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Ok I give up... I was looking but I did not find that... I want that chest piece which has that guy on this video

I want it for my Sith assassin... I offer 20 000 credits for that chest piece or for valuable and proven information where I can find it...


BTW: It is not the Black Talon robe nor Saber Marshals Robe... Is important that this robe is actually real robe (Goes from chest to ground like cloak) not just a top shirt with hood... It is similar to robes that wears Jedi Knight (for example that Jedi on SWTOR leading screen) and Consulars and Sith Warriors.. But I cant use theirs...

Edited by Allblackmusic
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Ok I give up... I was looking but I did not find that... I want that chest piece which has that guy on this video

I want it for my Sith assassin... I offer 20 000 credits for that chest piece or for valuable and proven information where I can find it...


BTW: It is not the Black Talon robe nor Saber Marshals Robe... Is important that this robe is actually real robe (Goes from chest to ground like cloak) not just a top shirt with hood... It is similar to robes that wears Jedi Knight (for example that Jedi on SWTOR leading screen) and Consulars and Sith Warriors.. But I cant use theirs...


In for this, hopefully it's an orange so we can mod that sucker and not have to get rid of it

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In for this, hopefully it's an orange so we can mod that sucker and not have to get rid of it


I think it is orange... I have a trace of this one but on much higher lvl it may be this robe:




I found it the way that I compared icons with icons of same suits for consulars... Every style of robe have its specific icon if you study it closely and all with the same icon are of the same cut (same shape, style) only colors are changed...

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I think it is orange... I have a trace of this one but on much higher lvl it may be this robe:




I found it the way that I compared icons with icons of same suits for consulars... Every style of robe have its specific icon if you study it closely and all with the same icon are of the same cut (same shape, style) only colors are changed...


Unless someone chimes in, we can always search the 10-20 chest pieces on the database and find it.

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Unless someone chimes in, we can always search the 10-20 chest pieces on the database and find it.


I was looking for it.. And nothing found until that chest piece on 36 lvl.. Well I am now 31 so it is not so far.. I hope I will find it and it will be what I think it is... I did not found any other... I dont know why this must be the only one in game.. It is such a cool looking thing...

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In the comments, he says he was level 10, didn't even have his assassin abilities. I'm guessing this just didn't make it off Korriban unless there is something like a social vendor there that I didn't know about. :(


I'm definitely keeping an eye out, though. I like that aesthetic a lot.

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In the comments, he says he was level 10, didn't even have his assassin abilities. I'm guessing this just didn't make it off Korriban unless there is something like a social vendor there that I didn't know about. :(


I'm definitely keeping an eye out, though. I like that aesthetic a lot.


This one was on Korriban during beta... Social vendor had it and it was in Black Talon I think.. But than they removed it and it disappeared... I dont know why they did it.. Such a nice wear... Instead of this beautiful robe they give us shirts and chicken outfits... I dont get it.. I hope this robe will be somewhere in the game...

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I got that outfit. it was in two places. I had it in beta. one was a drop on korriban and the other was a drop in Black talon. I got them both during the last beta weekend. the one that I got from BT was moddable. haven't gotten it since the game actually started. I want it too! hope that helps. if not i'll keep trying for the lvl 36 robe. that is pretty pimp
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I got that outfit. it was in two places. I had it in beta. one was a drop on korriban and the other was a drop in Black talon. I got them both during the last beta weekend. the one that I got from BT was moddable. haven't gotten it since the game actually started. I want it too! hope that helps. if not i'll keep trying for the lvl 36 robe. that is pretty pimp


Yeah it was in beta... But now it is not any more... on both places it was replaced by some stupid clothes.... Maybe they put it on higher lvl because it was so popular and it is probably only piece for SI so they wanted us to reach it on higher lvl as something special.. I hope they did not removed it from game at all... But I think that robe I found on Torhead (36 lvl) is that one... I am right now on Alderaan 33 lvl so I hope I will find it soon..

