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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Poor oul James doesn't seem his usual happy self on this video - must have a royal pain in his *** from players rightly bemoaning the shortfalls of the game and a good deal of people who expect too much. The honeymoon period i think we can say is finally over - SWTOR are no longer new kids on the block.


I love the game but do hope that they halve the number of servers in tandem with allowing server transfers. It would also be nice to know in advance how transfers will be allowed so that we can prepare.....will you have to move all characters or will you be able to split them up and if so will the legacy be maintained. Some solid info on this would be nice on this soon. Oh yeah , one last thing.... EARLY SUMMER IS HERE...please dont hold all this for a further month.

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Reality check


LFG tool should have been in the game from day one, and that's that.


A server selection screen showing 'standard' and 'heavy' populations is just sad.

In reality there are only 2 european servers with standard, the rest of them is light.

I know that the marketing departement would freak if they decided to show it as it really is, but still...

And the way they explain why will it be possible to change servers - 'to find youre friends' that's even sadder.

It's obvious that the game is dying and not even slowly. Trying to prevent it by enabling migration is just to little to late.


So let's just light a candle for SWTOR and enjoy it while we stil can...

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All well and good introducing updates to the Legacy system and developing armour and ways in which to level up---a nice addition being added is the group finder---but you still have not listened to the needs of your customers who enjoy the pvp aspect of the game---you have not answered any questions put forward as to how you are going to fix the massive imbalance in the 50's pvp warzones since the addition of expertise and new armour at 1.2---and the strong suspicion of cheats and hackers in the pvp republic sides---please tell us how and when you are going to fix this burning issue?


Sounds like someone dosen't know how to PvP and by that is getting hit in the face by the laws of nature, survival of the fitteeeeeest weeeeeeeeeeee *snickers*

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I hope this is one of the guys that was fired cause I am so sick of paying to wait and wait.


I agree with your point re name calling on WZs - no need for it ...just immature and unneccessary.


I don't agree however re. server transfers that its a simple choice re re-rolling because your server is light. When you re-roll you leave behind a character you have put a month or more love and time into, maybe more than one and all that the legacy means. Fair enough if you started on a quiet server and now you fancy something a bit busier but for most playing they joined on standard or busy servers and that population died away, there should be options to move to a busier server and people are right to complain about that.

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I really liked the part about ranked warzones.








And what about world PVP? You know... the thing you people are LOSING subcribers over?


Nope... You just implemented MORE ways to try and suck us into PVE...


This game is no longer worth $15 a month.


While I am unsubscribing... Y'all know Rift is talking about 3-faction PVP?? I'm off to go check THAT out.

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Yay! they got it right this time. Movie watchable in fullscreen.




"To find your friends....." "you wanna play with your friends we know that.. "


If ya brought friends into the game dont ya think they would start on the same server as you ? :p

Edited by Poliwrath
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I guess some of my disappointment is that we were supposed to Learn about a date regarding server transfers this week.


Maybe I dreamed that...


Again, give us the server transfers now For the low pop servers and my overall 70 pct satisfaction with the game will instantly increase to 100 pct. Right now the 30 pct for me is overshadowing the positive.

Due to me being unable to do any kind of WZS and limited HMs.


Waiting for a date for transfers


Edited by kithsyn
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It was a BIG mistake imo to have transfers and not merges. :|


Actually not true if its done correctly. You obviously would not allow all servers to transfer out. You would eventually shut down the low pop servers and only have a limited number of servers to go to. So the medium pop servers would get a nice boost and the low severs would Close. Pretty simple actually if bioware decides which Servs are eligible and which Servs are available.

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Very upset about this.All this hype about Player Transfers.If they would just do server mergers now and repopulate servers most people wouldn't want to transfer from a server.


This is going to tear guilds apart as player leave guilds and go to be on more active servers.Nothing has been said about allowing entire guilds to transfer, just players.So whats happens to guild leaders who spent tons of credits to start guild banks and stuff.......we are left with the shaft and guilds with no one in them.




Allowing player transfers before addressing the population problems on most servers is going to tear guilds apart and destroy the guilds.If that happens I will be quitting this game.


I would like to point out that probably a small percentage of players would want to transfer just because they want to play with friends.The majority of players now will only be transferring in search of better populated servers which is Biowares fault in the first place.This is not the right circumstances to allow player transfers.


If you noticed the server populations dropped on a few occasions,

-After Legacy update which allowed some people to transfer if they wanted to get their chars on the same server.(This was the first mistake since many people knew it was coming they created characters on Fatman server and then transferred all their chars there after the update which killed many other servers.)

