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No cross server lfg. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!


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That's the beauty of the X-server Tool. Someone bails? Reque, reload and move on - simple. If someone bails that you picked up in fleet? You're screwed.


No that would make it suck,wanna know why?


The group starts having alittle bit of trouble and the guy say's to himself,"I think il reque and hopefully find a better geared group that i can ride the coattails on"


Trust me after looking at the PvP afk'ers and the mentality of sadly id say 40% of the the players in this community that will happen.

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Wanna hear what i heard four different times in less than week from guys in PUG's for a dungeon in EQ2 that made my friend and myself give up on the LFG gig?


My wife called she got a flat i gotta bail,,,,no kidding we heard that over four times and i think it was the fourth we just started laughting and said that's it.


Teh horror.

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No that would make it suck,wanna know why?


The group starts having alittle bit of trouble and the guy say's to himself,"I think il reque and hopefully find a better geared group that i can ride the coattails on"


Trust me after looking at the PvP afk'ers and the mentality of sadly id say 40% of the the players in this community that will happen.


Well, than that player would have a "Deserter" debuff on them for X amount of time, not allowing them to reque. X-server Tool doesn't have to stand alone. There are other features that can be tied into it to solve potential issues.

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But I tend to look at a person join date so I can understand why they would be against something they don't have to use themselves personally.


First of all, please understand how LFG tools work. If you understand this, you will know that players MUST use it if its ingame.

At wow you can only get specific items by using it. you can also avoid the instance lock and you get valor points for gear. There will also be achivements that can only be done by pugging social points might soon have a more important role etc.


But they DEMAND others play what they picture as a perfect MMO... Thats the problem there, you have a vision of what you want.. I have mine.. And it just I want to PVE and I am not able to do so..


You can pve, there is no one stopping you from doing it. Just yourself stands in your way, as you dont know how to form a group without a tool holding your hand. Its really not hard to ask your guild, friends or the people on your server - most servers have an LFG channel by now, join it and while you lvl your alts or your main you will see many groups going and you just need to talk to people. Its not hard, just do it.


What you dont realise is, that by demanding an LFG tool you demand that the game is adjusted to it. DO you really believe that at wow any LFG group would had been able to master heroic dungeons or raids?


OFC not, wipes and tons of tears made Blizz nerf the dungeons so that you have no challange there at all anymore. CC is not needed anymore, not even a true healer or tank - you can do them all with 5 dps specced players, guess what you dont even need 5 players anymore.


A random LFG is a game, you gamble your group setup and its a fact that hard and challenging content cant be done with everyone, every setup. If you form a group the old way, you do pick a setup that works - a tool wont be able to do this. Because of this wow is that low regarding skill, as it is today.


Those that dont want to use the tool, lose all their content - while you lose nothing if the tool doesnt come.


Wow was a great game at Vanilla and TBC, you had to think before you did things - by adding the LFG all this is gone and the game totally lost its "I want to play again" button.


At vanilla and tbc I could lvl char after char, could raid the same tier again and again and always had fun. But at WOTLK I couldnt be bothered to raid ICC a second time or lvl a second char up - as it was too boring and generic. If content is as easy as at wow today, then you just get tired of it - as humans always want what they cant get that simple, its like with love.


The experience of a lot people will be ruined, content that is destroyed by nerfs is gone forever and cant come back. Wow lost a few million players because of that. Yes there are people that will run these boring dungeons day in and out - but even those will someday realise that 13 bucks are not worth it.


A lot pro LFG people only see themselfs there, but not the consequences for the game.


I have voted and I refuse to pay for a game that caters to the "Community" when in fact it catering to the elitist of the crowd... I guess that the negative side...


The only elitist people that I ever met at wow, were those inside the LFG. People that measure others all the time, post their meters and feel like a king if they can insult someone else.

The dungeons are not just boring, its also a torture to run them due the horrible elitist crowd that hangs out there.



People that did raid at vanilla or TBC were in most cases very friendly and helpfull.

