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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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ToR is a success as long as subscribers are paying their monthly fees. After my two accounts are up in July, my son and I will have to decide if it worth 30 dollars a month, mean time, I pre odered two copies of guild wars 2. If Tor not our cup of tea, i'm all set for another game with my son.
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Yeah, I'm not worried about rated, personally, because I know it's coming. OPvP, though... not a peep! Last thing was said was that they were working on a total revamp.... then utter and eery silence. And no, it's not golden.


How do you know its coming though? I havent been paying attention to 1.3, because I know its not going to be,anytime soon. And yeah... Owpvp is dead already. I swear the engine cannot handle it. Should see all the arcane trickery I do to play this damn game on my laptop.

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There have been a few times when there were things posted on SR's twitter that weren't here and on other third party sites. The information they post here is usually vague and leaves many unanswered questions.


When they do post here it does not engage at all and just takes the appearance of bland PR crap and spin doctoring that is spewed out for general consumption. I sometimes wonder whether Alastair Campbell is in fact the evil genius hiding in their PR department.

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How do you know its coming though? I havent been paying attention to 1.3, because I know its not going to be,anytime soon. And yeah... Owpvp is dead already. I swear the engine cannot handle it. Should see all the arcane trickery I do to play this damn game on my laptop.


I don't know its coming. I said I "bet it is". I dunno, here in the Midwest, that usually means "I think it is" or "it might be".


Also, the HERO engine can handle 200v200. BioWare got the unfinished version all those years ago and finished it themselves. I bet the revamp includes making the engine handle what it's supposed to handle.

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I hate having to go somewhere else to find information they don't post here.

This exactly.


Pretty much any information I get on the game comes from third party sites. The community is begging for updates on their plans for 1.3, and they instead reveal tidbits to the interviews on IGN, etc.


Granted, they know we will end up finding them, but thankfully there are people who post their finds here or alot of us would be in the dark even more than we are now. The official site is ironically the last place I check for updates on the game. >_>

Edited by Abominant
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ToR is a success as long as subscribers are paying their monthly fees. After my two accounts are up in July, my son and I will have to decide if it worth 30 dollars a month, mean time, I pre odered two copies of guild wars 2. If Tor not our cup of tea, i'm all set for another game with my son.


This seems to be a pretty common theme.


Most people, whether hopeful that this game continues or not, are simply making preperations for other things.


Personally I've played less ToR than the time I've spent on the forums in the last week, and I've played more Baldur's Gate 2 than the time I've spent on the forums, so, it's pretty sad that a single player game that is more than a decade old has pushed this premium subscription MMO to my back burner. Oh well!


I'm sure one of the clinical psychologists on these forums would simply say that my interests have changed, that other things are tugging at me and pulling me away from this particular activity, and that I'm just burnt out on the game and so on.


The reality is a bit different though.

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I don't know its coming. I said I "bet it is". I dunno, here in the Midwest, that usually means "I think it is" or "it might be".


Also, the HERO engine can handle 200v200. BioWare got the unfinished version all those years ago and finished it themselves. I bet the revamp includes making the engine handle what it's supposed to handle.


Technically it could. But based on their patch record an engine revamp seems out of the question at this point. from my experiences in the cs forums the engine can handle it if they tailor the environment, equipment, models, and animations to be as minimal as possible, and they did not. The recurring sound problems have something to do with the 8 channel limitation on the engine, which is a little ironic considering the sound was a huge part of this game. If you want, dig through the forums and find posts about improving performance, the coding of the engine is ... Odd. Its not even 64 bit. If you watch the open processes youll note it has two open processes..


also, if you remove the art-

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Well, I don't have any issues with the smoothness, personally. I have have everything on high, except AA is off.


You're lucky. I have a relatively junk system which should run tor fine, but introduce more than 8 people in,one space and it starts chugging. Ilum was literally sub 1 fps until I found the art_fx workaround, and then that broke my ship map.


The general concensus is the engine or biowares implementation of it is awful.


Fun fact: spam you inventory button and watch your system chug.

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Actually I do not care about numbers posted anywhere by anybody. I care about my own experience. And that says this: I have been with this game since beta. It was well populated, even crowded at times. Now it's almost been half a year since launch...and populations are dropping. At least on my server. And mine is still always one of the most populated ones on the list, with populations at Standard.


