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  1. Dear Bioware... We don't want to go to a PvP server... We want to be able to go to a RP server. Or at least be able to go to a RP server. Everyone in my guild, the Crimson Moon, doesn't want to go to a pure PvP server. They all want to go to a RP server, so we can actually RP with the community. On a PvP server, we can RP yes, but not WITH the general population, and we want to be able to do that. So please. Reroute a distination to a RP server, or two. Thank you! P.S: Just so we are clear: My guild, Crimson Moon, and I want to be able to go to a RP server!
  2. I really hope Bioware is reading all these posts... As for me. I am almost hardcore RP'er, and I enjoy PvP to a great degree aswell, BUT I started to make characters on Lord Calypho because of general RP choice, not because it was an PvP server. I want play in a community where I can RP, and do quality PvP aswell, but if I had to choose, I would choose an RP server, simply because that's the main reason I choose this server. I am from Crimson Moon, one of the officers there, and I enjoy playing/RP'ing/PvP'ing with all of my guild mates there, but the main reason I am still playing on this server, and not one of the more populated servers, is because I want to RP, and have a community surrounding that RP. I don't just want to PvP on a high level. If I wanted that, I would have chosen a PvP server. No, I want to RP, aswell as PvP. And since you can always PvP on ANY server anyway, the sole reason why a server such as Lord Calypho exists, is because people want to RP, ASWELL as PvP. So, dear Bioware... Dear, dear, DEAR Bioware. Make the option for us to transfer to a RP server ASWELL as the PvP servers. I don't want to give up 70% of what I've done while playing SWTOR, which would be RP, and NOT PvP.
  3. First of all, I have no problems with either Huttball or Novare Coast. They are simply stellar, and getting thrashed in those two is fine, simply because it doesn't drag on. However! In Voidstar it so extremely hard to make a comeback from a bad round. If an enemies defenses are very good, those 8 seconds it takes to place the bombs is like waiting a million years, while the enemy has lightspeed on. For a well set up team, it is impossible to make any differences when you solo queue, or simply wants to play with your friends. My suggestion is to lower the placement time of the bomb from 8 seconds, to 6 seconds. Those two seconds will make a huge difference for the solo queue and those of us who just want to play with our friends, and don't want gather "the perfect setup". And a great team can still be great. A great team can still work together very well to achieve victory, but if you lower the placement time, you will at least give the other team a chance, and that makes the adrenaline pump, the excitement will increase and people will have a great time. As the system is now, people get frustrated. Its the same with Civil War. The capture time is simply too long to make a decent comeback. I haven't met a single person who prefer Civil War over Novare Coast, and that's not because Novare is "new and shiny". Its the because it has a better layout, a well put together capture system and you, again, have a nice chance for a comeback. Civil War needs this. Right now, especially in Civil War mind you, you get frustrated beyond what should be acceptable for a game we all pay for each month. We play to have fun; not to get frustrated doing two out of four Warzones. Other than that, I really enjoy the PvP mechanics of the game; the Warzones just need some polishing in my honest opinon. Thank for your time. Szassus - Crimson Moon - Lord Calypho
  4. This comes from a player that loves SWTOR, and loves the PvP in as well: We need cross-server Warzones. Because the low population of the servers at the moment (big releases like Diablo 3 and Tera, and in the future Guild Wars 2), the Warzones queues are quite long, and more importantly, you can end fighting against the same players over, and over again. That becomes repeatative and boring, even if you keep winning. Losing is of course the immediate concern, because you can get a losing spree that can last for several hours, and that can make most players very annoyed. Cross-server Warzones would make the queues a lot faster, and will always allow for a bigger variety of players you fight with and against, which makes the PvP experience much more interesting. Fighting the same players over and over again quickly gets dull, and even though the PvP in SWTOR is amazing (I find it amazing anyway), the game mechanics cannot make up for the lack of "fresh blood" you can get from another server. Please consider my request. - Szassus, the Crimson Moon, Server: Lord Calypho.
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