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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


I disagree. Their LFG tool will fail miserably if it's not cross-server. How can it work effectively when there are 6 people at fleet who are actually looking for a group and none of them are a healer? The benefit of cross-server LFG is the increased player pool to draw from. With player activity dropping off to next to nothing I think you'll find this will fail as proposed.

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Well said RachelAnne,these are the same guys that complain about travel times,and "Cant i skip all the quests and only do my class quests" etc they ruin games,most are immature and just want to blow everything up and dumb things down.
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First of all, please understand how LFG tools work. If you understand this, you will know that players MUST use it if its ingame


While true in warcraft, and even though only partially true, it doesn't have to be the case in other games. Eliminating the ability to make groups outside of an LFG tool is not a necessary condition of having an LFG tool. To use your example of wow:

There is nothing stopping people from forming their own groups the way they did vanilla. You can still ask around to form groups, head to the dungeon (you're not flying right?), and beat the crap out of things. You mentioned VP and avoiding lockouts. You can still put your group together with people from your own server and queue the dungeon finder. Yes, this means you can't walk to the dungeon yourself, but that seems like a small sacrifice compared to being able to find a group for whatever you want, whenever you want.


As an aside, I don't agree with things like rewarding people for using LFG with things another group made the old-fashioned way wouldn't get. I would be opposed to something like the VP system and getting around lockouts. That issue, though, is completely independent of an LFG tool, and it's incredibly silly to be debating the issues together at this point.


On a different, but not unrelated, note about the tone of this thread, it amuses me greatly every time someone comes in here ranting about how cross-server LFG will kill communities and then continues to make posts insulting or being rude to others. If you're trying to instill the sense that community is something that should be saved, it might be in your best interest to avoid creating a toxic environment.

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Cross server LFG single-handedly destroyed the WoW Community.


complete lies...


There was no community, then cross server LFD just revealed it was a bad community.


If I can stand in Shattrath spamming for an hour Tank LFG Heroic SH, there is no community.


I absolutely loved LFD tool, I could get in get some dungeons done and never even have to talk to anyone, cause I sure as heck wasn't running them to make friends I already had plenty.. I was GM of a guild with 300 people in WoW, we were one of the top raiding guilds on my server, from BC through WotLK, I was a main tank in full end game raid gear, and it was a PITA to find groups for random heroics, cause not enough people on one server wanted to do them.

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complete lies...


There was no community, then cross server LFD just revealed it was a bad community.


If I can stand in Shattrath spamming for an hour Tank LFG Heroic SH, there is no community.


I absolutely loved LFD tool, I could get in get some dungeons done and never even have to talk to anyone, cause I sure as heck wasn't running them to make friends I already had plenty.. I was GM of a guild with 300 people in WoW, we were one of the top raiding guilds on my server, from BC through WotLK, I was a main tank in full end game raid gear, and it was a PITA to find groups for random heroics, cause not enough people on one server wanted to do them.


That boils down to comunity,in EQ2 that never happens and like i said we didnt have a LFG tool til last year,the issue here is like many of the posts ,is i think the WoW community,i admit i never played WoW but many in my EQ2 guild had,and from seeing the posts here glad i never stepped foot into that mmo with what i have seen here.

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I think a same server LFG tool (assuming the tool is as robust as the 1.3 video portrayed it to be) combined with charcater transfers to more populated servers is a common sense first step to solving the server pop issues that started when Bioware listened to petulant cries over login queues during early access and added 70+ new servers in response. You can bet they learned a valuable lesson from that. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think a same server LFG tool (assuming the tool is as robust as the video portrayed) combined with charcater transfers is a common sense first step to solving the server pop issues that started when Bioware listened to petulance during early access and added 70+ new servers in response.


Exactly,i dont mind it but i bet most will not use it.


One thing i would like to point out,some of these Op's,Flash points are alittle long or maybe they need to add a few that are about half as long with some limited gear to get more peoples feet wet if you will.

