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queues i know they suck but there is a reason for it


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I myself am on tomb of freedom nadd and i'm currently waiting in a +2000 queue.


But increasing the caps and lowering the queues would be a bad thing.


What would stop another 2000 people rolling on launch on this server otherwise?



It's all for the greater good ^^

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The two posters before me who are claiming poor planning have obviously never played an MMO at launch. Let's not even talk about the que times in WOW during launch. Yes, some servers do have ridiculously long ques, but most are tolerable.


I am sure that the population caps on the servers will be raised by small increments over the next few weeks.

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The two posters before me who are claiming poor planning have obviously never played an MMO at launch. Let's not even talk about the que times in WOW during launch. Yes, some servers do have ridiculously long ques, but most are tolerable.


I am sure that the population caps on the servers will be raised by small increments over the next few weeks.


The second part of my statement applies to people like you.

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I actually only want t play with my guild... is that so much to ask for.


They (Bioware) choose a server for us - and now i have to wait over 2 hours to get in to actually play the game (that 2hr+ Estimated wait time is a very poor estimate. Its closer to 5hrs. FACT)


I just want to play really....

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I actually only want t play with my guild... is that so much to ask for.


They (Bioware) choose a server for us - and now i have to wait over 2 hours to get in to actually play the game (that 2hr+ Estimated wait time is a very poor estimate. Its closer to 5hrs. FACT)


I just want to play really....


agreed, i;m waiting to get back onto the red eclipse now after a dc - joined at 12:10 it is now 13:21 queue estimate 55 minutes.. still 397 places to go

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The two posters before me who are claiming poor planning have obviously never played an MMO at launch. Let's not even talk about the que times in WOW during launch. Yes, some servers do have ridiculously long ques, but most are tolerable.


I am sure that the population caps on the servers will be raised by small increments over the next few weeks.


I I wish people would stop comparing this to an 8 year old release. Such a ridiculous comparison. Maybe we should go back to buying music at the store on DVD too.

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Seems everyone and their brother knows how to better manage servers and MMO launches. Why are all these qualified people not already employed at Bioware?


My guess is because they don't know nearly as much as they think.


Maybe they do. If thats the case maybe they can open up their own game, since apparently their intelligence knows no bounds.

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I myself am on tomb of freedom nadd and i'm currently waiting in a +2000 queue.


But increasing the caps and lowering the queues would be a bad thing.


What would stop another 2000 people rolling on launch on this server otherwise?



It's all for the greater good ^^


One thing that may stop them is if the estimate queue time was not just pie in the sky. I have never joined the queue and not exceeded the queue time by x2 - x3 times.


You see 1-2 hours queue and think, hmm ok queue and grab something to eat, watch a show and i'll be in.... sadly you won't be. If the queue told you the truth i.e. 5hrs + more people will just say, sod it, i'll roll on another server.


They could also stop new char creation on the server for people not in already allocated guilds.


Or how about a mediterranean server and offer to the Southern European guilds/players who want to avoid the queues ?

Edited by Aedgyth
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people need to realize if we're having problems with queues now in early access wait and see how bad it is within the first week of release..

1 hour will jump to 3 easy..


Ehh, that logic could be used in another way.

On Dec. 22nd people have to actually buy the game and register it and start paying their monthly.

All the pissy moaners could just say peace out! And go back to the game they were playing. That was my plan if i didn't enjoy it. By the first patch i'm sure they are going to release new servers and implement a server Xfer option.


About the OP, finally someone who understands. If BW had aimed high on the number of servers/quality of servers they used for launch, they would have been out millions of dollars. And who would be paying for it? The players. Don't think that BW doesn't care about their consumers, its how they're going to make their money. They have every reason to care about our gaming experience.

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If this keeps up I fear SWTOR is gonna be dead before it launches. They have my five bucks for the preorder and I was planning on picking up my CE on Tuesday but unless I see a marked improvement I don't think I am going to bother. Prolly just get the standard if I buy the game at all.


Blizzard has made some major mistakes but I never had to wait 3 hours to play World of Warcraft..


Oh and @ your blog post. All of our servers are freakishly overpopulated is NOT an insight.


This is not a free to play game, when we pay for a product we expect you to deliver and if you can't we will move on to a company that can..

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Guild deployment and only releasing a small number of servers the first day really screwed the pooch.


Everyone knows that the first servers open are the highest pop ones throughout the first weeks. But let's force people to have to be on said server because we intentionally put their guild there. That's genius :(


My server generally has a 10-20 minute queue. Which is fine with me. I like that the starter areas aren't insane. I have yet to battle someone for a quest clicky etc. but if I was on that server because BW put me there. I'd be pissed.


They had good ideas. But the combination of those good ideas didn't make a smart idea.

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Blizzard has made some major mistakes but I never had to wait 3 hours to play World of Warcraft..



You also never played WoW at launch. People were saying the same stuff then. Imagine 25-30 total servers for hundreds of thousands of people on 2004 equipment.

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You also never played WoW at launch. People were saying the same stuff then. Imagine 25-30 total servers for hundreds of thousands of people on 2004 equipment.


Played thru the beta and launch of WoW. We didn't have these issues on my server..

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If this keeps up I fear SWTOR is gonna be dead before it launches. They have my five bucks for the preorder and I was planning on picking up my CE on Tuesday but unless I see a marked improvement I don't think I am going to bother. Prolly just get the standard if I buy the game at all.


Blizzard has made some major mistakes but I never had to wait 3 hours to play World of Warcraft..


Oh and @ your blog post. All of our servers are freakishly overpopulated is NOT an insight.


This is not a free to play game, when we pay for a product we expect you to deliver and if you can't we will move on to a company that can..


I did on Illidan, also loot lagged for hour straight during launch as well for hour's straight seems people also forgot about that back in vannilia launch.

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