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Kiting and roots


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Just made a Maruader (level 12)


In PvP I'm doing pretty good but I'm having two issues currently


1.) Constant knockbacks from gunslingers and also roots. The fact I cannot force charge them doesn't help either


2.) People kiting me around while force charge is on cooldown and they stay just far enough away where I can't hit them


I just want to know what is a good counter to this two different strategies my enemies use on me




p.s I'm annhilation spec (this might be a problem in and of itself because I've been told it isn't a good leveling spec)

Edited by Riggz
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Don't force charge every fight in the start. Save it as a gap closer for when you're getting kited. Doesn't help against people taking cover, but it will if they leave it. Force choke them out of cover too lol
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Crippling slash when you're high enough level to get it, that'll prevent kiting, add it into your rotation every few seconds to keep them moving slow. Also, don't charge people as your first attack when you don't need to. Run up to them and hit when you can and use charge after they knock you back or stun+move away.


Camo will speed you up and get you on their tail again too.

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hotkey your crippling slash to slow their run/kite. try putting it on F or R for instance, if your typically a mouse clicker this will help a ton. Dont open with the charge/jump, but rather use it to get back after they knockback you. Youll always face a kite as a melee dps because nobody can sit in one place and dish it back as effectivly if it were a 'fair' 1v1. Learn to use force camo as a gap closer. Additionally keep in mind if you pop your invisibility they drop you as a target, so it can be very effective to use to sort of drop pvp aggro/target for a sec and then re-engage even if your low on life and would consider running. In later levels you will also have 2 different lightsaber throws and force scream (so you can dps while catching up).


In short, as it was best said before - at lvl 12 - dont have too high of expectations, you need to lvl up a bit and get some new skills, but pvp is still a good experience for you now to find when to best use some of those skills and when to try and hold off. Youll always get kited, but youll get more to overcome it /somewhat :).

Edited by Bionic_smile
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i see you have an operative and a juggernuaght, two classes that can pretty much start a fight easily


a maruader has a harder time till get higher lvl abilities, so i would suggest you hang back and see who atacks a healer, or who a ranged is hitting and hit them too

even a lvl 50 maruader needs be smart sometimes, and doesnt just leap to people like a juggernaught sometimes can,

i would suggest use terrain to your advantage too, if a ranged hits you, dont leap to it if there is something nearby you can break los with. break los and wait 5 seconds, then see if ranged still at a position that is unfavourable to you


edit, and since your low lvl, if your gear isnt great and a melle hits you, fall into the pit, and they will probably chase you for an easy kill, you stopped em hitting someone else though and u can get back to fight as fast as them

Edited by JJwaaa
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i play lvl 50 marauder in pvp and i notice that sometimes i fight against smuggler that jump on my head while they move towards me... what happen is that my hitbox is totally inexistent, while they shoot and hit me while they jump over my head.... i think is not normal issue. it's happen 3 times dunno if they guy was the same but is quite annoying cause i totally miss him all the time..... i'm not noob and i know marauder range and hit box


any of u notice this issue or was only a personal bad moment against a super-duper-over skilled guy=?



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i play lvl 50 marauder in pvp and i notice that sometimes i fight against smuggler that jump on my head while they move towards me... what happen is that my hitbox is totally inexistent, while they shoot and hit me while they jump over my head.... i think is not normal issue. it's happen 3 times dunno if they guy was the same but is quite annoying cause i totally miss him all the time..... i'm not noob and i know marauder range and hit box


any of u notice this issue or was only a personal bad moment against a super-duper-over skilled guy=?




-Hilarious, i dont know , but even if Im on the loosing of a good trick or kite i can laugh or smile. I hope you were able to do the same even though the smugglers joke was on you. It just sounds like his personal kite style. Some strafe in circles easy, some are jumpy, some will run though you.... they cant all be backpeddlers.

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