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I think a same server LFG tool (assuming the tool is as robust as the video portrayed) combined with charcater transfers to more populates servers is a common sense first step to solving the server pop issues that started when Bioware listened to petulant cries over login queues \ during early access and added 70+ new servers in response.


BioWare have had piss-poor operational planning from the get go in my opinion, not saying I could have done any better but I think there were a couple of obvious pitfalls that could have & should have been avoided, they learned nothing from WAR's launch & repeated the exact same mistakes.

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First of all, please understand how LFG tools work. If you understand this, you will know that players MUST use it if its ingame.

At wow you can only get specific items by using it. you can also avoid the instance lock and you get valor points for gear. There will also be achivements that can only be done by pugging social points might soon have a more important role etc.


That's how WoW does it. People don't want a WoW clone? Ok, implement X-server with different rules. People are always accusing others of being narrow-minded and yet they feel like if X-server LFD is implemented it must be implemented the same way WoW has.



You can pve, there is no one stopping you from doing it. Just yourself stands in your way, as you dont know how to form a group without a tool holding your hand. Its really not hard to ask your guild, friends or the people on your server - most servers have an LFG channel by now, join it and while you lvl your alts or your main you will see many groups going and you just need to talk to people. Its not hard, just do it.

You assume people have the same time schedule as you do. People are in Guilds and they have friends but that doesn't promise anything. Not everyone plays countless hours everyday and not everyone plays during peak hours.



OFC not, wipes and tons of tears made Blizz nerf the dungeons so that you have no challange there at all anymore.

Blizzard progressively nerfs content over time to allow casual Dungeon/Raiding guilds to have a shot at the content. You want a challenge? Beat the raids before they start nerfing it like the serious Guilds do. Or do the Heroic Raids.

CC is not needed anymore, not even a true healer or tank - you can do them all with 5 dps specced players, guess what you dont even need 5 players anymore.

CC is needed when players first encounter the instances with previous expansion/patch gear. Eventually as your party gears up, CC will no longer be needed. Why is that not understood?

A random LFG is a game, you gamble your group setup and its a fact that hard and challenging content cant be done with everyone, every setup. If you form a group the old way, you do pick a setup that works - a tool wont be able to do this. Because of this wow is that low regarding skill, as it is today.

Sorry, but due to the single-player following this game has I've explained simple Trinity mechanics to more players here than in the entire time I've played WoW. WoW, actually has better instance runners than this game due to the sheer number of instances they run over there.



Wow was a great game at Vanilla and TBC, you had to think before you did things - by adding the LFG all this is gone and the game totally lost its "I want to play again" button.

Wait... which game has lost it's "I want to play again button?" WoW or TOR?

At vanilla and tbc I could lvl char after char, could raid the same tier again and again and always had fun. But at WOTLK I couldnt be bothered to raid ICC a second time or lvl a second char up - as it was too boring and generic. If content is as easy as at wow today, then you just get tired of it - as humans always want what they cant get that simple, its like with love.

I think you just got tired of WoW. Seriously, who plays the same game for 7+ years?

The experience of a lot people will be ruined, content that is destroyed by nerfs is gone forever and cant come back. Wow lost a few million players because of that. Yes there are people that will run these boring dungeons day in and out - but even those will someday realise that 13 bucks are not worth it.

Again, nobody can say why all the millions of people left WoW. Players quit games every day for hundreds of reasons. Like I said before, who plays the same game for 7+ years?

A lot pro LFG people only see themselfs there, but not the consequences for the game.

The opposite is true as well. The anti-LFD players don't care that other players can't get groups within their Gametime. They won't care even if this game hits 200K subs.


The only elitist people that I ever met at wow, were those inside the LFG. People that measure others all the time, post their meters and feel like a king if they can insult someone else.

The dungeons are not just boring, its also a torture to run them due the horrible elitist crowd that hangs out there.

And how is this attitude different from real life? The guy in the corvette reving his engines at you, the co-worker who thinks their %^%^ smells like roses, the boss who thinks you're an insect under his/her shoe. We deal with jerks every day. It's how YOU react to them that really counts.


