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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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My main conserne for swtor is that dev's keep implementing game improovinng changes before addressing the problem that there are not enough people playing starwars on each server! This is not regarding the new patch pr 1.2. It has been a problem since after the first month it so. I keep reading post's about the servers beeing full at launch, and yes ofcause they were, the game was hyped and brand new. However this does not change the fact that alot of these people did not intend on renewing their subs, leaving the servers ghostly! I'm conserned with Bio laying of Stephen Ried, who as far as I know was the main force behind server transfers and merging of servers. The main focus of 1.3 is groop finder wich seems strange to implement when there is no groops to be made on the basis of 20 people on the fleet in peak hours! Don't talk about the game still beeing all new, because there have been lots of recent and older mmo launches to learn from. I was one of the beta testers of WoW and had an active sub there for years. In WoW server population were never a problem. These conserns have been raised lots of times on these forums and it's beginning to pis me of that we can't get a straight answer regarding this! Im actually a really patient guy and normally I don't complain, but the server population is now at a lvl where pvp'ing and social interaction is no more possible - in other words I might aswell play a single player game. Bioware explaine yourself! Im paying for services I don't recive!
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I think this game needs to merge servers and the coming group finder should be cross-server.

I also think the galaxy and planets need more life, i think there should be a AC, trainers etc. on

each planet so the planets feels alive and not just questareas. That way i can choose where to

spend my time. I also think it would be cool if all planets could be captured somehow, a galaxywide

pvp. That would make the planet more interesting and alive. I mean the galaxy is at war, but there is no

war to be seen.


For ex. there could be certain times when planets/cities could be attacked, so there would be

conflict going on all the time between republic and sith. One week maybe courscant belongs to

the empire, and another time to the republic. How cool wouldnt be if the empire could capture


Edited by Thorgil
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From reading one too many forums from all sorts of MMOs, I'm not shocked that the majority of posts in this section are filled with negative reactions. But people, you have to realize this game is still relatively new. One must realize that when this game was released all servers were full. There were wait timers to get logged in. This was because gamers - particularly MMO gamers - are a fickle bunch. Most gamers dedicate 2-3 months (on average) to a game before they go to the "new shiny." We have had Mass Effect 3 released recently (please refrain from commenting on that as I am attempting to do), now we Diablo 3 being released, oh and hey summer is here, most folks go outside now, thus they aren't sitting in front of their computers. All these things will affect server populations. Yes, a consolidation of servers sounds like a great idea now that the "floaters" have moved on to other games, but there is still a MASSIVE group of subscribers playing daily. My guild has an average of 20-25 people on every night and really blows up on the weekends (The Republic - Darth Bandon; check us out we're actively recruiting). I know not all servers have that potential and thus the reason for character transfers. Do research on what servers have a good population, look for guild pages and see how many of the have active players and what servers they are on, do something more than look for all the negative angles and help yourself instead of relying on the devs to fix your woes - they are but human (most of them anyway). With this minimal research, you'll know in advance what server to transfer to. If you have a few buds (or guild) on your existing, but ultra-light server tell them and have everyone transfer. The resolution is not that difficult people, but admittedly it will depend on whether there is a fee or limit to server transfers, let's hope that neither is the case.


The fact is (to reiterate) the game has reached its plateau. The fireworks are over, the game isn't the shiny new box on the shelf. But this is still one hell of a game. This MMO has created new precedents and raised the bar for any and all MMOs out there currently and those in development. Give the folks working on this game a bit of time to address these issues and, to be frank, quit your complaining. If you want to quit - then quit. If you want to unsubscribe for a while, go out into the sun, and come back later, then do that. But to come in here and pick apart a very brief video teaser accomplishes nothing, except adds to internet rumor mill about "epic fails" committed by Bioware. Chill out, wait, watch, perhaps sign up for the test server and see what happens. Be critical if you must, but include constructive criticism, address the issue and offer fixes or compromises. Do NOT recommend microtransactions (as someone else posted) because that is the death knell of any and all MMOs (at least true and well made MMOs), just look at Star Trek Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, and many others. Not to mention, that is a topic that makes me want to troll out.


One "fix" I would like to see offered, particularly with the addition of character transfers (and something that I think might also help with server populations) is more character slots per server. True, we have eight already, however speaking for myself, I have at least one character class that I would like to replay as a different advanced class (specifically I would like to have my Operative and a Sniper). Dual speccing (when it hits) will help a lot with alternative play styles, especially on the fly, but there are story "decision gates" I would like to go back and replay through to see how it unfolds and how the subtle differences in the story play out (one of my favorite aspects of the original KoTOR - which I still go back and play annually) without having to leave the server my guild is on. Just my two bits on something I would like to see as soon a developmentally possible.


