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ToS Violation for name ????


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lol my second toon will be called steroidfreak because i take steroids and they are good :) and my 3rd toon will be ONsteroids will i get kicked ?


They won't kick you you will more than likely get a name change....the good news is the first one doesn't come with a Warning

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I don't know why people can't just pick a name that fits with Star Wars and enjoy the game. Names like that are just silly, juvenile, and annoying.


I'd be happy if Bioware took this kind of nonsense seriously for once so we can have a mature environment rather than a junior high cafeteria, it would be a nice change of pace.


As far as names befitting the film, I'm not on an RP server and I've never seen the films. I didn't know that was a pre-requisite for enjoying the game.


As far as maturity, I'm 51. I can't help it if I like a little humour. I keep it clean and I stay off of RP servers, as in my opinion, that is where people should be for full immersion into all aspects of the lore.


I've had less grief from censors on films I've worked on.

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Yeah we're not able to have any name that may be offensive to anyone in anyway. We have an extremely obese option 4 because the game has to be politically correct even if it makes no sense. We're not able to have an opinion on the forums either. Also we're not able to ...basically do anything without racking infraction warnings. Keep letting your mods run around on power trips Bioware and please do make sure not to ever take a chance of offending anyone ever! People will get sick of it and leave eventually.


Devs, if you're reading, please do the opposite of the above.

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You were forced to change Anemia but as of right now "Darthpinhead" is still running around on my server, just passed level 30? It's like they don't even look what the report is they just auto judge without any research.


I wonder if Doug Bradley is playing. :) (He was Pinhead).


I did ask for a second review.

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If you can have a character named Anemia you can have a character named, Aids, HIV, Syphilis, Cancer or what have you. If names like that are that important to you, some would say you aren't hear to play but to get attention.


I think the policy is pretty darned reasonable and is a lot more flexible than most.


Um, I think you're projecting or something, because you're accusing me of motives which aren't true and are basing them on GOd only knows what information (since you know nothing about me).


I'm not here to play on an RP server, and therefore I'm not here to engage in any serious role playing. To me it would therefore make no sense to carry a serious person/alien/thing name when I'm not playing the game as if I am trying to life the character role.


To let you know a bit more about myself, I'm a nurse and I'm the sort of nurse who doesn't really stop being a nurse when the clock out and go home. To me, it would come very naturally for a correlation between disease/medicine/drugs or whatever to just pop into my mind. Example; I rolled a DK in wow and intended to spec in the Blood talent tree. I'm not there to RP so I'm certainly not going to name my orc Graktar or something. Me being me, I get the idea to name my character Alteplase. Alteplase happens to be a drug used to dissolve blood clots, so its kind of a play against my intended spec.


So yeah, I'm not trying to get attention like some rude kid, I just have a tendency to make little plays on words and concepts like the above.

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If I am perfectly honest, it's also the community it self.

Some people are trigger happy to report for what ever reason.

On forums they do it to troll or because they manage to drag it out of context to make it sound offensive and in game it's pretty much the same.


Now how about this one, I use the in game name generator and a part of the name means something offensive in a language.

You could get reported and you violate the ToS so your name will be changed.

But with so many languages out there finding a flaw in a name is rather easy.


Either you keep it strict or you are a bit less trigger happy as company.



Another question I have is if this name is banned in game, is quoting it on the forum considered as a violation as well?

Or even talking about it because one person finds it offensive.

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I don't know why people can't just pick a name that fits with Star Wars and enjoy the game. Names like that are just silly, juvenile, and annoying.


I'd be happy if Bioware took this kind of nonsense seriously for once so we can have a mature environment rather than a junior high cafeteria, it would be a nice change of pace.


I resisted a post until here.


I agree anemia doesnt fit for most classes but if he is Sith it fits perfectly even canonical (all layers) darth naming.



Either way it is a stretch to ban for that. I used to be an uptight ****** about names, I didnt report people but I let it get on my nerves. It's just not worth it, and most people who choose names you dont approve of are just doing so because it gives them a regular laugh or they want to make others laugh -- nothing wrong with that.

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Even funnier, they had no problem with Beelzebub. Which I thought was fun since it was on the dark side. So, I can be the Prince of Darkness but not someone who is pale.


Actually the word Beelzebub is the transliteration of a Hebrew word that literally means Lord of Flies.

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There's very little that you could fit in the name text box that are as offensive as some of the things you can do in game, murder, with extreme prejudice, torture, ****. It's strange that they should ban certain names for being offensive when they not only allow but encourage blatant acts of cruelty and barbarism in game. I'm not complaining, I play my Sith as evil as possible, I'm just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.
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Question: Do any of the policies address the use of reporting as a form of greifing? Do the CS reps keep track of patterns (like perhaps a given person does an awful lot of reporting, or maybe reports someone after they've lost a loot roll to them?)


While I think it is important for there to be mechanisms in game to report players for abusive behavior, it is equally important to punish players for using reporting itself as an abusive behavior.

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weak reason for a complaint, with all the other serious issues at hand..


and considering it somewhat a medical term is crap.. rethink F*** YouIhaveanemia.. would be a reason.. but a simple word with depth behind it does not constitute vulgar or obscene


at least that is how i see it


different eyes my friend, different eyes.

Edited by JMESUN
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You would think that they would have more things to complain about.


I guess the Devs have a little free time. I haven't had a single complaint or in-game comment that I was offending anyone. I also play well with others and have been in a few groups. Not a single player gripe.


I am pretty sure they just pay people to do this.. Its called a corp. X amount of people do this X amount of people do that So forth.. Has nothing to do witht he Devs.

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Yes, this has me worried for my Inquisitor, Darth Malignant. To me, it fits perfectly well with the rest of the lore, ala Sidious, Bane, Maul, Plagueis, Nihilus, Scabrous, Ruin, Karnage, etc. Besides, in a world where names like Solo, Skywalker, Mace, and Savage are common, it's not like using common words is lore-breaking in any way.


For the OP: As someone who tutors Hematology, I love your name Anemia and would sign a petition for you to get it reinstated.


Edit: Don't forget:

Wedge Antilles



Salacious B Crumb (One of my personal favs)

Biggs Darklighter

Maris Brood

Talon Karde

Nute Gunray

Droopy McCool (Yeah, hes real)



Lets face it, the Star Wars universe doesn't really have any naming conventions to speak of. Crazy and off the wall is the norm.

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