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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Whoever does these updates suck, I like the game but there is no way the people running this is doing a well enough job when i use to have 150-200 ppl on fleet now I see 20-50. (blah blah not everyone is on fleet...but its a good number to go by when population is dying).
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this is going to rock i have tons of styles i dont wanna give up and they should make space pvp like SWG because without it i dont really like this game anymore and moving to a hyperspace route like you can fly your ship to places and space stations
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I love how it shows the server list as all "Standard" then "Heavy" and "Full".


This really isn't a truthful representation of the game at the moment. Group finder will take the time to find groups on below 100 population servers from 4 hours to 4 hours. It literally changes nothing for low pop servers.


but with the update you will be able to switch servers.............

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I cancelled my subscription. Two things I have written down that I have wanted since launch that will have to be in place and working before I resubscribe:


1) Working Cross-Server LFG System - this has to be cross-server because when nobody is online on my server this system will not help in the slightest - must pull from other servers.


2) Mouse-over Style Healing - also known as Grid or Healbot style healing.


Those two things are in I re-up - that simple. I put these same comments into the box when clicking unsubscribe.


I put up with these standard mmo features not being in at launch only due to the Star Wars license. So I hope Bioware does the right thing and gives the majority of fans what they want and not the current LFF system that is server-only. I will not pay to transfer my toon to Fatman nor will I create an alt for this purpose.

Edited by MaddenMan
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The Biggest problems i am seeing as a Guild leader is its really hard to communicate with the rest of the guild you can only do so much with the M.O.T.D. and Description windows. We need a way to schedule weekly events (the Calendar) and be able to have people sign up for said events. Guild Mail (by whole guild or rank of guild would be really nice E.G. Guild Officer etc) or a Larger message board for Posting Multiple Events throughout the week or even Month, so everyone no matter what time they log in they can check an see what is going on. Otherwise your logging in Hoping to catch an officer on to see whats going on an when an that is causing serious problems for a lot of players that have limited time an need more communication. Edited by Alexis_Curzan_JK
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Great Stuff :D, but please try to make it in game, as soon as possible, Swtor is loosing players because they don't have the challenge they need ( more FP, More raid available, ....)


Make the groupe finder, CROSS SERVERS, that will help a lot!!.


What about PVP teams : 4 player is not enough, help the guilds to have their own PVP team playing with the maximum of players, that should be a must have!!!


Keep working guys, you are on the right path, we are still with you (but less everydays, so don't waste too much time:mad:)

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The Biggest problems i am seeing as a Guild leader is its really hard to communicate with the rest of the guild you can only do so much with the M.O.T.D. and Description windows. We need a way to schedule weekly events (the Calendar) and be able to have people sign up for said events. Guild Mail (by whole guild or rank of guild would be really nice E.G. Guild Officer etc) or a Larger message board for Posting Multiple Events throughout the week or even Month, so everyone no matter what time they log in they can check an see what is going on. Otherwise your logging in Hoping to catch an officer on to see whats going on an when an that is causing serious problems for a lot of players that have limited time an need more communication.


Lol my raid team just uses the in-game Wow calender to schedule EV, KP and EC runs. However 1/2 of them stopped playing so I stopped using this tool that is in another game.

Edited by MaddenMan
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Lol my raid team just uses the in-game Wow calender to schedule EV, KP and EC runs. However 1/2 of them stopped playing so I stopped using this tool that is in another game.


Exactly my point the Guild Tools here are lacking. its pretty much at present a glorified player list and you get to wear the tag and a bank but seriously lacking in abilities to communicate other then word of mouth through guild chat which is a pain

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Exactly my point the Guild Tools here are lacking. its pretty much at present a glorified player list and you get to wear the tag and a bank but seriously lacking in abilities to communicate other then word of mouth through guild chat which is a pain


I think you just made your own point and everyone else's point. This game isn't streamlined. Any MMO should be streamlined at launch will all of the standard core features that are found in the competition.


How would you feel playing a new game that is supposed to be competition to Halo and it doesn't have matchmaking? But oh wait it's so-and-so's first attempt at a FPS. That mentality doesn't work for anything new.


Oh your smart phone doesn't have the internet??? See what I'm saying?