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That boils down to comunity,in EQ2 that never happens and like i said we didnt have a LFG tool til last year,the issue here is like many of the posts ,is i think the WoW community,i admit i never played WoW but many in my EQ2 guild had,and from seeing the posts here glad i never stepped foot into that mmo with what i have seen here.


IN EQ2 it never happened that you couldn't find a group for a dungeon? I think I am just gonna call BS, either that or they didn't have nearly as much content as WoW.

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Exactly,i dont mind it but i bet most will not use it.


One thing i would like to point out,some of these Op's,Flash points are alittle long or maybe they need to add a few that are about half as long with some limited gear to get more peoples feet wet if you will.

Oh man, I remember Maraudon. Took almost 10 attempts to clear because it took so long that parties would disintegrate before the pool. Most groups I played with eventually treated it as little more than a princess farming run to get the scepter.


I think BW will continue to mix it up by adding a few more shorter runs, though most of the later ones (after Mandalorin Raiders and Cad) aren't excruciatingly long. Not like Esseles or BT anyway.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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IN EQ2 it never happened that you couldn't find a group for a dungeon? I think I am just gonna call BS, either that or they didn't have nearly as much content as WoW.


Very rarely,unlesss your talking 2 AM but you see people also have many alts or at least two viable ones,but even getting a group going would cause fright and horror for this community because often you had to wait 10 minutes before a person would be at the entrance of the zone,unless someone had Call of the Veteran up.

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Very rarely,unlesss your talking 2 AM but you see people also have many alts or at least two viable ones,but even getting a group going would cause fright and horror for this community because often you had to wait 10 minutes before a person would be at the entrance of the zone,unless someone had Call of the Veteran up.


why should people have to wait 10 minutes to play the game? why can't we just play it?


Let's say you have 2 people on a server that want to run a level 35 flashpoint, how long are they supposed to wait to find 2 more people?


or lets say you have 200 people online in dalaran, but no one on your server is even interested i doing Occulos, but you want to go do it, sure I can guilt some guildies,(odds are they are already running something so I will have to wiat for them to finish) into doing something they dont want to do, or maybe I could queue for cross server LFD and find the other 4 people on 4 other servers that are having a heck of a time finding a group the same instance that no one else wants to run.


Cross server LFD is a win-win, I get to run the instance that I want to, I don't have to bug other people to run an instance they don't want to and i get into it under 30 seconds and I get to help other people that may have never been able to find a group for it. I have absolutely loved it since its inception in wow, I have had less than 10 fail groups and I have 100s of dungeons. I honestly don't see the terrible people in LFD that others do.

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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.




though this is interesting:

1.The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
why should i need 5 characters when one 2 letter word should suffice?




also server merges and forced transfers always end in people losing toon names. this has caused me to quit several games already. looks like im adding another to the list.

Edited by Anathar
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BioWare have had piss-poor operational planning from the get go in my opinion, not saying I could have done any better but I think there were a couple of obvious pitfalls that could have & should have been avoided, they learned nothing from WAR's launch & repeated the exact same mistakes.
Actually I think they focused so hard on avoiding WoW's launch pitfalls that they overshot a lot of stuff, erring in the opposite direction. WoW was crash happy until they patched in a new launcher after 11 months I think it was. Bioware didn't really have those issues, but did have to fix an ability delay problem that wasn't so pronounced during beta. Fortunately it only took a month and a half to do that.


BW heard ominous cries of login queue hell during early access and, remembering how Blizz screwed the pooch on theirs, overreacted by adding too many servers at launch. I could go on and on, but mercifully I won't. Had BW stuck to their original plan and simply trusted their own technicians (also had that fixed in less than 2 months) then I believe things would have been different. WAY different.


Concepts are a helluva lot easier to forklift than their programming. Can't put an idea in the microwave and have it come out compiled and ready to serve in 4½ minutes. What I find entertaining to think about though is how the next AAA MMORPG developer will look at how WoW launched, then look at how SWTOR launched - then set their sights on a sweet spot somewhere in between them.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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why should people have to wait 10 minutes to play the game? why can't we just play it?


