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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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This game isn't a financial success, EA didn't bank roll this product with the hope that it would break even. They paid for a MMO that would last a decade and spawn numerous expansions. What they got was a one and done release with a dwindling costumer base after six months. There's far more then just money invested here. Man hours spent on this game could have been used to make 2 to 3 different games that would have been far more profitable then breaking even especially using Biowares name to hype the product.


Best case scenario from all this? James Ohlen, George Zoeller, and Gabe Amatangelo may never get another MMO development job. Thats the only silver lining from the TORtanic.

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And in contradiction to the OP's linked article here is one stating how empty a lot of the servers are:




Report: Average Old Republic server has less than 350 players online

by Andrew Yoon, May 24, 2012 12:00pm PDT

Related Topics – Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare, Electronic Arts, PC, MMO, Star Wars Series

Although it launched to great fanfare, it's clear that The Old Republic is struggling. Electronic Arts revealed a startling drop of 25 percent of its subscriber base since launch, and has since announced layoffs at BioWare Austin, the team behind the expensive MMO. But, how dire is the situation, really?


One dedicated fan wanted to find out exactly how many people are on The Old Republic's servers. "What is going to happen when server transfers go live," SWTOR user Scorpienne asked. "How many people are on which servers?"



According to Scorpienne's calculations, the "Total Estimated Worldwide Population of all servers" for the past two weeks is 73,693. That figure simply represents the average number of people logged in at a given time, not the total number of players that have logged in over the two week period. "It's probable that not every player is logged in all the time," the report clarifies.


The most populated server on SWTOR appears to be The Fatman, with an average of 2006 players at any given time. This "theoretical average population" is simply an average however, and Scorpienne notes that it "underestimates the peak population and overestimates the off-peak population." However, with 214 servers currently active, the less popular servers are especially empty. In fact, the average server will have only 344 players at any given time (more for RP PvP, less for PvP).


With players so spaced out, it's clear that server consolidations must happen. No wonder one fan of the game jokingly described The Old Republic as "the best single player game on the market."


I'm failing to see how it's a contradiction to TORWars' article...

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Wow, that is a horrible, completely biased article. It reads like it was written by a 3 year old.


I'm sorry, I also agree that SWTOR wasn't a "failure" but whomever wrote that article, they are so far off in denial its crazy.

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Wow, that is a horrible, completely biased article. It reads like it was written by a 3 year old.


I'm sorry, I also agree that SWTOR wasn't a "failure" but whomever wrote that article, they are so far off in denial its crazy.


Hehe, for someone who thinks SWTOR "wasn't" a failure, you sure speak about it in the past tense... :p

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Hehe, for someone who thinks SWTOR "wasn't" a failure, you sure speak about it in the past tense... :p


Its not "financially" a failure.


Artistically, technically and otherwise is a different story.


And DAMN they closed my topic about cat food.

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For over 100 mil in dev costs, I don't see a 100 mil product.


Maybe I am missing something but I suspect many features were killed off halfway through development.


You know they have/had a staff of like 800 people working on this game right? for what? 5 years?


Thats ~30 MILLION dollars a year based of the average salary. 150 million right there EASY.


People have no idea how expensive just PAYING your employees is.


That doesnt include equipment costs, building costs, "fringe" costs etc.

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Box Sales don't translate into a 100% into the pockets of the game developer. Game cards or Credit card payments also don't translate into 100% profit. There is also whatever needs to be kicked back to Lucas Arts, employees and all sorts of other overheads not being taken into account. Like you know the store selling the game buys it for much less than they sell it. :rolleyes:


Are people right about their servers being low population. I've seen mine with 10-20 level 50's online and total server pop of 60-70....


You're post is all kinds of wrong for lack of basis in reality.

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Pretty much all do. LOTRO and Rift have pretty impressive ones, as did SWG.


