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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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Am I the ultimate authority here? Should you believe me, and no other SWTOR author? Hardly. Play the game, judge for yourself; decide if you want to keep playing, and paying.


Playing the game. Enjoying it very much. Guild did the +10 Datacron last night. Had fun.


A bit displeased with crafting, specifically mission yields and RE, but that is about it.


Don't care about what arm chair developers say, what numbers are or are not playing. I'm having fun.


Thanks for the post.

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I just wanted to ask (not trolling, really, I just wanna know) - SWTOR has 218 servers right? And 1.3 mil players. That means about 6k players/each server. Are they invisible? O_o


First of all, they're not spread evenly across those 218 servers, and secondly, it's probably less than a million now, and thirdly not all active subs are people that actually log into the game very regularly, and, of course, fourthly the players that do still play do not all play concurrently.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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If everybody who said 'the game is a success' or 'the game is a failure' just added 'for me' to the end of their statement It would mean there would be a hell of a lot less trolling and grade school economics on the forum.




Would'nt be nearly as amusing to read the forum though!! :rak_05:






It has been amusing to see some of the attempted math here, I'll admit. This is a more successful math problem that I've seen here:


If I had 10 ice cubes and you have 11 apples, how many pancakes will fit on the roof? ANSWER: Purple, because aliens don't wear hats.



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Playing the game. Enjoying it very much. Guild did the +10 Datacron last night. Had fun.


A bit displeased with crafting, specifically mission yields and RE, but that is about it.


Don't care about what arm chair developers say, what numbers are or are not playing. I'm having fun.


Thanks for the post.


you are welcome sir

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If it's a success, then why:


a) am I unsubscribing tomorrow?

b) does the game require twice the GPU/CPU processing power of any other MMO on the market while looking at least thrice as bad?

c) are most of the servers D.E.A.D?

d) do you have to post a TL;DR topic defending it? If it's a success, shouldn't it be obvious without posts like this? (Gonna list a non-MMO game here but anyway.) EVE Online is a success in its own right, it's the one and only space simulation MMO, no apologist posts like this required there. WoW is a success, it still has over 10 million active subscribers, no apologetic posts like this required there. Diablo 3 is a success, it's the fastest selling PC game of all time, and guess what? No apologetic posts like this required there. This game has lost around 25% of its peak subscriber amount in less than half a year. In. Less. Than. Half. A. Year.

e) did BioWare have to layoff a huge portion of their TOR staff?

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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I just wanted to ask (not trolling, really, I just wanna know) - SWTOR has 218 servers right? And 1.3 mil players. That means about 6k players/each server. Are they invisible? O_o


Concurrency. It's not a difficult concept. Unless, of course, you expect all subscribers to play at the same time, all the time.

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It has been amusing to see some of the attempted math here, I'll admit. This is a more successful math problem that I've seen here:


If I had 10 ice cubes and you have 11 apples, how many pancakes will fit on the roof? ANSWER: Purple, because aliens don't wear hats.




Haha, trust me, that is much better thought out and constructed than some of the rubbish that is being spewed by most of the armchair wannabe economists and analysts around here to back up their wild claims as to how EA is making/losing millions. If I want hard numbers on a company the last place I would bother going is to a game forum!

Edited by Lurchy
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Concurrency. It's not a difficult concept. Unless, of course, you expect all subscribers to play at the same time, all the time.


Very true but it would be somewhat blinkered to not also say that a substantial portion of those subs are paid up but inactive accounts

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The game was a success at launch. But since then it has been all down hill. No one can say its not. If people are actually saying the game is still a success including Bioware, then you are calling your own self a blind idiot liar. Last night I logged on, 2 servers heavy, 6 standerd, and over 100 light. Don't take my word for it. See for yourself. The game is falling apart so fast it's scary. Now some people will read this post and say I don't know what I am talking about the game is fine. Like I said don't take my word for it, look for yourself. Bottom line is, Bioware did the righ thing by adding all those servers at the beginning, but now there is no need for all of them and they are taking way to long to address the problem. So what if they are doin free chara transfers, that is just wastin time because guess what, they will have to shut down servers anyway. So just get it over with now. Not at the end of the year, now.
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If it's a success, then why:


a) am I unsubscribing tomorrow? Because u no longer wish to play has no effect on the general sucess or failure of any MMO

b) does the game require twice the GPU/CPU processing power of any other MMO on the market while looking at least thrice as bad? again your opinion many people like the graphics and the prosessing power may be used due to the engine its made on or the VO but u are right it is a tad anoying but not a game breaker

c) are most of the servers D.E.A.D? because there are to many as its been discussed at leangth yes a mistake on biowares part for adding 200+ servers to meet open day demand but if fans didnt cry like little babies over having to que then we wouldnt have this problem

d) do you have to post a TL;DR topic defending it? If it's a success, shouldn't it be obvious without posts like this? (Gonna list a non-MMO game here but anyway.) EVE Online is a success in its own right, it's the one and only space simulation MMO, no apologist posts like this required there. WoW is a success, it still has over 10 million active subscribers, no apologetic posts like this required there. Diablo 3 is a success, it's the fastest selling PC game of all time, and guess what? No apologetic posts like this required there. This game has lost around 25% of its peak subscriber amount in less than half a year. In. Less. Than. Half. A. Year. Diablo 3 had half its copys given away and isnt a real MMO so why are you even comparing it shall we put COD and halo into these equastions to?

as for wow and eve yes eve is the only space sim mmo so theres no where else to go and WoW was and will allways be a fluke

e) did BioWare have to layoff a huge portion of their TOR staff? Bioware is a huge company can u say with 100% certainty that all the layofs were in TOR department alone?

