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Devs! Blackhole Area needs more draw!


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It's been about 2 months since we got the Black Hole dalies on Corellia, and it's already a ghost town most of the time. Getting a group together for the 4-man heroic (which is usually 3-maned) is a pita when there's only a few people in the zone at the time, and half are AFK.


What can get people back in the zone? Glad you asked, here's my suggestions:


  • New recipe drops for social armor
  • Possibility of Black Hole comm drops off instance mobs only (to prevent farming of respawning mobs). {Similar to how planet mobs can drop planet's comms.}
  • **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY** A faster way to get to the black Hole area! Having to sit through a load screen to Corellia, run through the starport, then sit through another load screen to BH is ridiculous. There needs to be a shuttle from Fleet straight to Black Hole!


Everyone please bump this thread if you'd like to see these changes, or add more. Thanks.

Edited by ViciousFett
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you really want the black hole commendations, which are used for the almost-highest pve gear in game, to just drop? LOL

(you can still farm the mobs in the heroic you can just cancel it when you are done with the first part or join someone who's not done the quest yet)


group up for the quests before actually going to the black hole. ask in your guild or on the fleet. that's what I do.

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you really want the black hole commendations, which are used for the almost-highest pve gear in game, to just drop? LOL


It's really not that outrageous when we'll be getting Black hole Comms form doing the group finder daily in 1.3


The dropping of the quest and re getting of it would be too exploitable though, maybe they could make is so you can only pick up a daily ONCE A DAY to prevent that.

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maybe they could make is so you can only pick up a daily ONCE A DAY to prevent that.


No. I have had times where I had to leave in the middle of a quest, then came back to it later. So that I was on the same page as my new group, I abandoned it and started over.

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Given the fact that everything can be soloed (including the heroic 4) I don't see the need to attract more players to it.


BH commendations are incentive enough as it is, imo.


Cannot be easily soloed by every AC.

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It's been about 2 months since we got the Black Hole dalies on Corellia, and it's already a ghost town most of the time. Getting a group together for the 4-man heroic (which is usually 3-maned) is a pita when there's only a few people in the zone at the time, and half are AFK.


What can get people back in the zone? Glad you asked, here's my suggestions:


  • New recipe drops for social armor
  • Possibility of Black Hole comm drops off instance mobs only (to prevent farming of respawning mobs). {Similar to how planet mobs can drop planet's comms.}
  • **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY** A faster way to get to the black Hole area! Having to sit through a load screen to Corellia, run through the starport, then sit through another load screen to BH is ridiculous. There needs to be a shuttle from Fleet straight to Black Hole!


Everyone please bump this thread if you'd like to see these changes, or add more. Thanks.


I would like more to see more quests there but you should see it pick up when they add the LFG system since people don't have to decide between questiong or LFG for HM.

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Bolded the key word there. For AC's that can't solo it, they can duo it.


I really don't see the problem.


Some people like to group with other people in games that purport to be MMOs. Why do you feel the need to attack others who want to find ways to encourage and reward grouping?

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i can somewhat see his point of view reguarding the commendations. as it stands you can only get 6 per week just by doing dailys thatsa all no real work involved but considering the cost of the black hole items i think there needs to be a rebalancing ive done it every week since launch and i ddont even have 50 comms yet its more about being able to make use of these items at this point because they are worthless if you cant get the right number of em/
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i can somewhat see his point of view reguarding the commendations. as it stands you can only get 6 per week just by doing dailys thatsa all no real work involved but considering the cost of the black hole items i think there needs to be a rebalancing ive done it every week since launch and i ddont even have 50 comms yet its more about being able to make use of these items at this point because they are worthless if you cant get the right number of em/


It is not the only way to get black hole comms, so 6 is enough for it coming from easy content.

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It's really not that outrageous when we'll be getting Black hole Comms form doing the group finder daily in 1.3


The dropping of the quest and re getting of it would be too exploitable though, maybe they could make is so you can only pick up a daily ONCE A DAY to prevent that.


who said I'm in favour of that? (hint: I'm not)

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i can somewhat see his point of view reguarding the commendations. as it stands you can only get 6 per week just by doing dailys thatsa all no real work involved but considering the cost of the black hole items i think there needs to be a rebalancing ive done it every week since launch and i ddont even have 50 comms yet its more about being able to make use of these items at this point because they are worthless if you cant get the right number of em/


if you want BH commidations you have to do operations or the Rakghoul weekly. Just doing one weekly shouldn't give you enough commidations to get some of the best gear.

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All the BH comm talk aside, I agree with the OP that the area needs more draw. IMO, it really needs voiced NPCs giving the quests instead of a terminal. If only that change were made, I'd do those dailies a lot more often than I do now...
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