EQ1 back in 1999 had plain evil night orginally if you were a human, it was litterally so dark many people couldn't play at "night" without carrying a lightsource (actually you could just mess around with your gamma, but it was true horror for new players :)).


lol, we remember that,

everything is so dark, not even have a moon light.

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It did fail. Its a great game which targeted an audience who wanted a raiding MMO instead of a great story-driven game. They should have just made KOTOR3 and targeted the people who actually wanted to play a story-driven RPG. But this game has good endgame, so it doesn't make sense to me. Edited by Lu_Bei
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The game did fail, it promised so much, even after release, and didn't give hardly anything!


Right now, Bioware NEEDS to merge their servers, consolidate the player base they still have, otherwise they'll just be stomping it into the ground, even more-so...


If they don't do this, the game will fail, even more-so


I complained about a lot of things, because I truly wanted the game to be good, I love star wars, and used to love Bioware, but after this debacle, I HIGHLY doubt I'll ever buy an EA or Bioware game again...


They're just making it worse for themselves with every patch... not to mention the non-existent customer service!


The server transfers will not magically make more people play so that you can even run a FP, it will make it so that the 'high pop' servers have even less on them... making it even worse, and everyone will just re-roll or pay transfer back... wouldn't have to deal with ANY of this kind of BS if they would just merge the servers and this game would then actually feel/be an MMO... seeing a max of 20 people of the fleet is NOT an MMO! If anything it's an ORPG that you may see someone... if you're lucky... and it's the 'right time of day' ... give me a break

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Success, depends on who you are talking to.


2.4m sales , success

1.7m subs at the time, maybe still successful

1.3m subs, I'm guessing not successful against EA expectation.


Now, populations continue to decrease on all servers, as such you'd be hard pushed to find someone who considers this a current success. This does not automatically imply failure though.

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Am I the ultimate authority here? Should you believe me, and no other SWTOR author? Hardly. Play the game, judge for yourself; decide if you want to keep playing, and paying.


Oh, and don’t feed the trolls.


creds to the original author at torwars



EDIT: i agree with those who say, that complaining is not trolling, i have never said i agree with every part of this article.

On the BF3 forum i was complaining all the time beacuse of the false marketing etc....

But we gotta admit that there are a lot of haters on the forums, not only here but on every forum who only use the forums they post in to generate hate.


do u work in Bioware?

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do u work in Bioware?


For posting a TORWars article? :confused:


TORWars.com has been around for a while now, invited with other fansites like DarthHater to all the summits and events. What's wrong with posting an article from there?


Just wondering.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I wasted 10 seconds composing a reply. That wall of text had to have taken him at least half an hour to put together. Who exactly came out of this with more of their time wasted?


The OP copy pasted it from another site, took him 5 seconds... Now thats a pro Troll my friend:rak_05::rak_05::rak_05::rak_05:

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EDIT: i agree with those who say, that complaining is not trolling, i have never said i agree with every part of this article.


Complaining is not trolling, but constant talking how it's failure and everyone should abandon it is, or even something worse.


Not everyone uses common sense when deciding what they should think about game, so when everyone around and their dogs tell them game sucks, they ignore fact that they are enjoying themselves and run away.


If you have to wait 2 hours for warzone to pop, and all this time you complain how your server is dead, be carefull, because someone may belive you and next time it'll be 4h wait. Negative attitude does not help people enjoy game, and will never help in making game better.

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The game did fail, it promised so much, even after release, and didn't give hardly anything!


Right now, Bioware NEEDS to merge their servers, consolidate the player base they still have, otherwise they'll just be stomping it into the ground, even more-so...


If they don't do this, the game will fail, even more-so



u see u have proven the point of the OP u like many others claim it has failed yet further down u say it will fail.


the point i got from it was that people use the word fail way to much, people say LOTR failed STO failed yet others say it has gotten better since going FTP.


so right now this game has issues but to claim it is dead failed broken beyond repari ect is just stupid.

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