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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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I'm more active on the forums than the game lol.


I'm sure it's like that for a lot of peeps.




Only on a slow work day! :)


When I am at home I don't post on the forums, I play the game! :eek:



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yes SWTOR is a success just like Facebook's IPO was a success.... millions of suckers with star wars in their eyes thought it was goinfg to be great, me included.

oh wait no, I got wise before the facbook fiasco... but not early enough to avoid the SWTOR one

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were you here launch day? it was a disaster... thats why we have 2million servers and todays current problem of one person per server. yes im exaggerating a little but you should get it.


Actually, SWTOR was a very successful launch compared to WoW, SWG, MxO and AO for instance. You could actually play on launch day in SWTOR the other games I mentioned not so much.


I do agree that in a move to keep Queue size small to many servers were stood up. BW has hinted that they could increase the level cap of a server. The question is why didn't they use that ability more during the first few weeks to control the queue size? I understand they used it in combination with standing up more servers? But, as we can see in the end too many servers were stood up.


I hope we get all this transfer and server merge out of the way by summers end. I stated in another thread that I wasn't effected by low population servers but, the 2 primary servers I play on Shadow Hand (Imperial) and The Shadowlands (Republic) have gone from a consitant Standard to light for the past 3 days. Some of the guilds I am in tha used to have at least 30 members on at one time are now down to maybe 5 as of this week. I no longer think D3 is the only reason that this is happening.

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Swtor a success... That must be why my server went from Full during early access to light (dead) at the present time. The story in swtor is so interesting that people after making eight characters on a server decide to reroll on another server just to do the same story again.


Every time I see one of these <insert fail here> is a success, I am reminded of the blotched execution in the movie "The Green Mile" It was a successful execution.

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who cares if the game is a financial success or not? If you like it you'll play it if you don't you don't, it's not that freaking hard. Just because in this facebook and youtubechannel generation every idiot thinks his opinion should be heard somewhere doesn't mean they're right. Like anyone is going to quit or keep their subscription based on some mofos forum post, are you *********** kidding me? Gosh, that's what you get when parents stop beating some sense into their children and make them believe that everything they think of or feel they have to say actually matters -.-


^^So much truth in this!



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This isn't your type of game then :) no harm meant. Move to a crazy raid fest then :p


Posts like this are not helpful. You obviously didn't read what he wrote closely. Let me help you out here.


What you're getting out of the game (and partially what I enjoy as well hence 4 50's) is not what the MAJORITY of the MMO community enjoys. PvP and Raiding = MMO's of today. There's no avoiding that fact.


AS you can see he actually likes leveling alts ( as do I ), he was just stating what seems to be what the majority of people playing MMORPGs today seem to be looking for in an MMORPG.


Seriously, you are not helping "trolling" for the fanboiz. :rolleyes:

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Prediction: Server Transfers will stop the bleed, hold subs steady.


After 1.4, and possibly 1.5, all these MMOers who really should not play an MMO until it's a year old will be back, and subs will rise. And there seems to be a LOT of them. Most people on this forum, for example, should really stay away from MMOs at launch.


Overly optimistic? Maybe, but I don't think so.


I plan on coming back in a year. I do think a lot will be fixed. I guess I bought into the hype. For me SSWTOR is a lesson learned. I will never ever buy another game until it has been out for at least 6 months. I think there is some (a lot) of good in this game. But, for me, the launch should have had everyhthing they have now and plan on having in 1.3. Also: lag, fps, unable to support world pvp (in Alterac valley i have 20v20 in 1 room full aeo and effect=0 lag ---Ilum 1 FPS in an open world), ability delay , 8 man wz q, better persistant queues, and wierd camera mouse tracking. I pray all of tese things are resolved or, in one year, my sub will only be a 1 month sub.

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I plan on coming back in a year. I do think a lot will be fixed. I guess I bought into the hype. For me SSWTOR is a lesson learned. I will never ever buy another game until it has been out for at least 6 months. I think there is some (a lot) of good in this game. But, for me, the launch should have had everyhthing they have now and plan on having in 1.3. Also: lag, fps, unable to support world pvp (in Alterac valley i have 20v20 in 1 room full aeo and effect=0 lag ---Ilum 1 FPS in an open world), ability delay , 8 man wz q, better persistant queues, and wierd camera mouse tracking. I pray all of tese things are resolved or, in one year, my sub will only be a 1 month sub.