I applaud you sir, you are taking the correct angle to look at the game instead of complaining about what they want fixed. Enjoy the game for what it is, not what it isn't :)

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EA and Bioware have wrong with this game, from the start. THey just need to start thinking about implementing new real features, social, real planet PVP with influence in the world... Adding new instances doesn't change the fact that you have nothing interesting to do in this game at level max. That's it.
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I applaud you sir, you are taking the correct angle to look at the game instead of complaining about what they want fixed. Enjoy the game for what it is, not what it isn't :)


Very much agreed.


My server Shadow Hand is seeing some decline but is still active and groups are not to hard to get into. PVP que during peak is about 5 minutes. Our guild is actively raiding. Other guilds are actively raiding. Also lower quests and flash points are doable with in a reasonable time frame. I will state that a merger with a lesser pop server would be nice and fill in some of the gaps though.


BTW we are recruiting as well The Imperial Inquisition - no one suspects us. =)

*points to those that get the joke*

Edited by Laurasha
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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


I like this guy for the fact he never uses the word "toon".

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At least they are making changes.Sadly none of them seem to matter, as they should of been there from the start. Obviously their copying WOW 1990 strategies are not working. A good leader would recognize this and change direction, before it's too late.


The legacy system was exciting for 2 seconds. If your in a decent guild, you had enough points to unlock everything on day 1. If your not guilded, you probably already leveled up all the toons you want to. It's ok as it is, I just think they need to add something like EQ's AA points. That way the legacy helps you with new toons, but an AA aspect would make your main toon stronger. Prepare them for new content. Thus giving the legacy system a purpose as far as your main is concerned.


The group finder seems almost silly at this point. You can solo to 50. You can do 2 heroics by yourself with most toons. A 4 heroic can be done by 2-3 players. Instances were doable by my very noob 3 person group. Sadly the rewards just usually weren't worth it. Guilded people don't need it, as they usually group with guildies. So the group finder is great, when they launch content with new levels. Assuming anyone is playing the game by then.


Character transfer.This saddens me, as in MMO's this usualy mean your game is on the decline. Usually they do charater transfers, then they get rid of servers.


This stuff is ok. I just think they need to focus on stuff that will keep old subs. Or draw new subs.


My suggestions...


Add Pazaak, Speeder racing, KOTOR style bounties, KOTOR style "arena duels". All of these aspects should add PVE, PVP, and minigame to the game. Yep even speeder racing can have "race time pvp". Thusly everyone can enjoy it. Most of the "bones" are there for these systems already. It should be doable.


Warhammer pvp. If it's good enough for Guild Wars 2, why isn't it good enough for SWTOR? Look at GW2's combat it's a dummied down of the Warhammer morale system. I mean EA owns Warhammer, they should use their incredible Warhammer, Age of Camelot pvp area capture open pvp mechanics. I think even the newly announced "The Elder Scrolls Online" will end up with Age of Camelot, Warhammer pvp aspects. Which is better than what we currently have.


Add a neutral faction. This helps the Warhammer pvp world captial capture mechanic be balanced. As the the 2 losing sides could turn against the winning side. I suggested this before the game came out. Now "The Elder Scrolls Online is going to use it". This could also allow for changing factions. This would make alignment choices actually matter (besides min/maxing). The simplified Warhammer pvp game, tested it. It is very workable.


Lastly guild stuff... Add guild perks system, again from Warhammer, and even WOW added it. Every game has it. Except this one. Have it focus on guild types. Have Raid, PVP, and Crafting perks. Let the guild leader choose. Of course the most important change would be to go with WOW/EQ old school raids. You know require like 40 people to take down the boss. Make it hard, so that the guilds compete with each other to be the best. While leveling up the most players. The current raid system is too easy. I still have a little to do, because me and my group is casual. My buddy who was on a pvp server, and a member of a serious raiding guild. Left beause they already did it all.


Guild/PVP Also because guilds tend to thrive on competition, why not make queable pvp instances where it is guild against guild. Obviously making it cross server would be nice also. Winners walk away with bragging rights. Then at least the guilds who are done with all the raids would have something to do, besides trying to stand at the fleet and impress the newbies that aren't in the game with their leet gear.

