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I'll be honest, I kind of want to unsub. My concerns:

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My concerns aren't with server population or anything like that... it's...


Basically, when I play this game I can have fun. However, the game seems so thin on quality content.

I like good story. However the story is thin. Literally. It's like the main class story and a bit of the other stories are good and all. But then the majority are stories that are "filler" or stories that aren't that good and are put in simply to give you something to do. They usually don't add anything to the experience or story. And they get quite old. I spacebar through them. There's no point to these stories except to give you more and more to do.... and it REALLY feels like it.


I feel like I'm on a world that's a series of islands in a vast desert. Most of the time I'm wandering the desert, being surrounded by filler and bored but occasionally I get to an oasis (a class story, a good "filler") and all is good. But then I'm off to do a lot of boring filler missions in between these islands.


So basically, I'm not having the most fun much of the time and it feels a bit like a grind. Story is supposed to mask grind. These supporting unimportant stories usually don't. I mean how many times can I go fix someone's gear or kill X/X things or whatever? These parts of the game are designed specifically to lengthen the experience and inhibit the quality. They're stories that are mundane and nobody in their right mind would write outside of an MMO (for the most part, some are fine).



So that's really my beef. The story is good but it's spread so thin. The good experiences are stretched to the limit. If you just piled the class stories on top of each other and the occasional good filler the game's experience would be 20x better. Though admittedly probably 20x shorter which is a problem for an MMO. Still...




This coupled with the fact that I really want to enjoy doing alts however doing that same group of filler is boooorrrring. The class episodes and occasional non-class mission again, great. But there's so much obvious "we made it to lengthen the gameplay" in between it makes it sooo painful.


Then leveling on Warzones or.... space (lol) isn't quite up there in diversity of gameplay (need more maps and mods like Capture the Flag... why do MMOs usually have the SMALLEST selection of this stuff?) or fun (I'd more likely play an FPS or something that's designed to be constantly fun in multiplayer).




That aaand my job is making me play more rarely....





I'm on the fence still. Dunno if I'll do it. I've been on the fence for all of SWTOR. $15 a month....

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I feel just like you in every way. What's holding me back is that I want to at least complete my main characters story, and maybe a main on the republic side. Then i'll take a big break and come back for two more class stories. I don't really care about the end game content, I just wanna have a good time. What usually stains this are what you just said: the stupid quests.


But we should remember how awesome some "filler" quests are. I found Quesh to be awesome. Such a short planet yet so memorable. Dromund Kaas and Korriban had great filler quests too. Taris on the other hand, had terrible ones. I still left Taris happy about it, because the world quest line was so awesome. =P

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You want to unsub because of the filler quests that actually have a decent planitary story rather than most games that's just localized with completely random "Bandits stole my wagon. Kill 15 of them" kind of filler? This game does it tons better than most not even considering the excellent dialog and choices, however I do prefer sandbox games over themepark.
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The class stories are great.


Everything else is... well pointless. Once you hit 50 you get slapped in the face by the fact that A) All the content requires a group [which im not against, but in my case its 'if your server being dead means you need not apply.']


no content at all for solo play unless you count dailies [i dont, they are pointless crappy quests.] which means its time to roll an alt.


roll an alt and immediately realize either A) you've done everything that isn't a class quest already. and B) You HAVE to do them at some point or you won't be able to progress anymore.


Bad move by Bioware. But hey, they should have seen this coming.

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You want to unsub because of the filler quests that actually have a decent planitary story rather than most games that's just localized with completely random "Bandits stole my wagon. Kill 15 of them" kind of filler? This game does it tons better than most not even considering the excellent dialog and choices,


i actually don't disagree. But frankly it's not enough in it's current form.

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I know completely what you mean OP.


The class storylines are really good. Now, granted I have only played the IA to its full completion (working on others, but not there yet), but it was like reading a really good book! This is a whole new concept for me in MMO's.


But, yeah, the filler quests in between are... tedious at best.


I wish I could just see those awesome storylines for each class, but I'll never even come close to having the patience to do this.


What is sad is that, I believe, the class storylines is what really sets SWTOR apart from the rest of the MMO's out there today. SWTOR is lacking in every other area compared to the competition.


And yet, we haven't had a SINGLE UPDATE on the class storyline since launch.


It's the only thing that makes this game superior, IMHO, and yet, Bioware ignores it to date.

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You want to unsub because of the filler quests that actually have a decent planitary story rather than most games that's just localized with completely random "Bandits stole my wagon. Kill 15 of them" kind of filler? This game does it tons better than most not even considering the excellent dialog and choices, however I do prefer sandbox games over themepark.


The truth is most of these filler missions feel like those "bandits stole my wagon! kill 15 of them!"... Voices don't help make boring stories better. There are countless missions which send me to go fix something, kill someone or whatever that's just as pointless as other MMOs. Then they hide the kill X/X in the bonuses for missions. It's really basically the same for the filler quests as any other MMO.

