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No Gear Check in the LFG tool?

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No, gear check is not only a good idea, but an essential one, and it should be at the discretion of the group leader, if you don't like limitations of their group, no big deal start your own.


And this elitist rant is why we must have a LFG tool that is outside the power of one person to lord over everyone else.


The few elitists try to dictate to everyone else who is "worthy" of raiding. Sure, I can agree that a limited gear requirement is needed, but set by the game tools, not some a-hole elitist who can change the requirements to go depending on his mood of the day or the moment.


Too many times false claims of gear level are used as excuses to simply exclude an otherwise qualified raid member so they can try and get their 'just logged on' buddy into the run or some other garbage, maybe the leader just does not like the name of your toon and bam, you are out of the run without just cause.

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Gotta love the elitist *****s claiming a "gear check" is needed are the same ppl crying that they can't find a group for flashpoints... Guess what alot of ppl don't have high end gear yet because they are having problems getting groups to run FP's to get the gear. Or there are ppl who are just playing a game to have fun and arn't concerned with having BIS gear. I'd rather play with ppl who just want to have fun in a game and are all around average players than stuck up elitist's who think just because they have all the BIS there is they are by default the best gamers around. Edited by Notannos
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The pictures Bioware released of the LFG tool didn't seem to include a gear check of any kind. What is preventing a level 50 in all green gear from queuing up for Devona or HM Lost Island?


The last thing we need is spending an hour in a queue for a group only to get stuck in a group that doesn't even have the gear required to complete it and having to start over.


Please Bioware don't make the fatal mistake of trying to make the bads happy. A gear check is very important or you will have many frustrated and annoyed players.


Thank you kind sir for being the DB Poster Child for "Why so many people don't wan't a LFG tool." Don't want to play with "bads", form your own guild of leet E-peeners and ****.

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Gotta love the elitist *****s .


Here I thought the "elitists" were the "meanies".


Throw out all the logical and well reasoned arguments that have been presented so far....and just call them some foul names because I dont agree with them.


Sound and fundamental way to argue a point.

Edited by Notannos
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Every person I've run into that demanded "gear score" or wanted ppl to have a min of gear to run a FP or heroic or anything of the sort has acted like a *****. I call things the way I see them. Introduce me to ppl that demand these type of things that don't act like *****s and I'll change my opinion, but until then all of them have acted the same way and I'll continue to call them such. I have no problem changing my opinion on someone or something, I just want proof first :) Edited by Notannos
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You have not been able to come up with a coherent and logical response to the arguments made in this thread yet other than "Elitist guy is a meanie"


Never even once said elitist is a meanie. You should top making stuff up, it makes you look stupid.

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Every person I've run into that demanded "gear score" or wanted ppl to have a min of gear to run a FP or heroic or anything of the sort has acted like a *****. I call things the way I see them. Introduce me to ppl that demand these type of things that don't act like *****s and I'll change my opinion, but until then all of them have acted the same way and I'll continue to call them such. I have no problem changing my opinion on someone or something, I just want proof first :)


What an intelligent response. How about you try and address the points brought up in the thread?


This childlike foul mouthed rant just betrays your maturity level.

Edited by Notannos
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Anyone who has tried to put together a pug HM ops run knows that in new endgame content , gear checking is ESSENTIAL .


I'm sorry to those who got butt-hurt by raiders telling them this, but the fact of the matter is that the nature of MMO beasts . If you don't have good gear in hard mode endgame, the end bosses aren't gonna go "Ohhh! you're in blues and greens?? Thats ok..because you're SUCH a helpful and nice player! Here, hit me and take my stuffs!"

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Not as long as youre still posting.


Awww whats the matter? Are you butthurt because you aren't getting your precious X-LFG? Don't worry, you will be able to kick adequately geared players from your group because they aren't wearing as many purples as you

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Anyone who has tried to put together a pug HM ops run knows that in new endgame content , gear checking is ESSENTIAL .


I'm sorry to those who got butt-hurt by raiders telling them this, but the fact of the matter is that the nature of MMO beasts . If you don't have good gear in hard mode endgame, the end bosses aren't gonna go "Ohhh! you're in blues and greens?? Thats ok..because you're SUCH a helpful and nice player! Here, hit me and take my stuffs!"


Ahh but you see it's not just the endgame or hardmodes that are getting people bent out of shape, its the normal modes. I very much agree that a gear check has to be in place but who is going to police the guy who makes his own gear check?

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This is a great exhibit of a side or overall opinion in an argument getting beaten soundly through logic and then the members of that leaning resort to other laughable tactics to express themselves .


