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I think Fem!Knights should have a romance option with Lord Scourge. I mean Warriors and Inquisitors can turn a Jedi padawan to the darkside why can't the knights redeem Scourge and possibly romance him? I think that would be really cool. Though I don't know all the lore behind him, and honestly it would make more sense if it happened at the end of act 3 where you:



Kill the emperor



But I still think it would be really nice for knights or Fem!Knights to have the option and ability to romance Lord Scourge.

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Actually, come to think of it, I want more background on some of the LIs. Answers to some of the burning questions I've had since some of my characters have romanced them:


Do they have family?

What were they like as a kid?

Exes? And do I need to pound those into dust?

Why some of them chose the path they did/


The "little" things you get to find out about your prospective partners before you marry them, usually. I know that some of the LIs already explore that, like Kira but what about the ones that didn't.


This is the sort of stuff I want to see. I want to know more about their pasts, and I want to be able to ask my companions those questions above (about family, exes etc) in future content. I also want to visit where they grew up. Dooooo it, Bioware! :D



and damnit I want Aric to take me out to dinner like he promised in his letter to me!


Edited by Taalbert
typos galore...ugh
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and damnit I want Aric to take me out to dinner like he promised in his letter to me!


vector still owes me a gift in apology for having to knock his bug butt to the floor in belsavis during a little mind controll gas phase. he said a gift was in order with his apology. i never got it :mad: or maybe i got it latter while abuseing an empty jail cell with him..who knows

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So here's a thought....


If you could ask your companion ONE question - out of every question in the world - what would be the ONE thing you would ask them?


ohhhh snap.... theres 2.... but you said one.... doh



well mostly i'd ask vector about my conflicting views on the killiks. let's face it, they are invasive at times. they do take over towns/estates, they kill, they force join, thier nests are littered with human bones. sure the joiners are all peaced out, but when theyre captured and during the process, they don't seem that happy about it. I'd want an explination for all that, and ask him how his joining went, and if it was another typical snatch-and-stockholmsyndrome case, ask him to REALLY think on that, and then tell me of his views on the whole issue of dem bugs.


on a less serious note...i;d ask him if he forgives my agent for voss :rolleyes:

Edited by Crezelle
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vector still owes me a gift in apology for having to knock his bug butt to the floor in belsavis during a little mind controll gas phase. he said a gift was in order with his apology. i never got it :mad:



Do you remember what he says when that gas hits!? For some reason I can't remember, I had Kaliyo out, and she rather predictably went "I've been waiting a long time for this, agent" and got to work. I was kicking myself pretty hard for not having the peace-minded companion out.



So here's a thought that's kind of related to this thread...


If you could ask your companion just ONE question - what would it be?


For both Vector and Quinn: Why the Empire? I know, I know, not very romantic, but I'm really curious about how these guys chose their paths. I think their answers would be very different.

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Do you remember what he says when that gas hits!? For some reason I can't remember, I had Kaliyo out, and she rather predictably went "I've been waiting a long time for this, agent" and got to work. I was kicking myself pretty hard for not having the peace-minded companion out.

Hmm. I believe it was something about the Night Herald screaming in his head. I forget the exact words. He was so cute and embarrassed after, though, all "we know a formal apology requires a gift, but um, we're sorry. *scampers off*"

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Hmm. I believe it was something about the Night Herald screaming in his head. I forget the exact words. He was so cute and embarrassed after, though, all "we know a formal apology requires a gift, but um, we're sorry. *scampers off*"


and thus, another male LI learns his place, and to NEVER tick off his lady <3

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Statuses - 'Your companion' doesn't really cut it, 'Your Husband', now we're talking.


Titles - I have a Captain on my ship, I want to display that, I can display a Lord title for myself. Also, separate Missions for companions to be granted their own titles.


Legacy - Why can't my companion be a part of it? or at least have the ability to display the name, works nicely for marriage.


Shared items - Ones that mark your relationship with that companion be it some sort of marriage wear, even a ring, or for instance a Mandalorian symbol your BH and Torian could wear.


Loses/Gains - The ability to kick a few companions off your ship, -coughpiercecough-

When they raise the level cap, I'd like to see new companions but I'd MUCH rather gain new content for the compaions I've grown to love.


OR, better yet, kicking them by banishing them on a special mission where they end up in various places across the galaxy. They could end up where you found them trying to get their old jobs back or hanging out at a sleazy bar. The best part could be having them always remain there as a friendly NPC so you can go there as often as you like to laugh at them or if you're feeling sorry, tell them they've suffered enough and can come back.


The Companion system is a great and enjoyable part of the SWTOR play experience. Let's make it greater.


P.S Oh yes, more romance missions please :p

Edited by AelixVII
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Basically, I want my companion spouses to BE spouses. I want hugs, I want sex, I want 'how was your day, hon?' if he's left on the ship for some reason and I want to KNOW more details about ALL my companions.


I don't care if they've killed kittens and made a nice coat with their furs, I just want to go off and do missions with my companions. You wanted us to feel for our companions, well now we do. Plztobegivingusmore!

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Legacy - Why can't my companion be a part of it? or at least have the ability to display the name, works nicely for marriage.


Agreed. I'm sure many players have "X and his her companion are Y's parents" in their mental family tree. Let the in-game tree reflect that.


OR, better yet, kicking them by banishing them on a special mission where they end up in various places across the galaxy. They could end up where you found them trying to get their old jobs back or hanging out at a sleazy bar. The best part could be having them always remain there as a friendly NPC so you can go there as often as you like to laugh at them or if you're feeling sorry, tell them they've suffered enough and can come back.


