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Everything posted by RevanRedemption

  1. This is the worst news I've heard all week, my heart absolutely sank when I saw this headline on IGN. I was hoping for some news on the next big patch, but that'll probably get scrapped along with the new Cathar species so they can focus on desperately trying to get those ungrateful little brats back(who do nothing but trash this game on forums and comments sections of game sites) instead of catering to their current and loyal player-base. This will be the kiss of death for this game as CARTEL coins and being able to do cap level ops and warzones won't be enough incentive to keep the majority of players to continue to pay monthly. I'll continue to pay, but only because I love this game dearly and don't want to see it croak, but I'm sure I'll be one of the few. I really hope you guys do this right or you'll see your life's biggest achievement go down the drain.
  2. Wow some of you are disgustingly pathetic. Threatening to leave the game because there's not enough to do, not a good enough variety in species and so on. Then we get this huge announcement of some major content additions that are in the works, but instead of being stoked you're b****ing that the content is stupid. Seriously you make me sick. It hasn't even been 6 months yet and they already announced a new species, which by the way from what I've seen in the game is Republic aligned so I'm sure there's an Empire race coming as well, and also a new planet. Not to mention all the other additions that'll help give you more to do. If this massive announcement didn't get you even a bit excited, I have no friggin' idea why you're still here. Can't wait BW!
  3. Sayonara! You won't be missed. If you think this game is difficult with underpopulated servers, wait until you're blasted by their corny zone-wide invasions and you discover you're the only one in the zone, now you can't even quest there anymore and have to wait what, an hour before you can again? Enjoy playing your WoW clone with a dash of Warhammer Online public quests.
  4. Definitely excited for these long needed additions to the game. Although I really wish so many of you people would stop b***hing about the game. I for one followed this game's development since it was announced at the end of 2008 and after all that time, when the game finally released not one time was I like "Wow, this is NOT what I expected". The game is exactly what BioWare said they were creating which is why I don't get why such huge amounts of people left, people need to friggin' research before they buy. I'm just shocked that there are that many idiots on this planet, well nah, I'm not really shocked. So if you're still playing, awesome, let's keep what community there is left in a positive state, if you REALLY need to b***h and rip into this game, go to mmorpg.com, I promise you you'll feel right at home there. Keep up the good work BW!
  5. Ha, you actually had me going in the beginning . Don't pull a Blizzard though and actually end up adding a prior April Fool's joke into the game after it's been a long time hoping everyone will have forgotten. No one seems to remember that when The Burning Crusade was in development and they had already announced Blood Elves as the Horde's new race, but they hadn't revealed the Alliance's yet. Then came April Fool's Day and they announced the Pandaren as the Alliance's new race, but shortly after everyone learned that it was a joke and soon the Draenei were revealed. But now they're in the game for real...ridiculous.
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