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The fps problem


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***? What would I need to "BUY A NEW COMPUTER!!!" for?


My specs are far in excess of "recommended" that's all that matters. I don't get above 3 FPS in warzones. EVER.


I don't have a problem in the many other, superior graphically games I play. This game is just broken. There aren't even any graphical particle settings. Why would I spend hundreds of pounds on a computer for just ONE game? I play many other games on full graphics, just as new, and have ZERO graphical problems. I can't even play this one on minimum.


Another example. With the fabricator droid in KP. All the exploding droids that spawn. If they're not killed. More will spawn "ON TOP" of the existing ones. By the end of the fight, there's a stack of 6 or so. That's about 150 unneeded models being rendered. That fight reduces my FPS to a crawl the longer it goes on. And this is somehow caused by my mid-range PC?


Why should bioware cater for only the ones with the high end computers? They're kind of limiting their potential market.


So please. Don't be so stupid to suggest "BUY A NEW COMPUTER!!!"

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***? What would I need to "BUY A NEW COMPUTER!!!" for?


My specs are far in excess of "recommended" that's all that matters. I don't get above 3 FPS in warzones. EVER.


I don't have a problem in the many other, superior graphically games I play. This game is just broken. There aren't even any graphical particle settings. Why would I spend hundreds of pounds on a computer for just ONE game? I play many other games on full graphics, just as new, and have ZERO graphical problems. I can't even play this one on minimum.


Another example. With the fabricator droid in KP. All the exploding droids that spawn. If they're not killed. More will spawn "ON TOP" of the existing ones. By the end of the fight, there's a stack of 6 or so. That's about 150 unneeded models being rendered. That fight reduces my FPS to a crawl the longer it goes on. And this is somehow caused by my mid-range PC?


Why should bioware cater for only the ones with the high end computers? They're kind of limiting their potential market.


So please. Don't be so stupid to suggest "BUY A NEW COMPUTER!!!"

What's your specs? Is the refresh rate set higher than what your monitor can produce?

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Don't waste your time bro. 1.3 million people think the human eye can't see past 30 frames. You can't argue with people that don't know what screen tearing is or the difference between 60hz and 120hz. The majority of PC gamers have mid to low end rigs, 30 fps is smooth to them. Anyone who denies it is either blind or playing at 800x600.

Well this just isn't true, look at cinema screens for instance, they run around 24FPS yet seem fluid, why? Because they blur. 30 FPS can give just as much of a smooth image as 60 FPS can, all depending on how sharp or blurry the motion is. Sharp images stimulates stuttering.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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What's your specs? Is the refresh rate set higher than what your monitor can produce?


If this was the case, I'd get a "Unsupported Mode" error from my monitor. Refresh rate is a standard 60Hz btw, and every monitor supports that.

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So.. when is this getting fixed?

Still having 30fps in a warzone without AA turned on is way to low.


So instead of spending your time on something as pointless as a legacy system how about some optimization on the game engine.

I just cancel my account again and wait another couple of months like i did last time because it seems it hasnt improved a bit.


To bad though that the servers are so dead that i cant test out if the FPS in Ilum has increased in any way, used to be 5fps there.


And no this is not a pc problem this is a game related problem.


I have everything on high, shadows on low though, getting 60 fps in all warzones (using a 2.2 Hp Envy Laptop - 7690m Gcard) using SWTOR unleashed... before I was getting 20 fps in warzones with everything on medium.


Trust me,


Use it. It's awesome. :):)

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Ive been playing since Beta and ive always had this FPS problem (Stuttering), 1.2 made the FPS issue much worse for me, ive also tried ::


A different GPU : GTX 580 , so ive now used both Nvdia and AMD


Tried countless drivers and configs


Used game booster to disable background tasks


New Ram


used Memtest on ram.


Ran the game on default bios settings


updated Bios to latest version


Tried the game on 2 SSDs and WD black cavair HDD / Hitachi 7K1000.


Ive also reinstalled the game countless times on a fresh install on Windows 7


Installed and updated all Direct X countless times.


Installed all NET Framework software and updated.


Tried the game in Windows XP service pack 3 config.


Ran the game in windowed mode and fullscreen


Disabled speed step and all other CPU power saving settings via Bios.


Ran the game on the lowest settings, turning bloom off shaders down etc


Disabled Aero.


CPU temps never go above 50c / GPU temps never go above 65c


Bottom line is, this game has an awful engine, that is a fact, i have now decided after 6 months this game is simply not worth the effort, ive tried everything to get this game running at a decent performance.