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Sorry Bioware, absolutely nothing in the 1.3 update that will convince me to buy more game time when mine runs out. I filled out the survey that was emailed to me when I canceled my subscription, I hope someone will actually read it.


Too little, too late. Sorry.

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Guys, understand something, and Bioware make sure you listen too.


1. MMO community, people... you have many servers... and low population... unless you guys are advertising the **** out of this game and people are joining left and right... then by all means keep the servers you have... but this is not the case... people are leaving... face it... you are losing money now... you need to get smaller... its called bending to circumstances... supply and demand? they teach you this in school... please know this and use it.... at a later time maybe Bioware..... when people realize the game becomes fantastic which it will if you listen to your fans.... then start replacing servers as your population starts to grow, dumb down your server list add 1 new one here and there if your populations start getting bigger you must address population as soon as possible... once people can play together again.... other people will be more willing to come back... or new people will be more willing to advertise this game for you... because why.. because there are people playing and the game is fun and alive...


2. Looking for Group tool FREAKING OUTSTANDING IDEA... Late but outstanding but late this should of been on here on 1.2 or 1.1.... and so glad that it has finally implemented good congratulations on this accomplishment. this will bring people together... but... you don't have people right now playing the game... therefore i suggest up... once your servers have population people will for sure use this feature because since you don't have people on your servers you need to consolidate, stop being egotistical thinking your going to hit the big time, and be a NINJA or HEROS and somehow everyone will love the game again that's not how it works... organized expansion is always the key to making a forever loved game hit what is important first... what makes a MMO a MMO people to play with, Core mechanics, Character Balance..... then Equipment Balance which this is huge I just call this CORE MECHANICS how the games numbers add up... THEN add some content but do those things first... each release or update I expect this from you to do it in this order from now on address what is SUPER IMPORTANT... THEN ADD YOUR *********** CONTENT.... I would know... since I have created my own games all my life... the Looking for Group Tool if anything its the only thing I'm excited about... for 1.3.


3. Core... this is what makes and breaks a game Bioware.. Its not the content... its not the wow that's a cool weapon or wow how long did it take you to get that or cool graphics or cool operations or wow cool this wow cool that eye candy... that does nothing for the player.... playing with other players is fun always has been... working for something super strong but really working for it.... something a guild can get for a player maybe a certain items if they defeat a very hard boss... certain drop rates on these special powerful items... Equipment that you earn the right to have... due to people you know and the skill of the people you know and your skill.... not just time you play the game grinding is alright and all but... don't base your game off just grinding... you need to have the different items. obtainable due to skill... and performance... not just time.... its the abilities the diversity and balance a game has that makes a game fun to play... how do you say Balance Beauty and Blend... repeat this to yourself's as I did when I played music... think of it this way Bioware. when listen to some epic music like I'm doing so right now sometimes something comes out the Baritone or French Horn, or Trumpet, Oboe they all have there unique sound... but they play together as a unite Balanced, a games classes equipment so on are the same way..... sometimes in music we get solos or moving lines.... but only sometimes.... and they are only heard during those times.. just like characters... give each class a voice that makes them different but still allows them to blend, equipment wise so on... and yes im not talking about graphics right now.... im talking about the numbers how this person kills this person how this person survives that class how this equipment is ""BETTER then this equipment for this and this reason... fix it now...... you have to connect with your fans... they know the game they play it everyday or they are playing it. Listen Listen they will tell you what needs to happen... once you listen THEY WILL BE MORE THEN HAPPY TO PAY YOU... for making them happy..... you are kinda off on tangent right now... your adding content... when you need to address GAMEPLAY core mechanics... revise what you have.. every employee needs to sit in front of there computer and say ok... lets look at the classes again.... what can we add.. to make this balance... what makes a healer a healer... what will be there trademark what makes them awesome to play. a tank a tank... a damage dealer this or that... and really truly look... and then while you sit and stare at the computer for hours and think on this... then ask yourself's how does this healer... survive in PvP.... how does this sentinel survive in PvP... each class... how can this class survive and make it fun to play.. WHAT WILL MAKE IT COMPETITIVE WITH EACH AND EVERY OTHER CLASS IN A DUEL... WHAT WILL ALLOW IT TO SURVIVE... WHAT IS ITS TRADEMARK ITS SPECIAL ABILITY... DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!! what will make it capable of killing this class what will make it capable for killing this class or in a healers perspective what will make it survive a onslaught of many in PvP and what will allow it to take some heat and still survive allowing there team or another team to win... figure it out guys.... address the interface and lag try to make game play a little smoother. more interface response to character response ratio.... I have heard many of your hardcore gamer's leaving due to the fact you have minor lag in your smoothness in gameplay.... when i press a button on the interface... bam i want that ability to start bam.. there it is speed... it allows players to really display skill... and thinking... and stay focused when abilities come out quicker.... channeling is Ok and the cast bar things are ok.. but your instant abilities they need to happen faster. from finger to screen. the same can be said opening your screen like the legacy options notice when you pop it open and run you lose tons of frames why!!!??? ADDRESS THIS, GAMEPLAY IS EVERYTHING GAMEPLAY GAMEPLAY GAMEPLAY..... IT KEEPS YOUR FANS WANTING TO PLAY THE GAME BECAUSE ITS FAIR, BECAUSE ITS FUN.. BECAUSE ITS BALANCED... YOU GUYS HAVE ALL THESE AWESOME IDEAS ALREADY HERE REFINE TIME LETS DO IT START CRUNCHING DOWN ON THIS. DONT ADD CONTENT FIX THIS FIRST!!!! THEN ADD CONTENT LIKE A NEW FP OR NEW LIGHTSABER seriously. Diverse the Skill Trees.... and Balance Beauty Blend...


