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Cross-server Warzones


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This comes from a player that loves SWTOR, and loves the PvP in as well:

We need cross-server Warzones.

Because the low population of the servers at the moment (big releases like Diablo 3 and Tera, and in the future Guild Wars 2), the Warzones queues are quite long, and more importantly, you can end fighting against the same players over, and over again. That becomes repeatative and boring, even if you keep winning. Losing is of course the immediate concern, because you can get a losing spree that can last for several hours, and that can make most players very annoyed.

Cross-server Warzones would make the queues a lot faster, and will always allow for a bigger variety of players you fight with and against, which makes the PvP experience much more interesting. Fighting the same players over and over again quickly gets dull, and even though the PvP in SWTOR is amazing (I find it amazing anyway), the game mechanics cannot make up for the lack of "fresh blood" you can get from another server.

Please consider my request.

- Szassus, the Crimson Moon, Server: Lord Calypho.

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