I have around 50 games installed including many MMORPG's and SWTOR is the only game that has bad performance, there are tons of threads on here and elsewhere demonstrating the game has performance issues.


My rig is fine i know that 100% and have no problems with any other game at all.


I wont be carrying on with the game when my free legacy times expires which is a shame


And please someone explain to me why neither Nvida or AMD have not released a single driver that has been optimized for this game yet, ill tell you why, its because the game engine is so screwed up that neither GPU team can improve the game via video drivers. Thats why.

Edited by kmufc
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If this was the case, I'd get a "Unsupported Mode" error from my monitor. Refresh rate is a standard 60Hz btw, and every monitor supports that.


I'd thought that there would most likely be monitors allowing you to mix rates with this game, or you could of been in windowed mode for all i knew.


I never mentioned anything about monitors not supporting 60Hz, but no the only time 60Hz is standard is in North America, Europe still uses PAL in some areas where 50Hz is standard, unless instead of standard you meant native then no that isn't true either, it truly depends on what the manufacturer decided. Sorry I just don't know what you mean by standard. You could mean common then yes you are correct, it's the most common native rate.

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I'd thought that there would most likely be monitors allowing you to mix rates with this game, or you could of been in windowed mode for all i knew.


I never mentioned anything about monitors not supporting 60Hz, but no the only time 60Hz is standard is in North America, Europe still uses PAL in some areas where 50Hz is standard, unless instead of standard you meant native then no that isn't true either, it truly depends on what the manufacturer decided. Sorry I just don't know what you mean by standard. You could mean common then yes you are correct, it's the most common native rate.


Windowed-Fullscreen if that makes any difference. I have dual-monitors. Before you ask, I have tried disabling the 2nd, and it has no effect on performance.


By "standard", I meant that 60Hz is what your refresh rate will be if you never bother to change it.

PAL is only applicable to TVs.


But this is a derailment.

Fact is, the game is broken, and optimisations need to be made. I have no desire to log in until it's changed, and will let my sub lapse. I think anyone can understand that it's not worth paying for a game that's "almost playable".


I don't know about other people's problems, but Particle Settings would go a long way to fixing some of the slowdowns I get. Bioware, make it happen.

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Just to feed the little wanabee IT noob here are my system specs.


Phenom x6 1090T @ 3.6ghz

8gb 1333mhz ddr3

GTX 560gti

Installed it on a SSD Samsung 830 series 128GB

870A Fuzion Power Edition


So thats about the basic specs of my system with all drivers and everything up to date.

So what is causing the bottleneck ? or is this system not strong enough to run the game in pvp on min. settings?


And just before you start bull******* about how i should "clean up " my pc that wont work either.

Its installed on a SSD for that reason.


Btw the vid. card basicly runs at 5% in ilum when players were still there and my cpu was half asleep at 5fps in a 20vs20 ish combat.

So something is causing the bottleneck, i ruled out the HD and basicly can rule out the memory aswell.

So then there is nothing else left but the game itself , because with a 100mbit fiber connection it cant really be the connection either.

Edited by Daisai
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Time to call a computer tech then. Man, I love it when people try and claim their high end rigs run the game like crap, see my specs below, 60 fps in a wz with everything on high


And then you run into players and the combat starts...

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And then you run into players and the combat starts...


don't know what to tell you man, I have double your ram, you have a better cpu and I get better performance than you do with pretty much same vid card. I don't really want to call BS and that you are just trying to stir up **** just to give Bioware a bad name but I call it how I'm seeing it

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So.. when is this getting fixed?

Still having 30fps in a warzone without AA turned on is way to low.


So instead of spending your time on something as pointless as a legacy system how about some optimization on the game engine.

I just cancel my account again and wait another couple of months like i did last time because it seems it hasnt improved a bit.


To bad though that the servers are so dead that i cant test out if the FPS in Ilum has increased in any way, used to be 5fps there.


And no this is not a pc problem this is a game related problem.


Since when is 30fps way too low? 5fps I agree with, but I've never had 5fps on Ilum. Only places I get that kind of graphics lag is in heavily smoke filled areas like the tombs on Korriban or during the final boss fight in Foundry with all the intensive background graphics going on.

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Since when is 30fps way too low? 5fps I agree with, but I've never had 5fps on Ilum. Only places I get that kind of graphics lag is in heavily smoke filled areas like the tombs on Korriban or during the final boss fight in Foundry with all the intensive background graphics going on.


