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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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Because obviously you would have had no problem, the PTs must suck on your server. :rolleyes: Oh wait, you are a PT, sorry.


BTW, ever burn down a guarded healer? Ever see what it does to the tank? LOL He didn't have to hit me until the healer was dead.


Yes if 2 people lose against 1 on the same eq base its always that the other class is really overpowered...


I mean take the worst case example. Pyro pops all his cds and crits everything.

He does around 20k in those 9seconds if the stars align and your eq level is not that high. (This number is taken from another "nerf pyros" thread. Now you substract your taunt from that damage. Than you divide by two and have the number he did to each of you.

That is what happens in 9 seconds. What did both of you do during that time?

You are both still over 50% health and his mainhitters are on CD.

So yes.

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I heard melee are really good at kiting Powertechs and dealing no damage to them. I try to avoid staying out of 10m all the time.


LOL WHAT? Pretty sure you have the wrong person as ive literally never done any PvE in this game past BT at level 10. Might wanna know what you're talking about before you make a claim like that.


Second of all im a 7 time Glad in WoW. You probably couldnt break 1600. And yes, its a different game and yes its basically the same thing and skills from WoW are 100% transferable to this game so please dont try to claim otherwise.


I didn't know you were able to cry your way to glad in wow. I never played it, I don't really consider it a skillful game (due to the fact I have friends who were glad in wow and I wouldn't have put them on my A team in other games). This game isn't that skillful either. So if you didn't cry your way to glad, you were carried or your purchased your way there. I know my friend charged a fee for his skillset to get people to glad.


I am sorry you get wrecked by a class, especially one that is so easily preventable. If you are melee, you should have better defense/dcd's to combat it. Mara/sent actually have much better single target damage than pt, it just doesn't show on the stat board for reasons previously mentioned (dead players don't take damage).


I would suggest first by trying to jump turn on your opponent. You see, you are able to turn and hit your opponent quicker when you jump, where as he will not be able to hit you as quickly. It is a type of LOS without using walls, I find it quite advantageous.


If you believe your skill set is up to par, maybe you should purchase a better computer to run the game.


Sorry, but you just don't seem to know mechanics of this game. You have blatantly lied or just have zero understanding on this class' abilities in prior posts on this topic. PT, at best is the third most op behind mara/sent and sin/shadow. Some may choose to put op healer or sniper ahead of them, both of which I have no problem with.

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Yes if 2 people lose against 1 on the same eq base its always that the other class is really overpowered...


I mean take the worst case example. Pyro pops all his cds and crits everything.

He does around 20k in those 9seconds if the stars align and your eq level is not that high. (This number is taken from another "nerf pyros" thread. Now you substract your taunt from that damage. Than you divide by two and have the number he did to each of you.

That is what happens in 9 seconds. What did both of you do during that time?

You are both still over 50% health and his mainhitters are on CD.

So yes.


No, it isn't. If the vc/pt pops everything, those two classes should learn to cc him. Next, keep him snared and get out of the 10m range.


Those are things the players can do and choose not to, because... well... They are bad.


Why do you guys play into other classes strengths? Do you think I run up to a mara and go melee on him? No, I will get destroyed. I will start off by trying to get him to half health, then melee and cc them twice when I am within range of getting my hib/rail back.


Tactics people, it is still the number one decider in games.

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Yes if 2 people lose against 1 on the same eq base its always that the other class is really overpowered...


I mean take the worst case example. Pyro pops all his cds and crits everything.

He does around 20k in those 9seconds if the stars align and your eq level is not that high. (This number is taken from another "nerf pyros" thread. Now you substract your taunt from that damage. Than you divide by two and have the number he did to each of you.

That is what happens in 9 seconds. What did both of you do during that time?

You are both still over 50% health and his mainhitters are on CD.

So yes.


20k + interrupts against a 16k sage = dead sage. Dmg transfer from the guard means I was low. He had a silver of health left when I died, he capped the node, and started medding up while his team switched off south to west.


I don't think you need a huge nerf, but armor penetration in the current dmg>all needs to be looked at. Pre 1.2 I never had these issues.