Let's say you have 2 people on a server that want to run a level 35 flashpoint, how long are they supposed to wait to find 2 more people?


or lets say you have 200 people online in dalaran, but no one on your server is even interested i doing Occulos, but you want to go do it, sure I can guilt some guildies,(odds are they are already running something so I will have to wiat for them to finish) into doing something they dont want to do, or maybe I could queue for cross server LFD and find the other 4 people on 4 other servers that are having a heck of a time finding a group the same instance that no one else wants to run.


Cross server LFD is a win-win, I get to run the instance that I want to, I don't have to bug other people to run an instance they don't want to and i get into it under 30 seconds and I get to help other people that may have never been able to find a group for it. I have absolutely loved it since its inception in wow, I have had less than 10 fail groups and I have 100s of dungeons. I honestly don't see the terrible people in LFD that others do.


The 10 minutes ref was travel time.


Your cross server analogy while i admit i have never played an MMO that had one sounds alittle too,gee i dont even a word to use for it,but it creates too much lacking in what an MMO was meant and should be imo.


Early in EQ2 people would be standing in the entrance of Varsoons and grab eachother as needed to group,this game you have far more leeway in group mechanics imo and people are having a hard time getting groups together say's to me many were from WoW and used the LFD,LFG tool.


And personally i have noticed some very anti social behaviuor that i rarely ever saw in EQ2 here and i bet it stems from WoW and the no accountability for ones actions that comes with the crossserver tool i suspect, never 'Lulz" in the forums or other terms like that.


If people wre under geared most knew it but let's say someone just plain stunk there was whispers but hardly ever "You suck" comments etc,very different maturity level imo.

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Clearly they must restrict any pvp actions for only between members of the same guild because it destroys communities if they allow it unrestricted. And here is the reasoning:

1. Guild has been the basic community unit since the early mmorpg times.

2. In a guild you can effectively enforce the members good behaviour.

3. If they allowed any pvp actions outside the guild, people in a guild would spend less times within their guild, thus lessening the significance of their guild,

4. Typically people find new friends while socializing with their guild members.


So the conclusion is, do not ever allow pvp-actions, unless they are between the members of the same guilḍ or you will destroy communities.


Anyway what does this have to do with cross server LFG??

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clearly they must restrict any pvp actions for only between members of the same guild because it destroys communities if they allow it unrestricted. And here is the reasoning:

1. Guild has been the basic community unit since the early mmorpg times.

2. In a guild you can effectively enforce the members good behaviour.

3. If they allowed any pvp actions outside the guild, people in a guild would spend less times within their guild, thus lessening the significance of their guild,

4. Typically people find new friends while socializing with their guild members.


So the conclusion is, do not ever allow pvp-actions, unless they are between the members of the same guilḍ or you will destroy communities.


Anyway what does this have to do with cross server lfg??

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.Rift faced the same issue SWTOR is facing, too many servers with not enough people. They too opened up a lot of them right at launch because of the queue whining. I bet if they had waited til 1 year in to bring same server LFD to the server cluster they have now it would have done just fine.


I played rift too, i leveld to 50 before the lfg tool, it sucked, i think i got into two dungeons, the same server tool sucked too, it took forever to get a group. Then i leveld another char to 50 whent he cross server tool was out, i had a blast, it was an entirely new game, i hit all the dungeons atleast once as i leveled, and it made me better with my class and more prepared for heroics when i hit 50.


I really do not see the logic behind saying that if rift would have waited a year to put in the lfg tool in they would be better off. I think if they would not have been so slow putting in the lfg tool or the cross server tool they wouldnt have lost so many people. If they had waited a year to add the lfg tool i would not bet money that Rift would be alive right now.

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I'm glad there won't be a cross server LFG. Cross server grouping is bad news and if you think I'm wrong go pug a wow dungeon and see how fun it is. Actually it might not be bad if they allowed players to choose if they que if they want to pug with players from another server.
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