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My concerns aren't with server population or anything like that... it's...


Basically, when I play this game I can have fun. However, the game seems so thin on quality content.

I like good story. However the story is thin. Literally. It's like the main class story and a bit of the other stories are good and all. But then the majority are stories that are "filler" or stories that aren't that good and are put in simply to give you something to do. They usually don't add anything to the experience or story. And they get quite old. I spacebar through them. There's no point to these stories except to give you more and more to do.... and it REALLY feels like it.


I feel like I'm on a world that's a series of islands in a vast desert. Most of the time I'm wandering the desert, being surrounded by filler and bored but occasionally I get to an oasis (a class story, a good "filler") and all is good. But then I'm off to do a lot of boring filler missions in between these islands.


So basically, I'm not having the most fun much of the time and it feels a bit like a grind. Story is supposed to mask grind. These supporting unimportant stories usually don't. I mean how many times can I go fix someone's gear or kill X/X things or whatever? These parts of the game are designed specifically to lengthen the experience and inhibit the quality. They're stories that are mundane and nobody in their right mind would write outside of an MMO (for the most part, some are fine).



So that's really my beef. The story is good but it's spread so thin. The good experiences are stretched to the limit. If you just piled the class stories on top of each other and the occasional good filler the game's experience would be 20x better. Though admittedly probably 20x shorter which is a problem for an MMO. Still...




This coupled with the fact that I really want to enjoy doing alts however doing that same group of filler is boooorrrring. The class episodes and occasional non-class mission again, great. But there's so much obvious "we made it to lengthen the gameplay" in between it makes it sooo painful.


Then leveling on Warzones or.... space (lol) isn't quite up there in diversity of gameplay (need more maps and mods like Capture the Flag... why do MMOs usually have the SMALLEST selection of this stuff?) or fun (I'd more likely play an FPS or something that's designed to be constantly fun in multiplayer).




That aaand my job is making me play more rarely....





I'm on the fence still. Dunno if I'll do it. I've been on the fence for all of SWTOR. $15 a month....


welcome to the wonderful world of grind...or as most of us call it...a MMORPG.

main story with side tasks to extend time between main quests or provide exp.

idea behind a rpg is for it to take a bit of time. and with that comes repeat fetch and or kill quests.

at least we get to role play a bit and have actual convo choices.


and that being said i dont see waiting weeks for 1.3 to even hit the test server is something im willing to pay 15 bucks for. nope cant bring myself to do it, and then even when 1.2.5 hits im not going to pay to play more legacy alt unlocks............ yeah i am not on the fence ill check back after summer see if 1.3.5 is ready for the test server in september.

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Hang on arnt you forgetting that each planet has its own main story line to. So as it turns out you have your own class story. The planets storyline . Of which most are pretty epic. Taris is awsom, belsavis? Balmorra?. So really there are just a few filler quests which are go kill this or collect that per zone which can easily be replaced with wzs fps space or heroics.


most mmos have been nothing but grinding mobs but with different scenery BW have done an awsom job imo. This is the first mmo I've played (I started with uo) that I've realy enjoyed leveling

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You want to unsub because of the filler quests that actually have a decent planitary story rather than most games that's just localized with completely random "Bandits stole my wagon. Kill 15 of them" kind of filler? This game does it tons better than most not even considering the excellent dialog and choices, however I do prefer sandbox games over themepark.


He likely wants to unsub because those mediocre story elements are superimposed over a sub-par WoW clone.


The dialogue isn't particularly compelling either. Surely you've noticed a lot of your response options have you character awkwardly repeating one of his little catchphrases ( "I break beasts necks in my sleep"). That's not just in the filler stuff either, it occurs in the class quests too.

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feel like I'm on a world that's a series of islands in a vast desert. Most of the time I'm wandering the desert, being surrounded by filler and bored but occasionally I get to an oasis (a class story, a good "filler") and all is good. But then I'm off to do a lot of boring filler missions in between these islands.

Welcome to MMO's,

Unlike this one all the others have no class quest "filler missions" that provide an interesting storyline. In other MMO's they are all "filler" & boring.


My advice is to do what other experienced players do, pvp or run flashpoints while doing the class quests only.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Here is the problem in a nut-shell. The Op is correct, the class story line is good. But that accounts for only about 15-20% of the game. The rest are side quests and plant questlines.


The problem with the side quests and planet questlines are... they are all the same. Not just on the planet in question, but for all the planets as a whole. Every planet has the same issues. They have a base/outpost/setlement that needs saving from the other faction... and only you can do it. They are too small to handle it... or they don't have the resources... the other faction is on the brink of winning, and need ur help. Sound about right.


It is apparent that atleast some thought went into the class quests, but for the 80-85% of the rest of the quests, it was... copy/paste quest... change the names. Every planet I have gone to is in a crisis. They are about to be over run. So much incompetence on both sides. Makes you wonder how they are the 2 bigest powers in the galaxy. No wonder they are at a standstill and cease fire. They need to be trained better.


