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Improvements to GS in 1.3? Interview says so...


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From the Darthhater interview....


Any thoughts on current class balance that players can expect in 1.3?


Austin Peckenpaugh, Senior Designer: In 1.3, we're making some balance and quality of life adjustments. The highlights include tanking survivability and threat generation, with an emphasis on getting all tanks on the same target, particularly where AOE threat is concerned; Mercenary/Commando DPS improvements; Sniper/Gunslinger Marksmanship/Sharpshooter tree improvements; and some visual improvements to a few slow abilities and abilities that still aren't quite mirrored cross-faction (including Shock and Project).



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If it's only SS my guess is that it will have to do with armor penetration or damage types to mitigate the fact that if/when they remove fully stacking armor debuffs SS won't be made obsolete and will stay in line with DF.
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Firstly, what BW considers an improvement may not actually be such thing. It may be some kind of nerf.

Secondly, I have not idea what can be broken or not working as intended in SS tree now. What can they improve there (and he was talking specifically about SS/MM trees)?


Sure I feel sometimes that we lack a bit of yellow damage there but if some skills will be changed for that I am afraid the nerf bat will hit us soon afterwards. GS/SS properly played is deadly for almost any class.


Too much love is not good thing IMO. Especially if it's BW love :)

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Yeah, I'm dreading that this may lead to our FOTM moment.


maybe, maybe not. All depends on what "improvements" to SS tree they gonna do. If it will be to compensate the removal of stacking armor debuffs, fine, we need that anyway. If they are going to change damage type... hmmm... we could use that too but it may be a bit over the top. All depends what abilities will be changed and to what degree.


Let's face it, anyone who reached v60+ on their gunslinger must be at least decent on what he's doing coz all bads reroll some easier classes. If BW really takes any metrics they must think that some changes to other stuff may hit us too hard hence tweaking of SS tree which lacks only yellow dmg type attacks, rest is fine as is.

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BW would have to do an insane boost to get us up with Mara/Sent deadliness...and especially Powertech/VG who can do the same if not more damage than us...while having much more mobility and survivability with Heavy Armor etc...

Nerf bat for Sniper/GS? Maybe 6+ months from now after a few more patches...if the game lasts that long.

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I dunno, it's usually between me, another WH-geared Slinger, and WH geared Sents for overall damage/kills -- depends on who gets the most healer support.


Van/PT either does great overall damage but poor burst (Shield in DPS gear -- damage total is because they don't die) or are actually probably squishier than we are due to lack of distance and distance cooldowns(Pyro/Assault).


We're one significant buff/counterclass nerf (Tanksassins, grr) away from being FOTM.

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I share the nerf bat concerns.... I'm hoping what he really meant is some fixes to cover/hunker down or some of the other defensive abilities and not added DPS. I'm already seeing a marker increase in fellow gunslingers and really dont want to end up with whole teams of them.
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I wish there will be some more options for defense.


In relation to other dd-classes i mean we have ridiculous def at all...

Fo Example maros/sents have tons of it, selfheal via dot-crits, groupheal via berserk, 99%-dmg-reduce, 20% dmg-reduce for 30secs, mini-vanish with 50% dmg-reduce and so on...


Most the time in PvP i feel like a cheap victim against other DDs, forced down in few secs

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I didn't read the whole interview, just the snippet here, but it sounds like they were talking primarily PvE focused balances and not PvP specifically. I doubt we'll see too many defensive cooldowns added, especially SS only ones. I think at best we would see some talent tweaks to give us slightly more mobility, but I really don't see any drastic changes happening aside from probably more talented armor pen. Like everyone has stated...we just don't need the kind of love that DPS commandos still do in PvE.
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The recent changes to Gunslinger, I have noted a marked increase in the numbers at 50 now. For the longest time I was the only guild's only Gunslinger, now we have three.


Any increase in our overall DPS and combined with any defensive cool downs improvements would push ever so close to crossing the line into the FOTM zone. I can see defensive cool down improvements but our damage ability is right where it should be, gave or take a couple of percentages.

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sadly, I see the target squarely on our chest after BW gets done "fixing" mara/sents. It's a shame too, I enjoyed my sent until everyone started playing one.


Now I really really enjoy my GS, just hope they are not the next ones to get popular. :eek:

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sadly, I see the target squarely on our chest after BW gets done "fixing" mara/sents. It's a shame too, I enjoyed my sent until everyone started playing one.


Now I really really enjoy my GS, just hope they are not the next ones to get popular. :eek:


on my server I've seen an increased number of GS/Snipers in WZ. I am bit afraid they are becoming new FOTM class since gear is so easy to get and GS shines in good gear. Basically in every WZ I see 2-3 GS atm.


Not good. Both for WZ setup and GS popularity. Tho in WZs where DPS counts having few gunslingers is good sometimes.

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From the last Q&A:


Brutalos: What class balances can we expect from Game Update 1.3 and will it undo some of the changes done in 1.2?


Austin: Game Update 1.2 brought damage dealing and healing roles closer to target than they had previously been. If for you and your class that meant a reduction in performance, that can be a hard thing for me to justify to you. I think it's fair to say that some of those changes were made by reducing usability instead of just reducing numbers, and it's these usability issues that we want to correct and negative changes to usability that we don't want to repeat in the future. Like I said before, we'll have more detailed information for you soon, but if I had to identify a motif for class changes in future updates, it'd be "improved usability."


So, I don't think it will be a boost or a nerf in actual damage. It'll be improved usability instead.

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So, I don't think it will be a boost or a nerf in actual damage. It'll be improved usability instead.


meaning it could be anything. Some leaks lead to tweaking alacrity talents which may or may not help GS. Higher alacrity means we will burn our energy faster so it is not so good unless they change the way alacrity works.


Usability may also mean many things. Remember, it's BW after all :)

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I'm not as scientific as most when talking stacks and debuffs :rolleyes: but I've stuck at Gunslinger as my main character, geared myself up to rakata, got my sequence worked out so I should rarely run out of energy and so on, as a DPS for any HM ops, I'm first on the list.


I've also noticed an increase of alts appearing, it's all those glowstick wavers who are now bored and want something completely different, whereas thats why I chose Gunslinger as my first, to be different.


In a way I like the popularity coming into the class but I still have a frown when a new gunslinger is rolled/joins my guild :cool:

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I agree with the buffs that came in the last patch gunslingers are becoming alot more powerful.


A gunslinger in our guilds operations was nearly as wanted as a trooper sentinel or sage. Now we usually have 2,3,4 out of the 4 DPS positions. Our damage is going up and when we get good gear we can 4 shot people effectively even without yellow numbers.


I hope it is merely a utility buff, so focusing more on buffing defenses - really needed! and also taking cover off the global cooldown!

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meaning it could be anything. Some leaks lead to tweaking alacrity talents which may or may not help GS. Higher alacrity means we will burn our energy faster so it is not so good unless they change the way alacrity works.


Usability may also mean many things. Remember, it's BW after all :)


I have my 50 Gunslinger signed up to test 1.3. I'd encourage everyone else to do so. The more there are to test, the less likely it'll be a bad thing.


Also, I'm more interested in improving the way Accuracy works as a GS, not alacrity...

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I have my 50 Gunslinger signed up to test 1.3. I'd encourage everyone else to do so. The more there are to test, the less likely it'll be a bad thing.


Also, I'm more interested in improving the way Accuracy works as a GS, not alacrity...


would love to but no idea where to sign up ^^


Besides I was Core Tester for BW for 2 years in Warhammer and one thing I learnt from it is that if they put something for public testing it will most likely won't change in live product unless it is total trash.

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