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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Date Night!


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*growl* you guys leave my kitty alone! See I wasn't even here to defend him and this thread exploded into several pages! ;)


Anyway. Feline tongue baths.


Ahem, back on topic....I don't even remember what topic I am writing in any more! Oh yeah, that's right, companion dates. I still say night in. For dinner it will be a lovely dish of meow mix with a cold glass of milk to wash it down.


And @Crez, I feel bad, I still haven't rolled an agent yet! For shame. I need more time in my day and I need to stop playing troopers. :cool: It will happen eventually!

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And @Crez, I feel bad, I still haven't rolled an agent yet! For shame. I need more time in my day and I need to stop playing troopers. :cool: It will happen eventually!


shaaame! don't make me unlock pureblood so i can smack jorgan around every hour untill you you rull an agent XD


man i love this game. where we are all insisting each of us give our respective husband's a spin ;)


jorgan..i can see out pubbing..maybe not crazy rave dancing, but maybe like i saw these in las vegas: there was a place you could rent contruction machines, and just putz around in them, like lifting and tossing tractor tires, digging holes, ect. another where you could rent and shoot big arsed guns. i think jorgan would love some drunken bazooka shooting. then when the smoke clears, the blood's still pumping, and you both smell like plasma and sweat :D

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jorgan..i can see out pubbing..maybe not crazy rave dancing, but maybe like i saw these in las vegas: there was a place you could rent contruction machines, and just putz around in them, like lifting and tossing tractor tires, digging holes, ect. another where you could rent and shoot big arsed guns. i think jorgan would love some drunken bazooka shooting. then when the smoke clears, the blood's still pumping, and you both smell like plasma and sweat :D


You had me at 'shoot big arsed guns'. Drunken bazooka shooting has to be one of the safest activities ever! Fun for the whole family! haha.


Well, he does like big guns. He carries one around with him all the time!


Take that how you will. ;)







Edited by Taalbert
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You had me at 'shoot big arsed guns'. Drunken bazooka shooting has to be one of the safest activities ever! Fun for the whole family! haha.


Well, he does like big guns. He carries one around with him all the time!


Take that how you will. ;)








always worried about that


since necking is just so darn fun >.>


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SW and Quinn--To an opera (not sure if there is one around these here parts). She'd cling to his arm and let him lead her around a museum or some other historical thing and just sigh in contentment as he droned on about the history of this or that, just enjoying his company.


I'm pretty sure she'd grab his bum when no one was looking, just to fluster him and make him blush.

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I'm pretty sure she'd grab his bum when no one was looking, just to fluster him and make him blush.


ahahahahah yes! yes! and Yes!

I can picture the annoyed-aggrieved look he'd give her too...


Ahhh.. you know.. I almost feel sorry for Quinn, almost....

Edited by Kalterien
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Darn it :p


I'm such a slow player, only finished the story with the JK and Doc so far. Hmm...well, he did mention that perhaps you could get pods trailing behind the ship for the crew so we could get the ship to ourselves more often. Hey, I'm up for a movie-night at home if there's good snacks and a nice show.

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Hmmm finished the BH & Mako last night and I still don't feel like I have a good feel for the romance's dynamic since the romance wa so short. I sort of want to say that their date night would be takeout on the ship while watching a movie on the holonet.


Side note, I really find it interesting how these romance related threads always seem to tilt so heavily towards female PC romances.

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Hmmm finished the BH & Mako last night and I still don't feel like I have a good feel for the romance's dynamic since the romance wa so short. I sort of want to say that their date night would be takeout on the ship while watching a movie on the holonet.


Side note, I really find it interesting how these romance related threads always seem to tilt so heavily towards female PC romances.


I've noticed that. When female love interests are brought up it's almost always "Well, she was the only woman on the ship, so *shrug*." Which is a shame! I thought Kaliyo was an incredible ride...um, yeah, I don't think I'll edit that...and I bet Kira would've been awfully fun if I hadn't played such a shining pure Knight. But no, the LIs who inspire essays are all male.

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Am I the only one who can imagine the BH and Mako going on vacation, like when the BH promised they would go on vacation after The Great Hunt, and just go to the beach stay in a beach house for a few weeks and just relax, have some drinks, go swimming and everyone once in a while go to a nearby Killik hive and just blow it up for some fun? xD
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Ensign Temple is definately a posh restaurant in Dromund Kaas somewhere, before booking a room in an equally posh hotel. She definately strikes me as the type with incredibly fine etiquette suited for that.


On the flipside, I'm imagining me and Kaliyo out of a safari somewere, with big guns. Or a carnival were you have those shooting galleries, I'd have to buy her a compulsory massive bundle of candy floss.


Ashara and the Inquisitor is a difficult one. I liked the picnic on Tython that someone mentioned earlier. Other than that maybe a romantic movie with the SI looking bored and giving one of his sarcastic one-liners like "I'm dying of suspense. Really".

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My Juggernaut and Quinn like to go have mini-vacations in the big cities. Fancy restaurant, theater, posh hotel. When you wear spiky armor all day, it's nice to wear something soft and feminine once in a while and let your hair down. And Quinn is so dashing in his dress uniform! They have to enjoy this alone time together before they have a baby!


