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1.3 EXP perks - 30% not enough!


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30% is pretty substantial. If you have say, a level 10 waiting at the fleet in a class you checked out but haven't played yet, you're shaving about 9-10 levels off the current XP requirement to hit 50. I remember in WoW getting those heirloom shoulders and thinking how swell it was to have a 10% bonus.

Yap, i leveled with 55% bonus exp and it was still slow, wish it was faster. I just want to get through the class story (which i looooveeeee) and skip all the boring stuff i've already done (planet quests, space missions, flashpoints).

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what?!? screw that!!!


Bioware, the entire game is a ghost town. it went from 8 instances of the fleet on off peak time to 2 people at peak time in a matter of days. If you know whats good for this game or its player base, you'll give us a legacy perk that will allow us to instantly be level 50. I don't wanna play the game at all, I just wanna be max level when I start. that way I don't even have to see any content before I get to complain about having nothing to do!!!


make this happen NOW. If you do not implement this by the end of June, or at least announce this feature at E3, I and the 8 other people playing your game will unsub!!!!!!


It's ok Bioware, theres nothing wrong with your game.


None of us have experienced *ANY* problems with bugs, errors, crashes, performance, or finding groups or having new content to explore. We don't need any of those things, anyone that has left your game was just a hater and didn't know what a gem in the rough we had. Of course, with the coming of 1.2, they all missed your smashing success with the Legacy system, most of them are probably scrambling as we speak to resubscribe if they haven't already.


Theres been a boon in population on all servers, making most of them really look like the short clip of scrolling through pages of standard and heavy servers in your 1.3 preview video, which totally wasn't taken from 4 months ago. So please, ignore the forum whiners, none of us have any possible clue as to how to improve this game, nor whether there is actually a problem at all, judging by your full list of standard servers at off-peak times, I'd have to assume that most of the whining is simple propaganda staged by a vocal minority of saboteurs hired by other MMOs.


/end strawman

Edited by Celebrus
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I believe they said it stacks. The ranks are like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. So, 30 all together.


So, basically, play 3 warzone matches, get one free.


That's an improvement, but it's hardly leveling at a reasonable pace through just PvP and class quests, which we were lead to believe we'd be able to do. (Assuming the 30% number is right).

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I haven't done the math, but it is possible that the bonus is calculated so it takes about the same amount of hours to hit 50 by doing the story quests and warzones than it would regularly do by just doing quests without the bonus. After all the objective is to allow you to customize your experience by doing what you like, not to reduce the amount of time it takes to get to 50.
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I haven't done the math, but it is possible that the bonus is calculated so it takes about the same amount of hours to hit 50 by doing the story quests and warzones than it would regularly do by just doing quests without the bonus. After all the objective is to allow you to customize your experience by doing what you like, not to reduce the amount of time it takes to get to 50.
You misunderstand the issue. Warzones and class quests give VERY LITTLE exp compared to normal questing. Setting the bonuses at much higher numbers will put the experience in line. Right now i cba lvling any toon because i realy cant be arsed to spend so much time on boring content i've already experienced a few times. This would allow me to play the way i want without being penalised and 30% is not nearly enough.


30% of 3000 is 900 exp. 900 bonus exp at the end of a warzone with the 5/5 perk. See how crappy it is?

Edited by celldoom
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IF it's 30% and IF they didn't change the amount of xp from warzones, then yes, it's way too low. Way, way too low. Though it's kind of ridiculous to complain about it when we don't know the actual details and it hasn't even been implemented yet.


As for the people wanting a mechanic to stop xp gain so they don't miss out on any story....you can still do the missions if you've outleveled them, stop being silly. And if the lack of challenge is an issue, the mechanic is already there, put your companion on passive, take off some gear, and/or remove some abilities from your hotbar. Tada, mechanic enabled!

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IF it's 30% and IF they didn't change the amount of xp from warzones, then yes, it's way too low. Way, way too low. Though it's kind of ridiculous to complain about it when we don't know the actual details and it hasn't even been implemented yet.


As for the people wanting a mechanic to stop xp gain so they don't miss out on any story....you can still do the missions if you've outleveled them, stop being silly. And if the lack of challenge is an issue, the mechanic is already there, put your companion on passive, take off some gear, and/or remove some abilities from your hotbar. Tada, mechanic enabled!


But then they can't complain that they accidentally left it on and missed on 2k exp, so they should also implement an exp bank system! In fact, they should remove exp completely, and make your characters dmg/hp etc adapt to the planet you're on and only grant you abilities as you progress your story! Also, you should be able to do carjackings and make story missions platform gameplay that don't actually require you to do anything, instant teleportation to and from story cut-scenes, you know, to avoid inconvenience.

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Legacy is and always has been a money sink, or one more carrot on a stick. need money = go run dailies = buy useless Legacy stuff = rinse and repeat.


Funny how everything is made around the 1-2 mil mark, when their metrics say that the vast majority of the players don`t have 1 mil to begin with.