We have 10-30 people on fleet during daytime and 50-70 during peek play times at the evenings. Finding groups takes ages now, q-pops for PvP get longer every single day...when SWTOR launched we had instant pops, now we have to wait up to 1.5 HOURS to get a pop LOL...


Anybody who tries to tell me, that recent game releases (especially just now Diablo 3) did NOT take people away from SWTOR is just blind. Or doesn't want to see reality. I don't know. I am sure this will get even worse once Guild Wars 2 comes out. And this is not some troll - I love the game and won't unsubscribe. I support SWTOR and will keep doing so. But I do see drastic population drops from launch day up to now and that can not be denied -shrug-

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You're lucky. I have a relatively junk system which should run tor fine, but introduce more than 8 people in,one space and it starts chugging. Ilum was literally sub 1 fps until I found the art_fx workaround, and then that broke my ship map.


The general concensus is the engine or biowares implementation of it is awful.


Fun fact: spam you inventory button and watch your system chug.


I also love how it chugs for half a second when you dismount your speeder and your companion spawns... it is even worse on the wifes system, she fully locks for like 1 second.

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I also love how it chugs for half a second when you dismount your speeder and your companion spawns... it is even worse on the wifes system, she fully locks for like 1 second.


Snicker, yeah, the swtHEROr engine is awesome. In, short, jc, I would not be expecting large scale owpvp anytime soon. You may quote me on that.

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Mindspore: Any update on Ranked Warzones in 1.3?


Daniel: Ranked Warzones is on track for 1.3. All the heavy lifting (ratings, group persistence exiting warzones, etc) is done and right now we are working through some emergent conflicts with Group Finder and the process of queuing for multiple activities at once with multiple temporary groups.


There we are. (Tentatively) On track for 1.3.

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Mindspore: Any update on Ranked Warzones in 1.3?


Daniel: Ranked Warzones is on track for 1.3. All the heavy lifting (ratings, group persistence exiting warzones, etc) is done and right now we are working through some emergent conflicts with Group Finder and the process of queuing for multiple activities at once with multiple temporary groups.


There we are. (Tentatively) On track for 1.3.


thats heartening. Hopefully we'll see my server become a little more lively. I lso hope they actually test the patch this time with real 50s.e

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Last year I was working late one night (I was salary so no overtime paid) I usually work like 8-5 it was around 8pm at night. I was trying to get some things finished up on a project and was planning on staying until around midnight. Rather than go home, I just jumped into WoW to play with my son for an hour or so and then get back to work.


My boss walks into my office (My computer faced away from the door) and asks me "What are you working on right now?"


I replied "Nothing, I am playing video games at the moment" There's this long pause... and he says "Yeah haha funny but seriously what are you working on?" I spin my laptop around and say "See it's a video game, I am playing with my son before he has to go to bed, and since I am staying late tonight, and skipped both lunch and dinner I am taking an hour to hang out with my son. I can instead go home like everyone else at 5 if you like and let you finish what I was working on, then you know, I won't be playing a video game at work."


He ponders it for a few seconds and said "Naw, you go ahead and do whatever you need to do"

Nice ...
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The bottom line is that the game hasn't acquired its polish yet. When WoW first came out it was nothing like it is today. Time will make this game great. I don't think it will ever get as high as big as WoW because WoW came first (as first greatly successful MMO) and set the tone for the MMO world, but I think this game will cement its place as #2 MMO.
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Saturday night prime time and 1 server very heavy, 1 heavy, like 4 or 5 standard and the rest light, not really the success they are saying it is from my point of view, and i like the game but low pop is killing it for a lot of people still trying to stick it out. Oh and before the re-roll people come out, its not an option when you have already leveled every class to 50. Advanced classes don't really count as it's the same story
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Saturday night prime time and 1 server very heavy, 1 heavy, like 4 or 5 standard and the rest light, not really the success they are saying it is from my point of view, and i like the game but low pop is killing it for a lot of people still trying to stick it out. Oh and before the re-roll people come out, its not an option when you have already leveled every class to 50. Advanced classes don't really count as it's the same story


9 standard, but yeah. Once everyone gets tired of D3, though (here in about two weeks), that will go back up.

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