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I'll be honest, I kind of want to unsub. My concerns:

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You want to unsub because of the filler quests that actually have a decent planitary story rather than most games that's just localized with completely random "Bandits stole my wagon. Kill 15 of them" kind of filler? This game does it tons better than most not even considering the excellent dialog and choices, however I do prefer sandbox games over themepark.
It does not do anything better, actually. You will eventually realize that every story arc is pretty much the same generic filler using the same rehashed dialogue. And it only gives you the illusion of choice, as none of your choices actually make an impact on anything.


The only thing they did differently was create massive amounts of VO that most people only care about the first time or not at all.


The fact is, the main draw of TOR gets extremely old extremely fast (Fully-voiced quests) and once that is gone, you see how shallow the game really is.

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Only reason I re-subbed last time was to complete my first characters story and maybe roll an alt.


Well I did both, and nothing really to do on my 50 and I honestly don't want to set through those same boring side quests again and again and again on my Smuggler alt, which by the way has a lame act 1 story IMO :(

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On my 8th char now (as in, got 7 50), still watching the cutscenes even on the "filler" quests. They are all slighly different depending on your base class and offer much insight into the overall story, not just yours. Skipping them makes you miss out on a lot of interesting stuff like references to other class stories and opposite faction events.


I hear this complain over and over and over again, "make the quests better" "why are they all kill, use or fetch!" yet, to date, I have seen 0 feasible alternatives. Every single suggestion thrown around is either completely dumb, takes too little time, trivializing them or degrades the game into a platformer or an action game instead of an RPG by making your gear/stats/class completely meaningless. If you want that then go play something else.


The road to 50 is already too fast, it takes roughly 5 days /played if you focus on playing instead of mucking about. I don't mean skipping cutscenes or anything, just stay focused instead of idling somewhere.


The problem isn't the game, it's people who want to play a facebook game.

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On my 8th char now (as in, got 7 50), still watching the cutscenes even on the "filler" quests. They are all slighly different depending on your base class and offer much insight into the overall story, not just yours. Skipping them makes you miss out on a lot of interesting stuff like references to other class stories and opposite faction events.


I hear this complain over and over and over again, "make the quests better" "why are they all kill, use or fetch!" yet, to date, I have seen 0 feasible alternatives. Every single suggestion thrown around is either completely dumb, takes too little time, trivializing them or degrades the game into a platformer or an action game instead of an RPG by making your gear/stats/class completely meaningless. If you want that then go play something else.


The road to 50 is already too fast, it takes roughly 5 days /played if you focus on playing instead of mucking about. I don't mean skipping cutscenes or anything, just stay focused instead of idling somewhere.


The problem isn't the game, it's people who want to play a facebook game.

You could have quests that are based on logic&puzzles, the way so many quests are already instanced makes this easier to implement.

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You could have quests that are based on logic&puzzles, the way so many quests are already instanced makes this easier to implement.


Which would be completely pointless since everyone would just look up the solutions on the internet or complain that they are too hard, no matter how trivial they are. Besides, the puzzle boss in EV was such a huge hit... not.


Again, facebook games that way ----->

Edited by Jandi
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Which would be completely pointless since everyone would just look up the solutions on the internet or complain that they are too hard, no matter how trivial they are. Besides, the puzzle boss in EV was such a huge hit... not.


Again, facebook games that way ----->

You asked for an alternative I answered; never said it should be every quest either. People are going to always look up solutions to things if they are lazy, does this mean they shouldn't have datacrons either? A lot of people look up those in a guide online and seem to be fine with them. Also you are talking about a raid boss I am talking about questing; they are 2 very different things.

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You asked for an alternative I answered; never said it should be every quest either. People are going to always look up solutions to things if they are lazy, does this mean they shouldn't have datacrons either? A lot of people look up those in a guide online and seem to be fine with them. Also you are talking about a raid boss I am talking about questing; they are 2 very different things.


I asked for a feasible alternative, you provided none. If it's not a random puzzle, it's fun for the first time and nothing more than click something twice or thrice after that and they would need to be easy to the point of stupid. Many quests are fun for the first time.


Datacrons are optional, you do not need them to progress. Yes the EV one is a raid but that's completely irrelevant, it's still stupidly easy and boring after the first time.

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Which would be completely pointless since everyone would just look up the solutions on the internet or complain that they are too hard, no matter how trivial they are. Besides, the puzzle boss in EV was such a huge hit... not.


Again, facebook games that way ----->



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I asked for a feasible alternative, you provided none. If it's not a random puzzle, it's fun for the first time and nothing more than click something twice or thrice after that and they would need to be easy to the point of stupid. Many quests are fun for the first time.


Datacrons are optional, you do not need them to progress. Yes the EV one is a raid but that's completely irrelevant, it's still stupidly easy and boring after the first time.

Yes they would have to be somewhat easy so people could actually do them that doesn't mean that they have to be overly simplistic either; there could be elements of having to moving objects, jumping to places, clicking certain buttons, pulling certain levers, or answering questions. As to your point of fun that is subjective; you say you like the watching cinematics for the quest after 7 times, i don't but that is my opinion. Obviously datacrons are optional, so are side quests last time I checked.Trying to compare a raid encounter with a single player quest is absolutely idiotic; and your opinion on if it is boring or not is just that, an opinion.

