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1.3 Legacy? No Legacy?


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Legacy was a huge disappointment in 1.2, and it will only be slightly less of a disappointment come 1.3. Why? Because it's a thinly-veiled attempt to encourage alt-grinding--a mode of game play that's extremely unsettling in a game whose core feature is linear story progression.


Hrm Dezzi,


Well, remember there are 8 individual linear story progressions, so really their core feature is EIGHT Linear Stories and they want everyone to be as encouraged as possible to experience them all since that is where they put a bunch of time, money and effort, so I think you have to realize that their Core Feature is EIGHT stories. However, I feel that there should be more "Story Customization" for each one of your characters, like you could gain favor with Czerka Corporation and join them officially, you would get a uniform and a certain set of missions you need to complete or something like that. But I think more COULD be done with the individual stories but it is much cheaper to have them very linear. Don't expect story customization, and having 8 different stories is actually their strongest asset after their amazing visuals, sound, and music.

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Hrm Dezzi,


Well, remember there are 8 individual linear story progressions, so really their core feature is EIGHT Linear Stories and they want everyone to be as encouraged as possible to experience them all since that is where they put a bunch of time, money and effort, so I think you have to realize that their Core Feature is EIGHT stories. However, I feel that there should be more "Story Customization" for each one of your characters, like you could gain favor with Czerka Corporation and join them officially, you would get a uniform and a certain set of missions you need to complete or something like that. But I think more COULD be done with the individual stories but it is much cheaper to have them very linear. Don't expect story customization, and having 8 different stories is actually their strongest asset after their amazing visuals, sound, and music.


Eight linear stories? Well, when you weed out all of the basic planetary questing, it still boils down to one very linear experience. If I have to throw meat at the guy in Naga Sadows tomb, deliver a sack full of dead animal parts to the administrator at Kaas City, work on my Gree ingenuity, or burn a Tusken Raider mural one more time, I'm pretty sure I'll explode.


You're absolutely right. The experience they originally said we'd have--something akin to Mass Effect, with consequences and meaningful choices--got scraped by their focus groups. What we're left with is a beat-it, delete-it romp through the same old tired troupes.

Edited by Dezzi
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1.3 is a quality of life patch for the Legacy system, plus LFG, plus server transfers, plus maybe ranked warzones. .


Spencer, really? where in that video did you see any mention of ranked warzones? There was zero mention or apology for long wait on ranked warzones. Don't misunderrepresent Cuz.

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Hrm Dezzi,


Well, remember there are 8 individual linear story progressions, so really their core feature is EIGHT Linear Stories and they want everyone to be as encouraged as possible to experience them all since that is where they put a bunch of time, money and effort, so I think you have to realize that their Core Feature is EIGHT stories. However, I feel that there should be more "Story Customization" for each one of your characters, like you could gain favor with Czerka Corporation and join them officially, you would get a uniform and a certain set of missions you need to complete or something like that. But I think more COULD be done with the individual stories but it is much cheaper to have them very linear. Don't expect story customization, and having 8 different stories is actually their strongest asset after their amazing visuals, sound, and music.


No, there is not EIGHT stories. That is another of Biowares myths they floated before launch. Its the same linear leveling experience except for 4-5 quest per planet that send you to the room on the left instead of the room on the right in the same area on every planet for every class. "Oh, look, my BH went to the room on the right, my OP has to go to this room on the left."


I'm sorry, but if Bioware really put all their eggs in the basket of "roll alts till your blue in the face" with the way leveling is in this game, that might be on of the biggest blunders EVER in the MMO industry given the budget and hype.



Edited by kilosoldier
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I like the buffs, it is useful to level a new alt with 3 buffs because I have 2 level 50s already. But actually I'm so bored on even just my third character so meh.


The problem with legacy is it is all good stuff, but just fluff that is a bandaid covering up a bad game trying to get everyone to roll alts and stay subbed because the end game is borked.


Actually wait, my biggest issue by far is the COST of the stuff. I don't need another credit sink.


Or you could be really cynical and say legacy is all the stuff they have started creating that you can buy for real cash when the game goes F2P...

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To me, the biggest issue is the cost per Legacy perk. Most of these thing so far, as stated, aren't really beneficial in a gameplay perspective. They're just neat. So, what's the deal behind paying 2 million creds for something? Is getting to Legacy level 15 not enough? I think it is.


I do like the buffs, but that's about it. I hope they take away the cost of the perks and introduce some more substantial ones (which they're kind of doing in 1.3).

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You're absolutely right. The experience they originally said we'd have--something akin to Mass Effect, with consequences and meaningful choices--got scraped by their focus groups. .


You know, they could get a whole lot out of hiring a professional GameMaster for each server and having them do global tells to "Direct" gameplay on the server. Like the Gamemaster could put out 20 chests on Alderaan that respawn every 5 minutes with 20000 credits in each one with the chance to drop a rare mount 1/1000 which can be traded on the auction hall and make that zone full pkill, even on pve servers and leave that zone active for 24 hours and give in game updates as to whether republic or Empire are dominating the microevent. It would give a storytelling feel to the game. And there could be something new happening every day. And that wouldn't require that much additional programming and artwork. Like the Rakghoul event was really cool, although it should have had a more defined pvp component in my opinion. I actually had a Sith ask me after I killed him "Was that really necessary?" On a PVP server, but he was right I had no incentive to kill him...I got no quest done faster by killing him, I got no title for world PvP, I got no cash...but on a PVP server there should be incentives to kill characters of equal or greater level than yourself so I don't get Sith snivelling to me trying to make me feel lame for killing them. Sorry about the rant.

