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The fps problem


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So.. when is this getting fixed?

Still having 30fps in a warzone without AA turned on is way to low.


So instead of spending your time on something as pointless as a legacy system how about some optimization on the game engine.

I just cancel my account again and wait another couple of months like i did last time because it seems it hasnt improved a bit.


To bad though that the servers are so dead that i cant test out if the FPS in Ilum has increased in any way, used to be 5fps there.


And no this is not a pc problem this is a game related problem.

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Perhaps posting your actual specs, please not fictional, and maybe someone from the forums can assist you because frankly, I don't have a top end system and I have 0 issues with fps and that is with antialiasing up all the way. Edited by Skidrowbro
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Perhaps posting your actual specs, please not fictional, and maybe someone from the forums can assist you because frankly, I don't have a top end system and I have 0 issues with fps and that is with antialiasing up all the way.


No need for me to post my specs, its pretty clear its a game engine problem.

Just wondering when this is going to get fixed.

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Well knowing the hardware dose matter and quite a bit - Example: If you have a ATI card it is suggested (by the devs) to enable AA as it will acctually -increase- FPS..... stuff like that..


It's clear the OP is not actually wanting help. I have a Core Duo proc, GTS250, 8GB RAM, not a high-end PC by any means, and I get 60fps. *shrugs*

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It's clear the OP is not actually wanting help. I have a Core Duo proc, GTS250, 8GB RAM, not a high-end PC by any means, and I get 60fps. *shrugs*


It probably didn't occur to you that the OP probably has already tried to fix this within their means, using the thousands of posts on the forums about these issues. The problem is very thoroughly documented that even people on mega systems have FPS problems in warzones. No offense, but my system puts yours to shame and routinely hits 40 FPS even on minimum settings. I have done the full range of desktop support and high end network admin professionally for years. I have built, tuned, done troubleshooting and upgrades on my own PCs for even longer, so I can assure you it's not my PC. It's not like people haven't tried all of the obvious things from upgrades, drivers, clean installs of the OS, display driver settings, in-game settings, defragging...you name it. I lost count of all the posts where people did all of the above and more, and quit the game because Bioware won't respond or even so much as acknowledge that there is a problem.


As for the OP, they used a s*** engine and did a s*** job customizing it. Just see the thread in my signature. When will they fix it? Probably never. Honestly, I believe they don't care about the problem and are just going to continue to ignore it even as posts on the subject still clog the forums.

Edited by Cupelixx
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You're joking right?


No, he is serious.

Im nearly tiered of rewriting this again and again, but also for you:


- targeting

- skill delay

- man i pretty tiered writing this **** over and over for some guys, that wont see or understand or get it.


If the devs really suggested ATI cards .. well, lmao.. i cannot find words for this.

I resubbed for my last month and i dont care about the free month, but it wont change a single bit of the fact, that this SWTOR technix is running bad, it has a horrible client server sync.


Ofcause the game works well, if you are somewhat slow, steering with the arrowkeys and mouseclick your skills.

Try to do 4 different skills in less then a second, then you will see, what we all speak about here.


Then you may finally agree, that skill delay, random targets, speed suspects, unexplainable warp, endless stealth, broken resolve, all that **** cannot work due to the stupid tech and i am not sure, if the developers, that actually suggest ATI fail of games cards, can handle, what is on their plate.


So the only way is, out of this crap.

Edited by LexiCazam
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As for the OP, they used a s*** engine and did a s*** job customizing it. Just see the thread in my signature. When will they fix it? Probably never. Honestly, I believe they don't care about the problem and are just going to continue to ignore it even as posts on the subject still clog the forums.


Yeah, btw, about your sig, and really this thread: The problems being described and the youtube video may seem video-related, but it actually isn't.


Here, add this thread to your sig. It's an excellent post.

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It probably didn't occur to you that the OP probably has already tried to fix this within their means, using the thousands of posts on the forums about these issues. The problem is very thoroughly documented that even people on mega systems have FPS problems in warzones. No offense, but my system puts yours to shame and routinely hits 40 FPS even on minimum settings. I have done the full range of desktop support and high end network admin professionally for years. I have built, tuned, done troubleshooting and upgrades on my own PCs for even longer, so I can assure you it's not my PC. It's not like people haven't tried all of the obvious things from upgrades, drivers, clean installs of the OS, display driver settings, in-game settings, defragging...you name it. I lost count of all the posts where people did all of the above and more, and quit the game because Bioware won't respond or even so much as acknowledge that there is a problem.


As for the OP, they used a s*** engine and did a s*** job customizing it. Just see the thread in my signature. When will they fix it? Probably never. Honestly, I believe they don't care about the problem and are just going to continue to ignore it even as posts on the subject still clog the forums.


ive already used the space on my SSD that SWTOR used to use.... by filling it with games that run... like maplestory... sig says it all -1 days and counting tomarrow will be -2...

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Yeah, btw, about your sig, and really this thread: The problems being described and the youtube video may seem video-related, but it actually isn't.


Here, add this thread to your sig. It's an excellent post.


I'm aware of that. Pretty much all of the technical points in that thread were brought up and openly thought on in mine (across 2 iterations of the original post) before that was posted.

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Well knowing the hardware dose matter and quite a bit - Example: If you have a ATI card it is suggested (by the devs) to enable AA as it will acctually -increase- FPS..... stuff like that..