4. Finally after you have done the things I literally have yelled at you about... then then add content... new Lightsaber hell where did the white Lightsaber go... ***??? new operations so on then do these things new equipment because then then you will have a better idea of what numbers you want to make these ohh so special equipment or lightsaber operate and work in the game o so amazing why... because you already got the core down... adding **** to it now.. is easy as ****..... now the gameplay please be careful with that of course that is something once you get dont tamper with so much only change unless something really doesnt work.. or if your adding something new and expanding on the class ablilities... but if that's the case then you better be thinking about balance the whole time... and how the game will be fun... remember DIVERSIFY YOUR CLASSES


5. finally i will end on what i think should be done... as crazy as i might sound i love this game very much as i loved star wars very much i watched it as i grew in the 80s and i played all of the games at least once straight through's... the old republic series so on... I have 4 years of experience in graphic art a lot of programming experience self taught 2 years of engineering... and 4 years of software development.... this game takes me away from work and all this real world stuff.... so take me away... make it a new world..... these are things that should be on your list... as I personally played this game hours and hours and nit picked it... yes i nit picked it... and i will give you a plan.... that needs to happen and i can almost bless it... to the fact that it will keep your game alive... and then make it grow a pair of nuts and be competitive with WoW... you want that right???.... so here what you must do...


UPDATE 1.4. SERVER MERGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR SOMEHOW FIND a extra 5000 people that want to play the game... GL... IF NOT A SERVER MERGE THEN........ CROSS SERVER GROUPING SYSTEM CROSS GROUPING PVP SYSTEM. TRANSFER SYSTEM OK AWESOME but then your shutting down the servers that have no one it ... and then offer those 5 10 20 people a free transfer to a populated server if they haven't transfered yet.... KEEP 1 LIGHT SERVER UP KEEP THE OTHERS AS POPULATED AS POSSIBLE!!!! dont add anything to legacy...no content updates no nothing... yay easy job just working one thing at a time... yay congrads now people are together again its a MMO congratulations


UPDATE 1.5 we now have people together playing the game again they're happy YAYAYAYAAAA now what we going to do now were going to do this... BALANCE ADD FEATURES thats IT THATS ALL NO LEGACY NO NOTHING JUST GAMEPLAY AND FEATURES.... HOW IS EVERYTHING WORKING LFG CAN WE MAKE IT BETTER NO OR YES... fix the GAMEPLAY... address the CORE MECHANICS FIX FIX FIX FIX... LISTEN TO YOUR FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will tell you they will *********** tell you listen they will tell you.. DONT ADD CONTENT DONT *********** DO IT... just fix the gameplay fix how the game plays mechanics numbers equipment fix it tweak change make it work... test the **** out of it... this will most likely be the longest one to take to get too you will test this and test again and get feed back on your test servers... and really ask for it and really listen your fans will say nope or yep... the classes make them Diverse OK.... hell and in the process LETS GET THAT RANKED PVP GOING MY NUGGETS YEAHH how about it you know get something on the table theres a nice feature there we go...


