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Enough Lucas Bashing Already!


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You know what i agree, why does everybody hate the prequels? would you rather have six movies of luke skywalker sucking? or see obi-wan and yoda in action?? the prequels are the best ones they hav better graphics storylines and sound-effects. :rolleyes:


Graphics have nothing to do with it, story line NO.. and your luke comment is not valid.


The 3 prequels are over done, its too much shoved into a movie, heaps of pointless crap, stupid comic relief, bad dialog, bad acting and so on.

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You know what i agree, why does everybody hate the prequels? would you rather have six movies of luke skywalker sucking? or see obi-wan and yoda in action?? the prequels are the best ones they hav better graphics storylines and sound-effects. :rolleyes:


It might just be because of the way the movies were released. The prequels would have been so much better it we were not aware of everything that was going to happen. We knew that Palpatine was Sidious, Anakin was going to become Vader, Padme and Anakin would become romantically involved, and that all the Jedi were going to die and the Republic would become the Empire. Nothing was a surprise in those movies.

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It's just a YT-1300 stock light freighter. That fits with the time period. *shrug*


Maybe, but it is Lucas we are talking about, also a young Han Solo got cut from Episode 3 so I am pretty sure this means it is the Falcon.

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It might just be because of the way the movies were released. The prequels would have been so much better it we were not aware of everything that was going to happen. We knew that Palpatine was Sidious, Anakin was going to become Vader, Padme and Anakin would become romantically involved, and that all the Jedi were going to die and the Republic would become the Empire. Nothing was a surprise in those movies.


Um wrong. i was suprised that 4 Jedi master could go up against 1 sith and 3 be killed in 5 seconds.. im mean really, they didnt even put up a fight.. who wrote that script?

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You know what i agree, why does everybody hate the prequels? would you rather have six movies of luke skywalker sucking? or see obi-wan and yoda in action?? the prequels are the best ones they hav better graphics storylines and sound-effects. :rolleyes:


Duels: PT>OT

Characters: Luke>Anakin, Leia>Padme, OT>PT

Story: OT>PT

Dialogue: OT>PT

Special Effects: PT>OT


OT wins. 3 - 2.

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Um wrong. i was suprised that 4 Jedi master could go up against 1 sith and 3 be killed in 5 seconds.. im mean really, they didnt even put up a fight.. who wrote that script?


Sidious was moving so fast that his lightsaber was a red flash and all that could be seen. The book did a better job with this scene.

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Sidious was moving so fast that his lightsaber was a red flash and all that could be seen. The book did a better job with this scene.


i agree the book did as books do but the movie scene was just bad.. even a youngling would of held his saber upright.

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Sidious was moving so fast that his lightsaber was a red flash and all that could be seen. The book did a better job with this scene.


Very true. In fact, reading the novelizations was about the only way I could actually appreciate the story. OT story was still better, imo.

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Duels: PT>OT

Characters: Luke>Anakin, Leia>Padme, OT>PT

Story: OT>PT

Dialogue: OT>PT

Special Effects: PT>OT


OT wins. 3 - 2.


I would argue that the duels were better in the OT because I actually cared what happened. Yes, the duels in the PT were flashier, but they were also boring because they didn't involve characters that we loved. They were better from an action standpoint but inferior as entertainment because we weren't engaged with them.

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Very true. In fact, reading the novelizations was about the only way I could actually appreciate the story. OT story was still better, imo.


I wonder how the screenplay read for those characters?


Were they told, "Just stand still and let him stab you"?

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I wonder how the screenplay read for those characters?


Were they told, "Just stand still and let him stab you"?


That scene just screamed out "CHEAP" considering what the technology, even back then, could do to enhance visual effects. But instead of having a CG Palpatine actually move at the speed he was supposed to move, they used Ian McDiarmid, and he's NOT as quick as he needed to be.

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Lucas has become a man who's ego is far larger than his actual talent. His biggest mistake was to start to believe all the people calling him a genius.


I can't help thinking of the similarity between Star Wars and Marvel. Before the prequels and before the Marvel Studios movies, both were in a position of owning the rights to some very well loved characters with a large fan bases. What Lucas should have done with the prequels was take a similar approach to that of Marvel Studios. Hire talented screenwriters, directors, actors etc and simply oversee the whole project. The result of Marvel's approach to film making has been some of the most enjoyable and successful films of the last few years. The result of Lucas's autocratic approach was some of the most disappointing movies of resent years.

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Lucas has become a man who's ego is far larger than his actual talent. His biggest mistake was to start to believe all the people calling him a genius.


I can't help thinking of the similarity between Star Wars and Marvel. Before the prequels and before the Marvel Studios movies, both were in a position of owning the rights to some very well loved characters with a large fan bases. What Lucas should have done with the prequels was take a similar approach to that of Marvel Studios. Hire talented screenwriters, directors, actors etc and simply oversee the whole project. The result of Marvel's approach to film making has been some of the most enjoyable and successful films of the last few years. The result of Lucas's autocratic approach was some of the most disappointing movies of resent years.


To play Devil's Advocate for a moment, George DESERVED being called a genius after A New Hope.


Ok, now that's out of the way...


Otherwise, I agree. He never could write dialogue to save his life. He is, however, an excellent Grand Scope storyteller.

