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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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I love it! There's plenty for me to do. At the moment i'm working on my Jedi Knight, trying to unlock the JK chapter 2 perk.


The only thing threatening to prevent me resubbing is the loading times.

Edited by Elmillia
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It needs work! but i am happy with it. IMO its the best MMO out there atm and I've played tera,the secret world and even went back to wow for a bit.


The one thing i can't stand is the trolls on these forums. It puts people off to the game. I am however happy to see that the people who are liking the game have spoken out more recently to share that they are enjoying it. I know i am

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server merge should help and maybe il give this game another go, there are servers that are many many servers that are completely dead. On my main server i logged in a couple times through out the day and most ever on republic fleet was 6 people there were times through out the day when it was only me ***? also they should just do away with the space missions and redo all of the space content.
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Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?


i really enjoy once, when the population is healthy at 2011 Dec.

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I've yet to hit a point where I no longer like the game. I am a casual player, and I do enjoy making alts. I have a family and full time career, so I don't spend every waking moment on this game.


I'm with this guy. Swtor compliments the real world nicely.

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Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?


I have two 50s, a 40, and a 34 too. Creepy...


I still enjoy the game. I do find pvp queues as of late to be taking excruciatingly long, though.

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While we played a few things in the past, this was the first MMO wife and I looked forward to join on day one and to play for years to come.

In the meantime, wife isnt really playing (keeps saying she may be in the mood again, one of these days..or not) and I also find it harder to login with passing weeks.


For now thats only sad and I dont mind to waste some coin on keeping both subs but we catch ourselves peeking into GW2 lately and once that is out I dont know...didnt plan to play it but if SWTOR keeps feeling like on life support, I dont know..

Edited by Valhingen
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I'm quite enjoying myself. I'd be a liar if I said I don't see the problems (I'm currently one out of three people on dromund kaas and the funny thing is everyone on our server seems to be playing low lvl characters these days...)


either way I love this game and I actually spend way too much time in-game or on these forums (though the forums thing is probably bad because it can be quite frustrating at times)

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If I wasn't, I wouldn't be posting here anymore. The game is fine, it's the people running it that bother me. It's yet another game run by people who are completely oblivious to games and gamers, and treat people as if they're selling them a vacuum cleaner.


People with degrees in marketing/economics should stick to selling vacuum cleaners and stop ruining every goddamn project with their ignorance and inability to comprehend why gamers play games.

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Personally I'm happy with the game.The things i am not happy about is there is not enough population on my server to recruit people for my guild or play regular warzones.

Address these problems and I will be a happy camper :) .

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I am starting to find I don't want to lvl up alts.


I currently have 4 50s with another 3 all above lvl 30.


I play on NA servers and myself being EU I get abit bored without raids or many PvP matches.


I love the game I am just not able to break into endgame content as much as I would like to.

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Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?


I gradually slipping from content to unhappy, I’d class my current stat as disillusioned and borderland apathetic. I’ve seen a noticeable decline in server population in the past month which isn’t helping but if I’m honest I have to say that I’m just bored with the game. It’s never felt like a proper MMO to me, the world has always felt to sterile and there is nothing to do beyond the level/gear grind or the frustrating datacron hunting. I’m seriously considering unsubbing and checking back in a year to see what’s been added. The issue is that I’m not convinced that SWTOR will still be a subscription game in a year.


I loved the game at launch, but knew back then that it would be a temporary thing, there just isn’t enough non-combat content and the world is far too sterile.

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only fanboys could actually be having fun playing this game...it fails on so many levels


If by fanbois you mean starwars fans then yes, I am guilty.


I can not stress enough how much i hate elves and dwarves. I can look past some of the obvious flaws because i am playing a tattooed twi'lek sith that shoots lightning and has a double bladed saber.


The variety for the non middle earth crowd is limited. No desire to play dork-craft.

Edited by kirorx
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someone said I am hapy so are 1.3 million subscribers... well I bet this figure is going down to 600K top very soon.


my guild had 20+ online at peak time, since the release of D3, it's 5 or 6 online except on the ops night. We used to have people sit out of ops night, now we had to PUG a dps to complete the team, yes it's that bad.


I play a mmo to play with other people, right now, I am tempted to revert to a single player game just so I don't have expctations. or maybe move to another game.

Edited by Vonb
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I am very happy with game. I am here to stay:)

I love the stories, companions, planets, music (Balmorra is such a gem) and so much more...

Got bored in EQ2 after 6 years of playing it and SWTOR is really a game for me... never bored here...

Too much to do... to little time... but of course I am altoholic LOL

Edited by Evensong
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I am currently not happy to pay to play. I was, but I've since got bored. I'm partly to blame because I hyped it up to be the best star wars game ever, which of course it isnt.

I will continue to keep an eye on it, and I'm sure I'll be back by end of year.

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I am very happy with game. I am here to stay:)

I love the stories, companions, planets, music (Balmorra is such a gem) and so much more...

Got bored in EQ2 after 6 years of playing it and SWTOR is really a game for me... never bored here...

Too much to do... to little time... but of course I am altoholic LOL


Interesting post, all the things you mentioned are not part of the MMO experience. I do at times think they should have just not bothered with an MMO and made KotOR3 and made it to the same standard as the Mass Effect series (not counting the ending)

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