Ad Hominems

Emotional rants

Foul language




It is very entertaining to watch a side unravel from the bosom of logic and go to such lengths.

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This is a great exhibit of a side or overall opinion in an argument getting beaten soundly through logic and then the members of that leaning resort to other laughable tactics to express themselves .


Ad Hominems

Emotional rants

Foul language




It is very entertaining to watch a side unravel from the bosom of logic and go to such lengths.


I know. This is way too entertaining to read. And sadly, even more fun than actually playing the game :rolleyes:

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This is a great exhibit of a side or overall opinion in an argument getting beaten soundly through logic and then the members of that leaning resort to other laughable tactics to express themselves .


Ad Hominems

Emotional rants

Foul language




It is very entertaining to watch a side unravel from the bosom of logic and go to such lengths.


You doing a good job at all of the above. Perhaps if you took your elitist glasses off you would have noticed I agree about the gear check

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I am sorry but that just is not the truth. Even the fatman is showing low pop during the day, my own server is dead for all but about 2 to 4 hours in the evenings and sometimes a little after lunch on weekends. A lot of people can't play during this 2 to 4 hour narrow timeframe so because of that, they can never find a group, this is one of the reasons for the LFG tool but it will not fix the population problem, and neither will the free transfers.


A Server is low pop during the day when kids are in school and adults are at work? In a related story, the sky is blue.


Stop trying to over simplify the problem, the real problem is how EA will move foward with this game, will it be only for the elitists or will casual players who can only log on for a couple hourse here and there get a chance to experience group content? Right now group content is reserved only for those who can play the narrow 2 to 4 hour time of middle population on most servers and who also run the guilds, everyone else has zero chance of experiencing more than basic 4 man heroics.


It's hilarious how you are concluding that the only people that get to experience group content are elitists. That's completely ridiculous. Considering a short skimming of the guild recruitment forums shows a ton of guilds that advertise themselves as "casual" and also as doing PvE content including Flashpoints and Operation, the issue is you for being too scared or too lazy to find one of those guilds that is a good match for you. That's not elitists' fault. It's yours. You need to act like an adult and take responsibility for your actions, or in this case, your lack thereof.


I know this first-hand, because I'm in a casual guild. They just do signups for any raids for whoever wants to see them, no experience required, they're happy to teach, and they do a run or two a weekend and other things like flashpoints during the week. They're not a progression guild, they don't care about hardcore modes or being geared to the teeth or anything like that. They just want to have fun. But you're too busy being angry at the world that you don't even know guilds and people like this exist. You put everyone into two categories: The Elitists who run everything and the poor, oppressed casuals who are at the mercy of the Elitists. If you'd stop bring angry for 10 seconds and look around you'll find people like you in the third category: Casuals who are seeing the content even through they're not elitists or hardcore about it - they just take it at their own pace adn don't give a damn about the elitists.


Just like the casual player does not want to waste their time grinding out single player content for months because there is no way for them to see any of the group content. The LFG tool is being considered because everyone should get a chance to play, not just the elitists who kick you if you are not perfect.


Why is it so hard for you to just group with other casuals? If there's so many casuals who want to find groups but get booted by elitists, why can't you just form up a group with 3 more of them and go see the damned content? Again, you're just making excuses for your lack of ambition, trying to blame it on people you view as the enemy when in fact they're not the cause of your issues. You are.


Right now a learning player will never get a chance to see this content without the LFG tool. You elitists have your uber guilds, why are you here complaining? You will never need the LFG tool because you are so leet you are surrounded by countless friends all geared to the teeth and ready to raid........right? I mean, you say grouping is so easy, you obviously will never use the LFG tool.


Keep making excuses, but all you have to do if you want to see the content is go to your fleet and type in "LFG XYZ Flashpoint" and make your own damned group. The time it takes for you to complain about it on this forum today, you could have seen the content already that you're complaining about not getting to see.


And it is people like you talking down your nose and acting all superior and mr. know-it-all that gives the impression that everyone it an elitist like you. I believe most people know the real poroblem is too many servers and too few players for healthy guilds and the ability to experience group content, but at the same time this allows the elitists to maintain their deathgrip on endgame content so they like the low population problems.


Elitists like me? You're hilarious. You don't know me. You have no idea how "geared" I am or how much I raid in this game. You just assume that I am because I'm calling you out on for being too afraid or too lazy to show some ambition in order to see the content you want to see. Obviously if I disagree with you, I must be an elitist, right? Sorry to burst your bubble and let you know that couldn't be further from the truth. No, I just know how to spot a lazy, scared, self-entitled player when I see one.