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I like the idea of the Legacy system, but I just cannot afford to use hardly any of the Legacy system features. I'm a role player not a grindy-type player that likes to keep repeating the same content over & over again just to farm for credits to buy Hella expensive Legacy perks...unfortunately nearly all of my role-playing content is gated behind these ridiculous Legacy xp, social xp & mega-credit locks as part of the Legacy system.


Good ideas badly implemented. Too bad I can't be bothered to PvE much on any of my characters once they've reached lvl 50...credit rewards & Legacy xp ticks slowly from just doing WarZones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am just going to keep it simple.


I am extremely disappointed that the "Legacy Abilities" in 1.3 are in fact Character Abilities.


If the ability does not affect your entire "Legacy" then it is not a Legacy Ability.


I love the game and have played since launch but this news has had me play less and less as of late.

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Like the legacy system but they went about the perks and stuff wrong.


What should have happened and should be with the legacy is:


Perks and items should be done either of two ways:


You reach a certain legacy level and everything in that level should be unlocked or:


You pay credits to unlock it Not:


You reach a legacy level and then you need to get the credits or you have to reach another level (such as social, etc)


The way it is implemented is not right.

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Legacy is just a glorified experience bar imo. Currently, legacy offers nothing i have found worth spending credits on as well. Overall, its pretty much useless fluff....idk...i must not be your average Star Wars fan. Haveing my characters related doesnt even appeal to me. I personally want my characters to have nothing to do with each other.


Overall i guess what im saying is 1.2 fixed alot of stuff, this made me happy. Legacy could have not even been added for all i care. /shrug

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All the legacy system is; is another credit/time sinc. They though folks would be willing to grind it out and pay the credits.


Personally other than the free unlocks, there is nothing in the legacy system I would pay for not 1 credit.


It is a joke, and whoever came up with the pricing should be forced to stand in public and be flogged.

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Like the legacy system but they went about the perks and stuff wrong.


What should have happened and should be with the legacy is:


Perks and items should be done either of two ways:


You reach a certain legacy level and everything in that level should be unlocked or:


You pay credits to unlock it Not:


You reach a legacy level and then you need to get the credits or you have to reach another level (such as social, etc)


The way it is implemented is not right.


I agree.Isn't there enough credits sinks in the game for them?Your system would work fine.

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It's not perfect but I like it.

I agree. I like the legacy system, I'd prefer there were no such thing as 'character perks' but I like the system as a whole since it gives people who enjoy leveling but don't like end-game progression something else to aim for. Completing the Imperial Classes and Republic Classes sections in legacy alone is about a 8-12 months gaming for altoholics.


I don't believe the system was ever designed for hard core end-game players who only like to play one character and maximize that constantly, they have other ways to progress their characters. Legacy feels like it was aimed at giving people who think the game ends at 50 a reason to keep playing - most MMOs simply ignore these players.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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The problem is that almost everything that Legacy in it's current state offers is worthless to me as a player. It does not let me level faster, it does not grant me better skills (oh yes once every 15 mins I can force choke a guy, how great) and it does not enhance my overall gameplay experience - only good thing were the unlockable races so far.


And having all the class buffs is not 'better skill'? It menas you suddenly get 5% more endurance, aim, str, willpower, cunning, crit chance etc.


It IS a an advantage. Certainly you could just get it from another player, but that way you can have it every time and everywhere. Giving better skills over your usual set would make it a must have for everyone to stay competitive.


Only difference between that and a cash shop would be that you either need money or time to spend on getting additional skills. It should stay as cosmetic as possible, with perhaps some convenience like the faster levelling.

Oh wait, it has... :D

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Personally have no problem with paying for the perks once you reach the required level. As soon as legacy was released, within a week or two I was able to purchase all of the items I actually wanted - all the cool-downs on the Quick Travel and Fleet Pass, Mailbox on the ship, etc

There was no grinding, I have more than one character at Leel 50 and just a few days of running dailies (which I do not see as grinding as I want the DC anyway) and you have plenty of credits.


And that is the problem. There aren't enough credit sinks already and this is a much needed one. If there is nothing there that you would buy - then don't.

Nobody is forcing you to buy legacy rewards, grind for credits or even play the game.

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I like the Legacy System just fine. Its not anything spectacular, but its a system that adds a little something to an account that's been playing for a long time, and for us completionists out there. Like Achievements in a 360 game.


I think the idea that Legacy is bad because it doesn't fix any of your perceived problems with the game, or that we're somehow getting more Legacy content instead of actual game content/fixes, is stupid as hell. At worst Legacy is something you don't care about, but that Bioware can get done quickly and put out as part of content updates while they work on the game's larger issues.

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LOL I agree with OP 100%


As do I. It's not content - it's convenience and vanity items that cost far too much and do far too little. Fine addition, but worthless to a majority of the players and an absolute joke for a focus of updates by a team supposedly as large as Bioware has.

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