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One Of The Worst Gaming Experiences


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Quests that can not be abandoned, just rubs me the wrong way so bad, I mean really eats away at me...Why? Why have them.


I tried to reset, but the thing just stays in my log...for ever!



Edited by Cempa
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There are very few quests you can't abandon.



In fact during general beta I'm pretty sure I noticed only class quests can't be abandoned. It may become a bit difficult to advance if you are trying to abandon those instead of complete them.



You wouldn't be able to finish your chapters... Well I mean if you don't want to unlock legacy you can skip your class quests. However, you cannot abandon them so what you have will remain in the log.

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Quests that can not be abandoned, just rubs me the wrong way so bad, I mean really eats away at me...Why? Why have them.


I tried to reset, but the thing just stays in my log...for ever!




Well derp me sideways,that is truly the worst gaming experience in history.....you have my sympathy.

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In the time it took you to make this post, you could have finished the quest.


That's like people that wait in the parking lot for a spot, when they could have just driven 20 more feet, parked and already been inside the store.


Just do the stupid quest if it bothers you that much.

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Well, I can't abandon the bonus series quest on Tatooine and, yes, that's annoying. Especially when the quest log only has place for 25 quests at a time.


And if you ask why I'd want to abandon the Tatooine bonus quest series, it's because the escort quest is horrible. You get a bunch of militia guys and there seems to be no way you can keep them from dying, because the sandpeople you fight just shoot everywhere, no matter what you do.

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It might be a noying, but going all out 3yr old whiner.. MOMMY I WANT A COOKIE on a new MMO for having a few minor issues and even saying it's the worst gaming experience ever, just because you can't skip a little content (well you could if you would just live with the quest being in your log).


You are childish and you know very little about the making of computer games apparently.


Herp derp - they should just take the game back from ppl like you and not let you play

Edited by Paawaa
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Well, I can't abandon the bonus series quest on Tatooine and, yes, that's annoying. Especially when the quest log only has place for 25 quests at a time.


And if you ask why I'd want to abandon the Tatooine bonus quest series, it's because the escort quest is horrible. You get a bunch of militia guys and there seems to be no way you can keep them from dying, because the sandpeople you fight just shoot everywhere, no matter what you do.


Do it with another person or stop being bad.


Not trolling but that doesn't mean something is wrong with the game, something is just wrong with you.


And really? You have 25 quests in your quest log already? The most i've had at any point in time is 10 maybe 12 tops. Because when i get the quest, i go do it. I don't dick around and go to another planet, just do the damn thing. Sheesh. People find the smallest of things to ****** about.


Lemme guess what's next. You don't like the font in which game text is displayed in.... Or there aren't enough emotes... or god forbid the lack of realism "Why don't lightsabers instagib like they do in the movies!!!" Whaaa waaaa waaaah.... Go cry somewhere else and stop making people who actually enjoy the game wait in queues.


That is all.

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quests that can not be abandoned, just rubs me the wrong way so bad, i mean really eats away at me...why? Why have them.


I tried to reset, but the thing just stays in my log...for ever!




so the game is bad because you cant quit a quest...why not post this in a actual thread on this issue....i dont see where your coming from on this. If thats the only reason then there are millions of bad games out there. Skyrim....bad. Super mario brothers...bad, legend of zelda...bad, mordern warfare 3...horrible...


I thought you would talk about the combat, graphics, ui intenface...anything other than quitting quests.


I really dont want to be "that guy" but this post is misleading

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The OP is specifically referring to Bonus Quests that can't be abandoned - I know this because my character still has a lvl 3 Tython bonus quest (Clear the Mountain Path) -- I've placed a ticket and had a couple conversations with support trying to help them figure out what's going on/how to fix it.. haven't found a fix yet -- -- their last suggestion was for me to log out and run the repair tool on the launcher...



but I didn't quite feel like going through the queue again.



***Also, I wouldn't say this ruins the game in any way/shape/form for me... it's barely even an annoyance -- and yes, I know I could go back and finish it at any time I wanted to, but I figured I should let BW/Support know about and try to resolve the issue first.

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