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Bank Ninja Looted, CS does nothing?


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I was told that if a player has the proper permissions they can't return items. So person is in the guild (no one knows who they are, and without an in game log I can't see when they were invited, nor the position they were placed at).


They also claim that we gave them permission, yet they took 24 items, I have it set to 14 items in a week...


So how did they get 24? The only rank that can get 25 items is officer, and only real life friends are at that rank.


So, items stolen and nothing is done. The person came on, looted, and ditched guild. That seems like the exact thing they would look for when someone steals everything.


All epics too.



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I was told that if a player has the proper permissions they can't return items. So person is in the guild (no one knows who they are, and without an in game log I can't see when they were invited, nor the position they were placed at).


They also claim that we gave them permission, yet they took 24 items, I have it set to 14 items in a week...


So how did they get 24? The only rank that can get 25 items is officer, and only real life friends are at that rank.


So, items stolen and nothing is done. The person came on, looted, and ditched guild. That seems like the exact thing they would look for when someone steals everything.


All epics too.




Well, as far as I knew, the Guild Leader is the only one that can set permissions for the bank by each rank of your members. This sounds like you guys trusted the wrong person, and promoted him to a position to just rob the bank and flee. It's sad that you have to complain about how CS wont give them back, because you guys were the ones that allowed him the opportunity to do just this.

Edited by monkgryphon
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Shame there is no log to see what rank they were set to, and who did set it.


3 people can set ranks, including me... one is my cousin, he doesn't ever do it... the other my gf and well she's not an idiot.


But I can see how it would be easy to accidently set a rank up.


So, yeah totally could be but no way to even see.



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Sucks that it happened really. However, if he hadn't been invited by someone that obviously didn't know him very well, it wouldn't have happened. No one in my guild ever gets that kind of bank access until after they've proven themselves with the rest of the guild.
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3 people can set ranks, including me... one is my cousin, he doesn't ever do it... the other my gf and well she's not an idiot.


To me, it seems like no one wants to admit giving these privileges to the thief. Even family has a hard time telling to the truth, and never ever trust your gf. She could've been mad at you one day and did it on a whim to get at you.

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To me, it seems like no one wants to admit giving these privileges to the thief. Even family has a hard time telling to the truth, and never ever trust your gf. She could've been mad at you one day and did it on a whim to get at you.


That would be hard to admit, personally I wouldn't punish them because they admitted to it. @ OP: Just make sure you never PO your Girlfriend.

Edited by Tuscad
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To me, it seems like no one wants to admit giving these privileges to the thief. Even family has a hard time telling to the truth, and never ever trust your gf. She could've been mad at you one day and did it on a whim to get at you.




Okay so why do I think CS should do something? Because the idea of a ninja looter and the ability to recover the items through logs is that if someone joins, takes everything, and bolts you can get your items back.


I didn't realize this community was filled with cynicism. So I should just blame someone in the guild instead of the person that stole loot.


How about this just be come a suggestion thread then. I suggest that they put in a log like pretty much any other MMo so we can see who invited, who set rank, and where the rank was.


At least then I could be like tsk.


Seriously though, I think CS should buck up and not let someone steal and then say sure go for it, we won't do anything. They clearly stole items, left the guild, and all you people can see is a potential screw up somewhere.


Mistakes happen, and you don't think the people that still did the bad deed should be punished?





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Okay so why do I think CS should do something? Because the idea of a ninja looter and the ability to recover the items through logs is that if someone joins, takes everything, and bolts you can get your items back.


I didn't realize this community was filled with cynicism. So I should just blame someone in the guild instead of the person that stole loot.


How about this just be come a suggestion thread then. I suggest that they put in a log like pretty much any other MMo so we can see who invited, who set rank, and where the rank was.


At least then I could be like tsk.


Seriously though, I think CS should buck up and not let someone steal and then say sure go for it, we won't do anything. They clearly stole items, left the guild, and all you people can see is a potential screw up somewhere.


Mistakes happen, and you don't think the people that still did the bad deed should be punished?






I agree with you, I am just telling you to be careful.

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its possible that it was an officor and his acount may have been hacked, a few years ago my wow acount was hacked and in adition to all my items being sold they raided the guild ban before removing me, i managed to get blizzard to retrive both my items and the stuff stolen from the bank which i sent to a fellow officor and explained what happend.
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Okay so why do I think CS should do something? Because the idea of a ninja looter and the ability to recover the items through logs is that if someone joins, takes everything, and bolts you can get your items back.


