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ToR Needs to be F2P


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Then offer a F2P system along side it with limited gameplay and access to sub-50 PVP and FPs, similar to what they did in wow


Sub 50 is not the same as "can`t get past 20", out of 85. Stop being ambiguous.


The equivalent for level 50 cap is level 12, btw.

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It's probably last chance how to let the game survive. No F2P, no SWTOR. You'll see soon enough


Because SWG, having been past not one, but two, supposedly fatal incidents, did go to F2P, right?


Oh wai...

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F2P? No, thank you.


Not that I don't agree, because I personally don't like any F2P model that I've ever seen, but thats about all that anyone's argument against it in here amounts to.


"No, I don't like F2P games so it should not be F2P."


There really is no decent argument against it from what I've seen in this thread, some of us may not like it, but it may be the only choice they have at some point.


The game is headed nowhere good from my stand point, it's in decline and a very rapid decline that most people don't realize will not be fixed by server xfers, and the only thing anyone, BW, the haters, the fanboys, any of them, can say, is "give us/them time" "they are working on it" "it is coming soon". It really isn't. There is no quick fix for the problems at the core of the game, so F2P may end up being the best thing that could happen to this game after the first 6 months of botched development.

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Not that I don't agree, because I personally don't like any F2P model that I've ever seen, but thats about all that anyone's argument against it in here amounts to.


"No, I don't like F2P games so it should not be F2P."


There really is no decent argument against it from what I've seen in this thread, some of us may not like it, but it may be the only choice they have at some point.




There is a very strong argument in the fact that all you F2P lovers are putting forward HOPE.


You ASSUME that the future F2P model will copy one or the other existing models, and putting forward what you think is the "best" F2P.


I got news for you... any and all games are in to make money, for their devs/ publishers/ franchise owners/ to whomever invested. You have NO REASON WHATSOEVER to assume the future F2P will be BETTER than what you see in any game. (definition of "better" is up to each and their respective games played = affinity for a model or another)


There is a saying... "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst".


I am not naive enough to trust EA and Bioware with a F2P model, given what they are doing with a sub based game.

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Because SWG, having been past not one, but two, supposedly fatal incidents, did go to F2P, right?


Oh wai...


because apples are oranges right? Derp.


SWG is SOE, SWTOR is EA. Don't mix these 2 companies with VERY different approach to MMOs. SOE let dead games like Vanguard or Planetside on regular sub model for years. EA doesn't do that. They eather kill the game - Sims online, APB etc. or go F2P like Warhammer.

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because apples are oranges right? Derp.


SWG is SOE, SWTOR is EA. Don't mix these 2 companies with VERY different approach to MMOs. SOE let dead games like Vanguard or Planetside on regular sub model for years. EA doesn't do that. They eather kill the game - Sims online, APB etc. or go F2P like Warhammer.


You still have the lil` George Lucas problem, the magnitude of the franchise and the still good number of subs: 1.3 as of last count, WITH solutions on the works to rectify the rushed server bonanza.


And you are yet to bring anything more solid than HOPE as an argument, as per my above post.


Water under the bridge...


And in all honestly.. it`s YOU who wants it to go F2P, since Bioware has already 2 solutions(server mergers and LFG tool), with at least one more in reserve(cross-server LFG tool).

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because apples are oranges right? Derp.


SWG is SOE, SWTOR is EA. Don't mix these 2 companies with VERY different approach to MMOs. SOE let dead games like Vanguard or Planetside on regular sub model for years. EA doesn't do that. They eather kill the game - Sims online, APB etc. or go F2P like Warhammer.


Warhammer isn't free to play, really can't consider "trial forever" as free to play. So for EA, they either kill the game, or they leave it as a sub based game with minimal work being done on it (Warhammer Online). I suspect that SWTOR will be like Warhammer, very small amount of players, probably less then 100K subs with very little work going into the game.

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You still have the lil` George Lucas problem, the magnitude of the franchise and the still good number of subs: 1.3 as of last count, WITH solutions on the works to rectify the rushed server bonanza.


And you are yet to bring anything more solid than HOPE as an argument, as per my above post.


Water under the bridge...


George Lucas problem? I tell you one thing about George Lucas. He doesn't give a **** anymore. Look at Star wars clone wars adventures - It's kind of MMO, but more lobby game ( very similar to camping fleet in SWTOR, lol what an irony) and it IS F2P and profitable!