My Mercenary has only just started seeing Torian. He'd like to take her to a fair or amusement park so he could show off his skills in the shooting gallery and ring toss. He wouldn't be content until her arms were full of stuffed animals. Then he'd sneak in a kiss on top of the Ferris wheel!


My Sniper doesn't know Vector well yet. I think they'd like to go watch a comet shower out in the middle of nowhere. Lying side by side in the grass, listening to the night sounds and talking about weird, yet oddly romantic Killik things.


My Sorcerer just met Andronikos last night. (Can anyone recommend a good modification?) She'd go out with him if he asked, but she'd be afraid he'd steal something or start a fight.


My Marauder is smitten with Vette, but she hasn't shown him any interest yet. He'd like an activity where he can show off how big and brawny he is. Taking her rowing on a pretty lake to a remote pick-nick spot would be good. Then he'd have the excuse of getting too hot to wear his shirt so he could take it off and let her admire all of those muscles in action.


My Powertech is in the same boat with Mako. She just doesn't show any interest in him. Since she is still grieving the death of her friends, he's not planning to push it. A relaxing day at the beach would do her some good. They'd build sand castles together and hunt for sea shells, frolic in the surf. He'd get to be there for her, while still being able to enjoy seeing her in a little bikini.


My Assassin hasn't met anyone yet. (Probably playing too much pazaak with Khem on the ship to mingle much!) He'd be tempted to ask his master out for a drink, but he's afraid Zash is only interested in his body :eek:


Corso would probably ask my Smuggler out to watch pod races and not understand why she turned him down.


(Zombies for my son :rak_01::rak_02::rak_03::rak_04:)

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OH yes, my scoundrel and Corso have gone to the pod races a few times, he just has to make sure she limits her alcohol intake, otherwise she probably would start a fight-- especially with fans of the driver she hates!


I can also see them out racing their own speeders.

Edited by Magdalane
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My Sorcerer just met Andronikos last night. (Can anyone recommend a good modification?) She'd go out with him if he asked, but she'd be afraid he'd steal something or start a fight.

I use 5. He's a little the worse for wear, scarring-wise, but... eyepatch. So sexy.

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OH yes, my scoundrel and Corso have gone to the pod races a few times, he just has to make sure she limits her alcohol intake, otherwise she probably would start a fight-- especially with fans of the driver she hates!


Wait, you go out to the tracks and watch pod racing when you "go to the pod races"?


...I've been doing it wrong all this time...

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M BH + Skadge Street full of dead stupid, Pubs and Imps..Mako's corpse topping the pile after another idiotic binge of "Don't do that!"


F SI + Zash + Ashara = Torture chamber with the first two standing and the third tied down.


F JK and Kira = Training in Themyscyra

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My Marauder is smitten with Vette, but she hasn't shown him any interest yet. He'd like an activity where he can show off how big and brawny he is. Taking her rowing on a pretty lake to a remote pick-nick spot would be good. Then he'd have the excuse of getting too hot to wear his shirt so he could take it off and let her admire all of those muscles in action.



i can see that lol, and my marauder trying not to grin as she makes him turn his back while she changes into a swimsuit in the bushes

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Andronikos and SI...make their way to the highest point of the tomb of Tulak Hord at night with a bottle of some rare bubbly stolen from some VIP's cache and watch meteor showers, and try to name the stars...


Doc and JK...return to his home planet where they enjoy a restful day of spa-ing and shopping, which gives way to a night on the town wearing their new finery...which will get unceremoniously ripped off in the back of the private robot chauffered limosine speeder that will be flying them around...


Quinn and SW...to a temperate planet with a beach at night, where they'll enjoy much ftb time on a soft blanket in the sand, and after they'll simply enjoy the stars and the fire that's blazing before them to keep them warm...There will also be late night swimming...


Vector and IA...an evening spent relaxing in hot rejuvenating membrosia pools, with only the song of the universe and the sparks of their auras between them...


Corso and Smug...they get drunk on cheap booze, climb to the top of her ship and sing at the top of their lungs before collapsing in giggles, and having a three way with Sparkles.

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Vette... I'm still unsure where that shock collar got used, but the more I think about it, the more I think it ended up around my Sith warrior's neck. I suspect he's just glad the control unit ended up in a garbage disposal on the fleet before he took the Black Talon to Dromund Kass. My headcanon also features a rather disastrous honeymoon attempt on Alderaan... During the bonus series :(. "I'm sorry! How many times do I have to say it? How was I supposed to know we would end up covered in Killik guts? What do I have to do to make it up to-. No. Oh no. ...


Fine. I'll wear the collar. But not the outfit. I draw the line at the outfit."


Elara... A nice fancy dinner, although I also can't help but imagine a shared shower (I don't think there's more than one on the ship) after a rather messy incident with the colicoids in the balmorra bonus series. I also like to think that my trooper's search for the datacrons on Tython involved a nice, quiet picnic.


Vector... A nice, quiet place on some planet with a population in the thousands, gazing up at the virgin starscape, unclouded by the lights of civilization.


Mako would either be a vacation on some fantastic resort planet, or a night cuddling watching a bootleg holofilm.

Edited by KorinHyvek
adding italics
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Sith Warrior -- "What is this "date" you speak of? Is it the conference room? Because Vette loves the conference room. And the med bay. And the engine room. And the...."


Seriously though, the beach.

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