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Yes they would have to be somewhat easy so people could actually do them that doesn't mean that they have to be overly simplistic either; there could be elements of having to moving objects, jumping to places, clicking certain buttons, pulling certain levers, or answering questions. As to your point of fun that is subjective; you say you like the watching cinematics for the quest after 7 times, i don't but that is my opinion. Obviously datacrons are optional, so are side quests last time I checked.Trying to compare a raid encounter with a single player quest is absolutely idiotic; and your opinion on if it is boring or not is just that, an opinion.


Or you could stop complaining here and go play Tomb Raider.


Once again, Facebook games are that way, seriously. ------>

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Or you could stop complaining here and go play Tomb Raider.


Once again, Facebook games are that way, seriously. ------>

I'm not complaining merely stating that there are alternatives, though nice counter argument :rolleyes:. I don't have a facebook and just because I have a different opinion you start telling me to go play something else; soon you will be left with noone if you continue with that sort of mentality.

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I'm not complaining merely stating that there are alternatives, though nice counter argument :rolleyes:. I don't have a facebook and just because I have a different opinion you start telling me to go play something else; soon you will be left with noone if you continue with that sort of mentality.


There is nothing to say. You want to play Tomb Raider online. Stop it already.


Diablo 3 would be so much better if you could fly with a helicopter.

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As a open world pvper, what concerns me most in swtor is open world pvp. GW2 has what I want so I will come back to swtor if it has good open world pvp. Community made events is cool and all but it sucks because u don't run in to a planet and see pvp action out of the blue. GW2 is F2P soo.........save me money in the long run until swtor has something worth coming back.
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As a open world pvper, what concerns me most in swtor is open world pvp. GW2 has what I want so I will come back to swtor if it has good open world pvp. Community made events is cool and all but it sucks because u don't run in to a planet and see pvp action out of the blue. GW2 is F2P soo.........save me money in the long run until swtor has something worth coming back.

GW2 does look like fun, I pre-purchased, but it isn't F2P it's B2P. Also it has RvRvR not open world pvp (since there aren't any factions).

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GW2 does look like fun, I pre-purchased, but it isn't F2P it's B2P. Also it has RvRvR not open world pvp (since there aren't any factions).


Ya I know, 60 bucks and no subscription. just unharmful microtransactions. no advantages over the other really. Server vs Server vs Server looks like fun.

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Ya I know, 60 bucks and no subscription. just unharmful microtransactions. no advantages over the other really. Server vs Server vs Server looks like fun.

Agreed can't wait to play some more. Next beta weekend June 8th :D

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You will always have boring filler mission based on go here and kill that in MMOs. Thats the issue with these types of games.



But here I will tell you why I have found SWTOR to offer a different style to these filler quest. In SWG, you had the main legacy questline which took you to around lev 40-45ish then from there you had added quest from game updates and/or expansions. But the problem is, no matter what prof you played or faction, or race, you always did those same exact quest with no variation. WoW, was a bit different, depending on your race and faction, you got to see a new quest line. LORTO was the same as WoW along with AoC. I did not play DCUO long enough to see anything other than the opening quest, so it sucked to even try to enjoy. SWTOR allows you to have 8 different main storylines and two main quest lines. While the quest are the same, go here and kill that, it is the reason you are doing so that is the difference between SWTOR and all of the above listed.



But OP, if you unsub, what will you go play? D3? I played D3 for 3 hours and the bugs alone made me hate the game with a passion. What about WoW? Sure but you are only changing the skin of the quest not the concept of the quest. How about GW2? Well, its not out yet, so not an option. In other words, you are going to give someone $15, the question is, who would you rather get it and who would you rather see use it to better their product?

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I unsubbed. In the end I just realized it wasn't worth it to me to play through 90% filler to reach the 10% goodness. I realized these past few weeks where I barely did anything in game that I didn't really miss it. I do want to experience the rest of the story and think it's a shame I'll miss out but the cost is too high. The carrot on a stick mentality and the filler just doesn't work on me the way it used to. I think years of WoW really killed MMOs for me and if this game came out back then it would blow it out of the water and I'd be having a blast. But times change. Tastes change. I can't do it anymore. I hope MMOs evolve soon.


And I know it's unrealistic to expect there to be nothing but goodness but I do think it's pretty possible. I mean, I've put hundreds of hours or more into a few non-MMOs that just had gameplay that was so fantastic I kept playing and playing.

These games would be stuff like Pokemon (seriously, MMO this thing stupid Nintendo...) which I put in like 1000 hours in the first generation alone and there's 5 generations now and it's a single player game (mostly).

Some FPS games I've put a lot of time into. Battlefield 1942, Team Fortress 2, both Left 4 Deads.


If MMOs want to get rid of grind they have to stop it with this cookie cutter MMO style (basically WoW-ish) and put in some killer gameplay. If the "fillers" of swtor were actually FUN like any number of great games out there that many people can spend ridiculous amounts of time playing then they'd be set. Writing 1000 hours of story is likely impossible but making ridiculously fun gameplay is NOT.


Sadly, swtor's gameplay does not make up for it's filler. It's PvP is decent but honestly there's a LOT of better PvP in other games. It's single player filler missions are... bleh and a heck of a lot of games do better there.




I think the next great MMO will have a mix.

A great story that doesn't overfill or stretch. Yes, that might mean it doesn't last as long however fill that will "filler" which doesn't suck. Mix it with amazing gameplay in singleplayer/multiplayer and PvP.

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