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LFG cross-server *___* I definitely need that, I like to quest on my own so I hate crowdy servers, but I haven't be able to do more than a couple of flashpoints with no one around! I love class quests... but when I'm done leveling up all available classes I'll need some distraction :D
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Exactly it was disappointing to see so little done with the Guild tools when it was so emphasized long before launch to have a Guild up an running which is great but yeah unless your completely already setup with communications out of game it really didn't serve a good purpose to push it so hard most people would have already come together to form up before launch anyway especially long time running guilds like ours. (Originally from Intrepid Server SWG) SGO which is reaching almost a decade old guild and there are guild that are far older that have been running since the first MMO i am sure that are probably just as frustrated.


And for those that would remember i have to say it

Long Live the Fish! :p

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I just want to add my voice to those calling for server mergers. I realize Server Transfers are supposed to be the solution to the population problems, but you have around 124 North American servers with maybe half a dozen reaching Standard population level or higher during normal hours with gusts up to maybe a dozen during peak hours. I just don't see mathematically how Server Transfers, no matter how strategic, can fix this problem. I hope you prove me wrong come 1.3, but if there continue to be population problems after Server Transfers then your only remaining option is merging servers.


That being said, I do love the game and like the features you're releasing. Keep up the good work, BioWare.

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So happy about group finder and character transfer. It takes forever to find groups, and I'm playing in West Coast server but live in the East Coast. Char. transfer sort of seems like something that should have been included though, doesn't it?


Edit: I would like to say that there really has to be a server merger. My server is massively underpopulated, at least for the Republic side (I've never seen more than 7 people on Hoth), and it detracts from a really good MMO by weakening the whole multiplayer part.

Edited by MasterPlatypus
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BioWare...pull your collective head out before it's too late!


It's pretty F'ing simple if you ask me... FIX THE LOW SERVER POPULATION PROBLEM EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! It is without a doubt the #1 reason people are leaving this great game! Server Xfers won't do sh*t other then delay the inevitable. Server MERGERS need to happen and absolutely need to roll out within the next two weeks or this game is dead in the water and the only ones that will be left playing will be the fanboys!


Everything else comes second and a far second at that.

Edited by Githanis
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I love how in the video they showed the server list and it was all standard with a couple heavy... sheesh, how about a current video shot showing 'nearly empty' on most and one heavy or full - so much more realistic.


I loved this game, but way too little too late. Should have cleaned house about 9 months ago and brought in the right folks.


Also... finding groups are the most requested thing? how about if the population wasn't nearly 0 on on most servers...it wouldn't be a problem.


Seriously, realize and treat the problem, not the symptom.

Edited by skinthinner
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I agree with you... I think. I was just arguing with someone else that seemed to think WOW's cross server LFG tool invented NLing. Or at least what the term ended up meaning in games like that.



I agree that the tool should be cross server.


That's amusing. Seems people are taking what I said, out of context.


I said that it allows for people to do such things as ninja loot (ie, rolling need on things that would serve no purpose for them, what so ever, versus letting someone else that it could benefit getting the item), without fear of reprisal.


I have also seen someone say something along the lines of "people fear that others are going to do, exactly what they themselves would do...", when in actuality, I have seen it happen much more often in a cross server group, than groups from the same server.


This confirms that you do not take the time to really read the post, just look for the things to put someone else down.


Nice job, people. Keep up the great work of making others feel unwanted on the boards, when they say something against what you want.


And for the record...


I do not want cross server LFG or Rated Warzones. I want to be able to friend the people that I think are worth playing with, in case I want to play with them again. And rated warzones tends to bring out more of the "ZOMG, you are such a nub", "L2Play", and other such things, which ruins MY gaming experience.


Nor do I want to see people ruining my game, calling for server merges. Re-roll on another server, if you want to play with more people.


Nor do I want people complaining about how light their server is. Re-roll on another server.

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


I hope this is one of the guys that was fired cause I am so sick of paying to wait and wait.

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Nor do I want to see people ruining my game, calling for server merges. Re-roll on another server, if you want to play with more people.


Nor do I want people complaining about how light their server is. Re-roll on another server.


Re-Rolling is not a solution or a option. Server Merges and Transfers are a need for everyone in this community. You must have already re-rolled and are upset or were lucky to land on a server with population. Reading your other responses I am guessing you are worried that these new players have way better playing skills then you.

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Re-Rolling is not a solution or a option. Server Merges and Transfers are a need for everyone in this community. You must have already re-rolled and are upset or were lucky to land on a server with population. Reading your other responses I am guessing you are worried that these new players have way better playing skills then you.
I agree with Kelvarn, just re-roll on a more full server. Edited by Darth_Relyt
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I agree with Kelvarn, just re-roll on a more full server.


If i had just started, that would be an option, but i've got two 50's on the server i'm on with my friends, i'm not re-rolling.

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