It was inevitable that at least some of the extended BioWare staff working on SWTOR would lose their jobs eventually. By the time the game was completed in December, the staff had swollen to over 800 people spread across BioWare’s studios in Texas, Quebec, and Alberta. EA spent over $200 million developing the game. Even if subscribers weren’t abandoning the game at an alarming rate in the months following its release, BioWare and EA would still have needed to cut staff. It’s the unfortunate mercenary nature of the entertainment business, not just video games.

ansers in yellow
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Haha, trust me, that is much better thought out and constructed than some of the rubbish that is being spewed by most of the armchair wannabe economists and analysts around here to back up their wild claims as to how EA is making/losing millions. If I want hard numbers on a company the last place I would bother going is to a game forum!


I agree, I would go straight to the EA Q4 2012 Financial Results: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1876954167x0x566945/3aaa2f1a-342b-4cbc-b067-c974f720ecc1/EA_News_2012_5_7_General.pdf


Q4 2012 Results

Revenue: $1,368 million

Net income: $400 million

Net profit margin: $400 / $1,368 = +29%


Another interesting tidbit:


Year-over-year change PC Platform revenue: +95%


You were saying?

Edited by Kthx
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because of to many people like you complaining at lauch that there where too long que's. they opened to many servers and spread population to thin. wich has a negative effect on the whole server population


Yeah, Iron_lord!

You and your complaining brethren... It's all your fault!

It has absolutely nothing to do with bad management and a woefully lacking game whatsoever!

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Very true but it would be somewhat blinkered to not also say that a substantial portion of those subs are paid up but inactive accounts


His numbers don't show that. In fact, I don't know of any way to demonstrate what share of subscriptions are "inactive". When 1.2 launched and the Rakghoul Plague, there was a huge uptick in concurrent players, that many would probably have counted as "inactive." All inactive means is that you've selected to stop recurring payments: There is no way to measure the future intent of that subscriber.


Consequently, I think there are two numbers of interest:


- Server population counts: Difficult to obtain. The best, but certainly not perfect, estimate are the average server population estimates provided by Scorpienne. These measure the level of player activity and affect enjoyment for those who want to play in groups or play PvP.


- Subcription numbers, using the EA definition of "active subscriber". Easy to obtain (but only on a quarterly basis). These measure the revenue potential of the game and therefore its long term health in terms of the ability of obtaining financial support, funding content improvements, etc.


The two numbers are linked, obviously.

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I agree, I would go straight to the EA Q4 2012 Financial Results: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1876954167x0x566945/3aaa2f1a-342b-4cbc-b067-c974f720ecc1/EA_News_2012_5_7_General.pdf


Q4 2012 Results

Revenue: $1,368 million

Net income: $400 million

Net profit margin: $400 / $1,368 = +29%


Another interesting tidbit:


Year-over-year change PC Platform revenue: +95%


You were saying?


Is it a prediction?

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His numbers don't show that. In fact, I don't know of any way to demonstrate what share of subscriptions are "inactive". When 1.2 launched and the Rakghoul Plague, there was a huge uptick in concurrent players, that many would probably have counted as "inactive." All inactive means is that you've selected to stop recurring payments: There is no way to measure the future intent of that subscriber.


Consequently, I think there are two numbers of interest:


- Server population counts: Difficult to obtain. The best, but certainly not perfect, estimate are the average server population estimates provided by Scorpienne. These measure the level of player activity and affect enjoyment for those who want to play in groups or play PvP.


- Subcription numbers, using the EA definition of "active subscriber". Easy to obtain (but only on a quarterly basis). These measure the revenue potential of the game and therefore its long term health in terms of the ability of obtaining financial support, funding content improvements, etc.


The two numbers are linked, obviously.


I sign up for a month and then unsub right away. You never know when you need a few days' break from a game to keep it fresh. Also saves a buck or two =P

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I suspect that if BioWare/EA were honest we'd find out that the number of currently active (paying) subs has dipped below 1 million at this point (Mine is cancelled even though my time hasn't run out as are a LOT of other players I know). I suspect if they were really honest and reported the number of unique logons we'd find that that is somewhere south of 700,000 at this point.


Is the game 'doomed'? No... but server transfers/merges/whatever need to happen very soon or the downward spiral will continue. I'm not re-rolling again. I re-rolled twice to try to stay on populated servers so that I could enjoy the fact that this is an MMO not a single player game and I'm not going to re-roll again which is why I cancelled. On my exit interview/survey the lack of players on my server was my number 1 choice any time I had the option to choose it.


I agree that there's a lot of folks who over state problems but trying to slap rose-colored glasses on and say 'everything is fine' is also stupid. The game has a single, major, issue: Low server populations. this makes every other flaw in the game (lack of LFG tool... poor end game content... etc) BIGGER because there's just nobody around to play with. On the few servers with solid populations (because everyone is re-rolling to them) this isn't as big a deal but on the servers that have become empty parking lots? It's huge.

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I agree, I would go straight to the EA Q4 2012 Financial Results: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1876954167x0x566945/3aaa2f1a-342b-4cbc-b067-c974f720ecc1/EA_News_2012_5_7_General.pdf


Q4 2012 Results

Revenue: $1,368 million

Net income: $400 million

Net profit margin: $400 / $1,368 = +29%


Another interesting tidbit:


Year-over-year change PC Platform revenue: +95%


You were saying?


That I would source directly from sites such as that, or more accurately I would get one of my anaysts to do it.

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This article was posted on a blog called "ToR Wars"...


And I am supposed to take it serious?


I mean, you might as well just put a




warning on it.

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