UPDATE 1.6 Congratulations you now have a working game structure where everyone loves... we have ranked pvp... is there anything we can fix and make it better... DONT EVER ERASE **** IMPLEMENTED.... for instance the moment you started taking **** out or erasing content is the moment you will demoralize your fans about whats going on... dear lord dont do this............. anyway............. SO RANKED WARZONE SHOULD BE REALLY WORKING NOW BAM HELL YEAH GOOD DEAL BEAUTIFUL TWEAK HERE THERE BAM PVP HOW SEXY IT WORKS NICE NOW.... SO SEXYYY YESSSS MONEY IN THE POCKETT MONEY IN THE POCKETT OHH YEAHHH...... EA AND BIOWARE MAKING MONEY NOW... because they are doing *** they are told!!!!!!!!!! LETS ADD A OPERATION FOR PvE or maybe a new kind of instance something with only obtainable equipment from there...


Update 1.7 its all uphill from here guys... its all uphill add **** new worlds new content but remember keep it balanced...


Update 1.8 NOW NOW YOU CAN THINK ABOUT YOUR LEGACY CRAP... and SUPER END GAME now you can think about that... what this person is mommy with this person and daddy........ by this time the game is so fun to play Legacy will be just a bonus to the interest which is exactly what it should be... it is end game very end game... and you should not be going crazy on this in 1.2 or 1.3 your going to fast slow the **** down and worry about what is important THANK YOU..


UPDATE 2.0 by this time this game should have its **** together... if it doesnt... well then most likely theres no longer anyone on your servers... and or no one wants to play the game anymore... because the things just didnt happen fast enough... and very sad this game to die even before 1 1/2 years you.... prioritize that is the key to saving this game.... and yes you are too that point... time to listen to your fans that are still there... and what they want... and worry about what is important... not content....


yes i really wrote this much.... so do me a favor and don't be lazy take it into consideration... thank you. [/size]


S. Madrigal

Huge fan of Star Wars.


P.s. yes I have played WoW and FFXI and many other good MMOs... no I have not took any ideas from there games for this game... is not WoW or FFXI it is Star Wars... and it must grow to be that... good luck Bioware that's some big shoes you need to fill... you have a great story and the leveling PvE is great the datacrons so on... the story is great... now its time to add the replay value... why do i want to play this game over and over again... not just to look at a lightsaber... thats cool but? tell me? good luck.

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Guys, understand something, and Bioware make sure you listen too.


1. MMO community, people... you have many servers... and low population... unless you guys are advertising the **** out of this game and people are joining left and right... then by all means keep the servers you have... but this is not the case... people are leaving... face it... you are losing money now... you need to get smaller... its called bending to circumstances... supply and demand? they teach you this in school... please know this and use it.... at a later time maybe Bioware..... when people realize the game becomes fantastic which it will if you listen to your fans.... then start replacing servers as your population starts to grow, dumb down your server list add 1 new one here and there if your populations start getting bigger you must address population as soon as possible... once people can play together again.... other people will be more willing to come back... or new people will be more willing to advertise this game for you... because why.. because there are people playing and the game is fun and alive...


2. Looking for Group tool FREAKING OUTSTANDING IDEA... Late but outstanding but late this should of been on here on 1.2 or 1.1.... and so glad that it has finally implemented good congratulations on this accomplishment. this will bring people together... but... you don't have people right now playing the game... therefore i suggest up... once your servers have population people will for sure use this feature because since you don't have people on your servers you need to consolidate, stop being egotistical thinking your going to hit the big time, and be a NINJA or HEROS and somehow everyone will love the game again that's not how it works... organized expansion is always the key to making a forever loved game hit what is important first... what makes a MMO a MMO people to play with, Core mechanics, Character Balance..... then Equipment Balance which this is huge I just call this CORE MECHANICS how the games numbers add up... THEN add some content but do those things first... each release or update I expect this from you to do it in this order from now on address what is SUPER IMPORTANT... THEN ADD YOUR *********** CONTENT.... I would know... since I have created my own games all my life... the Looking for Group Tool if anything its the only thing I'm excited about... for 1.3.


