win if you defend well but some premade feel like showing how awesome they are to attack the last turret defended by 2 guys who can usually hold off 4 guys fine (due to the respawn advantage) and then you get hammered 6 on 3 somewhere and yet it will never occur to the preamde they're the problem. Honestly 90% of the time when I see a premade go attack a turret in Alderran it fails because they usually attack in 4, which is exactly the wrong number of people. It's too many for a sneak attack, but not enough to even reliably overpower 2 guys with the respawn advantage (and that's only if the 2 guys for some reason never called for help).

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Yesterday I had a game in Alderaan in the 10-49 bracket where the turret changed hands about 15 times as the result of extremely bad gameplay. I'm pretty sure both our side and their side were defending some turrets with no person for extended period of time. I'd defnitely see all the defender on my side spontaneously all leave a turret leaving it completely undefended for no apparent reason (we were ahead, no other node was under attack).


Now people seem to be under the illusion if these guys are in a vent this kind of silly behavior would be averted. No wha't's going to happen is the guy who mysteriously abandoned his post will now have time to tell you that he's leaving his post because you suck and he needs to bring his DPS to help even though no help was ever needed in the first place. Or maybe he won't just listen to you at all. Bad players are bad for a reason and listening someone yelling at them is not going to make them any better.


But at any rate, most premades are nowhere as good as they think they are, and the killer premade the average PUG complains about is probably one of the best on your server and they just don't notice all the bad premades that can't even beat a PUG. It's actually pretty funny one of the self proclaimed top premade on my server brags about how they win all their game because they're awesome, and then in one Alderran game they did something dumb (attack enemy side cannon with 4 and got owned) and they immediately started complaining about how Empire never wins because the PUGs suck. Now think about what that means for a moment. Since you can't queue 8 guys yet it means the other 4 guys has to be PUG, so if you always lose because PUGs suck, that'd imply even your premade never wins since 99% of the time the other 4 guys are PUGs.


Of course what they really mean is that every game they win is because of them and every game they lose is clearly not their fault, so that means they think they win every one of their game even though they probably lose more games than they win (because after all, the other 4 guys in the 8 are always PUGs).

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The real reason people make premades is because it provides an advantage. People don't want an even fight, people want to win at all costs, anything that will give them an advantage they will use. Period, hands down, end of story.


Yeah, and I use both eyes, and put more than 2 abilities on my bar, because I don't giveafrak... I MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS!


Give me a break. You're talking about grouping as if its an exploit. It's an intended game mechanic, and you're SUPPOSED to take advantage of it. The people in denial are the only ones who are crying.


I solo queue all the time. I get owned, most of the time. But I don't cry about it because I know that I'm being lazy.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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You can basically think of WZs like the +/- stat in pro sports. Your complete average guy is obviously +/- 0 A top player might be +10. If your team has +20 over the enemy team you almost certainly will always win (this is equivalent of a perfectly average team versus a team with 2 top players and rest are average). What usually happens in a premade is that they'd have one guy who is+10 and 3 other guys who are like +1 or +2, and their combined power is almost enough to guaranteed victory against a generic average team.


Now you can say those +1/+2 guys aren't really that good and they're essentially being carried by the +10 guy and that's perfectly valid, but then why did the +10 guy picked a random +1 guy over you (assuming you're at least +1 too)? That guy must have some social or personal connections you don't have, since +10 guys normaly aren't motivated to carry the +1 guys, so those guys who got carried still have something you don't have to get the help of their powerful friend. LeBron can carry 4 scrubs to win an NBA game, but that doesn't mean he's inclined to carry you over anyone else. You still got to work to make him want to carry you over any other scrub he can easily find.

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agree....the amout of people failing at pvp basics..like using the keyboard to turn...having S key binded(backpaddle)..understanding Los...and so on...is actualy insane in swtor..but i guess thats because the majority of people here actualy were sw fans that never played a mmo before.


outside of premades i can endure the pain for like...3 warzones...then i rage and afk a couple more and eventualy quit the game and go cuddle with my pillow


Keyboard turning is like, the smallest grievance I've seen. I've seen people in their 30's who hadn't picked and AC yet and were still rocking the baseline class. I've seen 50's with level 24 green gear in some spots. I've seen people go afk in the middle of a match (like call it out over ops), run the wrong way with the huttball, get killed crossing the fire ON THEIR OWN SIDE with enemies in the endzone and while holding the huttball. Etc.

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Everything you said is wrong and full of prejudice. Could it be that you are one of those who are carried by their premade all the time?


I always have to laugh if people expect "incs" and cant do anything unless their leader tells them to, to have map control and awareness is something good players have - there is no need for pointless chat spam with inc´s.


Quoted for stupidity.

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This thread has so much bad in it that it isn't funny anymore. It's like all the Bads came out to defend their honor against Premades and ended up proving why Premades want less of a chance to get grouped with them in a WZ/
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This thread has so much bad in it that it isn't funny anymore. It's like all the Bads came out to defend their honor against Premades and ended up proving why Premades want less of a chance to get grouped with them in a WZ/


I have run premades in the past, and I've run with pugs. Both are completely valid forms of play that should never be competeing with one another. Its borderline delusional to think that the current system is fine, players do not always want to spend time looking for 3 to 7 other players to queue up with. If you want to do so you should be part of a SEPERATE bracket designed around teams who do exactly the same team, but as is all I'm hearing from the internet heros is that they somehow deserve more because they just happen to be organised.


The current setup is unsustainable, and you are kidding yourself if you believe it will continue on as is. Games losing players, the existing population has no interest in supporting you guys on your premade kicks. BW will address the issue, or you will find yourselves sitting alone in an empty queue wondering what happened.

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