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Soon? why no date?


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So, what i dont understand is why we dont have a date for 1.3? I mean 'soon' can be a week, month, months. I dont even see then having this on the PTS because it does not seem like it needs any testing for what we are getting. Im like a lot of ppl my server is all but done and once my free time ends I, have to figure outt if i wanna pay to wait.


I, like many just want a date.

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And if some system isn't ready and they have to pull it by said date, you get whiners who complain about broken promises, as happened with Ranked Warzones.


And if they have to push the date due to some major bug, people will cry because of date being pushed.


And if they don't offer a date, they get people like the OP, clamoring for a date.


BioWare, and MMO companies in general, can't win with these sorts of players as a fan base.

Edited by Cerion
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after the round of lay off some one should be here giveing us some kinda info .... some thing better than soon


im not far from droping my sub and i never thought i say it let alone type it here


im truly dissapoited in the way this is being handled and run .... it remiends me of the slience we got from turbine right before they said lotro was gonna go f2p


i can tell ya this if we dont any info before to long

im gonna drop sub and go and try and find me a life :p where is a cheap place to buy one :rak_02:



Edited by Rizzi-
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The OP isnt wrong for asking for a date, I too found it funny that its getting hyped but we have no date but i also understand why ofcourse.

This is what's most aggravating. They're releasing videos about it and hyping it on other sites but won't give us a date for it. If it's too far from finished to give us a date, stop dangling the carrot in front of us.

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You mean your average array of humans?


I don't know that they're average. I consider myself rather average, and don't have this obsessive need to know everything that is happening with a company. It only exists with MMOs too. None of my friends are like this either.

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They couldn't give a date before the layoffs because the layoffs would change the date. Same reason they can't give a date now - they haven't re-set it after the layoffs.


So... soon. :rolleyes:


the guy who does the dates got laid off.

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i can tell ya this if we dont any info before to long

im gonna drop sub and go and try and find me a life :p where is a cheap place to buy one :rak_02:




Maybe that's the key? People need to have more balance in their lives and stop obsessing over information coming from a game company? I guess that's how I'm different than the average gamer (to tie this in with a post above)...I don't obsess over these games, and have very many other interests in my life. The release date is really of little concern to me; it happens when it happens.

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They should take a note from Scotty...

Scotty: Do you mind a little advice? Starfleet captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. But the secret is to give them only what they need, not what they want.


Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Yeah, well, I told the Captain I'd have this analysis done in an hour.


Scotty: How long will it really take?


Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: An hour!


Scotty: Oh, you didn't tell him how long it would *really* take, did ya?


Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Well, of course I did.


Scotty: Oh, laddie. You've got a lot to learn if you want people to think of you as a miracle worker.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Relics (1992)

Edited by LupieZero
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They need a date they plan on taking it to PTS. If its buggier than expected than it can stay on PTS longer. This is the way they should be handling things. PTS isn't nearly as utilized as it needs to be. Even if they only put certain parts on PTS it would be better than holding everything up for 1 or 2 projects.
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They should have a 1.25 or somthing and just get transfers out ASAP. That is capable of saving this game (that has a lot of potential). Forget legacy/etc. until they get transfers. The lack of people to play with is likely the largest reason for people leaving. Also, as any business knows it is much harder to get people back then it is to keep them.
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of course they have the right to say *soon* and implement it when its ready, witch can be tomorrow or next year.


just remember you have the same right to click *unsub* today or next year as well, all this resume to

how much time do you want to wait for them.

simple dont you think?

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Its true that we have the right to unsub if we dont want to wait.. but thats the cheap thing to say to people.. Cause alot of people really do care and when they say "Soon" its a way to keep us all subbed and waiting for it but it is what it is... Edited by cloudwalkerrr
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Its true that we have the right to unsub if we dont want to wait.. but thats the cheap thing to say to people.. Cause alot of people really do care and when they say "Soon" its a way to keep us all subbed and waiting for it but it is what it is...


Why do you choose to look at this from the cynical perspective of 'keeping us all subbed'? An equally valid perspective is that they don't know when it will be ready, and they want to get it as polished as possible before they set the date in stone. Don't you see you have a choice on how to view this?

Edited by Cerion
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Yeah? Thats the way I see it and ofcourse its MY own opinon but i shouldnt have to say it cause i already understand that.


I understand that it's your opinion. I'm wondering why you choose the cynical perspective over another perspective.

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