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  1. Hahahaha you just summarized my entire post in one sentence. But essentially yes, HM story line. I would love to play my stories from start to finish without side quests like the post above me said. However, I would still make this so you can solo it.
  2. I'm sure I'm not the first one to ask for this but it would be great to be able to replay your entire story, say once you reach level 50 and have it scaled. For example, once you reach level 50 you can go back to your ship and replay the entire story line with all the NPCs being level 50-55 from start to finish. I know some people will say "well you can just start a new toon", true and you're absolutely right. And from a business perspective, this brings more profit. This is why I'm saying, unlock this feature once you reach level 50. The player still spends time (and money) to get to that point. However, one thing that always bugged me is having to spend time leveling up so I can play the next story quest. Sometimes I would forget the plot and why I was looking for this or trying to kill someone. The main point I'm trying to make here, people would enjoy the story even more if they could play it from start to finish without having to worry about equipment and level. And if you make this feature available once you reach level 50, it won't cut into your profits. It's a Win-Win for both parties, the player and the business.
  3. Holy effin Sith! Thank you so much for a very informative post! I already downloaded all of the items you mentioned. Thank you again!
  4. I would like to get to know the story before and after Kotor and I know it's written in the comics. I was hoping to get some guidance on which ones I should read and in which order. Before you say "google is your friend" I did do my own research and found out that after KOTOR 1 these series are the ones I should read: 1) Threat of Peace #1-3 2) Blood of the Empire #1-3 3) The Lost Suns #1-5 I don't think these ones tell me about Revan though. What I would like to accomplish is this : 1) Read comics before Kotor 1 (hopefully they will talk about Revan) 2) Play Kotor 1 3) Read comics after Kotor 1 leading into Kotor 2 4) Play Kotor 2 5) Read comics after Kotor 2 Is this possible or am I crazy? Thanks in advance!
  5. Trust me it's well worth the wait!
  6. I was very excited when BW announced server transfers and I would like to congratulate them on a job well done. I know a lot of people are against it and are complaining about little things, but the overall experience was great. I took under 10 mins to transfer my 3 toons from one server to the next and I gotta say I'm loving every minute of it now. Thanks BW keep up the good work! I'd like to know other peoples experiences with the server transfers!
  7. I am very happy to find another person who shares my exact views! I'm in the exact same boat, I have 1 LVL 50 SW, and just started SI and JK toons because I want to see what their story is like. Once 1.3 hits I think this game is gonna get a lot better. There will be servers that are gonna have a HEAVY pop and doing FPs and PVP is gonna be a piece of cake, I really think that if people took their time and enjoyed the story of each toon(which is what Bioware is known for), this game would get the credit it deserves. PS: Kotor 2 was made by Obsidian not Bioware...which is why the ending was meh.
  8. how did u get to 10k? I'm doing lots of diplomacy missions but its a slow progress :S
  9. Has anyone ever experienced this? http://i42.tinypic.com/2sbstqq.jpg
  10. I accidentaly destoryed my pre order crystal and I'm wondering how I can get another one. In the beta there was a vendor but he was taken away for some reason. Is there another way to get my hands on another crystal? Is the vendor gonna be put back and if so, when? Thanks!
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