3. Core... this is what makes and breaks a game Bioware.. Its not the content... its not the wow that's a cool weapon or wow how long did it take you to get that or cool graphics or cool operations or wow cool this wow cool that eye candy... that does nothing for the player.... playing with other players is fun always has been... working for something super strong but really working for it.... something a guild can get for a player maybe a certain items if they defeat a very hard boss... certain drop rates on these special powerful items... Equipment that you earn the right to have... due to people you know and the skill of the people you know and your skill.... not just time you play the game grinding is alright and all but... don't base your game off just grinding... you need to have the different items. obtainable due to skill... and performance... not just time.... its the abilities the diversity and balance a game has that makes a game fun to play... how do you say Balance Beauty and Blend... repeat this to yourself's as I did when I played music... think of it this way Bioware. when listen to some epic music like I'm doing so right now sometimes something comes out the Baritone or French Horn, or Trumpet, Oboe they all have there unique sound... but they play together as a unite Balanced, a games classes equipment so on are the same way..... sometimes in music we get solos or moving lines.... but only sometimes.... and they are only heard during those times.. just like characters... give each class a voice that makes them different but still allows them to blend, equipment wise so on... and yes im not talking about graphics right now.... im talking about the numbers how this person kills this person how this person survives that class how this equipment is ""BETTER then this equipment for this and this reason... fix it now...... you have to connect with your fans... they know the game they play it everyday or they are playing it. Listen Listen they will tell you what needs to happen... once you listen THEY WILL BE MORE THEN HAPPY TO PAY YOU... for making them happy..... you are kinda off on tangent right now... your adding content... when you need to address GAMEPLAY core mechanics... revise what you have.. every employee needs to sit in front of there computer and say ok... lets look at the classes again.... what can we add.. to make this balance... what makes a healer a healer... what will be there trademark what makes them awesome to play. a tank a tank... a damage dealer this or that... and really truly look... and then while you sit and stare at the computer for hours and think on this... then ask yourself's how does this healer... survive in PvP.... how does this sentinel survive in PvP... each class... how can this class survive and make it fun to play.. WHAT WILL MAKE IT COMPETITIVE WITH EACH AND EVERY OTHER CLASS IN A DUEL... WHAT WILL ALLOW IT TO SURVIVE... WHAT IS ITS TRADEMARK ITS SPECIAL ABILITY... DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!! what will make it capable of killing this class what will make it capable for killing this class or in a healers perspective what will make it survive a onslaught of many in PvP and what will allow it to take some heat and still survive allowing there team or another team to win... figure it out guys.... address the interface and lag try to make game play a little smoother. more interface response to character response ratio.... I have heard many of your hardcore gamer's leaving due to the fact you have minor lag in your smoothness in gameplay.... when i press a button on the interface... bam i want that ability to start bam.. there it is speed... it allows players to really display skill... and thinking... and stay focused when abilities come out quicker.... channeling is Ok and the cast bar things are ok.. but your instant abilities they need to happen faster. from finger to screen. the same can be said opening your screen like the legacy options notice when you pop it open and run you lose tons of frames why!!!??? ADDRESS THIS, GAMEPLAY IS EVERYTHING GAMEPLAY GAMEPLAY GAMEPLAY..... IT KEEPS YOUR FANS WANTING TO PLAY THE GAME BECAUSE ITS FAIR, BECAUSE ITS FUN.. BECAUSE ITS BALANCED... YOU GUYS HAVE ALL THESE AWESOME IDEAS ALREADY HERE REFINE TIME LETS DO IT START CRUNCHING DOWN ON THIS. DONT ADD CONTENT FIX THIS FIRST!!!! THEN ADD CONTENT LIKE A NEW FP OR NEW LIGHTSABER seriously. Diverse the Skill Trees.... and Balance Beauty Blend...


4. Finally after you have done the things I literally have yelled at you about... then then add content... new Lightsaber hell where did the white Lightsaber go... ***??? new operations so on then do these things new equipment because then then you will have a better idea of what numbers you want to make these ohh so special equipment or lightsaber operate and work in the game o so amazing why... because you already got the core down... adding **** to it now.. is easy as ****..... now the gameplay please be careful with that of course that is something once you get dont tamper with so much only change unless something really doesnt work.. or if your adding something new and expanding on the class ablilities... but if that's the case then you better be thinking about balance the whole time... and how the game will be fun... remember DIVERSIFY YOUR CLASSES


5. finally i will end on what i think should be done... as crazy as i might sound i love this game very much as i loved star wars very much i watched it as i grew in the 80s and i played all of the games at least once straight through's... the old republic series so on... I have 4 years of experience in graphic art a lot of programming experience self taught 2 years of engineering... and 4 years of software development.... this game takes me away from work and all this real world stuff.... so take me away... make it a new world..... these are things that should be on your list... as I personally played this game hours and hours and nit picked it... yes i nit picked it... and i will give you a plan.... that needs to happen and i can almost bless it... to the fact that it will keep your game alive... and then make it grow a pair of nuts and be competitive with WoW... you want that right???.... so here what you must do...


