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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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You bring up great points, but don't discount Quarterly Earnings reports, and EA's forecasts that were largely based around SWTOR. These are numbers that don't lie.


Click on the 6Month Chart - trading down nearly 50%


Article: EA beats Sales target, 'Star Wars' takes hit


Numbers don't lie. Roll on the Fatman server and take notice how many <50 characters there are, mainly because most of the SWTOR servers are dead and people had to reroll to even play the game. Once servers are merged and populations...exist... again, then I would imagine you would see the bleeding of subscriptions slow down, or maybe even rise a little. But the damage has been done. Cost cutting (aka layoffs) are now taking over to keep this game afloat on the development side. It's good that ToR still has 1million active users - that's higher than most games. Let's just hope this handicapped development team can right the ship, and we can all convince our friends to come back.



I can only assume you have an inability to read these articles, what I understand from these articles is that now is the time to buy EA Stock while it's still cheap!!!! 1.3million subs compared with the imagined 1.5million is a accountants nightmare not a gamers!

Although I would agree with the majority of Post in the forum that there are simply to many servers with to few players on, once this has been remedied, I'm sure most will enjoy the game more.

Edited by Dracmire
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cmon you have to admit only 73k people logged in at any given time is really sad for a MMO.

and then divide that by 120+ servers.


i'm surprised bioware hasn't just decreased the max pop allowed, so that more servers would show as "standard" and "heavy".. :p

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and then divide that by 120+ servers.


i'm surprised bioware hasn't just decreased the max pop allowed, so that more servers would show as "standard" and "heavy".. :p




try 224 and whilst you are about it maybe get a passport?

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TOR has been a success, overall. But the dead server complaint is valid. There are too many servers. Hell, there are nearly as many servers here as WoW has...and WoW host nearly 10x the population. I love TOR and have very few issues with the game (Dailies take too long and feel too mandatory for example), but a consolidation of servers definitely needs to be done.


I've not been logging into TOR as of late since D3 is out, but I plan on coming back once I burn out there (which after 2 acts into Nightmare....is starting to happen :p). I'm looking forward to 1.3 and hope the LFG system and server transfers help the problem some.


I don't think the game is in as bad a place as the more vocal players seem to think though. (Opinions are opinions however)

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I feel like i'm the only fan that SW:TOR has.

I feel like i'm the only one, having a good time.

The only one who's waiting for more....but patently.


Yes, you are a special snowflake. Bioware should give you a 2% rebate on all future legacy unlocks above a million credits for your loyalty.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Sometimes...when I read the general boards.


I feel like i'm the only fan that SW:TOR has.


I feel like i'm the only one, having a good time.


The only one who's waiting for more....but patently.i am waiting patiently also


I'm sorry but, I still feel like some, are tying to take this game away from me. :(the game wont be taken away 80% sure


But I don't understand why they want to do this.....tell me why?


dont get pessimist

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To the original poster, Bioware should be providing the content that players say they want. But, instead, they have repeatedly played the bait and switch game of over-hyping upcoming content and then either failing to deliver or delivering watered down versions. We keep telling them we want A...we want A, and they respond okay, we understand you want A so that's what we're going to give you; and then what they give us is over-hyped B or nothing at all. And the only reason we don't get A is because they have crunched the numbers and decided it will cut too much into their profit margin to spend the money to provide A. And up until now Bioware believed they were getting away with it and could ignore the complaints because they have plenty of people such as yourself shooting down all the honest criticism and patting Bioware on the back when they don't deserve it. But now the subscriptions numbers have -- surprise, surprise -- drastically tanked so much that Bioware can't ignore they are doing something drastically wrong. Hench the firing of people and the recent damage control dev posts on this forum. But despite that, here you are saying the sky really isn't falling, And the mere fact that you felt the need to start this thread in the first place shows that you really believe the opposite is true.


I hope Bioware can get their act together and turn this game around. They can start by delivering what they have already promised. But if SWTOR continues to die, it won't be because of the complainers; it will be because of people like you who give the devs a false sense of security by shooting down the complainers.

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I see it also. Thanks for your post.


I read that as you are taking the piss out of him?


I hope that is the case because then your post would be amusing, if its not the case though, in some ways that would be even funnier

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Thank you for these horrendous answers written in even more horrendous English. Facepalm to you, dear sir/madam.


His English was not bad, just his spelling was not terribly good but perfectly acceptable for a quickly typed fourm response.


What exactly did you find horrendous about his responses? Other than the fact that he dared to express an opinion that did not exactly match yours?


Why did you not defend your assertions from his responses?

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One friend and I unsubbed last night. We had another person tell us last night that they did not enjoy the game anymore (so I am assuming they are unsubbing). We have one other person in our guild who I am 100% certain will unsub if they have not already.


You can keep saying ToR is a success but until Bioware gets their act together I am not going to play or pay.


I am not playing WoW, either.

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Prediction: Server Transfers will stop the bleed, hold subs steady.


After 1.4, and possibly 1.5, all these MMOers who really should not play an MMO until it's a year old will be back, and subs will rise. And there seems to be a LOT of them. Most people on this forum, for example, should really stay away from MMOs at launch.


Overly optimistic? Maybe, but I don't think so.

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Prediction: Server Transfers will stop the bleed, hold subs steady.


After 1.4, and possibly 1.5, all these MMOers who really should not play an MMO until it's a year old will be back, and subs will rise. And there seems to be a LOT of them. Most people on this forum, for example, should really stay away from MMOs at launch.


Overly optimistic? Maybe, but I don't think so.


I think by January next year SWTOR will be comfortable. At the moment people are comparing SWTOR reality to the fantasy hype they feel about other games to come (TESO, GW2, TSW).. by next year we can compare the realities of each and SWTOR wont be bottom.. TERA will be bottom before SWTOR is. IMO ofc

Edited by corbanite
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Prediction: Server Transfers will stop the bleed, hold subs steady.


After 1.4, and possibly 1.5, all these MMOers who really should not play an MMO until it's a year old will be back, and subs will rise. And there seems to be a LOT of them. Most people on this forum, for example, should really stay away from MMOs at launch.


Overly optimistic? Maybe, but I don't think so.


mybe i am an idealist but i call you a realist

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