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Top movies IMHO


1) tESB

2) RotJ

3) aNH

4) RotS

5) AotC

6) tPM


Best saber duels


1) Luke v Vader in cloud city

2) Luke V Vader on Death star 2


before I continue, these are emotionally driven with tons of symbolism that engages the audience in the story. Luke's descent into Hell to fight Satan (vader) in tESB is very palpable. The scene is dark with red lighting (looking like lava) as well as steam shooting from certain places. You get the feeling Luke is biting off more than he can chew and vader is amused and toying with him before the great reveal! And later on the deathstar Luke is not just fighting to defeat vader and the emperor. he is there to save both his and his father's soul as well as protect his newly discovered sister. The entire scene is engulfed in darkness. Luke is quite literally facing the dark side. He is surrounded and part of it as he tries to keep from falling to the darkside. There is just so much more going on in these duels that the others. You may argue that the Kenobi v Vader in Ep 3 had a lot going on too and it had more going for it than the other PT duels it was still extremely long and contrived. It became just another pointless action scene.


3) Kenobi v Vader Ep3 tied with Kenobi and Anakin v Dooku

4) Qui Gon and Kenobi v Maul

5) Yoda v Sidious

6) Yoda v Dooku

7) Kenobi v Vader on the Deathstar


At the time of filming aNH Lucas believed that lightsabers were so heavy that only jedi's could be able to lift them which is why the Kenobi v Deathstar duel was extremley basic. Then when tESB came along he changed his mind and it became more like dueling samurais.


The Yoda v Dooku duel really disappointed me. We saw in tESB that Yoda uses the force and seem almost like he detested using a lightsaber as the force is his ally and not the "crude matter" of muscle. This duel turned that upside down and instead of seeing an immense force battle we get another lightsaber duel. It would have been great to see Yoda use his abilities with the force to curb stomp a lightsaber enthusiest. Dooku then limbing away to escape. The Yoda vs Sidious had more force powers going on. Sure they took out a lightsaber and duel a little bit but it was more of a force duel. Throwing stuff, pushing, lightning. This seems more like Yoda's arena. The Yoda duels could have been more amazing, showing things that can be done with the force that we have never seen before but instead it was the same rehashed abilities we are already familiar with.

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I don't care that Lucas is a mediocre director. I don't care that a lot of decisions concerning the movies are a bit on the odd side of things...(Ewoks...Gungans). The fact of the matter is we would not have this glorious universe to immerse ourselves in, to pass the enjoyment of the movies to others, or to even build upon in our own way via games, books and toys if it were not for Mr. Lucas. It just wouldn't be here. The guy is responsible what is arguably this centuries greatest iconic film series. Lets also not forget, that he was one of the first ones to market merchandise based on a movie. Greed move from Mr. Lucas? Maybe, but hey, Part of who I am today is because of the enjoyment I had as a kid playing with all of those cool toys, and it is a legacy I'm proud to have passed on to my little boy as he is now a Star Wars fan and a big Star Wars toy collector. It's something that binds us together as father and son and gives us common ground. That is something I can say is due to George Lucas. I love the guy, and before anyone bashes him, maybe they should think about a world without Star Wars in it...how odd that would be.
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Im always amazed when people actually defend lucas. The prequels are horrible rots is no where near as good as the ot


I'm always amazed that people feel the need to bash Lucas, what, do you think if you cry loud enough maybe he will change the prequels and maybe give you a dummy why he is at it?


Honestly all of you who complain about it need to stop and think, for christs sake, "oh we were so emotionally invested in these characters and then he does this to us" get a grip on yourselves. Maybe if you pull your heads out of the star wars universe and into the real one you might realise there are better things to do than complain about some movies that were made over half a decade ago.

Edited by Malrus
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I'm always amazed that people feel the need to bash Lucas, what, do you think if you cry loud enough maybe he will change the prequels and maybe give you a dummy why he is at it?


Honestly all of you who complain about it need to stop and think. For christs sake, "oh we were so emotionally invested in these characters and then he does this to us" get a grip on yourselves. Maybe if you pull your heads out of the star wars universe and into the real one you might realise there are better things to do than complain about some movies that were made over half a decade ago.


Or maybe.... JUST MAYBE.... it was the garbage directing and dialogue that made us cringe in our seats because it was freakin' CRAP! Ever think about that?

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i didn't hate PT and i actually liked episode 3 alot. however lucas's attitude at the criticism he got, the childish manner he says hes not making anymore films, and when he dies there will be no more films and its all the starwars fans fault.


sorry i'm not suddenly going to forget that


/grumbles "and don't even get me started on the boba fett saga"

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Box Office History for Star Wars Movies
Click on column header to sort

Released         Movie Name                                  1st Weekend.    US Gross        Worldwide Gross.      Budget***
5/25/1977	Star Wars Ep. IV: ANH.           	$1,554,475	$460,998,007	$797,900,000	$11,000,000
5/21/1980	Star Wars Ep. V: TESB.                  $4,910,483	$290,271,960	$534,171,960	$23,000,000
5/25/1983	Star Wars Ep. VI: ROTJ.           	$23,019,618	$309,205,079	$572,700,000	$32,500,000
5/19/1999	Star Wars Ep. I: TPM.                     $64,810,970	$474,363,310	$1,006,863,310	$115,000,000
5/16/2002	Star Wars Ep. II: AoTC.            	$80,027,814	$310,676,740	$656,695,615	$115,000,000
11/1/2002	Star Wars: AoTC (IMAX)	                $1,441,922	$8,494,458	-	-
5/19/2005	Star Wars Ep. III: RotS.            	$108,435,841	$380,270,577	$848,998,877	$115,000,000
8/15/2008	Star Wars: The Clone Wars.    	$14,611,273	$35,161,554	$68,161,554	$8,500,000

according to the money track here, its EP1 that bring the most $$$$[code]



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1. The Empire Strikes Back

2. Revenge of the Sith

3. Return of the Jedi

4. A New Hope

5. Attack of the Clones

6. The Phantom Menace


Are you 12 or something or just have very bad taste in films to think Revenge of the Sith was good.

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