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Warhammer isn't free to play, really can't consider "trial forever" as free to play. So for EA, they either kill the game, or they leave it as a sub based game with minimal work being done on it (Warhammer Online). I suspect that SWTOR will be like Warhammer, very small amount of players, probably less then 100K subs with very little work going into the game.



ok, fair point, but that's even worse, this game's population is dropping like a stone. F2P would at least boost it. Letting it die liek that might be VERY quick, cos there's no community or sandbox features that would carry this game for years with minimal dev input.

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George Lucas problem? I tell you one thing about George Lucas. He doesn't give a **** anymore. Look at Star wars clone wars adventures - It's kind of MMO, but more lobby game ( very similar to camping fleet in SWTOR, lol what an irony) and it IS F2P and profitable!


Zynga is a very succesfull company and its games have more players that WoW and SWTOR together.


However, those games are not MMORPG`s, nor claiming to be as such.


We are talking about a supposedly AAA game, having been in development for 5 years, not some playable Cartoon Network game. So, if you want to compare it... do so against AAA games.

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Zynga is a very succesfull company and its games have more players that WoW and SWTOR together.


However, those games are not MMORPG`s, nor claiming to be as such.


We are talking about a supposedly AAA game, having been in development for 5 years, not some playable Cartoon Network game.


LOTRO is hybrid both F2P and subs/lifetime and it worked for them. reported 300% boost in revenue or something like that...


anyway, jsut look how cheap SWTOR box with 1 free month is. You can buy it for a bit more than 1 month of sub. That's like giving it for free with sub model still going on. Just one step from F2P.

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f2p would kill it, too many f2ps out now it's not a decent market compared to p2ps.

Players shouldn't allow so many companies to go f2p, it kills the game and turns it into a spend -a-thon, Lots start out with the promise of only using cosmetic items in the cash shop which is what is needed for those games to work any at all, but the devs quickly find out not enough people will purchase vanity items enough to even keep the game afloat so quickly resort to putting game breaking items in their cash shop that if you don't have you might as well not even log in.


F2P's are legit scams, they maybe legit games, but their intent and purpose is to use competition to fuel credit card spending binges from small minded people.

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We are talking about a supposedly AAA game, having been in development for 5 years, not some playable Cartoon Network game. So, if you want to compare it... do so against AAA games.


I'm comparing Star Wars online games, you brought Lucas into that.

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LOTRO is hybrid both F2P and subs/lifetime and it worked for them. reported 300% boost in revenue or something like that...


anyway, jsut look how cheap SWTOR box with 1 free month is. You can buy it for a bit more than 1 month of sub. That's like giving it for free with sub model still going on. Just one step from F2P.


Again, you are putting forward HOPE.


You say LOTRO, I say WoT (World of Tanks), where money buys power (+33% better than anything you can buy with ingame money). Also, the game is designed around a premium account, xp and money wise. And a premium account is 10 euro.


I have no reason to expect EA to not go WoT`s way.. maybe improve and sell "Lightsaber of EA Hope" for +50% stats, for only 50 euro, or cap max level to 5, or cash in each patch at 10 euro. That`s 10 euro per week, for you :)


I'm comparing Star Wars online games, you brought Lucas into that.

The AAA comparable game is SWG. And although it is Sony`s and not EA`s.. it was never F2P. For whatever reason that was.

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George Lucas is retiring, not even going to make 7,8,& 9 or re-make 4,5,& 6 , instead he plans to live out retirement making indie movies in his basement that Hollywood won't let him make. It's hard telling who is at the helm of the Star Wars IP now, but Lucas cares no more he's collecting checks and quite happy. Just throwing this out here as Lucas was mentioned earlier:cool:
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Don't get me wrong, I hate F2P model, but it's imo the only chance how to safe failed MMO like this.


Well like someone said in an earlier post, might not be so bad if they used LotRo's model.

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Well like someone said in an earlier post, might not be so bad if they used LotRo's model.


And who says they will?


Do you honestly think they give a fluff on what people want on this Forum?


Their decision will be made to bring THEM money. Might be LOTRO.. might be WoT.. might be a hybrid in which you can`t buy anything without real cash.


You can only bring HOPE to this.. and this crap was done before:

1. People hoped this will be SWG 2 and boy were they wrong.

2. People hoped we get all the "iconic" and "starwarsy" races and we got recolored humans.

3. People hoped we get the new iteration in MMO`s and we got a sub-par voiced one.


List can go on an on... reality is... you are HOPING they won`t burn your pockets, when there is suicidal to do so.

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The AAA comparable game is SWG. And although it is Sony`s and not EA`s.. it was never F2P. For whatever reason that was.


Don't underestimate Clone wars adventures. It is MMO, very limited, but if you compare that to me standing all day on fleet and waiting to pop in oepration/flashpoint/warzone, it's exactly the same! EXACTLY

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