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Why is my loading screen times so long?


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If you are simply recommending buying an SSD you clearly have not read multiple posts about how other users SSD system is still slow. An SSD will be superior to an HDD in loading assets, however for the majority of users that portion of the load time is relatively low (even on a 5400rpm HDD the loading of assets is fairly minor). It is the initial pause in the load meter at about 20-25% that constitutes the majority of the actual load time.
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Something definitely wrong with your computer. I have an i7 and the game takes less than a minute to load up.


nothing is wrong with our computers i have the same problem there codeing is not that good. my load times on other mmo games is under a minute so plz do not say its our computers when a ton of people with awsome computers are haveing the same problem this problem is on bioware and there system

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I don't know if this is just me but...


I went back to wow the other day (They gave me 7 days free so I decided to pop back in). WoW's loading screen, no addons is about 5 to 10 seconds. With dozens of addons, it's about 2 minutes. Other MMOs that I've played are about the same lengh.


SWTOR's loading screen is a whopping 5 to 10 MINUTES or longer. My PC is moderately powerful (Core i7, Windows 7, 6 GB ram, 1GB dedicated video memory, plenty of harddrive space).


Am the only one suffering these extended loading times? If not, anyone know what I can do about it?


This is why.

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Running the game windowed. If I have SWTOR on top, 1-2 minutes. If I have SWTOR running on the background and having something else on top, 5-6 minutes. Athlon II X4, 4GB RAM, Radeon 7850, 300GB free space, W7 64 bit, graphics options all to full.
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Loading times don't seem to be so much a client system issue as much as it is a client / server software issue. I built my system last year; Phenom 2 x6 core processor, 8 GB of RAM, ATI Radeon HD 6870 series GPU and I encounter 1 - 2 minute load times in certain areas.


If I had to guess, it's either issues poor networking--maybe the server is inefficient at handling requests when loading certain instances--or some serious threading issues in the software--maybe one thread gets hung up waiting on another thread to complete in order to stay synchronized. I know from experience, if you mess up thread synchronization, even a simple application which does not require sophisticated hardware, can get hung up. That said, I don't have access to the source code, so neither I, nor anyone else who doesn't have access to the source code, knows for sure what is going on there, but I really doubt it's the hardware, unless your around or below the minimum hardware specifications.

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Running the game windowed. If I have SWTOR on top, 1-2 minutes. If I have SWTOR running on the background and having something else on top, 5-6 minutes. Athlon II X4, 4GB RAM, Radeon 7850, 300GB free space, W7 64 bit, graphics options all to full.


This is in part of how your OS is setup. You can set it up to have preference (more CPU cycles) to forground programs (default) or to background programs (if your heavily multitasking).


For Windows XP: Start > Control Panel > System > Advance Tab > Performance | Settings Button > Advance Tab > Processor Scheduling | Programs or Background Services

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My loading times are always, & have always been, 5+ minutes ... I can go into my kitchen & make a cup of tea & get back before loading onto a planet. Loading from a planet to my ship takes only about 2 minutes, loading from my Ship to a Planet is where it really drags ... 5+ minutes minimum.


Reminds me alot of Star Wars: Galaxies back in 2004/5 on my old laptop.


I don't have an SSD. I was not aware I needed one. No other mmo I play has such ridiculous loading times. :confused:

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Ok well I had the same problem and managed to get over it by doing the following


When the loading screen appears and the progress bar starts moving across then stops hit Ctrl Alt Delete then select lock computer. Log back in to the computer and the progress bar starts moving again and the loading usually completes after about 1 minute. If I don't do the above then it takes 5 or more minutes.


I don't know why locking the computer then unlocking works but it does for me and might do for you as well, worth a shot if you've got this problem

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^^ It has to be the engine look at all the amazing people with a broad spectrum of hardware who have the problem


It's TOR's engine. Not the HERO engine. Because TOR's engine is NOT the HERO engine anymore. First of all, BioWare acquired an unfinished engine, claiming that they would finish it themselves. So far, since then, the creators of the HERO engine have actually put out a couple more complete versions.


No, TOR's engine is no longer the HERO engine. It may be loosely based on it, but it's not it.


If I were Idea Fabrik, I'd be highly....put out, that so many are calling TOR's engine a complete HERO engine.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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My loading times are always, & have always been, 5+ minutes ... I can go into my kitchen & make a cup of tea & get back before loading onto a planet. Loading from a planet to my ship takes only about 2 minutes, loading from my Ship to a Planet is where it really drags ... 5+ minutes minimum.


Reminds me alot of Star Wars: Galaxies back in 2004/5 on my old laptop.


I don't have an SSD. I was not aware I needed one. No other mmo I play has such ridiculous loading times. :confused:


Yeah, some of my guildies are like that. I'm upset enough of my 45 to 60 seconds. No SSD either, but I think 64-bit and 8GB RAM is helping. And then, if I'm grouped with guildies, I'm waiting even longer.


But, again, it's not the HERO engine causing, it's TOR's engine.

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It's TOR's engine. Not the HERO engine. Because TOR's engine is NOT the HERO engine anymore. First of all, BioWare acquired an unfinished engine, claiming that they would finish it themselves. So far, since then, the creators of the HERO engine have actually put out a couple more complete versions.


No, TOR's engine is no longer the HERO engine. It may be loosely based on it, but it's not it.


If I were Idea Fabrik, I'd be highly....put out, that so many are calling TOR's engine a complete HERO engine.


Agreed my comment wasn't about who's engine it was but that it was the engine at fault. Too many ppl with good spec rigs are having the same problem to blame the hardware


/bump Bioware please look into this

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Agreed my comment wasn't about who's engine it was but that it was the engine at fault. Too many ppl with good spec rigs are having the same problem to blame the hardware


/bump Bioware please look into this


I posted a link a page back to a wonderful right up by GlowstickSwinger (that I played devil's advocate on, admittedly) that pinpointed the issue to a tee.

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A) Title should be "are" not "is"

B) That's a HUGE exaggeration of load times.

C) Get a SSD. Should cut your times.


A and B don't help solve the problem.


It's NOT a huge exaggeration. It's an under estimation. Just because YOU get good load times, doesn't mean everyone else does. This is the ONLY game I get high load times.


I've considered a SSD, but I can't justify it's price. Not only would it cost $300 for a 500GB hard drive (I've looked for a 1TB SSD and can't find it) I'd have to pay an extra $100 to get someone else to fit it because I have no idea how to fit a SSD.


I enjoy TOR, but $400+ in one sitting is too much for a single game, Especially when I don't have this trouble with ANY other game.


EDIT: I started this thread willing to admit that my computer is a pile of bantha droppings, but evidence is stacking up against the game itself. If it is my computer, I would like to be able to fix it without spending too much money.

Edited by Elmillia
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Interesting comment in the above posted interview that actually has to do with MMOs in general, including this one:


In general, a game’s engine doesn’t really define what kind of content, or even what type of game, you can make. The real factor in stability, graphical awesomeness, and other features is the ability of the programmers and designers that you have working on the game – and the ones here at ZeniMax Online are some of the best in the world. They are what it’s going to make ESO stable, beautiful, and fun – not the engine.


So, in the case of TOR, we can't really blame it all on the engine...

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