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I am sorry you get wrecked by a class, especially one that is so easily preventable.

Easily preventable? Im sure thats why PTs top damage in Warzones everytime because you can just easily avoid it. You just use your magical dodge ability and the PT is like oh damn im completely useless now.

Sorry, but you just don't seem to know mechanics of this game. You have blatantly lied or just have zero understanding on this class' abilities in prior posts on this topic .

For example? Funny how you can make such a claim without directly addressing or attacking any of the points or arguments i have made thus far. Kinda like im 'known' for making fail PvE groups right? Keep making stuff up.


I suppose just generally speaking as a rule everything i say must be wrong because you say so? A claim with no evidence or support is baseless and completely without merit sorry.




Oh wow i can do it too, pretty cool isnt it.

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No, it isn't. If the vc/pt pops everything, those two classes should learn to cc him. Next, keep him snared and get out of the 10m range. .

I heard that PTs have no snares CCs and grapples of their own.

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20k + interrupts against a 16k sage = dead sage. Dmg transfer from the guard means I was low. He had a silver of health left when I died, he capped the node, and started medding up while his team switched off south to west.


I don't think you need a huge nerf, but armor penetration in the current dmg>all needs to be looked at. Pre 1.2 I never had these issues.


20k - 30% (taunt)/2 (guard).

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No, it isn't. If the vc/pt pops everything, those two classes should learn to cc him. Next, keep him snared and get out of the 10m range.


Those are things the players can do and choose not to, because... well... They are bad.


Why do you guys play into other classes strengths? Do you think I run up to a mara and go melee on him? No, I will get destroyed. I will start off by trying to get him to half health, then melee and cc them twice when I am within range of getting my hib/rail back.


Tactics people, it is still the number one decider in games.


I was just doing a worst case scenario for the guy who thinks a pyro can defeat him and a sage while the sage is guarded. I didn't want to suggest to look out for the animation for adrenal/crit cd. You are naturally right.

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20k - 30% (taunt)/2 (guard).


Guard only absorbs 5%. Taunts only last 6 seconds.


Meh, I should know better than to post on forums, and play the damn game instead.


BTW: Running away on a node in Novare Coast seems like an awesome strategy, I'll try it next time.

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Guard transfers 50%.



While active, the guarded player takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, so long as you remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you. Requires Combat Technique.
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Guard transfers 50%.


Didnt you know? Everyone of the forums except for him is stupid and thats why he should have known better than to have posted false information while assuming everyone other than him is clueless.

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Errr sorry but you said you and him guartdin a node. And if you guard someone and than rtun away from him... well whatever you say... Pyros are the problem here... sure...

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I heard that PTs have no snares CCs and grapples of their own.


You mean they have tools to keep people in an area, you don't say.... That is why there are knockbacks, pulls, snares, cc's, taunts, mez's, damage, guard, heals... So you can prevent these things from happening. If you don't utilize what is given to you, well... You just die and come here to complain how bad you are.

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50% of all incoming damage from enemy players

Yes meaning that the guarded player takes 50% of the damage and the guarding player takes 50% of the damage in addition to the 5% all around damage reduction the guarded player gets.

Meaning that it is 50% damage reduction to the guarded player.


IE guarded player gets hit for 1000. 5% damage reduction = 950. 50% transfer = Guarded player takes 475 damage.

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This whole thread looks like sages crying about VG/PT. I did not know they had no idea that sages and assassins are the worst PvP damage currently. Sitting in one spot to fire all of your moves, light armor, and no cover. It is your class that is broken because you are a glass cannon, but a sage does not have the dps of a glass cannon. If a vg/pt gets within 10 meters of you then blow him back, stun and run, or do something to get out of 10 meters. Everyone who has half a brain in a WZ will stay away from 10 meter range. People fail to note that a vg/pt cannot do nearly as much dps as any other class unless we are within 10 meters.


It was operatives before, then Marauders, and now powertechs. Funny that those are all the imperial advanced classes. It's like everyone who cries on the forums is on the republic side and they are terrible at pvp. No wonder why I have so much trouble winning on my vanguard.