You really think that i have done nothing to increase my fps in a game like this?


Several things i have done , installed it on a SSD ( didnt help )

Lower the graphics to absolute minimum ( even the resolution ) didnt help either.

All drivers are up to date.

Also tried running it in a different windows mode.


In the game in imperial fleet ( not very busy there anymore ) i get more then 100fps on maxium settings even with AA and everything at max.

Yet you walk into a warzone it drops to 20fps as soon as you start combat with AA - shadows disabled and settings like character detail to low.

However when you wait for the warzone to start for example aderaan you basicly have 100+fps.


And no i pretty much stated that there is no need for me to post my specs because there is basicly no one on this forum who can help me increase my fps by around 80fps which would make the game playable.

The only thing i was asking is when the developer is going to fix.


However seeing as there hasnt been a single driver update for both AMD and Nvidia that was made for SWTOR i doubt they are ever going to fix it.


Oh and this game is pretty much going the way i said it would go, i already said that if they dont fix these keyissues in the next 3 months after release then the game is basicly doomed to fail.

Edited by Daisai
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I don't have any performance problems. Sorry your computer is not up to snuff.


Then you are probably a casual gamer that thinks 30fps in a warzone is enough and/or probably doesnt notice it.

However serious compettitive gamers need at least 60fps as a min. to have succes in a game.

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Then you are probably a casual gamer that thinks 30fps in a warzone is enough and/or probably doesnt notice it.

However serious compettitive gamers need at least 60fps as a min. to have succes in a game.


Nah. Time to upgrade your computer bro! Especially if you claim to be competitive!

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Then you are probably a casual gamer that thinks 30fps in a warzone is enough and/or probably doesnt notice it.

However serious compettitive gamers need at least 60fps as a min. to have succes in a game.


Shadow Quality: OFF other settings on HIGH and it should work fine


If the devs really suggested ATI cards .. well, lmao.. i cannot find words for this.

Intel and nVidia fanboy ? so Battlefield 3 and DICE suck too ?

Edited by darkspellcraft
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Don't waste your time bro. 1.3 million people think the human eye can't see past 30 frames. You can't argue with people that don't know what screen tearing is or the difference between 60hz and 120hz. The majority of PC gamers have mid to low end rigs, 30 fps is smooth to them. Anyone who denies it is either blind or playing at 800x600.
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Shadow Quality: OFF other settings on HIGH and it should work fine



Intel and nVidia fanboy ? so Battlefield 3 and DICE suck too ?


Reading difficult for you ?

I already posted that i already tried everything i can try to increase the fps in this game in a warzone.

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Nah. Time to upgrade your computer bro! Especially if you claim to be competitive!


So that would be a 10.000 euro's computer then ? because thats what you need to basicly be a upgrade to my current computer.

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No, he is serious.

Im nearly tiered of rewriting this again and again, but also for you:


- targeting

- skill delay

- man i pretty tiered writing this **** over and over for some guys, that wont see or understand or get it.


If the devs really suggested ATI cards .. well, lmao.. i cannot find words for this.

I resubbed for my last month and i dont care about the free month, but it wont change a single bit of the fact, that this SWTOR technix is running bad, it has a horrible client server sync.


Ofcause the game works well, if you are somewhat slow, steering with the arrowkeys and mouseclick your skills.

Try to do 4 different skills in less then a second, then you will see, what we all speak about here.


Then you may finally agree, that skill delay, random targets, speed suspects, unexplainable warp, endless stealth, broken resolve, all that **** cannot work due to the retarded tech and i am not sure, if the developers, that actually suggest ATI fail of games cards, can handle, what is on their plate.


So the only way is, out of this crap.


^ So this* The guy who keeps telling the OP to post his specs is missing the point. When you have a game in development for 6+ years, you don't keep the same engine from inception. If the writing, concept art, VA, and game play formula took(for arguments' sake) three years, then the change in technology should have been taken into account. Patching the hell out of a dated engine does little to help the growth of a game.

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Well knowing the hardware dose matter and quite a bit - Example: If you have a ATI card it is suggested (by the devs) to enable AA as it will acctually -increase- FPS..... stuff like that..


Seriously? I'll need to test this again, but when configuring ATI options and SWTOR options AA seemed to make things slow and sluggish.


But to OP. I have an Athlon 2 x2 250 @ 3.3GHz, an ASUS EAH6770 running at 1600x1200, 8GB DDR3 at around 1230MHz, a crappy n68c-s ucc mobo, and an OCZ PETROL (got a controller card for it)


My specs suck, yet I have no problem with FPS on a medium to high setting. Fact is, no-one can help you if you don't give us at least a Dxdiag, otherwise this is just a complain thread.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Seriously? I'll need to test this again, but when configuring ATI options and SWTOR options AA seemed to make things slow and sluggish.


Since I also have an ATI graphic card, I also tested it. I enabled/disabled AA on the republic fleet:


AA disabled ~ 89 fps


AA enabled high ~ 84 fps

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Since I also have an ATI graphic card, I also tested it. I enabled/disabled AA on the republic fleet:


AA disabled ~ 89 fps


AA enabled high ~ 84 fps


What AA settings did you use on the catalyst? Let program decide?

Edited by DiabloDoom
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