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Ok so we will see in real start of game now.. I hope they do not change position of this item again (if it is the one I found on Torhead) but anyway the icon is very similar to icons of same style chest for Consulars and others... And it is fully moddable... It is the only piece of its kind for SI... If any of you will find it than report on Torhead that anybody can search for it...
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damn you are moving!! haha I'm just a meager 25.. having to work sucks!! haha if you find it hit up torhead and of course PM me!! haha


Yeah.. But my story is little bit behind my lvl.. So I am 38 now but I am on finishing Taris planet.... I think it is 33-36 lvl or something like that.. But who knows... It can by behind every corner.. I try to do as much quests as it is possible... But I have some inner bad feeling that I will not find it because Bioware wants us to wear chicken outfits and all kind ugly gear...

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lvl 40 planet Quesh moving to Hoth soon... Trying to do any quest and fight any chest that I see but still nothing... I have synth as crew skill.. Sending my companion all the time on underground missions to find schematics... But for some stupid reason I get schematic like once a year and if so than it is schematic to Jedi armor (WHY BIOWARE???) I mean I am Sith but I find only Jedi schematics... What is the point? I cant sell it to anybody in Empire anyway... I try to do most of quests but I missed some during playing.. So try also to go on as much quests and Heroics and Flashpoints as you can.. Maybe you find it somewhere where I missed it....
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Been reading this and watching, I am also very interested in these robes... I thought I would update I am level 38 and just started Hoth. A guildmate of mine knew I was looking for Supreme Inquis Robes, but he instead found Supreme Inquis Bracers from Hoth.. He Chose a chest for a reward and they came out.. I know it's not the robes but it may help in looking, it could be from chests or on Hoth somewhere.


Just a small update, the set is out there somewhere.

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Been reading this and watching, I am also very interested in these robes... I thought I would update I am level 38 and just started Hoth. A guildmate of mine knew I was looking for Supreme Inquis Robes, but he instead found Supreme Inquis Bracers from Hoth.. He Chose a chest for a reward and they came out.. I know it's not the robes but it may help in looking, it could be from chests or on Hoth somewhere.


Just a small update, the set is out there somewhere.


Right now the game dont want to let me in with my Sith Assassin.. I have an error message.. I wrote it on service so I will see whats up with that...

If there were Supreme inquisitor Bracers than there may be the chest piece too... Or do anybody of you know how it is with collecting of gear? I mean like if there is whole set on one planet or if it is spread all around the galaxy... I think I mostly saw parts of sets somehow close to each other (means whole set on one planet) but not sure about that)... Well if game let me in than I will do Quesh quickly and jump right on Hoth to search closely... This is a fine trace thank you... I hope it will lead us to the fine look :)

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Since game dont want to let me play my Sith Assassin I looked up for some other classes.. I tried Jedi Consular... Those Jedi bastards have those beautiful robes since beginning... Even the very first training armor is the style we are looking for... That really pisses me off.... yeah and I figured out how Jedi are week and funny... They almost did not let me on first quest because they were worried about me... lol... They say be careful all the time and stuff... Such a pus**es... Edited by Allblackmusic
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Yeah, I don't understand why all the inquisitor armor is terrible looking. And NONE of them look like darth maul robes. Or palpatine robes, for that matter. Some of these designs are so bad I can't believe someone was paid to make them. I'd rather have ridiculous hats I can hide but cool robes like the consulars over masks that don't work with hoods.
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Good news is that on Torhead somebody posted that he/she bought this chestpiece on the galactic market from somebody... I asked that person to question the one who put it on market... I hope that he/she will ask him.. Anyway that means that this piece exist and you can gain it somehow...

I noticed pants to this set.. Awesome.. But dont know where that pants are... Also looking for them....


EDIT: Also asked the person to make screenshot of that chest piece to be sure that it is what we think it is... Yeah and happy Xmas for those who celebrate it today... But Christmas will not stop me from looking for superior outfit :)

Edited by Allblackmusic
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