I would also love to see this system. A lot. A lot a lot.

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Beyond the LIs there are a number of companions whose story I would like to see fleshed out in future story content:




Last we heard in her clone situation was the SIS handler saying he'd be in touch. Get in touch, dang it!!



I'd like to see him gain more respect in the Mandalorian clans, really make a name for himself. Be more of an equal with the bounty hunter he's running with.



I want to go hunt down that secret Imperial prison!! It's killing me that we have thousands of POWs that we're not working on freeing!


Most of the rest of them I haven't finished completely so while there's stuff that I may add to this list I'm hoping that some of it gets sorted out in the few conversations that are left, like:



Her handler and what the heck is up with him cause there's definitely something shady going on there.



And if he gets a second name.



And the slaver turned spy situation.



I'd like to see if he gets his professional fame and glory or if he learns to be content with toiling in obscurity.



I'm just starting this one, but I really really want to see if he develops any of the finer emotions!! Course, I'd be willing to help him with that :D


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I'd love to see repeatable (weekly?) endgame story missions. It makes me really sad that my companions don't mouth off during conversations anymore. I miss hearing Jorgan grouse around and Forex give me a pep talk before every assignment.
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First I'd like to break every each bones of Quinn starting by having his tongue devoured by a famished baby Nexu.

That sounds delightful!


Then allow us to make and break romances as we wish.

Allow Sith characters to really use companions as slaves or some other classes ones as merely disposable tools.

Let players set slave collars on any companions, torture them in their space ships...


Allow us to throw away some of them in the space. Now that's interesting!


That was the evil part ;)

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So here's a thought that's kind of related to this thread...


If you could ask your companion just ONE question - what would it be?


Oh, there are so many to have to confine it to one question hmm....


Jorgan - What turned you into such a grumpy-pants when we first met?

Iresso - If you could be anything other than a pub solider, what would it be?

Andy - Why are you still following me around?

Quinn - Why did you do it? WHY!?! And I know you know what I'm talking about....

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First I'd like to break every each bones of Quinn starting by having his tongue devoured by a famished baby Nexu.

That sounds delightful!


Then allow us to make and break romances as we wish.

Allow Sith characters to really use companions as slaves or some other classes ones as merely disposable tools.

Let players set slave collars on any companions, torture them in their space ships...


Allow us to throw away some of them in the space. Now that's interesting!


That was the evil part ;)


I was going to skip straight to nailing Quinn to the wall and feeding him his own entrails. Or venting him into space with the rest of the trash...it's standard Imperial procedure before jumping to hyperspace, after all, and he can't neglect Imperial procedure...or keeping him as a hood ornament...or stripping him of his commission and promoting Pierce, or...hmm. You know something? I really love how these characters capture the imagination.


It might be wise to have a relationship-status check to start any new content. Because really, with some of these people, if you blink you missed the marriage part. So just talk: Here's where we are, and is that where you want to be? I know people like Kaliyo might not be sincerely interested in that second part, but whatever, we're humoring the players here.

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I really wish I hadn't accidentally locked myself out of the romance I really wanted to do (Kira Carsen). I'd really want to see companions in the Legacy family tree.


I'm one of those with the opposite issue - locked into a romance storyline by having been flirtatious without genuine interest (infact the quite the opposite - wanted to lead them on once purely to slap them down... but then had no option to slap them down :confused:)... my Sith could deal with being chased romantically much better if I got to be cruel, dismissive & untouchable at every turn rather than going along with it.


I'd like to see more alternate pathways for companion storylines, particularly the love interests. Cookie cutter romance storylines are even worse than cookie cutter standard companion storylines. The current storylines are great *if* you want only want to go in one direction... but that's a very big If for me, and it'd be great to see options in future.

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I would like to see new chat options when a companion is in the courting and marriage stage. You know when you click on them they say something random. Maybe something to make the relationship solid.


Also I love the idea of companion gaining the main character's surname or what other players see is Wife/Husband of ............


And of course more sandbox options with them, ie kids, more quests revolving around your mate.

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Oh, there are so many to have to confine it to one question hmm....




And therein lies the challenge...haha.


Come to think of it, I haven't even thought of a question that I would ask mine. I have heaps of questions! Why did I limit myself to only one...do'h.

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I'd love to see more companion content of course! Maybe even a daily mission with the companion you're romancing.

One of the things I miss, and that was present in Dragon Age - is the option to talk to them now and then, as it currently stands once you finish their missions they go silent forever, except for random combat dialogues.

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blizz....i'd ask to see whats under that hood :D


torian..i;d ask if he only was attracted to me because of my strength


vette: shock collar?! can we put it on quinn instead? pwetty pweaaase? * big sith puppy eyes*


jorgan: ( still havent broken him in yet) what the hell do i have to do?! cover myself with the scent of a manka she-cat in heat, and roll around in front of you, yowling?! are you NEUTERED?!


mako: so um.... can you like... watch p*rn on the holonet, and nobody notices? i bet thats why your always so chipper.


bowdaar: can i use you as a living snuggie? pwetty pwease?


if i was a F!war


why not just shoot me in the back of the head after you shagged me asleep? i mean really. a LOT easier.



akavi: when SGR becomes available, can i ditch corso for you? <3

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jorgan: ( still havent broken him in yet) what the hell do i have to do?! cover myself with the scent of a manka she-cat in heat, and roll around in front of you, yowling?! are you NEUTERED?!


Thank you for making me do that snort-laugh-cough thing at work. Chapter 3, my dear, Chapter 3.

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