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I Feel Cheated, I Cant Even Play the Game...


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its BW fault that ppl play a game or not? reroll or uninstall.


1. It's BioWare's fault that one of their first acts during launch was to listen to whiners and drastically increase the number of servers they had. Myself and many others commented on the forums that BW needed to stick with the initial launch number and let the population spread itself out. They didn't, and now there are WAY too many servers. That was their call and their fault.


2. It's BioWare's fault that they didn't do a simultaneous Asia/Oceanic launch. Many servers filled up with these players who have since transferred to their own servers, making an already bad situation even worse.


3. It's BioWare's fault that they did not have a server transfer system in place for launch or shortly thereafter. TOR is not the first MMO to launch and so they have literally dozens of models to look at regarding how a launch occurs and what is needed afterward -- server transfer tech is high up on that list.


BioWare is actually my favorite game developer, but even I can see the mistakes they have made that they and many of their players are not (literally) paying for. I fear 1.3 will be far too late for many players who could've helped make this a great game/community.

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What will you say if you get all you toons and legasy resetted to lvl 1 (situation when you reroll)?


Would you do this communtiy a favor and quit or you will be puking with **** on forums?


i'm a man, take it in the chin and learn to read the eula before buying something, it would save so many tears.

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its BW fault that ppl play a game or not? reroll or uninstall.


Yes. They made the ****** game. The financial failure of this game in entirely their fault. I'd love to say that people like you are part of it but that would imply you are important. Unbeknownst to you this is not the case.

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So...when your server dies....and you complain on the forums....can we point and laugh? :rak_01:


Btw, I don't wish that on anyone, but I sure hope people tell you to reroll.


I've already re-rolled. Anchorhead is pretty much dead and my 6 toons there will sit until they offer transfers. Until then, I've started leveling another character on a new server with an active population.


Unlike 99% of the people who make comments on the internet, I actually do what I suggest...

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its BW fault that ppl play a game or not? reroll or uninstall.


Yea it is biowares fault. When ur new car breaksdown u go in for warranty work and blame the manufacturer. This guy is right he doesn come on the forums and ***** all day he just want to play the game he pays for.


You all can back bioware but ur such a minority nowit make u look likea weirdo. No one thinks bioware is doing a good job no one EA, the blogs, magazines, writers, players, investors, etc i mean there are people on wallstreet talking about how much bioware failed with this game and theyve never even seen it much less play it.


Not pressuring bioware to get their azz in line is the problem now ur not part of the solution if u post defending their horrible work.

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It's your own fault for rolling on a low pop server, not Bioware's.


In December and January, I had many people on my server. WZ queues were no more than 2minutes. Now, it's not even worth trying. I can't even do heroics at my level, because I'm lucky to have more than myself on a planet. So that's my fault? From December until now I have 2 level 50s. 5 months of playing to get there, I shouldn't have to throw all that effort away.


Dude, it's a massively multiplayer experience we're paying for each month. If we can't expect Bioware to provide that, then I'd say they have not advertised truthfully to us. If there was never any intention of providing that, then I'd like the past 3 months refunded, and I'll go my way. We have a right to feel cheated, and the OP and myself are not alone.


*edit* omg, I just noticed his name is the Brick. I shouldn't have expected a better reply to this topic from such. lol

Edited by Terrorble
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Dont listen to the people saying reroll. They are bads who ran from their servers aswell and got so mad at bioware that they about quit but decided they enjoyed the taste of BW in their mouth so much they were gonna reroll so they dont have to ever lose BWs friendship. Stop playing until they issues are fixed its not like if you want to play you can bioware has failed to create a enviroment where you can play the game you pay for.


Let the babies cry and run to a bigger server where they are just grinding gear and never will amount to any ranking as the pvp guilds on fatman already have their 8 man teams set up. Fatman is full of rerolls hanging in fleet and all these players/complainers are ruining what was an awesome pvp community. Fatmans busy yes but it used to also be a cool place now its ehh

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It's your own fault for rolling on a low pop server, not Bioware's.

As I recall, pre-launch.....I was "told" what server my guild was going play on. Not by my guild, but rather by BW, so.....lemme guess? "You weren't forced to play on the same server as your guild" or blah, blah, blah....seriously, those responses are so ignorant it's laughable. We are customers, rarely is it ok to tell us it's our fault, especially when it is not. Low pop server choice was mine? Heck no it wasn't. When I joined my servers, yes SERVERS, they had ques to log in. Populations were fine, if not bloated. The game fell well short of MANY of the players expectations.(Note when I say many of the players, I really mean "an absolute **** TON of paying gamers")

The game was not up to snuff at launch and frankly, it still isn't. Hence why server populations blow and that IS biowares fault. It certainly isn't the customers fault.

I hope they can get some things worked out for those who left so disappointed, I really do. Bioware got an awful lot of things right imo and has a great foundation to build on. A lot of work lies ahead for them but so do a lot paychecks as they start getting more and more of their game where it needs to be. For now though, there is a ton of fault that lays at their feet and low pop servers are absolutely one of them. Server transfers should have(and could have) been in game at launch. So now, instead of being a royal pain in their *** and a black hole that is sucking subscriptions out of their game, instead if irritating the living beans out of many of the players(Note when I say many of the players, I really mean "an absolute **** TON of paying gamers") so yea, instead of being a hot mess, it could have been a tool already in place that was generating income by charging people for the ability to move around, wherever and whenever they liked. People could have been singing their praises on this one.

But yea, lets blame the paying customers voicing their opinions instead.:rolleyes: Low pop servers are 100% NOT the customers fault. Ever.

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Dont listen to the people saying reroll. They are bads who ran from their servers aswell and got so mad at bioware that they about quit but decided they enjoyed the taste of BW in their mouth so much they were gonna reroll so they dont have to ever lose BWs friendship. Stop playing until they issues are fixed its not like if you want to play you can bioware has failed to create a enviroment where you can play the game you pay for.


Let the babies cry and run to a bigger server where they are just grinding gear and never will amount to any ranking as the pvp guilds on fatman already have their 8 man teams set up. Fatman is full of rerolls hanging in fleet and all these players/complainers are ruining what was an awesome pvp community. Fatmans busy yes but it used to also be a cool place now its ehh

This whole post makes no sense.

All I heard was.......

"I think yet more people should quit playing SWTOR, including the OP. If You re-rolled to anywhere, you are a bad player. I have always played on Fatman so I am better than you but cant explain why. Players stand in fleet in complain about suff sometimes. I don't know if they rerolled or not, but i'm betting they did, so it's their fault I don't enjoy the game anymore".



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