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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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It sounds like you're trying to say complaining isn't the same as trolling. Yet anyone who thinks this game has problems is a troll. Here's the bottom line: this game has serious problems and things will get much worse if server transfers are not added very soon. Besides, how can you blame people for being whiny? If these forums have taught me anything, it's that if you complain loudly enough, the developers will eventually give you what you want.


I think patting Bioware on the back for a "job well done" is more counter productive than positive at this point. This game has issues that needed to be fixed a month ago. Bioware doesn't need your superficial praise, all they care about is your money. Keep your sub if you love the game so much. But don't bash people who have legitimate problems because you think it gets you karma with the developer.


Just because you probably play on a high pop server doesn't mean these problems aren't real to the rest of us.

Edited by LKaras
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All things aside.


- SWTOR still IS the second biggest sub based MMO in the world

- SWTOR made a profit for EA/Bioware


As such, it is a success.


MMO success rate is defined by its longevity; not on hyped sales that didn't deliver.


Unless you want to consider the first 5 months a successful failure, then sure...

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It sounds like you're trying to say complaining isn't the same as trolling. Yet anyone who thinks this game has problems is a troll. Here's the bottom line: this game has serious problems and things will get much worse if server transfers are not added very soon. Besides, how can you blame people for being whiny? If these forums have taught me anything, it's that if you complain loudly enough, the developers will eventually give you what you want.


I think patting Bioware on the back for a "job well done" is more counter productive than positive at this point. This game has issues that needed to be fixed a month ago. Bioware doesn't need your superficial praise, all they care about is your money. Keep your sub if you love the game so much. But don't bash people who have legitimate problems because you think it gets you karma with the developer.


Just because you probably play on a high pop server doesn't mean these problems aren't real to the rest of us.


thank you...well said sir

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All things aside.


- SWTOR still IS the second biggest sub based MMO in the world

- SWTOR made a profit for EA/Bioware


As such, it is a success.


**INITIALLY**(It was a success) People seem to leave that key phrase out. No one doubts that it opened amazingly, but then the cold, hard reality of it being terribly boring at 50 for *most* players started to set in. After the first wave of drops went, the next huge wave came when the Ranked Warzones // "Giving up" on Ilum information hit. (the no ranked warzones being the major one). At that point, any "hardcore" pvp'er was gone because really, what was the point? The free month only delayed the inevitable as most pvper's hoped that news of RW's would come... and it never did.


*Most* servers became ghost towns and bioware refused to admit that it needed to act fast and merge the dying servers. When they didn't do this, more people left. (I'm sure some just moved into another server to start over, but the majority left) Offering free transfers is only going to be effective for those who are still playing, I highly doubt anyone will come back. There's still no ranked warzones, legacy is a sham and the LFG being server only is a joke if the server they move to is not a "Heavy" population.


Initial Success. 6 months later, Not so much. (If you believe they're still at the 1.3 million mark, you're buying into their PR smoke screen. Look at your server list and count how many lights there are. That's 20 to 30 people max on fleet. (Not MMO numbers)

Edited by veyl
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Because bioware caved to the pressure at the start of overpopulated servers and made more. And now said complainers who said servers were overpopulated are now complaining that their servers are underpopulated.


See where im going with this?

Ohhhh yeah I see where you're going with this you're making stupid troll comments by generalizing. I never complained about overpopulated servers at beginning. Yet my server has a max of 6-10 on fleet at peak times 60-70 on entire server. And besides even if someone did complain about overpopulated servers. They had a right to complain then and a right to complain now.

Edited by Karabal
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who cares if the game is a financial success or not? If you like it you'll play it if you don't you don't, it's not that freaking hard. Just because in this facebook and youtubechannel generation every idiot thinks his opinion should be heard somewhere doesn't mean they're right. Like anyone is going to quit or keep their subscription based on some mofos forum post, are you *********** kidding me? Gosh, that's what you get when parents stop beating some sense into their children and make them believe that everything they think of or feel they have to say actually matters -.-
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who cares if the game is a financial success or not? If you like it you'll play it if you don't you don't, it's not that freaking hard. Just because in this facebook and youtubechannel generation every idiot thinks his opinion should be heard somewhere doesn't mean they're right. Like anyone is going to quit or keep their subscription based on some mofos forum post, are you *********** kidding me? Gosh, that's what you get when parents stop beating some sense into their children and make them believe that everything they think of or feel they have to say actually matters -.-


wooo wooo easy. no need to start beating children here. what you say matters just as much as the next person. now please hold for CPS....

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Initial Success. 6 months later, Not so much. (If you believe they're still at the 1.3 million mark, you're buying into their PR smoke screen. Look at your server list and count how many lights there are. That's 20 to 30 people max on fleet. (Not MMO numbers)


You make a good point. I've heard (don't know for a fact) that they are including weekend trials on their sub numbers to make them rosier than what they really are.

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You make a good point. I've heard (don't know for a fact) that they are including weekend trials on their sub numbers to make them rosier than what they really are.


they also included all the 30 day free subs, which by now alot have expired

Edited by tloops
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yes..yes it is a success. Those who do not like it, leave :)


BTW, the news about the book of the events happening RIGHT after all class stories ended, I believe THAT will be our first expansion. It will come out around the same time as the book and things like this will keep happening to get the game known more.