-After expansion into new countries which allowed many people who were playing on US servers since launch to transfer to servers in their regions.(This I could understand since many people want the best connection and servers where they live.)


That being said Bioware continued to let the US servers populations dwindle without addressing the problem.Now if player transfers are allowed before server mergers it is going to create a huge mess.Guilds will be destroyed as people leave to find better populated servers.And what happens if a bunch of epople all transfer to one server while at the same time people on that server leave,how does that fix a server population problem.If 20 people leave one server while 20 people join it then it solves or fixes nothing for that server.


The thing that makes sense to first fix the big problem which would be to do some server mergers now and make the players happy.Then if player transfers come people will only be transferring for the right reasons not just because their playing on a dead server.

Edited by Visualizer
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If transfers dont come out within the month of june im done with the game. the fact that thats not out yet is game breaking! i cant beleave you put it off so long! anyways get to work fast unless you want to lose more money
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(Quoted for Truth)

Don't take it personally, devs, we're trying to help you.


LFG Tool


Looks great but if server mergers dont happen before it releases it wont succeed. It still doesnt fix the server population problem at the end of the day.


If the server merger happens before....awesome tool and I look forward to using it.


Character Transfers


Dont be afraid to put a lot of restrictions on this tool. If you dont control it after doing your server mergers then we will be right back to square one in regards to our population problem right now.



Legacy System


Please slow down with these updates and work on content elsewhere. Honestly the majority of the community doesnt care about these updates and you have made them not want to use them. I thought initially during PTS that if you had the legacy requirement you could use these items immediately. The legacy system as of right now before 1.3 is a joke. I only use it to aquire the buffs from my alts. I will never spend 2-4 millions credits for a pair of rocket boots that last a few seconds and has extreme restraints on where it can be used. Its nothing more than a credit sink for fluff items. I would rather see you open a game store for items like this that people can use real money on. Its already been stated in the past the average player has roughtly 1 millions credits. Well between the extremely over priced Mod/Augment situation we are in and the legacy unlock its impossible to keep credits. Now after 1.3 you are going to make the legacy unlocks per character versus per server account like it is now. So if I plan to level multiple toons I have to go back and repurchase all of these unlocks again....wont happen



Augment System



Your serioulsy playing with fire on this system and better start being careful. This augment system is starting to get out of control with how much you can add to your base stats. It is only further dividing the community in pve/pvop. I think the expertise change has greatly affected the PVP scene, however on top of that adding all the augment slots to the gear as further compounded the problem. The DPS classes are running around 2-3 shotting people in warzones. The top progression guilds are also able to aquire stats that I dont feel should be possible right now for this stage of the game. There should be an upward climb in stats as the game progresses. Where are we going to be in 1 year from now...DPS classes running around with 3-4 k strength? Can you imagine the damage??





Frankly you have to do something NOW...not later....



The PVP community is dying fast...its all over the boards...


I dont even know if rated warzone will bring back those that left at this point and we need to look beyond that feature.



We need multiple new warzone. We need a large scale warzone unlike huttball/denova/voidstar. It needs to support more than 25 members on each side ( Im not asking for 100 each side...we all know the engine cannot handle it....see ilum)



Whatever it is...it needs to happen in June...it cannot wait

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Let me ask u and everoyne ************ about people qq'n something.. How bad does a game need to get b4 qq'n becomes legit. Honestly the majority of people complaining are not complaining becasue they hate the game because they would'nt be here if they did. They are complaining becasue the game they enjoy and pay for i might add is border line unplayable with the current population of almost all the servers on the entire game depending on what u enjoy doing on the game. Most servers are down to 20-40 people on the fleet a night. Finding a grp for a story mode pug or hm fp is near impossible pretty much, pvp que's take literally hours. Then after thousands of posts and suggestions on how to fix the game and get it back on track they turn around and do nothing to help. Character trans are good for some and horrible for others. Who in their right mind is gonna decide to trans to a dead server? whats gonna end up happening is there will be a few mre full sercvers like fatman and the rest will be even lighter(if thats possible for some). All they have to do to fix the population issue is merge the servers. Instead they make a grp finder finally but its gonna be worthless to people on a dead server. Its almost like a smack in the face to be honest. Thats how i feel anyway.


I mean i dont like qq'n aobut the game. I left wow to play this game and i'm still glad i did but some of the **** these guys do is just hard to understand sometimes. I love the new raid they released i really like the how they listened to players aobut increasing the difficulty of raids and fp's. But i dont like sitting in pvp ques for 2 hours... I dont like having nothing to do outside of raids other that lvl alts and dailies. I still have faith the can turn it around but this is just gonna be a disaster and i dont understand how the customers can see it and they dont.


