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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daniel Erickson reveals plan to merge into super-servers!


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So if in chat I type "/w Bob How's it hangging" and there 22 Bobs on the server, how does it know which Bob to send it to?


LoL the guy above me got in first :D


Sure in the database toons are not referenced by the name players see. Unique names are not really important for the software, they are important for the players. I wan't to know that the player I'm talking to is not some other random with the same name, there has to some sort of payer identifiable uniqueness to each player. I'm sure there is some soloution out there, but it not a simple thing. And no account name is not the answer, account names are email addresses that I don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing. Unique names are the simple solution to the problem.


EVE online allows multiple first names - they overcome this by coming the firstname and surname to form the full character name.


Out here in the real world, there are several people - even in my area with the same name that I have, yet most of the time - the mail comes to the correct mailbox. I'll leave you to figure out how that happens.


With TOR already utilizing a legacy name - they could easily combine the character name and legacy name to form the character's full name to avoid naming issues. I suspect that future MMOs will roll out using mega-server technology, so at some point - a dev crew is going to have to come up with an answer to common character names.


There are ways to accomplish this - in TOR, each of us could be assigned a "holo-frequency", which is referenced several times in quest dialog already - this would easily distinguish common character names by a "number" that fits Star Wars lore. The holo-frequency would simply be the number you share with people that wanted to send mail to you - this would accomplish the same thing our physical mailing address does in the real world. When sending an email to someone with a common name - the holo-frequency could be appended to the name when displayed in the drop down list. This will make more sense to those that have played EVE before.

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One other thing occurred to me, though. Naming issues on a merge. I wonder if simply allowing people to add a last name to character on creation (outside of the Legacy one) might help here, and as a side affect - give an added customization option. Edited by ProsaicProse
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One other thing occurred to me, though. Naming issues on a merge. I wonder if simply allowing people to add a last name to character on creation (outside of the Legacy one) might help here, and as a side affect - give an added customization option.


This is an excellent idea. I love my name, and I'd hate to lose it. XD

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Constructive criticism is fine, but blatant trolling of every single thread in this entire damn section is NOT okay, General Discussion is practically unusable without being overwhelmed by massive amounts of troll posts.


I’ve see next to no trolling on this forum since returning to the game. The vast majority of the “complaining” is about legitimate issues and the more noise people make the better chance that BW will wake up and smell the under-population. The most disruptive influence in these forums at the moment is the mass of fanboys who will defend the game and BW to the hilt, the ones who jump on any legitimate criticism as whining or complaining. A lot of people (including myself) are not happy with the current state of the game. The rational is not trolling, it’s “This game has potential, I currently think it’s under-delivering and doesn’t justify the monthly charge. However I’m hoping it’ll improve and I want to make some noise to let the devs know that a lot of us aren’t happy.”


Personally I’m quite frustrated with the game, I can see so much potential in there but rightly or wrongly I get the impression that the devs are a little delusional and think everything is fine. They should be looking at the *active* server population and asking themselves why so many people have stopped playing so soon.

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This is an excellent idea. I love my name, and I'd hate to lose it. XD


A lot of people are going to have to give up their names. You're just going to have to deal with it. In the grand scheme of things, other people to needing to change their names is a rather small price for me to pay.

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I think they maybe have some new technology available to them and they will create these super servers with a MASSIVE amount of people and will be optimized enough to handle it. Will be good for the game.
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I'm not sure what's worse, an empty server or an overcrowded server. It'll be interesting to see how their system handles the load.


Perhaps they have new technology available and will make giant awesome servers where loads of people are always in.

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This needs to happen sooner than later..I just hit 50 and I don't raid so I pvp. Takes almost 45 min to get a warzone and the match is usually 5 to 7 players one sided wins and loses. Going to finish leveling alts in mean time..but then what?
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Why are we learning this from another source?

You'd think that they would want to tell the community first hand about a potential resolution to such a hotly debated subject.

Or is that crazy talk?


They didn't call you? Was your phone ringtone turned down?

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A lot of people are going to have to give up their names. You're just going to have to deal with it. In the grand scheme of things, other people to needing to change their names is a rather small price for me to pay.


Yep, that's why I said I'd hate to lose it, but I won't complain if I have to change it. I was just agreeing with the previous suggestion that each person would have a separate last name aside from their legacy name. If that were the case, each person would have a unique three-name character.


A little excessive, though, I'm afraid.

