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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Rated in 1.3? NAH, lets just ignore the pvp community and focus on the 5 guys standing on the fleet loving the whole legecy thing.

Seriously Bioware, you've already lost ALL of your pvp community, and the 5 people who remains are not there for the legacy..


Horrible how rated was supposed to come in 1.2, and now it's not even included in 1.3.. Bioware SHAME on you.

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#1. i liked what i heard in the video concerning all the issues i care about! lol

i was disappointed though that there is still no official word regarding same sex romance storylines and options in existing stroylines?!?

when will the same sex options be made available???


#2. character creation must absolutely be expanded 100 fold. its vry surprising how limited the options are especially when there are much older games out there with far superior character creation options, such as s.t.o., to name one off the top of my head.


#3. 'orange' customizable outfits and vehilces and gear should be made available at the lowest possible level for all characters, like say level 2 thru 9! after all, it isnt the gear that is powerful without the mods, so it not unbalancing, and it helps players get the look they want instead of the look that is forced on them for the numbers gain!


#4. Government uniforms!!! why are the imperial uniforms, especially customizable uniforms not readily available?!? and the republic uniforms nonexistant?!? if we are playing an imperial, for instance, some of us want to look like an imperial!!! the same goes for customizable trooper armor! everyone else in havoc squad looks the part except for us...we look like the dunce in the class! the imperial trooper armor should be available period!!! and in customizable versions, from drommund kaas and the really cool looking red versions on korriban! and stop with the class requirements!!!

if i want to play a sith juggernaut in imperial trooper armor instaed of the absolutley goofy japanimation armor that is available that someone designed from the worst power rangers episodes of all time, then we shouldnt be punished!

i have a jedi knight in 'orange' trooper armor so it should be possible for all classes!

after all there is absolutley NO DIALOGUE variances that take into account the characters attire!!! i had an imperial agent in an imperial uniform going 'undercover' in many missions and my uniform never once gave me away as an enemy spy!!! hahahaha! if a male character goes shirtless, or some female character is wearing the slave girl outfit, that should change the dialogue options and perhaps where the mission goes from there. at any rate it should very much increase the flirt options!!! lol.


#5. some classes need more or alternate flirt options and especially successes! lol. the imperial agent tries his skills in seduction and is NEVER successful! EVER. he is no james bond, thats for sure, relying on;ly on 2 dimensional brutality to get the job done! boring! the sith warrior flirt success is great but adjustments need to be made regarding vette relationship. any real sith would have killed her on korriban with her crazy mouth alone! ther should be options for the warrior to make her do more and FOLLOW THRU WITH IT. for instance, the flirt dialogue conerning vette, jaesa and warrior involving a possible threesome...that should have happened, because he ordered it. the negative points would be high understandably, but it should have happened. light side sith are one thing but the dark siders wouldnt tolerate 'no' for any answer at any time...it is overall very inappropritae for a darkside sith player to not have that outcome option. it doesnt make storyline sense in the same way Mako being a goody goody in the kill for money business doesnt make sense, and i know youve heard enough about that!!!! lol.


anyway i hope this helps for the better, especially the dialogue adjustments...if your strapped for cash, ill volunteer to help with the dialogue stuff for free! you know how to contact me! thanks!

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Look bioware i love you, youve made some of my favorite games of all time,I love swtor I play it more than a man should play a game and have had it since release day telling all my friends to hold faith that our starting server would become something great! now its got 20 people on each side at peak..For your dev to say in a interveiw ''group finder will not be cross server because we wanna respect the community'' that was a lie,you know it was a lie so why did you say it? the real reason is because of your complicated system set up its to much work at this time i know that and understand that but why not tell the truth to your loyal customers? why bioware?


there is no community on servers when no ones left on it to play! i moved to fatman like half this games other players because you made me lose faith,and everyone on my home server is also transferring,if you respected the community's like you said you did you would of known from the start making tons of servers was a terrible idea

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Definitely excited for these long needed additions to the game. Although I really wish so many of you people would stop b***hing about the game. I for one followed this game's development since it was announced at the end of 2008 and after all that time, when the game finally released not one time was I like "Wow, this is NOT what I expected". The game is exactly what BioWare said they were creating which is why I don't get why such huge amounts of people left, people need to friggin' research before they buy. I'm just shocked that there are that many idiots on this planet, well nah, I'm not really shocked. So if you're still playing, awesome, let's keep what community there is left in a positive state, if you REALLY need to b***h and rip into this game, go to mmorpg.com, I promise you you'll feel right at home there. Keep up the good work BW!
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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


In January 2012, EA had a stock price of $17.75 USD. It's now $14.22. The major drop off came after financial analysts heavily criticised EA for their poor management of resources devoted to SWTOR (and lack of oversight when dealing with said resources).


http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=EA for current stock information.

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Personally I think this is all a good thing, I myself only have 2 characters 1 50 and 1 level 40 at this point and look to be playing for a good long time. My server does not have a terrible population so I do get PvP every so often but it isn't a game changer, PvP in my mind is not what the game is about it is the story, which I have not been disappointed in the least for character or planet story. Legacy is interesting and while I am sure there are servers that can and should be merged I am impressed by what I see in this video.


I know there are people who have 8 level 50 characters but going at a slow and steady pace and going outside for awhile each day I do not even have 2 level 50's, Bioware has me for the long haul because I enjoy the game for what it is. A RPG with multiplayer elements.