I didn't realize this community was filled with cynicism. So I should just blame someone in the guild instead of the person that stole loot.


How about this just be come a suggestion thread then. I suggest that they put in a log like pretty much any other MMo so we can see who invited, who set rank, and where the rank was.


At least then I could be like tsk.


Seriously though, I think CS should buck up and not let someone steal and then say sure go for it, we won't do anything. They clearly stole items, left the guild, and all you people can see is a potential screw up somewhere.


Mistakes happen, and you don't think the people that still did the bad deed should be punished?






Next, you're going to ask to be refunded your commendations you used to buy the wrong thing, even though they installed a confirmation window that is on by default now. Or you're going to ask for Advanced Class respec, because you made a simple mistake on choosing the wrong one, even though there are enough warnings in place.


It was not a bad deed. He was given free reign, and so he used it and didn't feel like sticking with such a simple minded guild.

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It was not a bad deed. He was given free reign, and so he used it and didn't feel like sticking with such a simple minded guild.


You don't just take stuff and leave if you are a decent person, you refund them at least part way.

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Next, you're going to ask to be refunded your commendations you used to buy the wrong thing, even though they installed a confirmation window that is on by default now. Or you're going to ask for Advanced Class respec, because you made a simple mistake on choosing the wrong one, even though there are enough warnings in place.


It was not a bad deed. He was given free reign, and so he used it and didn't feel like sticking with such a simple minded guild.


I'm against the idea that advanced class can be "retrained". It's a different class :p


I am in fact the person that doesn't think there should be tokens in any way, the loot should drop in the instance so people actually have to be there to get it... not just do five mans and get raid gear...


Crazy, lumping someone up into a group is how you roll.

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If this was eq2, they would pull the logs, find the person who took the stuff and issue a temp ban of 5 days. It would take a week to have the items restored.


It just goes to show we need logs on the bank, logs of the guild. Our guild tool is non existant. In eq2 I can tell you who has logged in, the last time the logged in. Any time somebody loots something of a certain value. Each time a person leaves the guild, joins the guild, gets promoted or demoted. The should have all these in logs and it should be easy for them to give us that info. Could be the person got 14 items 1 day at the end of the week then the other 10 items at the start of the week. Just saying there is always a way to cheet the system if you know how. Also if your a small guild you should have figurd out by now who left the guild, while you cant blackball them in the forums I would make sure the comunity knows on the fleet word will get around.

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Player error of misplaced trust.. whomever it was.


CS has nothing to do with your mistakes.


Next time trust less people.


And no.. I have no sympathy for you, for the simple fact that you are crying and moaning. It happened... it is your officer`s fault .. think hard which one is and boot him/her and let your whole server know who they are. If you don`t know for sure, well... withdraw all rights except you and think harder next time.

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I was told that if a player has the proper permissions they can't return items. So person is in the guild (no one knows who they are, and without an in game log I can't see when they were invited, nor the position they were placed at).


They also claim that we gave them permission, yet they took 24 items, I have it set to 14 items in a week...


So how did they get 24? The only rank that can get 25 items is officer, and only real life friends are at that rank.


So, items stolen and nothing is done. The person came on, looted, and ditched guild. That seems like the exact thing they would look for when someone steals everything.


All epics too.




Sounds to me like you have a bad friend. Perhaps BioWare can disclose the name of the player who looted the items, but as to who invited him to the guild and promoted him, they may not have that ability.


More importantly, you have a bad friend to get rid of. BioWare is not responsible for that.

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Nothing wrong with what he did congrats to guy who stole it..

For so long in these theme park type of games guilds are nothing but a group of people who use each other to get shiny crap and are not even friends and all the systems protect you and most people live in a bubble.


In EVE people steal from corps all or alliances all the time and its pretty awesome when an alliance after years finally trusts you to move trillions of isk worth of stuff or give you access to hangers and we all think about riding off into the sunset but its what we choose do and who we will do it to that matters.


I think guild thefts are awesome!

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A bounty hunter should return him frozen in carbonite, for the guild leader to decorate the guild flagship bridge with his filthy frozen character, cooldown one week AT LEAST.


Ha, it would be fun if the thief goes to his login screen and sees his main as a frozen carbonite block, unable to do anything.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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