UPDATE 1.4. SERVER MERGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR SOMEHOW FIND a extra 5000 people that want to play the game... GL... IF NOT A SERVER MERGE THEN........ CROSS SERVER GROUPING SYSTEM CROSS GROUPING PVP SYSTEM. TRANSFER SYSTEM OK AWESOME but then your shutting down the servers that have no one it ... and then offer those 5 10 20 people a free transfer to a populated server if they haven't transfered yet.... KEEP 1 LIGHT SERVER UP KEEP THE OTHERS AS POPULATED AS POSSIBLE!!!! dont add anything to legacy...no content updates no nothing... yay easy job just working one thing at a time... yay congrads now people are together again its a MMO congratulations


UPDATE 1.5 we now have people together playing the game again they're happy YAYAYAYAAAA now what we going to do now were going to do this... BALANCE ADD FEATURES thats IT THATS ALL NO LEGACY NO NOTHING JUST GAMEPLAY AND FEATURES.... HOW IS EVERYTHING WORKING LFG CAN WE MAKE IT BETTER NO OR YES... fix the GAMEPLAY... address the CORE MECHANICS FIX FIX FIX FIX... LISTEN TO YOUR FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will tell you they will *********** tell you listen they will tell you.. DONT ADD CONTENT DONT *********** DO IT... just fix the gameplay fix how the game plays mechanics numbers equipment fix it tweak change make it work... test the **** out of it... this will most likely be the longest one to take to get too you will test this and test again and get feed back on your test servers... and really ask for it and really listen your fans will say nope or yep... the classes make them Diverse OK.... hell and in the process LETS GET THAT RANKED PVP GOING MY NUGGETS YEAHH how about it you know get something on the table theres a nice feature there we go...


UPDATE 1.6 Congratulations you now have a working game structure where everyone loves... we have ranked pvp... is there anything we can fix and make it better... DONT EVER ERASE **** IMPLEMENTED.... for instance the moment you started taking **** out or erasing content is the moment you will demoralize your fans about whats going on... dear lord dont do this............. anyway............. SO RANKED WARZONE SHOULD BE REALLY WORKING NOW BAM HELL YEAH GOOD DEAL BEAUTIFUL TWEAK HERE THERE BAM PVP HOW SEXY IT WORKS NICE NOW.... SO SEXYYY YESSSS MONEY IN THE POCKETT MONEY IN THE POCKETT OHH YEAHHH...... EA AND BIOWARE MAKING MONEY NOW... because they are doing *** they are told!!!!!!!!!! LETS ADD A OPERATION FOR PvE or maybe a new kind of instance something with only obtainable equipment from there...


Update 1.7 its all uphill from here guys... its all uphill add **** new worlds new content but remember keep it balanced...


Update 1.8 NOW NOW YOU CAN THINK ABOUT YOUR LEGACY CRAP... and SUPER END GAME now you can think about that... what this person is mommy with this person and daddy........ by this time the game is so fun to play Legacy will be just a bonus to the interest which is exactly what it should be... it is end game very end game... and you should not be going crazy on this in 1.2 or 1.3 your going to fast slow the **** down and worry about what is important THANK YOU..


UPDATE 2.0 by this time this game should have its **** together... if it doesnt... well then most likely theres no longer anyone on your servers... and or no one wants to play the game anymore... because the things just didnt happen fast enough... and very sad this game to die even before 1 1/2 years you.... prioritize that is the key to saving this game.... and yes you are too that point... time to listen to your fans that are still there... and what they want... and worry about what is important... not content....


yes i really wrote this much.... so do me a favor and don't be lazy take it into consideration... thank you. [/size]


S. Madrigal

Huge fan of Star Wars.


P.s. yes I have played WoW and FFXI and many other good MMOs... no I have not took any ideas from there games for this game... is not WoW or FFXI it is Star Wars... and it must grow to be that... good luck Bioware that's some big shoes you need to fill... you have a great story and the leveling PvE is great the datacrons so on... the story is great... now its time to add the replay value... why do i want to play this game over and over again... not just to look at a lightsaber... thats cool but? tell me? good luck.


I saw your huge winded post with lost of capital letters and bold font, then I looked at your signature and burst out laughing.