They basicly become to low when you reach a certain amount of skill in gaming, there is a reason why most games on consols have a min. of 60fps.

Simply because 30 fps is to low for serious gaming, its fine for casual gamers though.

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They basicly become to low when you reach a certain amount of skill in gaming, there is a reason why most games on consols have a min. of 60fps.

Simply because 30 fps is to low for serious gaming, its fine for casual gamers though.


You sure you don't have vsync on?

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You sure you don't have vsync on?


Even if i had it turned on , do you really think you get a min. of around 30 fps increase of it?

No you dont , so its pointless to even ask that.

Do you also even know what vsync does ? i suppose you dont.


Anyway this is going way offtopic , the question still isnt been answered.

Edited by Daisai
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TBH, the game doesn't stutter much, and I don't notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS (bearing in mind that the eye takes in much less fps than 30) That and including the game is quite blurry with AA off which makes it quite fluid. Post your DXdiag for any real help.


Also in regards to serious players need 60FPS? This just isn't true dude. I certainly can cope as information is what I need to game effectively, and 30 FPS is adequate enough to give this information of what is happening on my screen and how I should react. I mean it takes 0.5 seconds for your brain to action response time to take part so an extra 0.016666 seconds added onto that half a second shouldn't degrade your performing gameplay.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Even if i had it turned on , do you really think you get a min. of around 30 fps increase of it?

No you dont , so its pointless to even ask that.

Do you also even know what vsync does ? i suppose you dont.


Anyway this is going way offtopic , the question still isnt been answered.


Actually, vsync does sometimes result in lower lows than with it off, considering your graphics power. That's why I ask.


I know what vsync does, it caps FPS to your refresh rate, to oversimplify it's functionality.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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It's clear the OP is not actually wanting help. I have a Core Duo proc, GTS250, 8GB RAM, not a high-end PC by any means, and I get 60fps. *shrugs*


Yeah ok you get 60FPS on your ship or on the character screen... lets have some screenies to prove this .. cos even my i7 2700 3.5Ghz, 16GB Corsair Dominator PC3-15000 DDR3 RAM, 2x ATI HD6670 in crossfire on my ASUS P6T Deluxe MB... and I still struggle to get 40FPS stable across the game, in fact in voidstar two nights ago I hit under 4 FPS.. its was an all time low point for this game... I can pretty much run any other game on high/ultra settings.. on here I run in low just to keep some sanity... The only thing that limits me at all is my poor old HD6670'S, which will be binned in the next 2 weeks in preference of some nice new Nvidia cards..

So lets see some screenies of you on a busy fleet with 150+ on it or maybe a voidstar when all hell is going let loose then I will bow down before your Dual core 60fps... cos everyone can hit 60fps but maintaining it wherever you go is another thing entirely ...

Edited by Bloodstealer
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TBH, the game doesn't stutter much, and I don't notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS (bearing in mind that the eye takes in much less fps than 30) That and including the game is quite blurry with AA off which makes it quite fluid. Post your DXdiag for any real help.


Also in regards to serious players need 60FPS? This just isn't true dude. I certainly can cope as information is what I need to game effectively, and 30 FPS is adequate enough to give this information of what is happening on my screen and how I should react. I mean it takes 0.5 seconds for your brain to action response time to take part so an extra 0.016666 seconds added onto that half a second shouldn't degrade your performing gameplay.


This is sensible speak..

30FPS should easily cut it.. the real issues arise when your hitting 15-20FPS and you start seeing spiking and drops.. mine can come down from 40-50FPS to 10-20 in a heartbeat.. that kinda effect you will notice, the same as when you drop from 30FPS to under 10FPS.. that is the kind of stuttery horrible lag that kills this game for me.


From around month 2 my base server began driopping subs like flies and whereas before thew fleet was seeing around 150+, it began to see 50 -70, then 20-40, then 10-30 on fleet... funnily enough my FPS began to get pretty stable and could easily see 40-70FPS (sometimes more). Since moving back to an EU server (Red Eclipse) the fleet and planets were much more populated like I saw back at launch... thats the good thing.. unfortuantely I have seen FPS plummet again, and as I already said I even hit <4FPS in voidstar the other night.. thats the first time I had hit low single digit FPS since the early months..... and were hoping for servers to get even more populated.. the game to me cant provide the stable performance even now.. and its across a wide range of PC hardware setupts - some serious work is required for sure otherwise servers will empty again like they did after launch because of the same issues.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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