Yeah, I'm sure the fact that BioWare bought a skeleton engine that wasn't even done has to do with that. The HERO engine, itself, can actually handle 200v200. Maybe it'll get worked out to its actual potential soon. In fact, that's probably part of the current open-world PvP revamp, but I don't know because they won't freaking talk about it!!! :mad:


Oops.. :o Yeah, sore spot for me....

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I love it that on rare occasions the mods can have a sense of humor.


And it is VERY rare. They also don't seem to get sarcasim much. I think we may have to make a sarcasim sign for them like Lenard had to do for Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory. :D

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I just wanted to ask (not trolling, really, I just wanna know) - SWTOR has 218 servers right? And 1.3 mil players. That means about 6k players/each server. Are they invisible? O_o


OK this made me LOL litterally! :D

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I am sure the servers are not as dead as everyone is saying.. I am sure they just look at the server list and see their server as lightly populated and think their server is dead..


Shadow Hand and The Shadowlands have gone from Standard to light for the past few days during primetime. I play on those primarily and I only see a few other players when out questing (used to have to compete for mobs to complete quests). My Guild on Shadow Hand has currently 202 "characters" in it. I have seen for the past 2 weeks at most 5 "characters" on at one time in prime time with an average of 2 (and that includes me).


The servers are dead and or dieing or as Teemor said above maybe everyone is just invisible. :rolleyes:

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The servers are dead and or dieing or as Teemor said above maybe everyone is just invisible. :rolleyes:


Please refrain from saying servers are dead just beacuse your one server is dead. Yes there are multiple empty servers but quite a lot a far from dead

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Please refrain from saying servers are dead just beacuse your one server is dead. Yes there are multiple empty servers but quite a lot a far from dead


Call it as I see it. I am not one to be saying the servers are dead but this week things changed on Shadow Hand and The Shadowlands. THIS WEEK. Last week they were solid standard during prime time. Now they are light?


The two servers I named used to have way more poeple in all the different zones. I don't think the launch of D3 is the only reason that these two servers have pretty much died. They used to be some of the more popular servers.


So yeah d-e-a-d .... Dead! :mad:

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Please refrain from saying servers are dead just beacuse your one server is dead. Yes there are multiple empty servers but quite a lot a far from dead


So your claim that the majority of the Light servers are far from dead has more substance than his claim that the majority of the Light servers are dead?

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A MMO is only as successful as it's current state, it is an ever living and evolving entity that is constantly under the scrutiny of its paying and active users.


No matter how well it launches, if it fails to maintain the momentum or improve over the following months, it is not a success. 6 months into a MMO's life is usually an indication of whether the game will continue to "succeed" under its current state or make plans to transition to a different payment form.


A successful MMO should be gaining subscribers or hold them steady, not lose them and have a decrease in concurrent users at all times. Growth is absolutely essential to a MMO due to the nature of the content and the emphasis on "massively multiplayer". If there isn't a "massive" amount of players, the game can no longer be a MMO, and content can no longer be accessed as readily and enjoyed, leading to a decline of quality for the users.

The usage of server transfers and mergers only delay the problem, not fixes them, as the problem is why people are leaving, not just about how many of them are left.


Those are the facts, and the problem with online games, especially MMOs.


SWTOR is NOT growing, that is a fact.

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Kudos on the attempt at Areopagus! However, I'll have to disagree. The philosophers and listeners that frequented the Areopagus were well-known for their open-mindedness. That is definitely not the case here...


Agora (marketplace), not the Areopagus (Field of Mars - where the infantry assembled).

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Call it as I see it. I am not one to be saying the servers are dead but this week things changed on Shadow Hand and The Shadowlands. THIS WEEK. Last week they were solid standard during prime time. Now they are light?


I think it is D3. Nothing else has changed in that period of time.

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Agora (marketplace), not the Areopagus (Field of Mars - where the infantry assembled).


St. Paul, who wrote in greek, clearly used Areopagus in his writings. So it is correct.

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