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+ Sage damage is spread out incredibly much whereas PT damage concerns mostly single target burst - not the case with Sages.


sticky grenade, pulse cannon, mortar volley, explosive surge.


a assault/pyro has just as many aoe attacks as single target attacks

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It was operatives before, then Marauders, and now powertechs. Funny that those are all the imperial advanced classes. It's like everyone who cries on the forums is on the republic side and they are terrible at pvp. No wonder why I have so much trouble winning on my vanguard.


Or maybe its because there are more Imperial players than Republic players and people posting automatically assume people playing this game know that classes are mirrored. Sorry that people dont want to list 2 classes that are exactly the same anytime they mention or make a post about them because its redundant.

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I won't comment on balance issues itself because I feel as though I am no longer in a position to, but I would like to ask a question.


Aren't powertechs really easy for team to burst down in a wz?


they are beyond easy to burst down. There is to much carebear pvp qqers in this game. Most people got mad when their one button spam was taken away. Now they cant do much against a player that actually know their class and knows how to play.

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they are beyond easy to burst down. There is to much carebear pvp qqers in this game. Most people got mad when their one button spam was taken away. Now they cant do much against a player that actually know their class and knows how to play.

Another everyone who picked Powertech is amazingly skillful and everyone that picked another class just happens to be terrible post. Havent seen this before.

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50% of all incoming damage from enemy players

Yes meaning that the guarded player takes 50% of the damage and the guarding player takes 50% of the damage in addition to the 5% all around damage reduction the guarded player gets.

Meaning that it is 50% damage reduction to the guarded player.


IE guarded player gets hit for 1000. 5% damage reduction = 950. 50% transfer = Guarded player takes 475 damage.


You didn't mention the defensive reroll, which also makes the tech/force hits on the targeted player ranged/melee hits on the person with guard on... But, I am sure you were about to say that...

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I heard melee are really good at kiting Powertechs and dealing no damage to them. I try to avoid staying out of 10m all the time.


LOL WHAT? Pretty sure you have the wrong person as ive literally never done any PvE in this game past BT at level 10. Might wanna know what you're talking about before you make a claim like that.


Second of all im a 7 time Glad in WoW. You probably couldnt break 1600. And yes, its a different game and yes its basically the same thing and skills from WoW are 100% transferable to this game so please dont try to claim otherwise.


bragging about your pvp stats in WoW is like winning a gold medal in jacking off to seeing your sister in the shower, no one is going to praise you for it and you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.

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EDIT: NVM, you use the inefficient ironfist build. ironically, that build is hard-countered by pyros. gotta love it.


After you fail, you try to save it and fail again.


If i were to meet only pyros in wz, or i 1v1ed allot it would be true.


However i prefer team play, guarding and peeling for my healer,ball runner, harassing other healers and 75% crit chance+25% from cooldown, guarantees every hit a crit on every1. So i can really soften up entire teams on demand, making it very easy for sentinels /gunslinger /scoundrels to finish off individual targets, even without focus fire.


And if we focus fire on top of my 2k+ surge spam guaranteed crits, every1 just melts. Recharge cells and continue spam,+1/2 cells from shield proc, i take away more than half hp out of every1.

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After you fail, you try to save it and fail again.


If i were to meet only pyros in wz, or i 1v1ed allot it would be true.


However i prefer team play, guarding and peeling for my healer,ball runner, harassing other healers and 75% crit chance+25% from cooldown, guarantees every hit a crit on every1. So i can really soften up entire teams on demand, making it very easy for sentinels /gunslinger /scoundrels to finish off individual targets, even without focus fire.


And if we focus fire on top of my 2k+ surge spam guaranteed crits, every1 just melts.


so you play solely in a premade vs pug environment, interesting.

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so you play solely in a premade vs pug environment, interesting.


Yeah, because premades all stand 10 feet or further of each other, never closer... nope, not in NC, not in voidstar, melee just afk's vs ball carriers, civil war... u srs?

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