So for those people who are ready to ditch when the game is not even out a year, I say that you want everything right now and need more of a live if you have 'nothing' to do. Bioware has never let me down in any game (aside from Kotor 2's ending) And I have confidence that they will get to all issues as soon as they can.


I have always got prompt replies and fixes for issues I have had and have no complaints.


Give them time and I think this game could beat even WoW.


I am very happy to find another person who shares my exact views! I'm in the exact same boat, I have 1 LVL 50 SW, and just started SI and JK toons because I want to see what their story is like. Once 1.3 hits I think this game is gonna get a lot better. There will be servers that are gonna have a HEAVY pop and doing FPs and PVP is gonna be a piece of cake, I really think that if people took their time and enjoyed the story of each toon(which is what Bioware is known for), this game would get the credit it deserves.



PS: Kotor 2 was made by Obsidian not Bioware...which is why the ending was meh. :p

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And what about world PVP? You know... the thing you people are LOSING subcribers over?


Nope... You just implemented MORE ways to try and suck us into PVE...


This game is no longer worth $15 a month.


While I am unsubscribing... Y'all know Rift is talking about 3-faction PVP?? I'm off to go check THAT out.


Sayonara! You won't be missed. If you think this game is difficult with underpopulated servers, wait until you're blasted by their corny zone-wide invasions and you discover you're the only one in the zone, now you can't even quest there anymore and have to wait what, an hour before you can again? Enjoy playing your WoW clone with a dash of Warhammer Online public quests.

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Hopefully this means the hood on/off toggle is coming, but it's lack of mention and the fact that the first post about it said it was in the next major update and the next one said they didn't know when it was coming doesn't fill me with hope. I really hope we get it soon so I can go back to playing. My main is a Jedi Guardian and I have no desire to finish the last four levels staring at a hood in every cut scene.
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Sad just sad , still to little and far to late to even salvage the subscription they are losing. Had all the stuff they have fixed so far and improved had been in at launch the entire outlook on this game would have been different . If Pvp was done proper as well this game would be gaining subscribers not losing them.


I thought the devs had a clear mandate." To learn the leasons and mistakes of the other companies /games and improve on them" .. Instead the Devs blindly drove into every pot hole and pit that others have already gone through.


I cant wait until the next 2 quarters come out for the financials and show the true numbers so all the deny'ers and nah says can choke on the numbers that EA 's inflating currently and the garbage they are pushing on us for the game.


Like buying a Ferrari and having it delivered to you with a note attached engine coming soon...

Edited by Kreedlore
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Too late to char transfer. Meanwhile people keep doing nothing in the game. Needed 6 months to 7 months to do something that already should have from the beginning.


And this patch will take some time to be live. So, another lost month.


hmm end of december to end may might but the game was not out yet 6 months ago. people that do noting is there own problem plenty to do altough server populations should be prio.

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Looked at the legacy tooltip in the video and it looks like quite literally everything new costs money and a legacy level. Legacy feels so cheap, just another way to waste my time doing boring dailies to earn the money to buy the upgrades. I hit legacy 50 already and I didn't even get some stupid title. Legacy is a good idea, but Bioware, you are going about it all wrong. The game doesn't need a credit sink, it needs incentive to keep on playing and doing dailies to earn credits to buy legacy items isn't the best way to do that.


Welcome to the genre.

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!00% need the pop dealt with first.

Whether 1/2 way with game wide GTN, Grouping tool, and pvp warzone or even secretly by leaving the server list up but having actually lead to a merge server...but something needs to improve on that subject.


The legacy is nice and may someday be something actually fun. Right now, cost and time sync required just makes it feel like a 1% of the remaining population server actually get full use.

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Good stuff. Looking forward to it, but I'm curious why we are charged so many or any credits from one piece of gear that we already own to put it into another. To move mods from one piece of BM gear to an augmented crafted piece, it costs upward of $37,000 credits!!! WHAT, WHAT, WHAT????


That is obsurd! It's hard enough to get clothing in game as it is and credits are a pain to collect and take forever. Please reduce or eliminate the credit cost for mod swap out.

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Still no love for REAL space combat :mad:

I dont know how much longer I'll be with "LAND WARS" I'll get my kicks playing Battlefront II for space stuff I guess since SWG is gone.


Forget the character transfers...its a little too late for that. You may as well start shutting servers down and letting people choose from remaining servers and open all of them up to PVP/PVE!

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I have begun writing to Gameinformer and PCgamer in hopes they can get Bioware to respond and answer the communities questions about server populations and while it's being ignored.Maybe since the countless upset people posting on this website and the people cancelling subscriptions still isn't enough to get some answers then getting contacted by a magazine which could result in bad press will be what is needed to get some answers and the problems addressed.
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My guess is that shortly after the server transfers go live, depending on how things go, the devs will then be able to decide which servers to let go. The server list will be much shorter which also means less servers that have to be kept running and maintenanced etc. This is Bioware's first try. Hopefully they don't give up on it. Bioware has a great formula for making game and you all know you love the way the tell the stories. They do it in a way unheard of in MMOs. As they add fixes, the die-hard fans will still be there. Some of the impatient crying babies you see on these bloggs will be back, too and there will also be all new players to come also. Those ppls will reap the benefits of all the updates. Have a little faith ppl. I <3 Bioware and wish them the best.
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I used to play EQ2. In the game, there were 2 equiping tabs. One for the gear that gives you stats and one for the appearance. For example, I have good gear but something that has less stats but looks awesome goes to appearance. If there is none on appearance, you'll appear with your stats gear. You should do it that way so we can get the good stats and look awesome too.
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