I never said that criticisms of the game or Bioware are not valid. In many of the "clearly stated" criticisms, I completely agree and share the frustration. What I'm specifically referring to are the "over the top" criticisms that aren't even really criticisms, just insults. "Bioware, you lied to us", "Bioware, you only care about money", "Bioware, you are the worst game developers ever", "Bioware, you are just incompetent".


Be honest, do you REALLY think that every single one of these complaints haven't been posted and re-posted in HUNDREDS of forums under different topics? When they do give specifics about features (i.e. Ranked Warzones in 1.2), and, for whatever reason, had to delay that release, the forums are flooded with silly rage posts about how they were lied to, misled, whatever.


All most of us are saying is it's fine to be frustrated and even angry about the current state of the game, If you are wanting communication, you aren't going to get it by just insulting the devs or making sweeping generalizations about them post after post. If you are THAT angry about a video game, why are you playing?


In all honesty, if you want the devs to take notice that the game is "heading in the wrong direction" or "being mishandled", the real way you are going to get their attention is to unsub. But if they do that, they can't post here anymore, whic means THEY aren't getting attention. That's what it seems to be about with some people.


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Now I could be totally wrong about this, but paying very close attention to the video it looks as if playing on any server will be a seemless matter. It looks as if he logged into the account, selected the toon, then a choice of servers popped up of which he could play on. Somewhat similar to Runescape.


I would think if they were permanent transfers, it would be done through Swtor.com instead of the client.

Is my head up my arse with this thought? :rak_02:

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Being unhappy about something is one thing. I, personally, am mostly unhappy that our companions don't move around our ships, or interact with us on a daily basic. Nor that your companion spouse acknowledges in any way, shape or form, that he/she is your spouse. Basically, they talk to you, you get married, you talk about kids, you receive 3 love letters and that's it. If you've done all this before the end of your story and still use your companion spouse, they speak to you. Otherwise, they and the others you've completed are silent. This upsets me.


Does it break the game for me? No.


Does having a population of 100/100 during peak time (in the entire galaxy) break the game for me? No.


Does not having every single thing *********** WoW had AFTER YEARS AND YEARS to develop break the game for me? No.


I enjoy this game. It's a **** of a lot more fun than *********** WoW. WoW is boring. The only thing I miss from WoW are the holidays. Otherwise, I could give a **** less.


People need to be patient. People need to stop ************. Constructive complaints are fine. Post your worries and be done with it. ************, calling Bioware a liar, etc, isn't going to make them go any faster. Let them do what they need to. Okay, so you're not uber and can't kill Bobby the Sith Warrior in PVP. SO WHAT?


If you want to PVP so badly, go back to WoW, pvp there until Bioware has completed everything they need to and STOP threatening to leave or saying the game sucks. It doesn't suck, your expectations do.

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I never said that criticisms of the game or Bioware are not valid. In many of the "clearly stated" criticisms, I completely agree and share the frustration. What I'm specifically referring to are the "over the top" criticisms that aren't even really criticisms, just insults. "Bioware, you lied to us", "Bioware, you only care about money", "Bioware, you are the worst game developers ever", "Bioware, you are just incompetent".


Be honest, do you REALLY think that every single one of these complaints haven't been posted and re-posted in HUNDREDS of forums under different topics? When they do give specifics about features (i.e. Ranked Warzones in 1.2), and, for whatever reason, had to delay that release, the forums are flooded with silly rage posts about how they were lied to, misled, whatever.


All most of us are saying is it's fine to be frustrated and even angry about the current state of the game, If you are wanting communication, you aren't going to get it by just insulting the devs or making sweeping generalizations about them post after post. If you are THAT angry about a video game, why are you playing?


In all honesty, if you want the devs to take notice that the game is "heading in the wrong direction" or "being mishandled", the real way you are going to get their attention is to unsub. But if they do that, they can't post here anymore, whic means THEY aren't getting attention. That's what it seems to be about with some people.



Ok you know for many of us we like the game,we just want to have fun playing it again.For everyone playing this game is a different experience and fun in different ways.But the problem with server populations is getting worse.I don't care how many posts you think are repeated or nonsense,unless your playing on Fatman server then you know why people are complaining.For those who like PVP it shouldn't take 2+hrs to get a que cause of a dead server.For those who are leveling alts there arn't even enough people on the lower level planets anymore to do the Heroics.If your lucky enough to be in a decent size guild you can still do ops but if not,good luck trying to get a large enough group to say kill a world boss or a do a mission.