And the last rank is gated by Legacy rank 25.. which in itself is achieved by 2 high levels ... so this crap applies to a 3rd toon at best.


[EDIT]And of course they calculated so you match the time you`d have questing your average level (all quests on planets), plus minus 1-5%. Gaining one day, or even five days, with any plus bonuses isn`t worth it .. for me at least.

Edited by Styxx
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Legacy is and always has been a money sink, or one more carrot on a stick. need money = go run dailies = buy useless Legacy stuff = rinse and repeat.


Funny how everything is made around the 1-2 mil mark, when their metrics say that the vast majority of the players don`t have 1 mil to begin with.


And the last rank is gated by Legacy rank 25.. which in itself is achieved by 2 high levels ... so this crap applies to a 3rd toon at best.


[EDIT]And of course they calculated so you match the time you`d have questing your average level (all quests on planets), plus minus 1-5%. Gaining one day, or even five days, with any plus bonuses isn`t worth it .. for me at least.


Its a lot of credits, indeed. I agreed with you for a very long time but then I changed my mind. What people seem to forget though is that the legacy system is supposed to be a big thing covering your entire serverwide progression. You're not supposed to max it straight away. That's why the maximum levels are so much lower than the legacy levels of nerds like myself.


People putting in the work should get the rewards, thats what its for. Some quality of life adds etc. The only truly bad thing is that the cost is static instead of dynamic - getting lowered the higher you get on your legacy level.

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We need a legacy perk that will instantly make all the people who hate the game to vanish. oh, we already have that. It's called the "UNSUB" button.

We also have a button for all those who like the game.... "Play".


Please choose one or the other.

Thank you. Have a great day.

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Its a lot of credits, indeed. I agreed with you for a very long time but then I changed my mind. What people seem to forget though is that the legacy system is supposed to be a big thing covering your entire serverwide progression. You're not supposed to max it straight away. That's why the maximum levels are so much lower than the legacy levels of nerds like myself.


People putting in the work should get the rewards, thats what its for. Some quality of life adds etc. The only truly bad thing is that the cost is static instead of dynamic - getting lowered the higher you get on your legacy level.


I have nothing against it... other than it`s really useless.


So far we`ve got only money sinks:

  • Legacy orange armor = 750k the cheapest

  • Legacy races = 1.5mil a pop

  • Legacy GTN

list can go on and on but there is not a single useful item in there, other than the rocket boost.. which is too expensive for the 3 seconds it shaves off normal running.


This new 1.3 Legacy brings what?

  • 5 ranks, out of which, the top one is gated by level 25 Legacy

  • Lots of crap stuff related to companions, which already get +100 presence worth of bonus from human race (500k Global if you MUST).. because they are really useless at level 50... even in dailies.... and they are not THAT great while leveling.

  • miscellaneous crap that is in no way relevant to anything other than rolling alts and spending money to get comps affection to 10k for no real gain, other than some lol cutscenes and some half baked quests


Am I missing anything?


What people seem to forget though is that the legacy system is supposed to be a big thing covering your entire serverwide progression

This is what they say. I am yet to see any real gain for that "big thing".


People putting in the work should get the rewards, thats what its for

IF this was their intention, they should have put Legacy unlocks for alts. Example: unlock use of columi comms for all account (25% - 33% - 50% - 75% - 100%), or unlock bind to Legacy for all and any gear instead of bind on pickup. Or Legacy bank, so all alts share the same money.


It`s really funny how they don`t make the gear grind any easier, isn`t it? So, in the end, you get to spend the SAME amount of time gearing up, without which you`re useless, isn`t it? I can see how Legacy is relevant to my chars and time already.

Edited by Styxx
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I have nothing against it... other than it`s really useless.


So far we`ve got only money sinks:

  • Legacy orange armor = 750k the cheapest

  • Legacy races = 1.5mil a pop

  • Legacy GTN

list can go on and on but there is not a single useful item in there, other than the rocket boost.. which is too expensive for the 3 seconds it shaves off normal running.


This new 1.3 Legacy brings what?

  • 5 ranks, out of which, the top one is gated by level 25 Legacy

  • Lots of crap stuff related to companions, which already get +100 presence worth of bonus from human race (500k Global if you MUST).. because they are really useless at level 50... even in dailies.... and they are not THAT great while leveling.

  • miscellaneous crap that is in no way relevant to anything other than rolling alts and spending money to get comps affection to 10k for no real gain, other than some lol cutscenes and some half baked quests


Am I missing anything?



This is what they say. I am yet to see any real gain for that "big thing".


You must not be updated. You can put mods in said legacy armor and send it to your alt that just dinged 50 and has no gear - extract mods and voila - you geared your alt through your main. Essentially if you're old enough in this game you can have him in Rakata the second he hits 50 (have not yet confirmed nor denied its usability for PvP mods) - incredible perk. Expensive? Sure. As it should be.


- Question asked in the following week's Q&A if its an exploit or not, lets hope they answer.


Training dummy, necessary.