No, the game isn't failing...the sky isn't falling...people are just mad, sad trolls.


You don't like it..once again LEAVE!

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**INITIALLY**(It was a success) People seem to leave that key phrase out. No one doubts that it opened amazingly, but then the cold, hard reality of it being terribly boring at 50 for *most* players started to set in. After the first wave of drops went, the next huge wave came when the Ranked Warzones // "Giving up" on Ilum information hit. (the no ranked warzones being the major one). At that point, any "hardcore" pvp'er was gone because really, what was the point? The free month only delayed the inevitable as most pvper's hoped that news of RW's would come... and it never did.


*Most* servers became ghost towns and bioware refused to admit that it needed to act fast and merge the dying servers. When they didn't do this, more people left. (I'm sure some just moved into another server to start over, but the majority left) Offering free transfers is only going to be effective for those who are still playing, I highly doubt anyone will come back. There's still no ranked warzones, legacy is a sham and the LFG being server only is a joke if the server they move to is not a "Heavy" population.


Initial Success. 6 months later, Not so much. (If you believe they're still at the 1.3 million mark, you're buying into their PR smoke screen. Look at your server list and count how many lights there are. That's 20 to 30 people max on fleet. (Not MMO numbers)


It's a different type of mmo. You slow down...have fun, take your time leveling and listen to every piece of dialogue art. Immerse yourself in everything there is in the whole game. Endgame are alts because of the legacy system. Also, it will be even MORE of an advantage and fun getting alts because that's how the game is designed. The Legacy system is the endgame

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they also included all the 30 day free subs, which by now alot have expired


Im not so sure they did include the free month. First the free month kicked in after they took the sub count. Second people had to have been subbed to get that free month.


But they did count "active subs" and not just recurring subs which would actualy tell you who is paying to play the game.

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The best thread I've read on the TOR forums in a long time.


The funniest.


Fact is you can post anything you like but it does not alter the fact that only 1 server at peak weekend playtime in the entire European English speaking realm is heavy, the rest are mainly light with a few standard dotted around. So if you guys want to call this a success then far be it from me to get in the way, go have your party.


Oh and BTW even if they make a profit on SWTOR that does not constitute success. The fact is a SW MMO properly developed should and could easily corner the MMO market. I put SWTOR down as a massive failure that was badly managed and terribly executed, the devs lacked any vision, took little to no notice of the beta testers and certainly are clueless as to what makes a good MMO.


But carry on with your big success party.

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yes..yes it is a success. Those who do not like it, leave :)


BTW, the news about the book of the events happening RIGHT after all class stories ended, I believe THAT will be our first expansion. It will come out around the same time as the book and things like this will keep happening to get the game known more.


No, the game isn't failing...the sky isn't falling...people are just mad, sad trolls.


You don't like it..once again LEAVE!


what is this book of events you speak of?

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Yeah its the type of MMO that at most 500k people will want to play and thats being generous. Was the goal of Bioware to spend a bunch of money on a game that only star wars fanbois will play? They could have done that with a lot less money. The game did not and will not meet Bioware's intentions therefore its a failure. That a few people find it fun is irrelevant.
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yes..yes it is a success. Those who do not like it, leave :)


BTW, the news about the book of the events happening RIGHT after all class stories ended, I believe THAT will be our first expansion. It will come out around the same time as the book and things like this will keep happening to get the game known more.


No, the game isn't failing...the sky isn't falling...people are just mad, sad trolls.


You don't like it..once again LEAVE!


LOL They already have. That's why there's no one on fleet half the time and war zones have a 1hr que on most servers... If everyone leaves but the players that say say "leave if you don't like it", then the game would shut down. Your calling out people who are honest about there game experience trolls. That in fact makes you a troll for trying to insight a negative reaction with your post. Now you know what a real troll is and knowing is half the battle.

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The Legacy system is the endgame

i guess if that's how you measure the game, then we'd simply have to agree to disagree.


i'm actually quite curious to know how many people share your position.

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lol is that a joke,those listings have been there forever and probably will never be filled....compared to the number of layoffs ,this is nothing.


Actually, EA has also stated, when telling of the restructuring and layoff, that there will be more employees by the end of the year than before the layoffs. This really is a much-needed "restructuring".


I know, I know, that flies in the face of doomsaying, but it is what it is.

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If you like SWTOR right now your are a lunatic star wars fanboy and/or prob play at the Fatman.


How do you like this statement?


i like it and believe it to be true..i grew up on starwars and was a self proclaimed fanboy..this game was a huge let down for me.

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Yet Rift is just another MMO now, which is exactly the road being travelled by TOR. TOR has not had an impact in the MMO world. It has not even scratched WoW. But by all means, aspire to be Rift with its 250K subscribers.


Rift was an MMO made by a start-up company that cost roughly a third what TOR cost to make and didn't have the advantage of the Star Wars IP or Bioware's supposedly awesome reputation. Trion had to earn every single sub. Considering where they started and the fact no one had even heard of Rift 6 months before it released, their success is remarkable.


Considering where TOR started, the fact that it was backed by one of the most respected developers on earth and had the strongest IP in the world, this game should be giving WoW a run for its money. What it should not be doing is laying off hundreds of employees 5 months after release.


The only difference being that the senior World of Warcraft producer John Lagrave never glanced at Rift, yet he fully acknowledged TOR's impact on WoW.

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