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What Has VO/Story Done For You Lately?


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It was to be expected. The game lacks parallel leveling paths, like in WoW. You go through the same quest line over and over, with the exception of your class story.


WoW isnt really all that better. Leveling in WoW now is like a convator belt at an assemply plant. Each quest leads you into the next area all the way to 85.


SWTOR does have other leveling paths. You can level by just doing PVP, or you can do Space Missions and level that way as well.


Of course the main focus is the class story, which is excellent and offers more to the game, in my opinion, then some of the other MMOs. Each classes unique story gives you a different experience, providing you havn't already played that class.


Only downfall is that the world arc quests are the same for each class, but that is to be realisticlly expected.


On topic, the VO and Story has made playing the game and leveling my alts much more enjoyable then any other MMO I have currnetly played.

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VO was sweet on my 1st character, a Bounty Hunter. The VO really fit the part, and was very well done. I'll admit, I listened to every single class quest VO from start to finish...and most of the side quests.


On my 2nd character, I listened to the class quests only. Even then, I skipped parts because the VO just wasn't as good. Nothing compares to BH in my opinion. SW story was still pretty good though. On my 3rd character, spacebar. All of it. Story was meh (Agent). Now on my 4th character (Vanguard), and the story is somewhat interesting, but not really that great. Still skipping through most of it.


Once you've done the side quests up to L50, there's no point in listening to any of them again really. VO was cool the first time, after that, just a time sink. With subtitles on, I can read faster than they talk anyway.

Edited by TheronFett
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WoW isnt really all that better. Leveling in WoW now is like a convator belt at an assemply plant. Each quest leads you into the next area all the way to 85.


SWTOR does have other leveling paths. You can level by just doing PVP, or you can do Space Missions and level that way as well.


Of course the main focus is the class story, which is excellent and offers more to the game, in my opinion, then some of the other MMOs. Each classes unique story gives you a different experience, providing you havn't already played that class.


Only downfall is that the world arc quests are the same for each class, but that is to be realisticlly expected.


On topic, the VO and Story has made playing the game and leveling my alts much more enjoyable then any other MMO I have currnetly played.


Convator belt at an assemply plant, eh? :sul_eek:

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About 6 month into the game, few 50's, couple of BM's and one War Hero VO/Story are all but a distant memory. When I play an alt its space bar abuse....


So, as a PvP player, what has VO and story done for you lately?




When I play alts, I don't spacebar through very much, and I have 3 class buffs unlocked. I pretty much only spacebar in flashpoints and Balmorra because I like hearing the quest NPCs' reactions to each different class.

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Do we know if checking "auto skip movies" in preferences will get rid of this? I'm seriously asking.


But I love the VO/Story in the class quests.


Auto Skip Movies only applies to the new character creation movies, not WZ cutscenes, which is baffling. I hate seeing that cutscene in EVERY VOIDSTAR!

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Although YOU might find VO a waste of time and money, what about players who have difficulty reading small text? This could either be through dislexia or partial blindness.


Its amazing how quickly something gets palmed off as a waste of time when YOU don't see its merit



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