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The pictures Bioware released of the LFG tool didn't seem to include a gear check of any kind. What is preventing a level 50 in all green gear from queuing up for Devona or HM Lost Island?


The last thing we need is spending an hour in a queue for a group only to get stuck in a group that doesn't even have the gear required to complete it and having to start over.


Please Bioware don't make the fatal mistake of trying to make the bads happy. A gear check is very important or you will have many frustrated and annoyed players.


So it begins. Now that we have LFG the gear ratzi's will be in force. So much for getting to group. :rolleyes:

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"There are no bad characters, only bad players."


A player who knows how to play is far more important, effective, and fun than an idiot spec'd to the latest flavor of the month.


By the time a player is level 11 he/she knows that green gear is near garbage. No level 50 is going to be so under-geared that this tool would be necessary. If you think that they must have only the top gear then yes, you are discriminating and shunning players who might do fine in an operation despite not having the perfect gear.


Also, most of the content in the game can be done under-geared if you are good enough at playing your class. I've soloed heroics in less than perfect gear. It's the player and his spec that matter the most, not the gear. We don't need a gear check tool.




I can't count the number of times I've been in a group with someone with great gear but terrible skill. how they managed to get the gear in the first place still baffles me. Had a group the other day, 3 of us in above average gear and the tank in almost a full rattaki set. The tank would repeatedly hit CC'd mobs, lose agro, etc. we ended up kicking him, finding a new tank with similar gear to ours and finishing the HM without a single new wipe.


Gear is not a measure of skill and never should be

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The same can be said about people like you.


A few of the most hardcore elitists want to preserve "THEIR" idea of a perfect game to be only people who kiss their behinds should be allowed to raid, everyone else can just be happy playing single player content.


I had a lvl 50 toon well geared with what I could get solo in about 3 weeks of game release, to date I have not been able to find a 8 man group or even a more advanced 4 man group for herocs. There are no guilds doing content during the day when I can play so a LFG tool is my only chance at finding a group and being as daytime populations on all servers is usually low even that LFG tool will most likely not help me see group content.


I'm curious......you say there are no guilds doing content during the day when you can play. What prompted your server choice? Since you could have rolled on an English speaking Euro server where their primetime is our daytime hours and had a much greater chance of grouping for heroic and endgame content, especially initially. Are you on the server you're on because friends rolled there or was it a random selection?


Because elitism has nothing to do with the fact that it's hard to find pickup groups during offpeak hours on nearly any server these days and a LFG tool won't help you much with that, especially if you're looking to do ops. My guild has the 50's for ops, but getting all of us casuals online at the same time and place......:o You might consider transferring to a Euro server if it's offered when the free transfers arrive. Hopefully soon. Torstatus.com can tell you which servers they allow transfers to would have the best pops, once they announce their targets.

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Gear is not a measure of skill and never should be


Yet it means the difference between completing and not completing high end content. There is not a lot of skill involved in end game raiding in SWTOR. I hate to say that but its true. The biggest hurdle to completing content is making sure you meet the gear checks.


What eve more sad is that its worked its way into pvp as well where far less skilled pvpers in War Hero gear are just so much more powerful than more skilled players in lesser gear.


Im afraid Im going ot have to disagree with you here. It most circumstances I would agree but not here in SWTOR. Gear is everything here in terms of number one priority to progressing through content.

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Anyone who has tried to put together a pug HM ops run knows that in new endgame content , gear checking is ESSENTIAL .


I'm sorry to those who got butt-hurt by raiders telling them this, but the fact of the matter is that the nature of MMO beasts . If you don't have good gear in hard mode endgame, the end bosses aren't gonna go "Ohhh! you're in blues and greens?? Thats ok..because you're SUCH a helpful and nice player! Here, hit me and take my stuffs!"


This! Id like someone claiming its not needed to post a video of any team in crap gear defeat LI ... do it. Hell, you'll be lucky to survive Sav-Raks barrage of poop!


I hate the Gearscore priks just as much as anyone but no one is asking for a player judged gear check (at least im not). I domt mind carrying someone nor am I ever in a rush ... but putting in a gear check on an fp thats obviousky requiring a certain amount of stats is a good thing thatll save players a lot of frustrations. Let BW (you know, the guys who balance and design the games challenges) decide what gear you need ... hell disable player inspection between LFG groups and completely take out the individual players ability to judge for all I care!

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