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World PvP really doesn't work since usually when you design these things they try to have some sembalance with reality, but in reality if a side has a 2 to 1 (or better) advantage about all the defender can do is hide in their base if you make defenses strong, or just flat out die if you don't have strong defenses. Either way it makes very uninteresting gameplay for the side that's outnumbered.


If you somehow limit Ilum to say 40v40 then it's really just a really big WZ (which wouldn't necessarily be bad, but it isn't world PvP IMO), and of course you still could have a numbers issue if the side with less people can't field 40.


In Sun Tzu's Art of War, it's said that if you outnumber the enemy 2 to 1, attack them from both sides and kill them, and that's actually a pretty accurate description of what happens in a 2 on 1. In the reverse situation, Sun Tzu recommends hiding behind defensive fortifications until reinforcements arrive, except in this case, you don't got reinforcements and you might not even have defensive fortificaitons depending on how the game is designed. Heck, that sounds a lot like Ilum.

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Hey a mandalorian/hutt alliance could create an odd neutral faction?


Hey another member of black vulkar....nice to see u haven't quit the game after all those beatings we give u in wzs =) just playin! Ne ways looks like we have some old swg players lol a lot of these ideas sound very familiar. I have always thought that some of the bettr ideas from swg should be used in swtor...a couple that the op left out is player housing and faction points. This all lead to bettr world pvp in swg.

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25 vs 25 is doable and they could setup illum with a 16 man operation tuned to nightmare mode only and give classes a chance to farm a legendary weapon made from 20 different dropped pieces. That would give the incentive and reward to show up and win.


Carrot on a stick.....new larger scale wz with a chance to farm a legenary and a new OP.

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All the best stories I hear about world pvp are from people who took part in the Southshore/Tarren Mill battles, or from people who were in raiding guilds that used to pvp against other raiding guilds in front of the instance as they were getting ready to raid, sometimes even taking over part or all of the raid time, people who used to get in huge pvp wars between factions when they were trying to kill world bosses. There were no rewards or incentives for any of those activities, but they were all very popular, fun, and memorable.


So I disagree that nobody would take part. If a group of republic and a group of imperial ran into each other, they'd fight purely because they could. No incentive needed other than to kill the other side and win. And they'd have a ton of fun doing it.



I could be wrong as I never played WoW but from the way you describe it, there was an incentive to fight there. The simple fact that if you didn't beat the other raiding guild you couldn't access the raid and therefore could not progress in gear. Sounds like an incentive to me anyway.

Edited by Mistrunnerx
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I agree with all of it. But, I want to add:


Remove faction class restrictions.

Give bonuses to abilities depending on light side, dark side and neutrality.


I believe this to be the proper quote of Mr. Pope translated into binary in your signature. I'm sorry to post off subject, but I see this misquote far too often.


01000001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110100 01110100 01101100 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110010 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01100101 01110010 01101111 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110

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