GTN, Quality of life.

Mailbox, Quality of life.


Crit chance is affected by affection, recently confirmed by a bioware dev. Hence its worthwhile to max affection.


I unlocked a sith for my sniper, a rataki for my shadow and a chiss for my commando. Why? Because its special and because of people like you its going to stay that way (no offence).


Unity = 50% dmg reduction for 15 seconds. How is that not amazing for PvE dailies?


I'm by no means a PvEr or a diehard legacy fan but since my server is dead I'm patiently grinding dailies and expanding my legacy because this game will be amazing as soon as the players are given the chance to actually play. MMOs are about just that, having something to show off for spending a lot of time in it. Players keep asking for fluff but appearently they want to be given it for free.


(Again, I agree the static pricing is ridicolous and should be dynamic in relation to what level your legacy is. Higher legacy = cheaper costs. But overall, its a system filling a purpose)

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what?!? screw that!!!


Bioware, the entire game is a ghost town. it went from 8 instances of the fleet on off peak time to 2 people at peak time in a matter of days. If you know whats good for this game or its player base, you'll give us a legacy perk that will allow us to instantly be level 50. I don't wanna play the game at all, I just wanna be max level when I start. that way I don't even have to see any content before I get to complain about having nothing to do!!!


make this happen NOW. If you do not implement this by the end of June, or at least announce this feature at E3, I and the 8 other people playing your game will unsub!!!!!!


We bestow upon you the title of "High Lord Keeper of the Drones", keep up the good work! /enjoy (honest! You'll love it!). ;)

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Almost as silly as the 1/2/3 hour reduction in fleet pass and 1/2/3 MINUTE reduction in fast travel for like 100k/200k/300k or something ridiculous like that. I am legacy level 35 and it means absolutely nothing. Legacy is just a money sink, which imo is very disappointing. Edited by Theninjafuzz
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Forgive me if I don`t spend 750k at a bare minimum on top of the 150k needed to strip mods, while losing set bonus, to gear up a char, when I could have bind to legacy armor or can send columi comms alltogether. To me it`s a money sink, not convenience.


For a max affection crew is 5% gain. You need to run diplomacy for gifts = timesink, or buy said gifts = moneysink. To you, that 5% might be worth the time and money. TO me it doesn`t.. not enough to go out of my way.. Legacy or not.


You assume I have a low Legacy level. You assume I don`t have races unlocked or cross race alts. You are mistaken.


In the end, the goal justify the means. To me, it`s not worth it, because it doesn`t add what I need (edit on above text = bind on legacy gear, shared money on all alts for a Legacy, common comms). To you, it might be worth it and I applaud you for it.


But, at the end of the day, when you have rolled your last alt to 50... Legacy WILL be useless. And you`ll be left with a 5 mil ship GTN that is equivalent to the announced neutral normal GTN, or with your +5% comps that still crit on the dice (yes.. I have MINUS affection comps critting better and failing less than maxed ones WITH bonus to the respective missions).


Ultimately... it is your money. If you are willing to spend 400k for one day earlier lvl 50, or 5 mils for an empty market, or 1.5 or 2 mils for a 7 seconds boost, or 500k for one more purple per day .. go for it. I have no gain for them .. not for that amount of money.

Edited by Styxx
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Ultimately... it is your money. If you are willing to spend 400k for one day earlier lvl 50, or 5 mils for an empty market, or 1.5 or 2 mils for a 7 seconds boost, or 500k for one more purple per day .. go for it. I have no gain for them .. not for that amount of money.


Lets not forget that for some people one day is a lot. 12 hours of gaming, if I could save that I would save a week of me leveling that character :p ..


Ps never said your legacy was low.

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First they nerf XP from WZ to almost nothing, then we are fonna get a 30% "boost" from legacy, that

we have to pay blood money to unlock :mad: makes me sick.And yeah the XP one get from doing ones story content is a complete joke, just like WZ the XP bar hardly moves at all after done with the mission.

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Warzones: Not enough, needs to be at least 100% so each match gives double exp than it currently gives. I would realistly take 50% per rank up to 250%. This may seem like alot but it's not - warzones don't give that much exp. Aditional idea: Let us buy experience with commendations on top of the above.


Questing: 30% is, again, not enough. Needs to be at least 50%. Players taking these perks are obviously not interested in doing the planet but to level as fast as possible and get it over with.

Aditional idea: Increase exp gained from CLASS quests by up to 1000% (200% each rank), i don't know the math exactly but it would be nice to be able to level up by doing class quests alone with the ocasional flashpoint of warzone inbetween.


Flashpoint: 30% is somewhat OK, but perhaps let us buy boosters with planet comendations that increase exp gained in flashpoints.


Make these perks more expencive if you want, i realy cba leveling alts through the same planets over and over, its very dull. Warzones give too little exp to matter most of the times. 30% is not enough.


they give us way to much exp to start why would you want more exp all that does is level you faster and when you do that you will not enjoy the game so to me this is a bad idea

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