I keep thinking... "just let me get thru this planet, the next one will be different." You would think I would have learned by now. I feel like every time i go to a new planet it's groundhog day. Same stuff, different flavor.


LOTRO got it right with questing. Yes you may of had to READ everything, but atleast their quests were engaging. Even the side quests were interesting. Probally has alot to do with Middle Earth lore. And lets face it... the only story teller better than Lucas was Tolkein, hands down. A bit grindy in Moria but was still alot of fun. And the sceenery... just wow! TOR wickid grindy. Rinse and repeat every planet. Gets borring real quick.


I am not at 50 yet. Have a lvl 41, 39, a few 30's etc (was trying to see which class I wanted for my main). From what I have read on these boards and in game from friends... gameplay basically comes to an abrupt halt. Rinse/repeat dailys, WZ, etc is all you have. Thankfully I take my time to do things, or else I would be putting icepicks in my eyeballs. How some of you rush to level cap and grind the same instances every day for months is beyond me. I would be as nutty as Jar-Jar.

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SWTOR absolutely NEEDS to rip off the type of quests from Secret World, had a LOT of fun with the variety of quests in the beta, especially the investigation ones. They´ve got:


• Story - blue icon, primary game narrative

• Action - red/brown icon, combat-focused

• Item - dark green icon, collection-focused

• Investigation - light green icon, factional history/challenging puzzles

• Sabotage - yellow icon, covert/evasion missions

• Group/Dungeon - purple icon, dungeons

• PvP - orange icon, PvP



haven´t seen the last two because they weren´t unlocked, but the other ones were great and always with some twist and a flavor of exploration (Not many map markers and you really need to listen what the Quest giver says or look up the info in your quest journal)

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I feel like I'm on a world that's a series of islands in a vast desert. Most of the time I'm wandering the desert, being surrounded by filler and bored but occasionally I get to an oasis (a class story, a good "filler") and all is good. But then I'm off to do a lot of boring filler missions in between these islands.




This is a problem.


Personally I think a few larger more sandboxy worlds would help ground characters and stop player feeling like they are playing through a "level".

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SWTOR absolutely NEEDS to rip off the type of quests from Secret World, had a LOT of fun with the variety of quests in the beta, especially the investigation ones. They´ve got:


• Story - blue icon, primary game narrative

• Action - red/brown icon, combat-focused

• Item - dark green icon, collection-focused

• Investigation - light green icon, factional history/challenging puzzles

• Sabotage - yellow icon, covert/evasion missions

• Group/Dungeon - purple icon, dungeons

• PvP - orange icon, PvP



haven´t seen the last two because they weren´t unlocked, but the other ones were great and always with some twist and a flavor of exploration (Not many map markers and you really need to listen what the Quest giver says or look up the info in your quest journal)


Agreed. I thought the variety of different types of missions in Secret World were great, where TOR is basically "Go kill X" or "Go click on Y", and that's about it.

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Agreed. I thought the variety of different types of missions in Secret World were great, where TOR is basically "Go kill X" or "Go click on Y", and that's about it.


True.. I seriously hope if someday there will be planets from 50 upwards, they make the quests more diverse, complex, non-linear and with some brain challenges/puzzles. "Go kill X" or "Go click on Y" isn´t my definition of fun.

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True.. I seriously hope if someday there will be planets from 50 upwards, they make the quests more diverse, complex, non-linear and with some brain challenges/puzzles. "Go kill X" or "Go click on Y" isn´t my definition of fun.


If they don't, I'd guess I'm not the only one looking at Secret World and considering leaving for it when it comes out.

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This is the same for me. I too just spacebar between filler quests most of the time. I just look forward to my class missions for the most part. No offense to the people who made the quests or the voice actors, I just like to get my reward quickly and move on to the next quest. Edited by swcfrost
Forgot to put something in.
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gameplay basically comes to an abrupt halt.


At 50, yes, and it's one of my biggest problems with TOR. Yes, I can do group content but guess what, my server is dead, has been for a while, and it doesn't look to be fixed for another month.


May as well have put a big GAME OVER screen when i finished my class story.

Edited by maxetius
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I know completely what you mean OP.


The class storylines are really good. Now, granted I have only played the IA to its full completion (working on others, but not there yet), but it was like reading a really good book! This is a whole new concept for me in MMO's.




I have a question : how come you can say class stories are good when you think of there is actually NO TRAINING at the jedi / sith academy ? Jedi or Sith masters only talk and tell you to run their errands. I've never read or seen a lengthy sith/jedi story without any training. They could do so much more with unlimited Star Wars lore, but instead they kept things around one of their own characters... Revan.. and honestly that wasn't so interesting.


i probably sound like a party pooper, I am just very disappointed that's all..

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