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There are 41 people logged on right now for republic on my server... That's not in the fleet. There are 41 total republic logged in throughout all zones, throughout all level ranges.. All the servers are at a population descriptor of "light" except for two east coast servers. But the plan is allow server transfers? There are no talks of servers being closed? Of servers being merged? But we're going to be allowed to transfer servers? Which of the 42 light west coast servers do I transfer to to have enough players to play?


Better than the 7-10 on F'n Crystal. :eek:

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People still play this crap shoot game lol, I left this about a month ago because this game has no future. I loved the idea of this game, bioware ruined my love for the thought of this game..... SWG was better than this LMFAO
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Wow I think it's kinda ballsy for them to show the server loads as all standard or heavy while discussing the server transfers. This game is almost dead. I log in and there are 31 people on fleet when there used to be over a hundred last month and that is at peak time.


Sad that all the money they put into this game and it's a total fail and it's really because despite all the developments they had none of the features that were considered basic in other MMO's. It's like being stuck in 2002. :D


I will continue to play but these guys take forever to release anything new and fall short usually. I say it's way too little, way too late but only time will tell.

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I have absolutely no connection to my Characters, they have a history, but its EVERYONES History, when I played SWG it was a journey, you see your character grow and progress, you learn to play your toon better, change his appearance, get a reputation, open up a shop, mingle with the community, it was a living breathing world. SWTOR is a dead linear themepark, it doesn't feel like Star Wars, it doesn't feel like a fun place to hang around, and it doesn't feel like an MMO... It needs MASSIVE overhauls in every aspect of the game to make it worthy of the Star Wars name.


You have a Lot of work to do Bioware, if you want my money anyway. It's sad they closed SWG down to make way for this over-hyped SPRPG.

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grrr.... this game is in its last throws of life ......its sad that i wasted the money an time for a game that shouldve started with all this **** before it realeased...deffintilty not buying more game time...its sad that DC universe is a better game than this...you would think that a big game manufactor would have its **** together...depressing Edited by Docowens
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This video should not be named "Coming soon", should be "coming late"

It's already too late for some of these changes. Transfers? Should exist since first month of the game. Meanwhile thaey should merge a lot of servers, 122 US servers but 108 have low pop all day long.


Bioware keep postponing the inevitable. They try for months keep the ilum, when they should get rid of it until change it for a long time, now keep avoiding merge. When it happens 1/3 of players probly left the game for some more resonable game like guildwars 2.


It's a pitty i wanted to play it, and i wanted to keep playing, but bioware/EA forced me to leave. Now i have until june 16 to my account expires, but it do not matters, cos' i have nothing to do, my char's stuck in a dead server. Now i can only wait for others games, guild wars, first civilization V expantion, X-COM remake.

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I love how people forget that it was their own fault that there are so many servers...any else remember the crying and rage with all the queue to just get in? What happened? Bioware unfortunately listened to us even though they probably had a feeling today's condition would happen. We have a ton of servers, a nice amount of people who thought they'd love TOR might have only liked it and moved on like many other players in other MMO's, but now people are blaming Bioware for our mistake of demanding more, and more servers from start? Yup...


I have absolutely no connection to my Characters, they have a history, but its EVERYONES History, when I played SWG it was a journey, you see your character grow and progress, you learn to play your toon better, change his appearance, get a reputation, open up a shop, mingle with the community, it was a living breathing world. SWTOR is a dead linear themepark, it doesn't feel like Star Wars, it doesn't feel like a fun place to hang around, and it doesn't feel like an MMO... It needs MASSIVE overhauls in every aspect of the game to make it worthy of the Star Wars name.


You have a Lot of work to do Bioware, if you want my money anyway. It's sad they closed SWG down to make way for this over-hyped SPRPG.


Strange...I feel completely different. Yes, the physical shops / cities, and entertainers chaning some small aspect of my physical appearance are something I miss too from SWG, but an overhaul in every aspect? You're just being unrealistic. SWG was a dead game plain and simple. People were leaving SWG in an obvious trend, SOE failed many times to grab attention, and the game became stale to the extent that logging on was pointless.


In TOR you can create a reputation, you can mingle with others if you give the effort, there are places to hang around, you can grow and progress in the journey you have alone or with a ton of friends, and this feels more like Star Wars than SWG ever did. It IS worthy.


It's just sad that most off the MMO players today are spoiled brats who don't know better.

Edited by Eillack
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