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Powertechs desperately need a nerf now or another 400k subs will be lost


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Powertechs are crazily overpowered right now. They can literally kill you with just 3 shots (4 shot if you're a tank wearing tank gear). The fact that this class hasn't been drastically nerfed is just baffling.


When a Powertech can double-cast railshot on you while a thermal detonator crits you for 6k then followup with a flamethrower that does 3k damage a tick I'm pretty sure a trained monkey could get 600k dps with 75 kills in a game of voidstar?

Want to run away from them? Nope sorry, you are perma-snared and they can use the Scorpion maneuver to pull you back.

Have someone to help you? Doesn't matter, they always have a shield up that blocks 50% of their damage taken.

Stun them? Nope, they can just break out of it.

Have a healer take their dots of you so rail shot can't be used? They'll just reapply it.

Outlast them so they run out of energy? Nope, they will just hit one button to restore all their energy.


The fact is that I'm a pro pvp'er who actually gets paid to PvP, I do this for a living folks. There are maybe 5 people in the whole game that would have a chance of beating me in a fair fight. I even use my mouse to move. I'll routinely solo Huttball by grabbing the ball and scoring 6 times. In Novare coast I solo defend both east and west. I basically pwn everybody until some noob powertech rolls along that just LOLbbqiCastRailShot beats me. Yay good for you you hit your two I WIN buttons and got me.

The only conclusion that can be drawn is that Powertechs must be insanely overpowered due to the fact that I can't beat them. If a really good player can never beat a particular class...there is a problem there people!! This class can simply never, ever, be beat 1v1.


By the way if you don't want to take my word for it, just take a look at this video:

. Notice how the powertech takes out 4 players at once with flame sweep? Yeah tell me that isn't OP.

Or just take a look at this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/7xAQm.jpg

That ALWAYS happens in every match with every powertech. They just keep on spamming their 2 iWin buttons and end up at the top of damage and protection.



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Lol such a fail post by such an uninformed individual.


600k dps says it all.... Only if you actually knew what dps meant or actually knew at least somewhat what you were talking about people would take you seriously.

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Is that company that pays you to play professionally in the comedy business?


While Pyrotechs are a little on the strong side currently your post is full of so many inaccuracies that... just no.

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For some reason, the only thing I got out of his post, was a huge desire to duel him in a fair fight.


Are powertechs overpowered? Probably. Are they so overpowered that skill can't overcome them? Absolutely not!


For some reason I question your skills, especially because of your anoniminty. Sounds a lot to me like some kid trying to whine on the forums, thinking that painting yourself as such a skilled player will actually help your argument. It doesn't.

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The fact is that I'm a pro pvp'er who actually gets paid to PvP, I do this for a living folks..


seriously, where do i sign up for this? getting paid to pvp??


hell, i play a Merc and dominate in PvP...


hook me up with a point of contact, i'll even DL fraps for that!!!


and i'll show ya pro!

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One word to OP: L2P.


TD 6k crit? TD crits 2-3k with equally geared (BM/WH), 3-4k with trinkets on. so does Rail (you are talking about Pyro now are you? Please specify the actual Advanced Class that needs 'nerfing' when doing this sort of posts. Or rather, don't do 'em at all.).


Now, a common burst could be IM(for the dot required by rail, see if you/teammates knew how to play (cleanse), it would be difficult for the pyro to do dmg)->TD->Rail->FB(1-2kdmg)->Rail. If everything crits (LoL) the dmg would add up to around 10k+ around 2k in dots (cleanse, hello?). So, 10k in 6-7.5 seconds. A common critical chance could be around 25-35%. So, in reality, from those 4 hard hitting attacks (TD and Rail) only one could be expected to crit. That is on average 7,5k in 6-7,5secs. This is just a rough example, don't get all butthurt if it ain't exact to a decimal.


Now go see +1mil dmg scores by jugg/mara/sorc (proves nothing balance wise) and realise, that videos lie without gear specified. I don't think I have to explain more.

Edited by SneiK
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Very bad post, voted 1. You are either discounting the fact pvp is a team effort and your team failed, or you are exaggerating to make yourself feel better about having to fight someone that is challenging for your class. Note: The first video post is the class video which has little bearing in in-game mechanics, its for show. My powertech does not insta-kill 4 people in pvp, when it does, I will yell 'lol' and enjoy it while it lasts. Also worthy of noting: Your screenshot of the match, on his team, the powertech had two healers with over 300k healing. I'm sure as a 'pro pvp person' such as yourself, you know as well as anyone that a live healer is a dead 'you'.


Thats not even breaking down your mixing and matching of who does what and which has damage and relevance in both the powertech or mercenary bounty hunter AC's. Thanks for playing.

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