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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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What amazes me is that you are all here bashing the game, and saying how this is a sign of how bad it is, yet you all (or most at least) are still giving them your £8 per month, right?


All that I see has happened is that people paid their subscription until they had finished the story arcs for the classes they wanted to play, and then called it a day. This was always going to happen with this game.


I don't play very often, but all I am doing is playing maybe 3 classes from start to end of the story, then I will be quitting myself. I think the gameplay is great, the game is fun (a bit stale in places, but aren't all games these days?), and it has done a good job (as good as could be expected) of bringing the old republic universe into an MMO setting. I mean, they said it was more like a campaign for each class rather than the general grind and do boring "kill 10 of these" quests and then boring raids once you reach top level (why I don't play other MMO's..... well, that and there are people around), so what could they expect? Of course people were going to jump ship once their campaign was finished. They wouldn't keep paying for something that has nothing else to play for (even though you people seem to like doing that).]


If you hate the game, stop subscribing and leave. Why are you here if you just want to say all this negative stuff about a game you obviously don't like? just stop giving them your money and spend it on something else

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I have endeavored to be neither "spinning" nor "hating". I have always strived to present information from both points of view, and on these forums, it usually means adding the positive side to all the negative that's already here. Like I need to express the negative side of things. What's usually missing is the positive side, the pros if you will, that is necessary for a well-rounded view of issues.


Who can deny when endeavoring to fully understand an issue, one must weigh both the cons AND the pros. The pros are rarely considered on this forum.


My comments are, for the most part, intended to be considered along with the negative that is already present.


Because if you have followed my comments like you say you have, even today, you'll see that when only or overly positive is presented, I'll show the other side of that, too.


It would seem to me that you are quite staunch in your views on the positive side of things despite your attempts to show the contrary. In fact, your facade has cracked more than once. I don't like the word "fanboy" but there is no doubt whatsoever that you have a stance and that stance is in swtor's corner. As i said, this is fine and reasonable if you love the game. What I take exception with is you hiding behind false objectivity. If you are a supporter then you must have your reasons. If i loved this game I sure as hell would hope that things arent as bleak as most of us think. Admit that you WANT us to be wrong. Comes off way less trolly that way. My .02 cents.

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It would seem to me that you are quite staunch in your views on the positive side of things despite your attempts to show the contrary. In fact, your facade has cracked more than once. I don't like the word "fanboy" but there is no doubt whatsoever that you have a stance and that stance is in swtor's corner. As i said, this is fine and reasonable if you love the game. What I take exception with is you hiding behind false objectivity. If you are a supporter then you must have your reasons. If i loved this game I sure as hell would hope that things arent as bleak as most of us think. Admit that you WANT us to be wrong. Comes off way less trolly that way. My .02 cents.


Well, thank you for your .02 cents. :)

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JC isn't a zealot, not if you take the time to actually read what he writes. If you have a well written, well founded argument often times he is aped to agree with you.


The problem is 90% of the folks on this forum can barely read, let alone write out something that would be considered a well founded argument.


Hope you meant "apt" instead of "aped"... :p

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Well, thank you for your .02 cents. :)


In that case, all I can say is you must be enjoying your eternal war with the unsubbers and who am I to judge? I am still here too.


But at least I have the integrity to state my actual opinion. Anyone who has seen more than 2 of your posts can see through your act. And yes, I will call you out on any thread I see with your mummer's act until you make a stand.

What else have I to do between Diablo 3 server outages and my fiance's nightly pregnancy comas?

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In that case, all I can say is you must be enjoying your eternal war with the unsubbers and who am I to judge? I am still here too.


But at least I have the integrity to state my actual opinion. Anyone who has seen more than 2 of your posts can see through your act. And yes, I will call you out on any thread I see with your mummer's act until you make a stand.

What else have I to do between Diablo 3 server outages and my fiance's nightly pregnancy comas?


So, one must be extreme for one's opinion to be genuine?

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If its just the programmers who caused all the bugs ever new patch then I have no issues with them firing them...


But to be fair every Design team lays people off after a lunch of a MMO.... If anything Bioware kept them around a lot longer then most MMO companies do...


Not entirely correct, but the aftermath for many game companies is the same due to financial markers not being met. The only reason direct hire employees get laid off is when the financial bottom line does not meet the expectations of the share holders. That is why there are many "temp" or "contract" positions during the development process of an MMO. Unfortunately these layoffs were employees who were directly hired by Bioware / EA because of the current state of the game and the lower then expected revenues coming from it.

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Mammoth development teams usually lead to the 'too many cooks' situation.


Yup. They're not building game systems from the ground up anymore, they dont need as many people. The layoffs are not that big of a deal. Its not like the Matrix Online where it boiled down to more or less only rarebit doing all of the code.

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the same thing it ment when blizzard laid of 600 ppl earlier this year. Nothing.


what blizzard laid people off? Clearly this new expansion of theirs is going to fail and they will close their server soon!

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I really really hope they fired the person who decided to make this game vanilla wow and expected it to beat current wow. But they probably fired a bunch of other people who did nothing wrong except work for the moron who decided which way to push this game.


Either way, i hope all the fools who said "this game can do great on 500k subs" will shut up now.


Absolutely bang on mate.

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If the cited source doesn't mention anything about lay-offs, isn't it misleading to title an article using the word "lay-off"? Isn't it then little more than rumor-mongering to repeat the claim there were lay-offs when there was no source used that even mentioned lay-offs?

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That was a "body of work" response to you. Not just to your post in general. You have posted more positive spin to the news coming to light on the status of this game than anyone on the forums by far. Unless you are disputing this don't pretend like you don't know what I am talking about. Anyone who has followed the threads pertaining to the sub losses and the lay offs knows this. Don't be disingenuous. You are better than that. Respond to the post or ignore it.


Edit: For the layman- dis·in·gen·u·ous/ˌdisinˈjenyo͞oəs/


Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.


Actually, it's an unnecessary ad hom attack intended to discredit the poster while ignoring what was actually posted.

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This can certainly be the case.


But as was clearly shown with WAR....... a grand total of 3 Devs leads to ZERO development. :(


I think that this is one of the reasons why it is so hard to make a successful and lasting MMO, the line you have to walk is undefined.

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I do construction for a living.

I have seen a 4 man crew do something more beautiful and efficient than a 10 man crew in the same amount of time.


I really think EA hired a 600 man crew to build a beautiful building. problem is it wasn't built right. too many different pouches and hammers. building is falling apart here and there.


I think EA hired in a crew of workers that are fixing the building one floor at a time at a rapid rate.


EA seen this and layed off alot off their 600 hammers for a more streamlined crew that works well together.


Long story short..BW has been really opposed of server merges..denied they were needed..we all know that server population is why all the subs are declining.


This week we hear about lay offs...but all of a sudden we hear about "super servers" and soon...first time we hear anything in weeks on end..


I really think there is some behind the scenes management/development going on.


200 million dollar investment..you don't just give up..you change..and i think they are..


I just think they are swapping construction crews..you know..better painters..drywallers..etc :)

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A lightbulb blows out...


Which is faster?


Six hands screwing the new one in at the same time?




~Just saying :)


Your analogy fails so hard it ridiculous. An MMO is far more complex than screwing in a lightbulb and requires numerous "hands" to upgrade the lightbulb along with fixing it.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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My whole point on my posts wasn't to troll...

Its a simple fact..sometimes too many ideas...too many stubborn ways of thinking..too many..in general..can bottleneck a project.


Of course you need manpower..and the more sometimes the better..but not all the time.

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