You have a right to post your criticism as does everyone else here so don't try and preach to people about their responses especially when they are legit.If you don't see the server population problems then you must not be playing the game or are lucky enough to be on a busy server. And don't tell people to stop playing if their not happy,if that is your choice then fine then go elsewhere.But don't sit here judging other peoples replies when they have a right to be pissed at this point.

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It'll take a bit. Scripts, voice actors and animations.


Im sure what they are doing is great for the community having the lifestyle. imagine they having a mmo, where they can live out their convictions and have fun. their own mmo, if you want. what you are doing is great bioware.

I wish you best luck and succes.

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So what was the point of 1.2's change to allowing crafters to crit orange items with an augment slot. If now only a few months later your going to allow anyone to add augment slots to "ANY" gear. If someone wants to be able to run around in their social stuff then, ok., cool. What gear is going to be augmentable? On my server the orange armor items run at a pretty high price and by this post you understand that I make a substantial income by crafting them. Not to mention the millions I've put into materials/schematics and time sending companions out to find new and rare materials/schematics to make said items. No joke crafting those augmented armor mods is my bread and butter and if you flush my last few months of work down the john..... >.<


Just make sure when you launch it, it doesn't completely make crafting those items worthless. Sweet baby jesus please!

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Personally I think this is all a good thing, I myself only have 2 characters 1 50 and 1 level 40 at this point and look to be playing for a good long time. My server does not have a terrible population so I do get PvP every so often but it isn't a game changer, PvP in my mind is not what the game is about it is the story, which I have not been disappointed in the least for character or planet story. Legacy is interesting and while I am sure there are servers that can and should be merged I am impressed by what I see in this video.


I know there are people who have 8 level 50 characters but going at a slow and steady pace and going outside for awhile each day I do not even have 2 level 50's, Bioware has me for the long haul because I enjoy the game for what it is. A RPG with multiplayer elements.


So for those people who are ready to ditch when the game is not even out a year, I say that you want everything right now and need more of a live if you have 'nothing' to do. Bioware has never let me down in any game (aside from Kotor 2's ending) And I have confidence that they will get to all issues as soon as they can.


I have always got prompt replies and fixes for issues I have had and have no complaints.


Give them time and I think this game could beat even WoW.

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Yes, I am excited about the update, but it is not big enough to keep players. I will be here until the end, but the other players won't be so loyal. This game needs to hook people like mass effect. You are updating the wrong places at the wrong times. Like others, the only thing keeping me here is the players, and the recent high in the fleet was 25 players. It's bigger than other servers, but not big enough. The servers are too many with too little population, and that is bad. Maybe stick to 10-15 servers and wait for them to fill a little bit more, then add new servers as you go. This game is destined for failure if you guys don't listen to the players and subscribers. I will be honest and say that if this game didn't come up when SWG shut down, I wouldn't be here. I'm already tempted to go to SWGemu. Don't remove nasty comments because you don't want to learn the truth. Critics will make this game better if you use them to your advantage.
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When a player with over 1100 expertise can be killed in 3 shots by another on the republic side whilst wearing no armour and just with underwear and a saber---then there is something not quite Kosher going on---and the other things that are not quite right---the overly long stuns one after the other---incredible sppeeds and leaps---to name but a few----when a side has not one kill in the 50's pvp warzones --over several games ---and when it takes weeks to complete a daily---and god knows how long to complete a weekly ---even worse now that many 50's pvpers on the Imperial side have stopped playing because on=f this---then I say again ---there is something not quite Kosher---even ome Republic player have come to the Imperial sides on thier alt toons and have been extremely surprised at how easily they are killed by some of the Rep sides---names can be provided if needs be---please look at this sad state of affairs and put 50's pvp back on the agenda.


WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?!?! Sorry about caps, but imperials win almost every pvp match on my server! They have way too many stuns to be legit.

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What they need to do.


1.Open up transfers which they are...Mergers might have been a better idea, but something is better than nothing.

2.Ranked warzones and 8 man queues will be a lot of fun and will keep people busy.

3. Come up with some better looking endgame PvP and PvE gear..

4.Might be a little early for this, but rasing the level cap and adding more story content.


Those four are the main things I think people want and would help a lot the rest is just random stuff I thought of...


5. Flying speeders and it would be really cool to make them customizable also 2 seaters would be nice as well.

6. Wookies and Yodas as playable races lol.

7. A bigger warzone that can fit more than 16 people.. maybe 20v20 or something.

8. Warzones for 1v1 through 4v4s.

9.Adding another main base for each faction that are on a planet and can be attacked by the opposing side.

10.Give all races the option for tattoos

11. Being able to sit in chairs

12. Fix resolve bars >.<

Could go on, but this is enough for now.

Edited by chriscruiz
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