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I’ve see next to no trolling on this forum since returning to the game. The vast majority of the “complaining” is about legitimate issues and the more noise people make the better chance that BW will wake up and smell the under-population. The most disruptive influence in these forums at the moment is the mass of fanboys who will defend the game and BW to the hilt, the ones who jump on any legitimate criticism as whining or complaining. A lot of people (including myself) are not happy with the current state of the game. The rational is not trolling, it’s “This game has potential, I currently think it’s under-delivering and doesn’t justify the monthly charge. However I’m hoping it’ll improve and I want to make some noise to let the devs know that a lot of us aren’t happy.”


Personally I’m quite frustrated with the game, I can see so much potential in there but rightly or wrongly I get the impression that the devs are a little delusional and think everything is fine. They should be looking at the *active* server population and asking themselves why so many people have stopped playing so soon.


Ah, assuming the posts you see are the ones I see, posts like 'I want a refund for this POS game.' (Taken from the 'Patch 1.4 what do you want?' thread) are not rational at all and are blatant flame/troll posts.


Also, you can easily find people on other sites, a lot of them, who admit to trolling on TOR sites and are obvious fanboys of the next big MMO, clearly they never learn to let their reason control their expectations.

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A lot of people are going to have to give up their names. You're just going to have to deal with it. In the grand scheme of things, other people to needing to change their names is a rather small price for me to pay.
My character names are extremely important to me. I pre-ordered at the first opportunity and I took a day off work so I could log in on the first day of early access to get the names I wanted. If BW gave my names to somebody else, I'd quit.
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The more I think about it, the more the name change thing can be solved equitably.


The odds are likely that many accounts have the same legacy name, especially if it's an in-universe name. Therefore, the FAIREST way to handle these mergertransfers is ..


Create new servers for the "superservers".


Make EVERYONE on EVERY current server move to a new server. Then, assign legacy names and such in order of /played on the total account. Someone on Fatman has been subbed since prerelease, leveled to Chapter 2, locked down a legacy name and hasn't been on in 5 months, vs. someone who has been playing steadily for 3 months straight shouldn't have the rights to the legacy name just because of "FIRST!" syndrome. If I've got 3 weeks /played on my character vs. someone who has 3 days, they shouldn't get the name just because they got there first.


Furthermore, create a namecheck tool that lets you check name and legacy availability on a server. That way, if you want to keep your name more than keep your community, go for it. Just search all the megaservers and pick the one that doesn't have your legacy name yet.


/puts on fire-retardant suit



The way DCUO did it was fair. Whoever logs in first after the merge gets the name.

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My character names are extremely important to me. I pre-ordered at the first opportunity and I took a day off work so I could log in on the first day of early access to get the names I wanted. If BW gave my names to somebody else, I'd quit.


They won't give your names to anyone. You'll have to fight them for it. Winner takes it. (that means log in first after the server merge and claim your names. If you don't take a day off work to do it, I guess they weren't that important to you, were they?)

Edited by YanksfanJP
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They won't give your names to anyone. You'll have to fight them for it. Winner takes it. (that means log in first after the server merge and claim your names. If you don't take a day off work to do it, I guess they weren't that important to you, were they?)


Is that how it works with other games? I was thinking that the highest level character would get the name. A lot of people make placeholder names, including me. Like, if I have a level 1 character named 'Joe' on one server, and someone has a level 50 character named Joe on another server, and those servers were merged, it would make more sense for the level 50 to get the name.

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They won't give your names to anyone. You'll have to fight them for it. Winner takes it. (that means log in first after the server merge and claim your names. If you don't take a day off work to do it, I guess they weren't that important to you, were they?)
You don't know this. You're just guessing, as we all are.
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They should do


1 pve server

1 pvp server

1 rp/pvp server

1 rp/pve server

1 rp server


I believe they have just now made the technology available to them to host an enormous amount of players on a single server. They have just been searching for the right time to release it. It goes along nicely with the release of allies. I think if BioWare pulls this off successfully it will be amazing!! Huge populations in those servers.

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I think they maybe have some new technology available to them and they will create these super servers with a MASSIVE amount of people and will be optimized enough to handle it. Will be good for the game.


BW has never said there will be "super" servers, EVER.


This is only an attention getting head line from a wanna be journalist, like most headlines.


All Erickson intimated is there will be a large increase in peeps per server. Some have taken and run with that SPECULATING "EVE" style servers(or server).


His definition of a large increase of the cap is probably not yours or mine or anyone else's.


He probably thinks a 50% cap increase is humongous. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Champions Online and Star Trek Online both have only one server with many instances. If BW goes to this format, my vote would be that they treat names the same way Cryptic does, i.e., you can pick any name you want. In those games, you have a unique account name. So, for example, I could have a character named Bob@Walking-Carpet, while another player might have Bob@whatever. (The account names are NOT visible in normal play; you have to /inspect characters to see them.)
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